The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others



interspersed with images of the first rain in my "Wadi of Compassion" in this winter, 5 days ago.

It looks like a gallow, the signpost which says:
"Nakhal Khaemlah", Wadi of Compassion,
I've erected it at the point where my path descends...


What Maureen's message [see below] doesn't say,
is,  h o w   I can learn compassion for myself.
It is by moving emotions
and releasing judgments
and accepting all of myself,
my feelings, my body, my mind, my experiences,
my knowing that I manifest and embody The ONE
in every moment of breathing in and breathing out.


Hear these songs in "Song-Game 2007":
"Compassion of Wo/Man for him/herself"
"Compassion of God for him/herself"

HIS Compassion fills the earth
HIS Compassion fills the earth
HIS Compassion fills the earth
Compassion of God for himself


The first rain sweeps down my little street Khaelmonit toward my Nakhal Khaemlah,
which I pass twice to and fro to the pool, whenever I am in Arad and not in Shoham.


From Maureen Moss, Newsletter via e-mail, December 2, 2006,
rediscovered on December 2, 2007
Maureen's websites: and

[Usually I have difficulties with Maureen,
see the intro to "Is this really a God-Victorious-Journey?"
but this message resonates with everything I know and live!]

The Attribute of Compassion

…resolve to discover your infinite connection to all of Creation
through compassion, without judgment
It is vital to turn the Love that you are inward,
toward yourself.
The ground for compassion for all is prepared
by practicing gentleness and sensitivity
toward yourself.
It begins with self-compassion.

Beloveds, you have judged and been judged harshly
throughout several hundred lifetimes.

Rarely have you given yourself the extreme care and kindness
for which your spirit longs.
…. It is not easy to be self-compassionate
when the ego enjoys the drama of resentment
and the mind is used to self-loathing.

[Rachel: what about the denial of feelings??????????]


Compassion is an attribute of Divine consciousness …
Stemming from the Love that you are,
being compassionate allows you
to make a quantum leap in the evolution of consciousness.


The rain water from the slopes and roads above rush through a man-made pipe
and then rush down the little Wadi, to which I have given the name:
Nakhal Khaemlah,
not only because compassion is so central in my thinking,
but also because this tiny rivulet runs down and joins a much bigger Wadi,
and this , on the map, is called, Wadi Khesaed, "khesaed" being another term for


For more than a year I kept cleaning the "Wadi of Compassion".
When I couldn't lift a heavy stone with an iron pole in it,
I erected it in a way, that I could sow a self-created sign on it,
saying : "Nakhal Khaemlah"
To reinforce the pole I used other discarded building stones,
and between f them I stuck discarded tree-branches and palm-fronds.
Most of the palm-fronds perished in the fire that somebody incited,
but the branch with the little strobiles survived.
The rain-drops hanging down from them on the background of the "river"
fascinated me.

This was the pole with the sign "Nakhal Khaemlah"
in August with my "Quartet" grandkids



Develop and nurture compassion daily
by both
embracing and celebrating your capabilities and strengths,
and seeking the forgiveness of yourself

for your life actions that you would like to avoid.
As you begin to soften,
extending forgiveness,
and sensitivity
toward yourself,
you will find many beliefs and judgments
that have kept your consciousness low, departing.

Shame, guilt, and despair will literally pour out of your body,
leaving room for more Light and Love to expand within you.

As you administer compassion to yourself,
you will find it easier to do the same with others.
It has been painful for all upon planet Earth to feel so far from Me,
so far from unconditional Love and union.

You may ask the question,
"But how can I show compassion to one
who has killed or maimed, dishonored or abused?"
You show compassion for yourself
by choosing
to disengage your thoughts
from judging another's behavior.

In the moment you disengage your thoughts
from the outcome you would prefer for yourself or others,
you have shown compassion for yourself
and silently given peace to another.
You have chosen your peace over your suffering.
And, seen or not, you have given peace on some level
to a fellow God in human form.

Rachel again: what about the denial of feelings??????????
See quotes from "God's" advice concerning the events of September 11:

"As bad as these events may feel,
this is the opportunity to heal

w h a t   i s   y o u r s   t o   h e a l ."


"Come to the most difficult feelings
of terror, rage and grief ~
with love, acceptance, appreciation and encouragement."

"When your own spirit
is truly loving all of the feelings
triggered in you by world events,
y o u   a r e   d o i n g   p l a n e t a r y   h e a l i n g w o r k  ~
inside of yourself, the only place it can truly happen"

"Wholeness  of  being will  be  yours,
if you are willing t o   t a k e   r e s p o n s i b i l i t y
for all that you experience,
if you are willing
to bring your own light and healing intent,
bring your own consciousness
lovingly and intentionally into Hell ~


[Continuation of Maureen's message:]
The purpose of compassion is to open your heart,
regardless of your opinion.
No doubt, this is daunting to our human conditioning.
We have not been raised to live and let live.
We have been raised to judge and be judged.

Each time you are compassionate,
you become a living bridge of Love and Light,
closing the gap of separation.
Each time you choose to be compassionate,
you have chosen to be more of God.
Each time you do not,
you express yourself as a mere fraction of who you are.








Non-desert people might wonder
how I can enjoy such a sight so much...

A rare desert shrub savoring the rain!




When I passed that shrub and climbed up the Wadi of Compassion on the other side and entered town,
I was moved by the sight of this lonely cat in the rain, under the sculpted tree trunk which I cherish.
Where are all her companions, which usually roam around the near garbage-bin,
as I photographed a day later?

to former source of "Nourishment from Others"    to next source of "Nourishment from Others"


On February 23, 2010, I mentioned
that my knee and my back were recovering from a double fall on the slippery slopes of my wadi.
Through searching for illustrations of the wadi in a sculpture I remembered, I reached this page.
The photo with my grandkids gives a good perspective of the slope which I shot following the fall.

The child in the middle (Ayelet) stands on the most slippery spot.
If I do not - time and again - bring with me a broom and a dustpan
and brush off the accumulating pebbles - I and perhaps others - slip!
Of course, in time some of my devices to prevent slipping were destroyed,
just as my sign and sign-post of "Nakhal Khaemlah",
Wadi of Compassion.

How funny, that at the end of the page above I delighted in some cats near the pool!
For on the same day, on which I documented the slippery slope - before brushing it,
I discerned this pretty scene - a cat on an old man's vehicle parked outside the pool: