The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

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    in LINEAR   TIME  >

Masterchef  O v e r v i e w
2007_10_22- Song

2011_08_25- Masterchef

What do mushrooms think about?-22
2011_09_09- MIKA
with Grandma at Shoham
Masterchef - 32ndpage:
Program 13 Pairs
"la-hafokh mitbakh zar la-otzar"

"to convert a foreign kitchen into a treasure"

Immanuel and Sima work together

slow-motion sequence B
I, Christa-Rachel, Immanuel's mother,
have been healing, learning and creating
through "Healing-K.i.s.s." since 10 years.
That it was erased on..... Christmas 2008

was a sign: "no longer create new pages!
but add new creations to existing pages!
[up to maximum 1300 KB size per page]"

The purpose was revealed only N O W:
Humankind   is   p a s s i n g   from
inear time   and   separateness
to spherical 'time' and ONEness!

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Auf de' schwäb'sche Eisebahne
On the Suabean Railway - a funny parody

Dedicated to the railway which I enjoyed in my childhood and youth and still enjoy at old age, though now in Israel


This is a very funny folksong in the dialect of the area of Germany , in which I grew up.
It's a parody about the slowness of a country railway (probably in the early twenties),
and about a dumb peasant, who travels with his male goat by tying him at the back of the train.
As children who wanted to laugh, we weren't aware of the cruelty:
When the train stops, the peasant, of course, finds only head and rope...

1. Auf de' schwäb'sche Eisebahne
C (Am)
Gibt's gar viele Haltstatione:
D7 G
Schtuagart, Ulm, ond Biberach,
D7 G
Mekklebeure, Durlesbach.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
C (Am)
trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
D7 G
Schtuagart, Ulm, ond Biberach,
D7 G
Mekklebeure, Durlesbach.

2.Auf de schwäb'sche Eisebahne
Wollt emol e Bäuerle fahre,
Geht an d'Kass' ond lupft de Hut:
"E Billettle, send so gut!"
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Geht an d'kass' ond lupft de Hut:
"E Billettle, send so gut!"

3..Eina Bock hat er gekaufet
Ond dass er ihm net entlaufet,
Bindet ihn der gute Ma,
Hinte an de Wage na.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Bindet ihn der gute Ma,
Hinte an de Wage na.


4."Böckle, tue nuer woidle springe,
's Fresse wer' i dir scho bringe."
Zündt sei stinkichs Pfeifle a,
Hockt si zu sei'm Weible na.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Zündt sei stinkichs Pfeifle a,
Hockt si zu sei'm Weible na.

5.Wia der Zug no wieder staut,
D'r Bauer noch sei'm Böckle schaut,
Find't er bloß no Kopf ond Seil
An dem hintre Wagedoil.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Find't er bloß no Kopf ond Seil
An dem hintre Wageteil.

6.'S packt de Baure a Baurezore,
Packt de Geißbock bei de Ohre,
Schmeißt en, was er schmeiße ka,
Dem Konduktör an 'n Ranza na.

[we sang: Dem Konduktoer an'd Leffel = ears na]
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Schmeißt en, was er schmeiße ka,
Dem Konduktör an 'n Ranza na.

7."So, jetz kannsch de Schade zahle,
Warum bisch so schnell au gfahre!
Du alloi bisch schuld do dra,
Dass i d' Goiß verlaure ha!"
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Du alloi bisch schuld do dra,
Dass i d' Goiß verlaure ha!"

8. So jetzt wär des Liedle g'songe,
Hot's euch reacht in d'Ohre klonge,
Stoßet mit de Gläser a',
Aufs Wohl der schwäb'sche Eise'bahn.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Stoßet mit de Gläser a',
Aufs Wohl der schwäb'sche Eise'bahn.

Die Schwäbische Eisenbahn bezeichnet die erste durchgehende Eisenbahnstrecke von Stuttgart nach Friedrichshafen.
Sie wurde vorallem durch ein gleichnamiges Volkslied deutschlandweit bekannt.

More stanzas before those with the story about the dumb peasant:


2. Auf de schwäb'sche Eisebahne
Gibt's au viele Restatione,
Wo mer ess' und trinka ka',
Alles, was der Maga mag.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Wo mer ess' und trinka ka',
Alles, was der Maga mag.

3. Auf de schwäb'sche Eisebahne
Braucht ma keine Postillone.
Was uns sonst das Posthorn blies,
Pfeifet jetzt die Lokomotiv.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Was uns sonst das Posthorn blies,
Pfeifet jetzt die Lokomotiv.

4. Auf de schwäb'sche Eisebahne
Könne Küh' und Ochse fahre,
D'Studente fahre erste Klass,
S'mache das halt nur zum Spaß.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
D'Studente fahre erste Klass,
S'mache das halt nur zum Spaß.
5. Auf de schwäb'sche Eisebahne

Dürfet Küh' und Ochse fahre.
Büeble, Mädle, Weib, und Ma,
Kurzum alls, was zahla ka.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Büeble, Mädle, Weib, und Ma,
Kurzum alls, was zahla ka.

6. Wenn e Glöckle tut erklinge,
Tän glei älle z'samma springe.
Älles, was e Karte hot,
Möcht jetzt mit dem Bahnzug fort.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Älles, was e Karte hot,
Möcht jetzt mit dem Bahnzug fort.

7. Männer, die im G'sicht ganz bärtig,
Schreiet laut: Jetzt ist es fertig
Springet in die Wage nei,
Machet Löchle in d'Karte nei.
Trulla, trulla, trulla-la,
Springet in die Wage nei,
Machet Löchle in d'Karte nei.

