The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others - 2007

2007_08_05- Next Steps towards Heaven-on-Earth -HoE
re-studied on July 14, 2011

We have to hoe out HoE with a hoe.
Sometimes I find understanding for the truth in this pun
in the e-mails about the glorious times towards which we evolve.

I admit that it squeezes my intestines, if - in the quotes - I cannot avoid
the authors' usage of the word "light" and "light-workers", "spiritual" and "powerful".
For what I, Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, know, is
that it will be only by the evolution of Will,
the female feeling aspect of Divinity and Humanity,
that we shall be able to create Heaven on Earth

Excerpts from THE NEXT STEP - Part 1 of 2 -August 1, 2007
by Patricia Cota-Robles

"July 2007 will be recorded in the Akashic Records of Mother Earth
as the Cosmic Moment
when a critical mass of souls evolving on this planet
reclaimed their Divine Birthright as stewards of the Earth ...



"... I will discuss two of the next phases
of the Divine Plan.
Please take this information
into your heart of hearts,
and ask your I AM Presence
how you can be the most powerful Instrument of God...

"Your part of this Divine Plan
is unique.
There is not another soul
who has been prepared
in exactly the same way
to accomplish
what you have volunteered
to do.
You have all of the wisdom,
skill, knowledge,
strength, courage
and ability you need to succeed
The Legions of Light throughout Infinity
are standing in readiness
awaiting the opportunity
to assist you at your beck and call.





"Only your mighty I AM Presence
can reveal to you
the full magnitude
of this auspicious moment
in the Earth’s evolution.
As you seek the Kingdom of Heaven within, all will be revealed to you....
Allow the inner knowing of this Truth
to awaken within you
the remembrance
of your purpose
and reason for being.

"On July 7, 2007, over two billion people around the world
focused their attention
on the global concert
titled Live Earth. ...

"On July 17, 2007,
literally tens of millions ... joined together
for a one-hour global
"Fire the Grid".
During that rare hour...
Humanity was joined by the Legions of Light
throughout the whole of Creation.
Through the unified efforts
of Heaven and Earth,

this planet was flooded
with the 5th-Dimensional frequencies
of the New Earth.


"... We are living in a new paradigm.
I know from outer appearances it looks
like the horrific things taking place on Earth
are involving the masses of Humanity,
but that is an illusion.
In Truth, the terrible things
we are perceiving through the media
involve a mere fraction
of the six billion souls
evolving on this planet.

The vast majority of people
around the world
are loving people

who are striving to live positive lives.
Every day billions of people on Earth turn their attention to God
and invoke the highest good
for their loved ones and all Humanity.

These prayers are always heard, and they are being answered.

The collective consciousness
of Humanity
has reached
a critical mass
of compassion
for all Life
on this planet.

The ancient prophecies that indicated millions of souls would be left behind
because they would not be ready
to make the shift into the 5th Dimension
That troubling scenario has been averted
through selfless [???] acts of Divine Love
and the tireless efforts
of myriad Lightworkers
over the past one hundred years.
But our work is not finished!

"... Our thoughts and feelings
are creative,
and whatever we focus
our attention on,
we empower and bring into form.

If we are constantly thinking and talking
about the negative behavior patterns
people are participating in
or the things we do not like
about the people themselves,
we simply add our energy and power
to the very things we dislike.
This is true whether we are talking about our loved ones,
our friends and coworkers,
our associates and acquaintances
or our governmental officials
and world leaders.

The more powerful and influential a person is,
the more crucial it is
for us
to empower
their Divine Potential
instead of the mistakes they are making.


"The path that we will follow
was empowered by the full manifestation
of our Mother God
in ancient times
In order for the New Earth to reflect
the full capacity of the Divine Feminine
and the full potential of the Infinite Love
of our Mother God,
this meridian must be reactivated.
It is critical that this Heart Meridian
within Earth’s Crystal Grid System
be infused with
the 5th-Dimensional frequencies
of our Mother God’s Solar Heart Chakra.

[I cannot really relate to this part of
the "Next-Steps" message,
but it's "interesting",
that I did this pilgrimage
almost all the stations in this program
- in spring 2001,
partly alone, partly with my friend
Gabriela Dietrich from South-India.
I believed,
that I needed to heal unconscious things,
which happened in former incarnations.
but perhaps the real purpose ,
unknown to me,
was the same as outlined here.]


When we reached this ridge and saw that we had to climb down
on a trail just as steep as the one, which we just had climbed up,
before the trail would wind up to its final destination
(Mount Zohar),
we decided, that I would wait for them here.
sent by GoGratitude August 1,2007

Excerpts from New Earth Rising :
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn


"Yes, beloved ones, it is not only Earth
that is moving
towards a cycle of rebirth and renewal,
it is also the Galaxy and the Cosmos itself.
Your work, though,
as inhabitants or children of Earth,
is to awaken to your true work
as Co-Creators,
and to be ready
to co-create the New Earth
with Source.

That is what you are here for;
the choices that you make now
will determine
what you will create with Source.

".. The Earth awaits your choices,
you are the creators.

We in the Angelic realms are here
to support your choices and your creations.
We rejoice
when we see the ... loving choices
that you are making
in your work as co-creators of the New Earth.
Many have chosen the 7th of July
as the time to honor the energies of the 07 07 07 ...
Others have chosen the 17th of July
as their moment for global re-connection,
as they have been led by their inner guidance.
We ask you to honor these moments,
as they are preparations for
...Cosmogenesis and Renewal ...



"As the Lion’s Gate energy pours through to the Earth,
there will be a mass awakening that we will call
the “Fourth Wave”.
Those of the “Fourth Wave” are not Lightworker family
as you are,
but are “ordinary” people
who will suddenly awaken
to who they are,
and will seek
for the Lightworker family
to assist them,
and will seek to become one with the Lightworker family
at this time.
They will be disoriented
and anxious
at what will be happening
to them
as the energy accelerates events in their lives.
"it will be your work
to assist them
by shining your light
and living your truth,
to show them
that humans can be balanced and abundant
in the new energies.
You have been trained
and prepared for this time
over many lifetimes,
and many thousands
of years.
Now is the time
of Awakening.
Now is the time of Creation.

It is the time of Cosmogenesis – a New Reality
and a New Cosmic Birth.
. We wish you well
as you create
the New Earth.

For, this is your destiny,
and it is time to awaken
and to express Who You Are.
For you Are
Children of the Stars.
You are the Divine Essence
in Human Form.
You are Powerful Creators.
You Are.
Now is the Time!"



to former source of nourishment from others in 2007 and in 2011 to next source of nourishment from others in 2007 and in 2011