The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

Teach me to be GRATe-FULL


A Song of Gratitude
for the tiniest experience
in every day life


Lea Goldberg

third stanza:

Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam
June 24, 1988
while parking with my bus
on a cliff above the Sea
south of Herzliya

Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam


Teach me, oh God, to bless and to pray
about the mystery of a withered leave,
about the luminosity of a ripe fruit
about this freedom - to see, to sense, to breathe,
to know, to yearn , to fail

Teach my lips blessing and song of praise
whenever your time renews itself, morning and night,
so that my day today
will not be like yesterday and the day before yesterday
so that my day will not be routine on me.

Teach me to smile, to laugh the laughter of Rachel
from within the love of who is a ray of God
See now - I am ready to weave as to unstitch
the tapestry of the first creation of light and shade.

A familiar performance of the familiar tune of Haim Barkani
is by Hava Alberstein
and another one by the same singer
on Holocaust Memorial, Poland, Nov. 16, 2008
[quoted also on one of my AUschwitz-BirkenAU pages]

A not less beautiful , but unfamiliar performance
is by Noa Bizanski to a tune by Sasha Argov Other performances of Barkani's tune: Ofra Haza , Esther Shamir

On Rosh-Hashanah 2011, my daughter Ronnit gave me this song...
On November 13, 2011 , I want to dedicate it to her in return....

I took this photo during the family togetherness on my birthday 2011



to former song to next song

2009_11_16-18 - Mika's Heaven on Earth

I follow my understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,
  that - after 7 years - I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages.

On August 1, I decided to re-employ song-page after song-page
for documenting and exploring
the evolution of my youngest grandchild,
a starchild whose assignment for this planet seems to be:
to demonstrate by her own living and doing,
how to playfully create from moment to moment

"zest-fully and full-filled"

[see previous composition]



A series of coincidences, triggers and their purpose

It was fixed, that I would arrive at Lod at 15:37,
which meant that I had to leave my home at 12:25,
if I wanted to jump into the Arad pool a second time,
before marching on to the 13:30 bus to Beersheva.

Since Immanuel and I had finished our remote-control work
on fixing technical problems on my computer only at 12:10,
and I still had to water my garden and pack my things,
I was very pressured and asked "on the inside":
'Should I postpone my journey for an hour or even more?'
After all, Immanuel has just informed me,
(the technical reason for the withdrawal from "My Desire" on Nov. 15-16)
that he wouldn't be able to fetch me from Lod train-station,
and that I would need to take a taxi.
The answer "on the inside" was, that I should hurry.
I managed to swirl around in the pool for 7 minutes only,
reached the bus and the train in time and arrived in time.

The photo through the dirty train windows hardly gives an idea of the breath-taking spectacle performed by sun and clouds,
while Brahms' 1st symphony played in my ears.

Now I was sitting in the taxi and the idea occurred to me:
'I could help Efrat by taking Mika from kindergarden.
After all she has returned from her 4 days in Thailand only in the early morning and gone straight to work.'

How strange,
that this very fact didn't lead me to the opposite conclusion:
'Since Imma hasn't seen Mika for 4 days,
she'll want to fetch her from kindergarden herself!
And since Mika hasn't seen Imma for 4 days,
she'll wait all day long for being fetched by Imma.

But as Efrat said later, after we had worked out our triggers:
"It all happened, so we'll have this conversation."

While in the taxi, I called Efrat ~~~ no answer.
After 5 minutes I sent her an SMS ~~~no answer.
[Later we found out,
that these attempts appeared on my phone, but NOT on Hers!]

Despite feeling ambivalent and even a bit scared,
I asked the driver to bring me to the kindergarden.

I cautiously entered the "afternoon-kindergarden"
with Ortal and Zippora and only a third of the morning-children present.
Once before I did this and Mika ran towards me and jumped on me, but not so this time.

She clearly saw me, but I didn't see her and asked: "Has Mika already been fetched?"
When she was pointed out to me and I was pointed out to her: "See your grandma!"
she looked at me (nothing in her face showed her deep disappointment) and said:

"Why hasn't Abba come!"

"Because he is busy!"

(he had told me, that he had an appointment with the lawyer of his dead father, that's why he couldn't fetch me.
Later it turned out, that he stayed home in order to sleep before flight after the intense days during Efrat's absence).

