The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah Parting from its realization in the exterior World



Third Page
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Fight for a Tree and Flight to Egypt

in tears"

not yet "reaping
in joy"


I now was transferred to the Central Police.
A building with many rooms and a courtyard.
Wrapped in my grand white kefiyeh,
with little flowers embroidered on its borders,
I strolled around the courtyard, making a poem.

Or I was seated in a small room,
where people were investigated,
took the Qur'an without asking,
looked for my favorite Sura
Ad-Duhâ - The Morning Hours,
and rehearsed it.

"Women are not allowed to touch the Book",
someone rebuked me, but another said:
"Everyone can touch the Qur'an now
in the universities,
leave her alone."

Click to hear my reading, Do not click to stop it.
Listen also to my singing on SongGame

Revealed at Mecca

In the name of Allah, the Benificient theMerciful

1. By the morning hours

2. And by the night when it is stillest,

3. Thy Lord hath not forsaken thee nor doth He hate thee.

4. And verily the latter portion will be better for thee than the former,

5. And verily thy Lord will give unto thee so that thou wilt be content.

6. Did He not find thee an orphan and protect?

7. Did He not find thee wandering and direct?

8. Did He not find thee destitute and enrich?

9. Therefor the orphan oppress not,

10 Therefor the beggar drive not away,

11. Therefor of the bounty of thy Lord be thy discourse.

Late at night the investigator had a few minutes.

"Don't you want to ask me questions?"

"No, someone else will.
We just thought that sitting here,
you would be more comfortable here."

I was genuinely grateful for all the good treatment.

"So can you tell me,
why the word "leil"
, night, in this sura
appears here in the genitive?
It's not the grammar I know."
"You may know more than me"
he admitted

Finally I was brought to another interrogator.
It was short.

"I understand,
that the sole reason
for your illegal border crossing
was to make
an act of protest against your country."
"That's right",

I heard myself saying, surprised,
that only know did I understand it myself.

"You'll be brought to the court tomorrow!"

I was returned to my Qur'an room.
They locked the door from outside.
There was a couch and no blanket,
but it was hot and I didn't need it.
But where would I pee?
I drank as little water as possible, but still~~~
in the morning I couldn't help it.
I found an ashtray, and an open window with bars.
I took care that no one would notice,
when I poured the several fills outside.
Later that morning, when the door was still locked,
I knocked and knocked, until someone came.
Embarrassed I asked for a toilet
and had to wait, until a guard was called.
He took me through staircases and corridors
and waited outside.


Later that day I was taken to the court,
right before the judge, without waiting.
The man who accompanied me,
said to his colleagues,

"this woman is charming everyone here".

My eyes widened with gladness:
Was it me, he was talking about?

The encounter with the judge was short.
"You can go home!
And I invite you to come to Egypt often,
but with your passport next time."

Another toilet-less night at the police.
In the early morning I was driven north,
to the border-crossing at Rafah,
in the south of the Gaza-Strip.

When I finally crossed to Israel - alone
wrapped in my transparent kefiye,
the interrogation began in Hebrew.

"You have broken the law!
You'll be ordered to court."

But they were nice too.
They just had to follow the law.
And I was, indeed, ordered to court twice,
both for having planted a tree in a nature reserve
and for having crossed the border illegally.


Eight years have passed and the year 2003 is proceeding.
I feel grief and also shame, that my vision has not come true.
The little novel "Alt-Neu-Land 2003" looks ridiculous now.
But it does one thing - it documents my appreciation for some people,
whose contribution for realizing a Nature compatible Desert Economy
I projected on what was then a future 10 years ahead.
There were more people, whose cooperation I sought,

page 17


page 23

page 25

but these actors in my "Flight to Egypt drama",
Ilan from the Alpacca-farm and mainly Renata,
who feature on the 65 pages sculpted in 1993,
are exemplary in many aspects.

A view of my bus and the Succah in the big snow in January 1992,
remembered on these fictive pages about "Renata in 2003",
Like Micha, my son,
who drove 6 hours from Haifa to see if I was alife
falling 3 times on the road-no-road from Mitzpe-Ramon,
Renata, the carpenter, came as a savior,
for all the succahs were in a dire state.

against which my flight had protested.

When I was out, what a surprise:
all my four men waited for me!
my sons Immanuel and Micha,
David and my partner Gadi.