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Israel       Summer    2011

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"la-hafokh mitbakh zar le-otzar" - "to convert a foreign kitchen into a treasure"

Chaim and Roshfeld visit Immanuel and Sima in a home at Hod-Hashaon which had let them in

read from right to left

"Is already something
in the oven?"

"Yes, yes"

"there's a cake in the oven"

"Isn't the oven too hot?"


"Yes ,
but that's
what's written here,
you know"

"Okay, a bit more"

"Look at the cake"

"It needs
to be tanned"

"that there won't
be a situation..."

"that it burns"



"thanks a lot"

Alisa and Shai
found themselves
a posh villa
with an overflooding garden,
but they didn't know
how to take
advantage from this.

"There you have spinach",
says the lady of the house


Avi and Gili
finally stopped a man in the streets
and asked him,
if they could do their assignment
in his kitchen.

It was the kitchen of a man --- no woman.
Avi tells, how often he had to improvise,
when working as a cook in prison
and people wanted to have "gefilte fish"
for Shabbat-Eve:

"so this was the improvisation

(Avi makes up a funny version of this word in Hebrew:
instead of "iltour": "iltouratsia")

we would buy the canned Tuna"

there is harsh criticism.
Immanuel tells us
that mostly the editors
omit such sentences,
but not in this case,
when Eyal
had to teach a lesson
- not only to Ilan:

"You walked
as if you were blind
in a kitchen
where you work and create. Simply revolting blindness, this thing"

"I said,
spinach, spinach, spinach,
let's make spinach pasta"

"Ahh, thats spinach
which Popeye used to eat"

[The superhuman hero Popeye
was so strong, because
he ate spinach to become stronger
"The popularity of Popeye helped boost sales of the leafy vegetable. Spinach consumption increased
33 percent in the United States between 1931 and 1936 as Popeye gained popularity, saving the spinach industry in the 1930s"

Yet I, Rachel, once heard,
that the healthy elements
in the spinach cannot be
digested by the human body.]

"What cream on the cake?" "Taste of coffee? What do we have here?


"There is such fantastic team-work, as if we had been working like that
for years"


what we'll do.
We'll take leaves
of basilicum,
enwrap in them....
put a whole leave,
some two three
whole leaves.

amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing

"Within that meat
and this within
the Ravioli."

"I managed to soften Immanuel. I pulled him a little out of his snobbishness
and he opened and he laughed - and to see the smile of Immanuel....
[Immanuel's mother comments: I never discerned the slightest snobbishness in my son....]

"Immanuel, do you cook in the kitchen also with your wife?" "No, no way!"


Shai's joy to create

"Oi, look what I found!"

"I was so happty
that I cannot even describe it,

"It was, as if...
like some sign from heaven,

"that gave me the confirmation
that I'm doing the right something.

Avi and Gili -
are not exactly
an example of teamwork

20 minutes
till the end of the assignment

"What should I put, milk?"
"Do what you feel like."
"I feel like putting milk".


"We both love our peace and quiet
when we cook.
After all, I've proven already
that I'm not good
in couple relationship,
And Avi, too,
likes to work alone,
He , too,
loves his peace and quiet.

"Do you understand?"

"The connection!Okay.

"Does this work together,
the canned Tuna
with the Blintzes ?"

"Yes, this is a dish
and this is a dish"

"We also want very much to see,
not only how you, Gili,
know to prepare a dessert
and how you , Avi,
know to make a main dish,
we want to see the connection

Gili begins to think, that after the strongly flavored fish of Avi, her chocolate cream would not fit.
So she says:
"Avi, I'm going to change". But Avi yet again does not care: "Change, do what you want!"
Gili interprets her decision to make a more fitting cream "as if walking more in the direction of Avi."

Elihav with Iris in the presence of their land-lady:
"Tasty?" - "Yes" - "Nothing missing?"


tell me
what you think"


"a bomb"
[= terrific!]

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Article in "Calcalist" 11.08.11
What do mushrooms think about?
How did the Internet hide
under the earth
for millions of years?
What does the social network
of the mushrooms teach us
about human intelligence?



En-JOY-ing and growing with Mika and my Family
following the documentation "Mika's Heaven on Earth", inserted since Song Game 2007_01_01

Shoham, Shabbat-Eve, September 10, 2011

continued from SongGame 2007_10_21

As usual, while Mika has a hard time to get up on a usual morning,
on Shabbat she came to me already at 7:25, claiming that she had come before, but that I had been asleep
The first activity was to enwrap Nella in Mika's cherished green-organge cloth and then to make a movie.
"But Mika, movies are appropriate, when there is movement in the scene, not when Nella is so still."
Yet now, when I cropped the different "scenes" from the 52 seconds movie,
I was stunned to see so much "movement", created by both:
Nella's blinking, her ears' wiggling and her head's occasional moving
and Mika's slight trembling or deliberate yet very slight changing of perspective

What does it mean, that the evening before I didn't manage - technically - to film Mika's "Riverdance",
but on this mornng Mika succeeded to introduce movement into what seemed to be utter stillness....

this time; watch from left to right..., watch the ears, watch the eyes....

Now Mika's knee gets in the way

This time my cropping hit Nella while blinking.
I read, that the frequency of human blinking
is between 2-3 and 20-30 times per minute.
It seems to be the same for Nella, the dog.

I, myself, made some stills, on which both appear, Mika and Nella

It was not intended,
that on the picture above the two girls place their hands/feets parallel to each other,
and that on the picture
below left , both girls hide one hand/leg under their bellies....

continuation of "En-JOY-ing and Growing with Mika and my Family" in SongGame 2007_10_23