"Why hasn't Imma come!"

"She didn't answer my phone, so I came straight from the train to you!"

She digested this for a while, and then said into the total silence in the room :

"at .... klum! - You are .... nothing!"

It wouldn't have mattered to me, if we would have been alone with each other.
But in front of her mates and teachers I felt she had put me to shame.
I tried to play it down by asking in an amused voice:

"I am nothing?"

She didn't even relate by saying: Yes, you are nothing.
She simply repeated - seemingly emotion-less:

"at klum!"

Why had I attracted an asura?
And more important:
why had I created a situation, which sooner or later would make her feel guilty?
Or - as Efrat put it later, after she had scolded Mika harshly about her behavior-
"now she has got a "sritah" (a scratch, new Hebrew slang for "trauma")
and will be afraid of what to say to you!"

Something in her face here reminds me of little Christa (1941-42)

Out on the street she had forgotten about her disappointment.
She took my hand , and when we passed the entry to "Wadi-Park",
she even wanted me to go there.
"No, but Imma doesn't know, that we already left the kindergarden,
she is probably on her way here and we must not miss her!"

I still believed, that since Immanuel had taken the car to Tel-Aviv,
Efrat would need to walk by foot the 7 minutes - something she hates.
The problem was, that there was more than one track to reach home.
Mika insisted on a certain path, which misled us and I became afraid.
When she became tired etc., I took her on my arms - heavy as she is.
And then - in contrast to the lack of communication by phone -
a double little miracle,
we reached the road - though at the wrong end - just in time,
when Efrat - further above - was about to turn into it!
and --"by chance" looked into our direction and discerned us.

When we reached her, I was not spared her anger:
"But I, I wanted to fetch her from the kindergarden!"
Mika entered the car, I closed the door behind her and walked home alone.
Only after 10 minutes they came in:
"I'm not angry, only disappointed!" said Efrat gently.
She had needed those 10 minutes with Mika outside.

When I entered the house, I met my son!
He had not gone to Tel-Aviv and therefore the car was with Efrat.
My attempt to help, "to make it easy for people" was, as so often,
not only unnecessary, but downright NOT RIGHT!
He, too, let me feel, that he wasn't pleased with my "initiative"!

I felt terribly triggered,
not so much by the threefold rejection I had just experienced,
but by the fact, that my inner voice had mislead me.
Moreover - that I had decided against my own desire-
to take my time and - without pressure - enjoy the pool
and come an hour or even two hours later to my family.
This pattern of preferring what I BELIEVE to be another's need to my own need
will I ever get free from it?????

I am grate-full, that none of us could "control" our emotions,
and so we sat down, Efrat, Immanuel and I,
and despite Mika's protest, since she wanted to be the center,
and walked away angrily: "I'm going to my room!"
we did talk.

After everyone had said, why s/he had been triggered,
we came to point, as I saw it:
"Last time you doubted, Efrat, that I still wanted to come to you,
and be present with Mika and you, while Immanuel is on long flights!
The truth is, that I'm no longer as sure as I was, if I am really needed!
Couldn't it be, that you are now moving towards independence from me?"

Efrat found this "not to the point" at all, but brought up another issue.
"We already talked about it last time, when you said to Mika:
"I came especially for you!"

(meaning: "you should take advantage of the time we have together").

"I told you, that with such a sentence you educate her to please you!"

"Yes, I accepted that!
And I accepted that you advised me not to court her, but to let her court me."

"If so, nothing has changed:
As you said 3 years ago: "my room is always open.
I shall not initiate, but I shall always be available (lo yozemet, aval zminah)"

This is all what is needed, this is what makes us glad and feel whole."

In that minute Efrat had to go out , in order to bring Ronni, Mika's friend, in.
I used the time to make my son aware, how I had struggled with his sentence:
"(Perhaps this will be the beginning of a gradual process of liberation)" (Oct.24-25)
He was surprised!
I emphasized, that my desire was that Efrat may indeed become free from ME.
But since the manifestation of this desire meant my own liberation from Shoham,
I might make mistakes, as with this wrong timing of fetching Mika from kindergarden
I asked him to be aware of what needs to change and to tell me gently, but clearly
and in time!

