puzzle piece 22
Perception and Projection

From Interview II with God

"Direct inner communication with each
of the four parts of Deity
is crucial
if you expect to reclaim
the powerful parts of yourself

that you have
onto us.

Truth and Reality Class I

"What do I do with my perception of this reality
I experience as pain
and how do I change my perceptions
to include what I want?"

"You have asked three very powerful questions.
I will rephrase and answer each of them.

First, 'Is my pain real
or only a perception?'

"Yes it is real, and will be healed more quickly
when it is honored as real.

"Yes, it is your perception
and therefore you are responsible for it
no matter
what person or situation
may seem to be 'causing' it
on the 'outside'.
The pain is a guest
in your venue.

"The first thing you can do
is make it feel welcome.

"Next, if you want it to heal,
take whatever time is necessary
to find acceptance for it
as you might for a child
who is unhappy and crying.
Then if you like,
go inside and ask me
to help you understand
and heal the pain, and I will.
The Four Steps to Wholeness is a complete formula for healing pain of all kinds.

"The second question is, How do I change my perceptions?"

"You change perceptions through
the Sacred Act of Choice.
The most important, valuable
and probably the least understood gift I have given you
is Free Will.
You and only you can choose
what you will perceive
and what you will make of your perceptions.
It is important to understand that it is not the feeling
or the perception of the feeling of pain that hurts.
It is the meaning or interpretation
that you give to the perception,
your resistance to it.
The same perception on one day
may feel pleasurable
and on another day feel painful.
This is not a feature of the perception,
but rather the result of your interpretation
or judgment of the perception.
The truth is you are perceiving a sensation,
in this case an emotional feeling.
You can choose to interpret the feeling as 'pain'
or as something else.


"Truth and Reality Class II
Projection and Perception"

"There is always
another level to reality
and what we discussed
in the first lesson
is only a part of the whole understanding needed here.

"This lesson begins with another story of my origins.
In the very beginning of my evolution
as I was first awakening,
I became aware of myself
as being aware.
I immediately had questions like,
"Who am I?" and
"Where am I?"
I wanted to know more
about myself.

"Almost at the same time
I discovered
there was something that seemed to be outside of me.
I had a thought
that I might be able
to use this other 'something'
to look back upon myself and have it show me
what I looked liked.
I thought this would help me learn more.

"Later I came to realize
that the 'something' I saw
outside of myself
was actually the Great Mother
who was reflecting
my own self-curiosity back to me.
I didn't know this at the time.

"What I had thought to be
outside of myself
was actually not outside,
it was my own inner wish
to learn more
being reflected back to me.
I even got the idea
that this 'something' was here
to help me find out more
about myself.
I had experienced
the first projection.

"The nonexistence
of the outside world

can now be explained more fully.
In fact ,
there is something out there,
it's just not what it seems to be.

"The Mother is what is 'outside',
she is the magnetic field
that surrounds all Light
and holds it in existence.
When there is communication between the Light and the Mother,
the two elements blend in communion.
Love manifests and form emerges.

"When there is relating
without communion,
light bounces back like the images reflected from a movie screen.
This phenomenon is very aptly called 'projection'.

"Of course this trait
is not reserved only for Deity.
It is a part of the experience of every differentiated consciousness in Creation.
In fact,
most of what is called 'perception' is actually projection,
and there are many layers
to it.

"I will use the metaphor of the movie projector and screen
to make this subject easier to explain and understand.

"You have the sense of looking out into the world
through the 'lens' of your perception
and it seems information comes in to you through this lens.
This is only partly true.

"At a deeper, unconscious level
you have been first projecting information in the form of
and expectations
through the lens out onto the Mother
who reflects it back as 'perception'.

"Just as the projector sends light through the filter of the film
to the screen,
the very act of looking out there for something
sends the light of your
and expectations
to the Mother who
then reflects it all back to you.

"Whatever images,
or smells
are implied in the unconscious 'film' in your projector
at the time of 'perception'
get projected out,
and are of course
what you get back.

"With the projection mechanism out of awareness,
it seems very much
like your perception is
of something external
and objective."