All had taken leave from work.
They sat in Mitzpe-Ramon
and coordinated the search,
and now that all was well,
they could admit,
that they even had enjoyed
being united around a goal.


But all was not well.
Itai was determined to never speak to me again.
And so was Ilan Dvir from the Alpacca-Farm.

Jum'aa, the head of our neighbor Bedouin family,
suggested to celebrate my safe return.

Gadi transformed it into a great idea:

"Not a celebration, but a "Sulkha"
A sulkha between Rachel and Itai and Amitai.

According to Islamic practice,
once a dispute is resolved,
a Sulkha, or ceremony of forgiveness, is performed
and the slate is then wiped clean .

During the month until the date of the sulkha,
I did a lot of work to heal both, myself,
and those Succah friends, on whom I depended.

My dearest friends were Ezri & Hanni Alon,
my brave supporters, who stood up for me
in their institution: the Nature Reserves Authority.
Our personal friendship, developed in those 5 years,
included also their daughter Shakhaf, then 15 of age.
They were open to work it out with me
and in a 5 hour dialog I could heal the friendship.

And I had this enlightening talk with Natalie:

"Why didn't you come to me that evening!"

"I believed
that I wasn't important for you."

"How come?"

"When we planted the tree,
you said something so nice to Revital,
but not to me."

"Why didn't you tell me, that you were hurt!"

"I felt I was being ridiculous.
I felt I had no right to being hurt."

"Because of your denial of your pain,
I almost got killed, Natalie!

page 16

page 18


page 24


People whom I perceive as my natural peers & partners,
dreamers & pioneers, who work towards the same goal,
have time and again been my most fierceful adversaries.
Tears come to my eyes, when I see this idyll of 1991,
in front of the Abraham succah, after a festive dinner
which Ilan Dvir had asked me to prepare for his family.

Alt-Neu-Land page 35-36a

When the Sulkha drew near,
I met Ilan - by chance - riding on his horse in the desert.
Like Itai, Ilan had been searching for me for many hours.
He never liked me, to say the least, and I guessed his fury.
I still dared to approach him and invite him to the Sulkha.

"I'll never take part in such a circus", he scorned me,
and off his was with a herd of camels chasing behind.
And yet - a year later
he grudgingly let me park outside his farm for 7 weeks.

Next to Itai, who was downright hostile,
it was Renata, by whom I felt betrayed.

There had been such a deep bond between us,
forged in the Succah's times of trouble and woe.
In her first period of working in the Succah as a carpenter,
she wondered,

"I can't understand, why people are so triggered by you."
"Watch out"
, I smiled, "It may happen to you too."

During the 2 years of close cooperation
Renata alternated between her home and the Succah.
In summer 1994 she invited me to her daughter's wedding.
It may be possible that she even payed for part of the flight,
though I used the opportunity to also visit my children,
who were on a 2 year study leave in another US state.

The wedding was performed in Renata's garden.
I was given the task, usually given to a rabbi.
To make this really relevant for the couple,
I created the chance to talk with the bride.

I saw, that untruth had already crept into the relationship.
There was not anything spectacular, just little "things",
which every single lover on this planet chooses to deny.

I worked on my speech in writing.
It came out of me as if channeled.
I was scared,
but I hadn't come here all the way,
just to ornament the ceremony.
My speech was about

or the other way round:
no love without trust,
no trust without truth.

To not talk "about" and "from above",
I exposed my own self and my own life,
as I always do, thus always triggering.
I hinted at the truth-trust-love drama
which I myself was experiencing then.

This "personalization" of my message,
and even the message itself,
was throwing Renata into an abyss of shame.
How could I have been so unsensitive?

At first, my speech seemed to have "passed" alright.
The American "Nice-to-meet-you" smile prevailed.
It was only 2 days later that Renata blurted it out.
As long as it had taken her to be triggered by me,
as violently was she triggered now.
As much as she let me, I did the work of healing.
But nothing healed.

That trip to the USA also symbolized my lekh-lekhâ.
When I came back, I did not come back to the Succah.
I lived in my bus around the hill, and interfered NOT.

But once someone important came to see the Succah.

Since I was still a partner with Gady&Efrat in the company
which we had founded to realize the overall Desert Vision,
I was supposed and agreed to take this person around.
I think, he had to do with nature compatible toilets.