When Efrat came back (and Ronni joined Mika, who had forgotten her anger, in her room)
and we once more thought of the strange coincidences during the last 5 hours, she said:
"It all needed to happen exactly like that,
so that we could have this talk together!"

For me there was an additional lesson:
Even if I for the umptiest time succumb to my "making it easy for people" pattern,
the mess which may result from this might be part of a staging,
which will advance awareness and communication of the actors in my drama...!





The next morning, before kindergarden

The present fashion
are 3 dimensional stickers,
which can be taken off
after they have been stuck on a surface.
But Mika and her friends
stuck the stickers in their albums
accidentally, without an idea behind it.

So I taught her
to create
a composition.
In Hebrew it's the same word,
and , of course, difficult to pronounce
for a little girl.
But she liked the word
and after trials and errors
she managed to use the term herself.

The first composition was a flower...



When she began
a composition with little bears,
I asked her:
"What is written here,
is LOVE in English!
What does LOVE mean?"

She was sure of her quick answer:

LEV in Hebrew means HEART!

The camera was still with me,
when I - as usual - accompanied Mika and her mother to the car - to kindergarden and job.
I made her laugh, when I took a picture through the rectangular hole in the seat in front of her.



After kindergarden Mika is keen on Imma's spending time with her.
the 4 days of Imma's absence (Thailand!) must be compensated for.

Later it was grandma's turn to enjoy Mika's creativity.
It began with a clothespeg, which she found in my room.
After some attempts to fasten different clothes together,
she despaired and demanded, that I invent something big.
So I invented "a tent" , into which she crept and played "horse".
Why "horse"? Because among the junk which I guard for her,
was also the broad round strip which I had cut from a blouse.
It was a perfect bridle, except that she didn't want to run around.
She wanted to lie in the closed tent (this is the only photo she allowed!),
cover herself with a "blanket" and let me sort-of cradle her in the bridle
- singing a primitive lullaby, which came to my tongue and lips just then.


When this experience was exhausted
(a pity, that the loveliest creations can never be documented, since I am a part of the interactive creativity...),
Mika was again with Imma until the time came to shower.
In the meanwhile I sat at the piano and played simple pieces.
Both Mika and Efrat were "enchanted" , and after the shower danced to the music.

This is the first time, that I could overcome my resistence to playing again.
The last time I tried, was with some difficult Bach music and Efrat complained:
"Finally you play, but why something so heavy . Play something light!"
So, since Mika no longer wants me present when she eats her cereals,
which is good, since she then concentrates and doesn't need to be reminded to eat,
I continued with the "concert" the next morning. She seemed to like it...

By the way , the wall behind me is of the same red color as was the wall in my home at Modi'in (2001-2004),
but also the same color as my husband and I had decided on, when we enlarged our house at Ramat-Hadar in 1966.
And it was the piano (which my husband agreed to acquire after 10 years of our marriage), which came to stand in front of the red wall.
Immanuel can live with this wall in Shoham only, because Efrat discovered a pretty picture to be applied directly to the wall.

[See the coincidence with the Red Wall on November 23 on the following page!]





The next morning, November 18, 2009, I found a surprise in my mail-box:
Haim Saban sat in his cockpick, while Immanuel was not on duty and free.
Will this lead towards the manifestation of "My Desire"on October 15-16?
October 15-16, 2009, Friday, Shoham

Desire that "MIKARO" may manifest
An Empire for advancing Self-Love

I am afraid, that by praising my son for listening to this "coincidence"
I might drag him into my old trap of the "tragic, pathetic Petitioner"!
So, if nothing else, this is a chance for releasing a pain-based belief!
See how I sculpted today's "DESIRE"!~~~~ November 18, 2009!

From: Haim Saban []
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 11:40 PM
To: Emanuel Rosenzweig (Mikaro)
Subject: RE: Mikaro - BE YOUR SELF. CREATE!

I like the broad idea,
but I believe that there are multiple sites out there in that general area.
I would need to know a lot more, share w/my machers in this area
before I express a final view, so let’s reconnect once you’re ready.
Tx for hosting me in the cockpit today ,vekol tov [Hebrew: all the best].

Emanuel Rosenzweig to Haim

Wow, you are fast.

Yes, there are multiple sites (actually – thousands).
But even if I take the 10 best sites (according to my judgment)
– not even one is close to the description I wrote.