"All the World's a Movie Set

"Now let's deepen the metaphor.
Imagine that in your venue
there is a film company
producing a movie.
This is the movie of your life.
Over there talking with each other are the producer,
the director
and the writer.
They're all you,
with slightly different functions.
Also there are
the actors and actresses,
and of course you are the star, you're in every scene.

"Although it's not part of
ordinary awareness,
you're the producer,
and star
of the movie of your life.

"At a deep unconscious level,
you've hired' the people
in your life
to play various roles
in your drama,
and you've done so based on how convincing you thought they'd be
as the characters in the roles you've cast them.

On May 11, 2012
I discovered a video:

People come into your life
for a reason, a season
or a lifetime

When they're off the set of your movie,
all of these people have
lives of their own.
When they come to work here, however,
they leave behind who they are when they are alone
and each becomes the character in the role
they have agreed to play for you.

"Each person in your life
is reflecting a part of yourself.
As long as they are
guests in your venue,
whatever they do or say,
they are doing so
from the 'script' you've written
at a deep unconscious level.

"Of course they have hired you
to perform in each of their movies as well.
Each of them projects
something different on you,
so you act a little differently
when you're with each.

"Depending on the strength of their projection
and the difference in the roles,
you can find yourself
feeling, thinking and acting
very differently
with different people.
With some
you may feel very good about yourself and what you do,
with others, quite the opposite.

"It's not that you are
a different actor,
it's that you are playing
different characters or roles
for different people
who have different kinds of parts projected onto you.

"There is, of course another level to all of this,
and it's not true that a woman who is raped, for instance
has 'brought it on herself'
as many in the new age believe.
The other level I'm referring to is
where the Mother and I had our first encounter,
and where my nearly unconscious need for power
caused great harm to the Mother.
These early events in the history of the universe
are being played out now
in your venue,
and there is more
to stopping them
than simply deciding to do it.
Please join me in the healing class for more information about what is at stake here."


"As we've noted, there are
two sides to everything.
The other side of projection is perception,
and they form a continuum.
It's easy to know
where any experience fits
in the range between the two poles.
The secret is in the way
the experience feels.

"Feeling into
a person, group or event
can bring you into direct communion with them.
Seeing these
as merely 'outside' objects
forces them
into the role of a screen
for your projections.

"When the Mother receives light [=acceptance instead of denial?],
there is communion to the extent she accepts the light and takes it in to herself.
However, any unconscious information sent ahead
with the intention of 'perceiving' that does not resonate with the Mother
is reflected back.

"Any 'perception' like this
is actually 'projection'
and the feeling
about what is perceived
will have
a value judgment in it.

The judgment may be positive, neutral or negative,
but the sense of the 'perception' will be
that it feels like part of the ordinary world.

"When the Mother
resonates with the light
sent from the perceiver
and accepts it,
there is communion
and a feeling of love and wonder for whatever is perceived.

"True perception happens
when there is complete merging and union
with the perceived,
and this can happen only
by feeling into it.

"You get the feeling
that you're experiencing another world,
and truly you are.
There are no judgments about what's perceived,
the value of something truly perceived
is at another level of reality,
beyond the normal range
of 'good' and 'bad'
and 'right' and 'wrong'.

"The quality of the perception itself
is also quite different
from ordinary experience.
There is extraordinary beauty
in true perception.
Visual perceptions have a quality of luminosity and delicate clarity,
auditory perceptions have
a sweetness and 'rightness'
to them.
True perception also has a sense of synchronicity;
what is perceived
seems to fit into the world
and the perceiver's life
in beautiful ways
that feel right
and make good sense.

"As you awaken more
to Who You Truly Are,
true perception begins
to replace projection.
There is still much to learn
in the world of
duality and projection, however,
and you will find yourself moving back and forth along this continuum
as you experience yourself awakening."

[Forum: louise, October 8, 2000
I think that projection
has a really important place
in the healing process.
Sometimes I *need*
to project a part of myself
onto somebody else,
because I need
to move "my" feelings
in relationship to that part.

"A very quick way
to become more awake
is to withdraw your projections,
and a good place
to begin this practice
is with the projections on those with whom you relate.

We'll discuss a practice for doing this in a later lesson.
... please read the page about releasing judgments.
Also, recommended reading for this class is
"The Nature of Personal Reality:
a Seth Book by Jane Roberts.