puzzle piece 17c
Moving Emotions: Breath
to bridge another gap
in you
which is
between the feelings you have
and the expressing of them
that you do....
[until you reach]
the wailing,
deep wretched crying
of heartbreaking,
that will let us know
is coming to life
in the gap.....
"I will show you
an easy way to remember
and strengthen our connection.
"When you breathe in,
say to yourself,
'Breathing in God.'
When you exhale say,
'Breathing out Love.'
"This is good practice
before and after
any other activity."
"Who is the Healer"
"The running
energy practice
is the immediate solution to ... not being able to hear me within,
and this practice is a long term foundation
upon which you can base your healing process.
"As you practice
drawing upon the Mother's energy from below
and mine from above,
our presence in you becomes more obvious and 'real'.
"If at first the
exercise seems only mental and 'visual',
slow it down a bit
and remember
to use your breath
as suggested ~
and in a very few sessions
of practice
you'll be able to sense and move the energy."