The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

intro to k.i.s.s.-log ~ library of seven years ~ HOME ~ contact

February 4 , Monday, at Arad

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner,
I give thanks to our voice
and to all the muscles, cartilages and bones that produce the sound
"the voice which truly is the mirror of the soul",
as I heard Jonas Kaufmann saying just now (20:47),
in a repssortage about this best German Tenor...


I give thanks to the Internet, that sign of Heaven on Earth,
and to Internet Explorer, latest version,
just now installed by Immanuel on this new computer - thanks again! -
and its new possibilities, like having all webpages open as tabs,
that let me access them simultaneously.
Thanks to the amazing magic of "log me in",
which lets Immanuel see and work on my computer in Arad,
while he sits at his computer in Shoham.




I asked for a message from you through the yellow book of RUOW,
but it wasn't helpful either.
I feel its relevance, but can't pin it down with my mind.
I'll go to town now, to see, why the memory card is lost from my phone,
and then to the pool.
I'll listen to you while walking and swimming.
Please be there, even if you are "NOT MY PEER".

No answer, except an urge,
to use the opportunity of having to go to Modi'in from Shoham by car,
and cause Ya'acov to face me.

"An urge? Doesn't it occur to you, that this IS my response?
And that I arranged the fault with your phone for that purpose?
Since Ya'acov was the one person on this planet at present,
whom you asked to be your daily healing-learning peer via "Skype",
wouldn't it be a good idea to check again,
if communication with him
may suit you more than communication with me,
at least with me as YOUR PEER?"

I don't know. I'm still angry and frustrated with you.
And I still haven't found "the time" to cope with this.
I want YOU, that is clear, but who of you? What of you?

"You'll find your peer or YOUR PEER - soon!




Yesterday I told the story about the lamp-accident.
An hour later Boris called : "Ahlaan Rachel".

He was outside the pool and I inside.
"Please, update me, while I'm in the water,
for my time (for old citizens) is already over."

So he told me, among other new things,
that he got a job of installing and repairing lamps
in one of the Dead Sea hotels!

I told him the coincidence and stressed:
"Now you know the message:
it will be a job that may decide over life and death!"

Also yesterday, when I ran home from the pool,
in order to hear the 10 minutes poetry with Lutz Goerner
about Christian Morgenstern,
I zapped into the 5 min. news before the program,
which ended with the praise of Thomas Morgenstern,
a World Champion in Ski Jumping.

"Morgenstern" - Morningstar - isn't this a Jewish name?



I came back from town with good news, with very bad news and with a "bead/berry/bubble" challenge, in this order:
- The good news: In the postal bank I was told, that the National Insurance Authority has raised my pension by 140 NIS to the total amount of 2230 NIS.
- The very bad news, roaring from a kiosk TV set: a suicide terrorist act in a mall at Dimona, the closest town to Arad, one victim dead, the other terrorist shot.
- The "bead/berry/bubble" challenge is, that the memory-card of my cellphone can only be repaired/replaced in a big "Orange" centre, at Beersheva or Modi'in.




Two movies forwarded to me by Ofir, my landlord:
One was called: "The Five Disciplines: sports acrobatics - three women, two men.
The other - obviously from "Riverdance" - was called "Teamwork".
Two opposing approaches to Body. Both prove discipline, both prove teamwork
but~~~ the~~~ team ~~~dance~~~ is~~~friendly~~~to~~~ Body....


Jonas Kaufmann: "Was gibt es Schöneres, wenn man aus seinem Hobby einen Beruf macht und damit noch richtig Geld verdient. Ist doch phantastisch!"

In der Tat nicht schlecht, wenn man bedenkt, dass Kaufmann beinahe Mathelehrer geworden wäre! Seit Jahren schon singt er nun in den allerwichtigsten Häusern: von der New Yorker Met bis zur Mailänder Scala. Jetzt stellt er sich mit einer Solo-CD vor: "Romantische Arien". Natürlich schmelzen wir dahin – völlig unnötig, ihn auf dem Cover noch als Latin Lover zu vermarkten.

Jonas Kaufmann: "Das ist ja schön und nett und ich fühle mich geschmeichelt, wenn man das erwähnt, aber letztlich ist das nichts, was ich aus eigener Leistung erreicht habe. Das ist etwas, was man in mich hinein projiziert."

...– er singt sie nicht nur - er lebt seine Rollen!

Jonas Kaufmann: "Diese ganzen Gefühle, die man da erzeugt, muss man letztlich auch in sich tragen. Obwohl das gar nicht mit Worten zu fassen ist, ist es irgendwo zwischen den Zeilen. Das liegt eben daran, dass die Stimme dieses… Es gibt dieses hochtrabende Wort: die Stimme ist der Spiegel der Seele. Im tiefsten Kern stimmt das."



Three more images of the phenomenon of the nacreous clouds and a new song

I paint the white page
with blue sky and water
with yellow I paint light
the night in black
with green - plants
with red - flowers
and all the colors I use
for drawing on the page the rainbow.
All the colors I use
for drawing on the page the rainbow

2 weeks ago, when I accompanied Mika to Hanni,
to the sound&movement group,
I was taken by a song on a disc which Hanni used
and quickly recorded the second stanza on my cell-phone.
I learnt the lyrics and with incredible effort also learnt the tune .
May the authors (who?) forgive me some small adaptations.
song of the day

I have all the colors to paint my rainbow



back to past ~~~~~ forward to future

home ~ library of seven years ~ intro to k.i.s.s.-log ~ contact

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8