Noah's Diary- 40th Day of Realization
Fourth Page
All the way home from the past I yearned for one
to immerse in Noah's hot sulphur spring - and this I did.
The first moments were like an orgasm...
Now I had truly arrived in the present.
And it was then, that Yuval arrived.
To start a new stage in his life, he had let his mother shave his
hear and beard.
He looked like a strange, completely different person, but I liked
his appearance.
Yuval and Paz visit me in Modi'in
on Oct. 15, 2003, and learn about "Noah's Shore".
That night we cooked and ate together in my cave,
but we were like forlorn sheep to each other,
bereaved of zest, devoid of love.
Depression mastered each one of us,
and therefore our relationship.
He left into the darkness,
to put up his tent down there.
I don't know, when we called each other,
or who was the first to ask:
"What happened? Was it my fault?"
Blessed be the technology that allows for communication in the desert.
And blessed are we, that we learnt how to communicate our frustration.
The next morning I wanted to finally start a new
by integrating the work on the computer into my so far only physical
Now that my rock-home was convenient, pleasant and beautiful,
I wanted to systematically plan the realization of "Noah's Shore".
What a thunderbolt, when I realized that there was
no electricity at all.
When I checked, I found out, that the cable from the battery to the
DC-AC converter was completely burned,
nor did the 12 Volt system work, and the light which controls the
charge of the battery was on red.
I called Shim'on in faraway Dimona, in his shop for repairing TV sets
etc. , pleading...
He promised to come. He didn't say when.
I felt, that part of the reason for the power failure was,
that Shim'on should be made more involved.
Which was exactly what his son Tamir said,
when I told him later that day, that his father had come again.
The next thing was, that I opened the computer, since its battery,
charged in the flat, was still full.
But alas - the computer striked too! The screen stayed dark as the
night, though the system worked.
"What do you want from me?"
I screamed against the walls of the cave.
"There is something to learn for
you first!" was the answer.
So I went back to physical work, improving order and beauty in the
repairing damaged steps up to the road and carving out new ones down
to the shore.
At dusk we met in the pond, by chance, Yuval and I.
The almost full moon made the world of water look magical.
"Are we still on this planet?"
I asked.
The moon and the pool and the hours to come made us open for receiving
a revolutionary message:
Yuval talked to me:
"You don't need to search
for an international agency,
which will talk to the two governments here.
Nor do you need to ask permission from anyone to start anything
around here..
" You just need to BE, to BE in this cave.
"Your being
here is enough to attract the right people.
Dor was here and told you, he will send you people.
"Can't you see, it is already happening?"
He didn't say, what was happening, but I knew:
a community would gather without any effort on my part.
"I am here already.
I am here because you are here.
I had this dream for a long time:
to build a zulla (a makeshift, selfmade abode) here
and to dedicate time to healing my disease.
But I needed your BEING-HERE to inspire and encourage me.
I'll attract more people, the right people.
They will come, one by one, and build their zullas here."
He pondered:
"I want to be here,
but I also want to do development work in Turkey.
Or I want to do permaculture in Israel, in Talmei-Yosef in
the western Negev.
You can buy a farm there for 20000 $ only.
But once I would have built my dream house there and planted
my trees,
what would I do there?"
And then he said a sentence that struck me like a lightening:
"People will wander between
two communities.
Nobody will come here to settle permanently.
Permanence is not what is needed or possible now.
Nor is endless wandering around fulfilling.
But being committed to two communities
and alternating between them,
this is what is coming."
To alternate between two communities!
Just like we alternated before between the hot spring and the cool
I remembered that striking idea voiced by Lyrie in
October 1999,
when we were planning to create the first twin pyramidion,
a mobile hosting business, both in Israel and in Palestine:
"Let's assume each business has three
They work together in perfect harmony.
Still there should be an exchange of one host between two businesses
every second weekend.
For if we stay in our cosy togetherness for too long,
we start to "honor" each others patterns and defenses ,
we get dragged into denials, and into lack of challenges
we stop to grow."
I had fantasized that the Hamakom community would
move here from Metzoqee-Dragot
and become the "womb" of Noah's Shore.
But a permanent community is not, what is needed.
Like the breath-taking changes of my former spring abode,
we must create the situation here in a way,
that we can change and grow and truly live life,
as contrasted to more or less pathetic survival.
As if to demonstrate Yuval's vision,
his brother - a professional, successful beekeeper - called him:
"I need to get out of here. Can I come?"
Before Yehonathan arrived, I went to visit Yuval.
He came towards me to guide me through rugged terrain.
"There is not much to see yet, I only built
one wall so far."
"What I'm interested in, is the location which attracted you."
When he led me from level to level down to the shore,
I was stupefied.
Here I had been for almost 6 weeks and had no idea,
how huge and varied and exciting this no-man's-land was.
On the other side of the dust-road were fantastic rows of rocks,
unlike the sandy-stony slope into which my lonely bolder was planted.
"There is place for a town like Jerusalem",
I joked,
"we'll develop the site and then go into
real-estate and earn millions."
How wonderful, that we were the first people to discover this immense
potential -
the potential not only for a hosting-healing space,
but for a non-permanent, bubbling community.

We had some food together, some good talk,
and I went back, along Yuval's shore - several levels deeper than
the dust-road -
approaching the peninsula from the south.

Here too, almost every stone is a sculpture,
often crowned by salt crystals

I haven't visited the future pond
(indicated by the "memorial", the driftwood trunk)
for some time,
and never from the south.
Are these salty ponds new or were they "always" there?
I go back to work in the twilight of dusk and moon:
there - the last stretch of the descent from cave to dust-road!
I'll feel complete, when Yuval and his brother will come to cook and
share our meal
and to feel, that , yes, it is happening:
y e s h ! - i t
i s !