And of course – there is marketing (!).
Ask ANYBODY where can they buy a book online – most of them will say Amazon (though there are so many other online stores).
Will you get so clear and cut answer in our case?
In the US, Germany, France and Japan as well? I doubt.
Having multiple sites, dealing with crafting how-to, is good for us.
It means that there is a potential. Huge one.
We "JUST" have to do it better, and put the right weight on marketing.

I'm not arguing with you, just emphasizing.

I'll work on my presentation and structure the numbers, then reconnect.
Of course, I'm always ready to answer any question.

Thanks (and of course, you are always welcome to our cockpit, though we fly through the turbulences, not above:-).


On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 11:30 PM,
Emanuel Rosenzweig (Mikaro)
wrote to Haim Saban, a man of power-money-honor:

Dear Haim,
When you told us a little about your family, about the different ambitions, the different interests, about the artists and the business oriented family members, I thought: this is interesting. Though I'm not fully ready to spread the word, this is an opportunity I have to catch.

Entering the door you opened, I'll describe a vision I'm already working on.
I'll try to write it as short as possible, hoping it will be clear enough to give an opinion on and intrigue enough to hear more.

I'll describe three aspects:

(1) The Mikaro vision (from the pilot point of view)
(2) The playground I want to base my vision on (I always land back on the ground)
(3) Some marketing directions - more as a teaser, less as a strategic plan.

The vision of Mikaro
Mikaro's website will be the first choice for any creator or crafter,
who is looking for guidance, training, how-to instructions.

    •   The first - like Amazon is for book (and more) purchase. Like e-bay is for 2nd hand bizarre stuff.

     •  The first in any country around the globe, in any major language.


The playground


Though there are thousands of websites around the internet, which teach how-to, and countless books, not talking about TV shows - yet, it is really difficult to find good explanations, specially in video, with companion printable materials.
Once you find one (yes, there are a few), you are limited to one subject, one interest. And if you find a site with a variety of creation fields - then the explanations are poor, not consistent.
If you were lucky and found something relevant and doable for you, then finding the tools and materials is difficult and sometimes even impossible.

On the other hand - creation is in our soul. No matter how old we are - children or elderly. Creation is part of beliefs, culture, personal development, therapy - and yes - fun! A lot of fun!. Creation builds self-esteem, respect, satisfaction. The feeling of fulfillment.

Rapid leafing through relevant mailing lists and search keywords - reveals a map of millions over millions of people, all over the world, looking for instructions, inspiration, communication in the community, materials and tools - all for the matter of creation in general, or specifically crafting.

Marketing direction

   • Mikaro will be a subscription website (it is part of the business model and major factor of positioning).

   •  It will include a very wide range of creation fields and a continually growing number of projects to choose from.

  • The methodology will be consistent. You experienced one project (and enjoyed!), you can be sure that the next one will be as good as the last one. (The source of knowledge will be creators from all over the world, but the templates and processing will be in Mikaro).

 • Every project will be instructed using video, step by step, no shortcuts. Printed material (template, stencil etc.) will be provided along side printed instructions.
Even if the user won't create anything, it will be really fun just to watch the videos. Like using cooking books (usually the reader reads it all, looking at the photos, but cook 3-4 recipes).

   • The interface will be very clean, wisely lay-outed, focused on training needs only. No banners and ADs.

   • The interface will be very clean, wisely lay-outed, focused on training needs only. No banners and ADs.

   • The first phase will be in English, but other phases will include translation of every piece of audio and text to other languages (this will be followed by dedicated campaigns in the relevant countries)

    • Each project will lead the user to a shopping list of tools and materials. The user will be able to choose between printing the list for outdoor shopping, or online purchase through Mikaro.

   • Around the creation, a community with personal aspects will be developed, so users won't share the user-name and password easily base on that there will be some different models of subscription:

         ° Per project pay (no subscription)     

         °  Single subscription (different levels of payment)

         ° Family subscription (the family members will get a notice before the birthday of other members,            or any other event, with a list of projects they can create as a present)      

         ° Institutional subscription. For example:

                ~ Hospitals
                ~Elderly institutions
                ~Community centers
                ~Kindergarten networks

I appreciate the time you spent on reading this brief description. My intuition said it might be interesting for you, so I dared asking for your opinion.
Of course, there is so much more behind the scene. A philosophy, experience, life time, people involved. There are much more details above this introduction.
If and when the time will get there, I'll share.

