InteGRATion into
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound
2007_01_02 Du meine Seele singe |
(hymn) Paul Gerhardt 1607-1676 on this site there are many tunes to English translations of Paul Gerhardt's hymns, but i didn't discover this one. |
Du meine Seele singe, Wohlauf und singe schoen Dem welchem alle Dinge Zu Dienst und Willen stehn Ich will den Herren droben Hier preisen auf der Erd Ich will ihn herzlich loben Solang ich leben werd |
Wohl dem der einzig schauet Auf Jakobs Gott und Heil Wer dem sich anvertrauet Der hat das beste Teil Das hoechste Gut erlesen Den schoensten Schatz geliebt Sein Herz und ganzes Wesen Bleibt ewig ungetruebt. |
Hier sind die starken Kraefte Die unerschoepfte Macht Das weisen die Geschaefte Die seine Hand gemacht Der Himmel und die Erde Mit ihrem ganzen Heer Der Fisch unzaehlig Herde Im grossen wilden Meer. |
- Mika's Heaven on Earth
I follow my understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009, that - after 7 years - I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites, but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages. On August 1, I decided to re-employ song-page after song-page for documenting and exploring the evolution of my youngest grandchild, a starchild whose assignment for this planet seems to be: to demonstrate by her own living and doing, how to playfully create from moment to moment "zest-fully and full-filled" The sculpture on the first 6 song-pages is a composition, which alternates between "Mika in Israel" and "Mika's father and brother in California", parallel experiences between July 31 and August 3, 2009 |
2 hours before going
on flight on July 28: Abba bathes Mika and puts her to bed
Tomer not in his boarding school Ben-Shemen in Israel, but on a steep climb in Sequoia Park in USA
While Tomer encounters
trees that are alive,
Continuation of this composition
on the next song-page |