The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"






Not Silence
is sound
for me now!

Click and listen
to the sound of Noah's
hot sulphur spring!



To Hebrew speaking visitors:
Friends blame me for not writing in Hebrew.
But as long as I cannot provide the texts
in both Hebrew AND Arabic,
I must use the neutral English.
(Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam)

Dreamer Economy

"The needs of the community - food, water, equipment, communication - have to be met by the trainees day by day.
The guidance and the training will be given for free.
Information about the needs in a specific week will be given before your arrival (066-290920) and during the training."



"That is a wonderful dream,
so why don't you go ahead and realize it?"

I may ask this question one hundred people,
and ninty nine will have the same pretext:
"It needs money, and I don't have it."
"I must make a living after all."
"I have a family, who will feed them?"

How will the dreamer trainies start to cope with the "Money-Syndrom"?
I emphasize the verb "start"!
For as any "syndrom" there are many aspects to the formidable illusion,
that "if I only had the money, I would..."

The trainees will not pay a fixed amount of money to me or any future trainer.

They will learn to take responsibility for all specific costs of
their living (food, water to drink and wash, clothing, bedding materials etc.)
their creating (materials, tools)
and their learning (like via this and other relevant Internet sites)

What little money I, the trainer, need for living and working,
mainly for the costs of this website and cellular communication,
will be a part of the specific day-to-day needs ,
which will have to be covered by the trainees.

Only a few facilities, like the solar-powered computer and cellular communication system in the cave, are already existing.
Other facilities, like water containers, equipment for cooking and eating, mattresses will be brought and left behind by the pioneers.
But food, water and materials for the physical creation of Noah's Shore
will always have to be provided by the trainees .

Part of the training each day will be spent on:
listing the needs,
distributing the tasks of supply,
deciding on who can bring, create or pay what,
deciding what to do, if the needs will not be covered by the contributions,
or what to do with a surplus of contributions.

Part of the needs will be those of a specific day or week,
part will be for a longer term,

All listed needs and all specific contributions, be they by individuals or by the community ,
will be visible and accessible for all - on a public computer, or projected on a screen, or printed out.

Some purposes of this method are immediately obvious:

The costs of the Dreamer Training will not exceed the costs of anybody's living at home,
they may be even much lower, since consumption will be naturally restricted.
This will enable any potential dreamer to take the training
and the excuse: "I can't afford it", will not be valid.

We will become more aware of the monster of "consumption".
For a great part of "getting" money for fulfulling a dream
is in changing "beliefs" concerning what is necessary to buy for money.
We might discover non-monetary means to cover our needs.
Yes, our very "needs" might transform.

We will learn to cooperate and to balance between "we are all equal", and "everyone is different".
For example:
sometimes it will be fair, that everyone contributes the same amount of money, materials or work,
another time it will be fair, that those who can give more, will give more than those who have less.

We will start to understand the formidable emotions connected with money.
For example, the statements-
"I have money and can give", and "I don't have money and cannot give",
do not necessarily express facts, but feelings.

Since we learn to become transparent in what they have and what we don't have,
we will see:
some people give of what little they have,
but often with dubious motives, rooted in unconscious and unmoved emotions
(aspiring to be appreciated by people as "generous", for example)
and some people have an emotional block of giving from their abundance.

We will learn not to judge such patterns
and not to override a person's feelings, whatever their source,
but will become aware of "the holes in the wholeness" in each of us.

May these hints of how we'll cope with the "Money-Syndrome" ring a bell in you.
If yes, you might soon plunge into the spring, which today looked like this:

y e s h  !    -    i t    i s  !