From this perspective I find it significant,
that it was my Rukhaara, my Spirit-Shit-toilet,
which provided a new and terrible trigger for Renata.
When we came to the vicinity of the Star-of-David structure,
it stank to heaven.
I flushed in shame.
There I had been talking to this person about the solution
I had found after 4 years,
a solution, which is far from satisfying,
but it's a step into the right direction, I said,
and now it was me, who was put to shame.

Though I didn't see this connection until this minute.

It stank to heaven.

The hard task of gathering the dry shit,
still performed by the hosts in the Succah today,
had been neglected.

I couldn't help confronting Renata with great anger.
Among the present workers gathered around Itai,
she was the one whom I held responsible.
"If you could not cope with it, you could have told me so.
Especially since you knew, this visitor would be coming."

It was the first time, as far as I remember,
that I screamed at Renata in anger.

Later that day or week I apologized.
I urged her to express her pain.
She could not.

It was only after my return from Egypt,
that she admitted to me, how much she had been hurt.
"But why couldn't you work it out with me!"
She was silent and I started to understand,
that the humiliation she had felt from my wedding speech

was still smoldering on like a covered-up fire on the earth,
which is not visible, but which doesn't let grow anything new.

Again we thought we healed it, but her pain smoldered on.
She judged herself and denied that she had not forgiven.
Her denial could have killed me then, in May 1995.
And it was to aggravate
the "Dalai Lama Drama" in Nov. 1998.

Thus is the devastating effect of denial in Creation.

Itai was a different story,
for he had never felt at ease with my very existence.
He who had declared:
"There will be no dealing with feelings in the Succah",
was triggered by my presence on the other side of the hill.

Now Jum'aa would sit with him for hours,
and so would Waleed,
a young Bedouin from around Beersheva,
who was everyone's friend in the Succah,
and who would conduct the Sulkha in Jum'aa's tent.

On the eve of the sulkha, Itai said to me:
"I'm succumbing to Jum'aa's pressure,
but that will change nothing between us."

Still the ancient institution had its effect.
We shook hands at the Sulkha,
and Itai said:
"We'll talk".
And when he came to see me in my tent abode,
which I called "King David's Harem",
he brought a beautiful piece of Indian fabric,
which hangs at present behind my double mattress.

He let me listen to all his difficulties with me.
There was a little healing, at least on my part.
And I bear no grudge against him since then.

And there was this encounter with Amitai, the ranger.

He had gone through much guilt, and even blame:
"You shouldn't have uprooted that tree yourself!"
was, what he heard from superiors and colleagues.
When I saw this in him, I felt nothing but compassion.
The more so, that I knew, he got cancer treatment.
A year later, while I was parking outside the Alpacca-farm,
at the time of my transition between the Negev and Sinai,
he followed my invitation to receive some tools,
which would help him in healing himself
There was true communication.

He got himself healed from the cancer,
only to crash to death with an aeroplane.


The background
of this sculpture is chosen
from a photo, Tomer
2002-12_28, when we visited the Succah.

   Towards the appointed time of the sulkha,
we meet by chance at the turn to the location of Jum'aa's camp,
with Waleed -left- with Itai - right - and Amitai must be imagined in the ranger's car

Jum'aa (right, talking to Moshe Klein) allowed his first wife, Hamdah, to be present at the Sulkha

Jum'aa and the young men of the family bring the food cooked by the women

It so happened, that I came to sit next to Itai


I wear a symbolic dress:
In 1979 I had a Palestinian friend, Leila, in England.
When she agreed to visit me and her home-country,
which she had never seen, since she fled as a child,
she took a piece of cloth, purchased by her in Lebanon,
and let a taylor make a dress for her Israeli friend.
Maya, Gadi's eldest daughter,
and then a neighbor and friend of Elah,
my eldest granddaughter,
took an active part in the gathering.
She reads a poem together with Shakhaf,
my closest friend among the "Aetgar"- Graduates

Waleed like Jum'aa greatly assists Itai in opening up

And so does David

And so does Efrat

Eight years later:
What have I "achieved" with my fight and my flight?
Except that it put an end to my work in Sinai,
after I had learnt what I had needed to learn?

Nothing at all with concern to my Desert Economy.
I'm not even sure if it made me or the others grow.
But one day I'll know,
why all of us had to have this intense experience

In any case, I'm grateful on this day, May 24, 2003,
that with this sculpture I could complete the healing
of what was left of the many pains,
triggered by a little Dafna tree.