Please let me know what is your first impression. From your guts feeling. You have strong, proved business intuition which is interesting me a lot.
Then, any feedback will be appreciated.
And please - be direct. Don't spare my ego :-)

I'm not ready for fund raising yet, so this is not the issue at the moment. We are still working on strengthening the strategy, the business model(s) and a building the mockup of the site and the training template.
But if you have future good directions, I'll be happy to hear about them.

Thank you very much and I hope this will have a continuation,

What I learnt about Haim Saban, 

You said once that you are a one-note person, and that note is Israel. Why?

"You can't explain love."

It's really love?
"More than love. Passion. A love that is passion."

Please explain.
"When we approach Israel
I always ask the pilots of my plane to let me sit in the chair between them.
We don't play 'Heveinu Shalom Aleichem,'
but when I see the coast coming up my heart starts to go boom, boom, boom."

Is Israel also part of your everyday life here, in Los Angeles?
"At 9 A.M. I start with London and Kirschenbaum [Channel 10's evening current events program].
After that, throughout the day,
if I see something about Israel on one of the four channels that are always on in my office, on mute,
I immediately turn on the sound.
And I have Israeli music on my computer, classics and contemporary singers, too."

I read about the event, from which Saban came to my son's cockpit:
but I couldn't find anything about the "Saban Forum"
or as he called it: the "Saban Conference for Peace",
which he, as he wrote, organized in Israel for the 7th time.

I also read about Saban's three loves:
Israel, The Democratic Party in the US, medical philanthropy

ON one site

I saw a very moving photo of Saban with the following text:

Haim Saban (born 15 October 1944 in Alexandria, Egypt) is a television and media proprietor.
With an estimated net worth of 2.8 billion USD, he is ranked by Forbes as the 102nd richest person in America.

"I\'m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel."

"Saban is that most dangerous of persons, a billionaire ignoramus and fanatic with enormous political influence."

As to the Haim Saban website
- I am impressed with Saban's team,
which -according to the looks of its members - also includes an Afro-American and a Far-East person.
About Saban it is said:

"Mr. Saban's passionate devotion to the philanthropic and political arenas reflects both
his wide breadth of interests
and his commitment to a strong relationship between the United States and Israel.

Mr. Saban and his wife Cheryl started the Saban Family Foundation in 1999,
which supports medical, children's and education programs,
including the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Soroka Children's Hospital in Israel, .....
The Saban Family is on BusinessWeek's list of the 50 most generous philanthropists in the US.

In 2002, Mr. Saban founded the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution
and he currently chairs its International Advisory Council."

After about 7 hours I was ready to answer my son
attaching a photo of the sculpture of today's DESIRE
November 18, 2009 - 3 PM, Israel

The most important sentence in Immanuel's letter to us, is:
"In any case, even if nothing will come out of this directly,
this is the first time, that I phrased something clear & short,
while an influential person was the point of perspective.

This in itself is very important for me!"


My computer in my room inside - for seven hours
in order to create on this page with Lea Goldberg's song.
The pretty view through the window was worth a photo!

Efrat with her laptop outside - for a few minutes only
in order to send me 3 files about Levi's success in the US
(see my desire for Levi's 47th birthday tomorrow: Nov. 19, 2009)

The view behind Efrat is gorgeous at this late afternoon hour today



Again (see on Nov. 11) in the circle of creation for parents and kids - with Dalit , the teacher (standing)

Daughter and mother create separately
a chain of beads and a sculpture of papier-mâché,
but while daughter is absorbed by threading the beads,
mother is involved with the other parents
in a lively discussion
about the quality of the Democratic School at Shoham.

I myself, after having polished last week's earthen fairy
(it now has to be burnt, then painted and burnt again),
responded to Efrat's quest
to form 47 little balls for holding candles,
which she later wants to combine to a heart
for Immanuel's 47th birthday in 2 months.

On our way home:
The same perspective of last morning:
through the rectangular hole in the seat in front of her.
But Mika is tired now
(she also got the second shot against influenza today!)
and we both listen to a fantastic audio about Cinderella,
while Imma gets chips and falaffel balls for us to eat.

Continuation of Mika's "Heaven-on-Earth" , in November 2009, on the Song page of January 27, 2007

