After four weeks of separation - Mika was truly
welcoming me from the first moment.
She even wanted to return to an activity, which we engaged in when
she was much smaller:
checking out the many bits and pieces in "our" drawer with
its little boxes, like this pretty one.
But before immersed in these old "things" deeper, she remembered
our new common creation:
The candle-holders which I had formed in the "Creation-Circle"
had been painted by Mika and Abba,
and after they had been burnt in the oven again, Mika brought them
home for both of us to enjoy them.
I also made 2 triangles to hold one candle
for Shoham and one candle for Arad |
But Mika requested both candleholders for Shoham and
arranged them about the "snow-man" of Abba above the triangle-stone,
which I had found for her 2 months ago and suggested that she paint
it for Abba's birthday in January
We invented ever new arrangements
and, of course, Mika also arranged herself,
preferably with a finger or two fingers on her nose!
Finally I positioned the candles
and the snow-man above
and the stone triangle below
the two certificates of
which Tomer had received recently
from his boarding-school!
What a change! What a joy!
A pity, he wasn't with us
to let our candle-exhibition
celebrate him!
A glimpse of the couple in the kitchen
- while Immanuel, before his flight,
prepares dinner, and - for the days of his absence - a delicious
soup for his girls .
At the same time, Mika trains to make "puree"
in "our" room, with plastelina. |
was it, that you - the only one among ten grandkids,
didn't like grandma's specialy: potato-puree?" I
asked her.
She obviously felt challenged by this, and not only wanted to
try and eat it,
but to prepare it herself.
Abba, in the kitchen, didn't find the potato-crusher,
"nor do I want, that you use it with
this plastelina",
but later came Imma in and she did find
it and did allow it...
"I use to spread fried onions on
it!" I taught Mika , but she
"No! You topped it with tomato pieces!"
and used colored pens instead.
3 days later we made a real puree and she
even tried to peel a potato!
"You are really good at it! Next
year you'll invite the entire family to puree!"
Back to the evening of Abba's flight.
Continuing with her "nostalgic" trip,
Mika remembered how I had once set up a tent in the middle of "our"
It's not easy to find a perspective for documenting the tent game.
But have a look at the fat Hebrew dictionary underneath the "puree",
for it will play a part in another game , two days later.
Soon we are called to dinner, and after Mika's
shower and teeth brushing there is "Time
to say Good-Bye"...
On the closet appear co-creations of Mika with
Savta or with Abba (autumn-leaves!)
"Our" room is, where I sleep, create on my computer, and
have stored a few things.
The chest was once acquired, secondhand, for "my" room,
for placing a TV-set on it.
But in this flat, there is no connection to TV, and I said, that I
wouldn't need it anyway.
That's how the chest became Mika's drawing-desk even when I'm not
there with her.
2 days later an ingenuitive "house" was built, with my tray
upside down as a roof,
with my pen-container as a chimney, with autumn-leaves dried in that
and best of all - with a fence made of the tiny
oranges, we had picked (see later).

Thursday, February 11, 2010
I was fed up with the fact, that - except
for my song - my birthday gifts were a fiasco.
Not only did the "digital sun-system" and even the globe
overstrain Mika's imagination,
-the sun-system was primitive junk and the globe-balloon didn't fit
into its metal curve.
Since I loathe shopping, even supermarkets (and
prefer to spend a bit more money in a grocery)
I had been glad, when Efrat suggested to buy my sun-system according
to a brochure.
This could be done only in Naharia, but even the globe in Shoham was
bought by her.
I wanted to at least find another globe, after all I had bought one
for Amit's 5th birthday
(my landlady had been pregnant with Amit, when
I came to settle in Arad in her house).
But that was in Arad!
In Shoham the weather was so warm that we had ice-cream, the three
of us together,
but though the woman in the shop, who was on good terms
with Efrat, advised me,
to go to her neighbor, where the balloon could be blown up by a machine,
it didn't fit.
The woman returned the money for the flawed product, but no globe
was to be found.
I still wonder, what this means...