The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



-Scroll down - to read the inserts which exemplify
My study and application of "Abraham/Hick's" teachings

about learning "Good-Feeling-Thoughts
from October 16-31, 2009
continuation of the first inserts from October 1-16, 2009 in "I honor all their experiences"


The background of this page is a painting by Dita Liron , Rafael's daughter, my stepdaughter

EARTH-DIRECTED ERUPTION: On Saturday, Oct. 17th, 2009
a spotless active region in the sun's southern hemisphere erupted,
hurling a faint coronal mass ejection (CME) in the general direction of Earth.
SOHO's extreme UV telescope recorded this movie of the blast


I'm rereading about "The Mother's Eruption" on 2006_06_03, after I learnt a new terrible fact about
the mutilation of female genitals, committed on 3 000 000 women in the world per year:
The babies of these women have a 50% greater chance to be born dead than the babies of other women.

From the fifth book of the series "Right Use of Will"

Vibrating Heartlessness to let Heart in



















"And God said: Let there be light" [Bible, Genesis 1,3] from "The Family of Man" Exhibition New York 1955

p 85

"... I felt a creeping self-loathing for the wrong that I felt was in Me...

... It seemed to me like your Father went into a huddle with Heart and shut Me out.
In so many ways, I felt so unwanted and so alone.
The more I approached Him without feeling received,
the more unattractive and undesirable I felt
and the more my self-loathing grew. ...

"I am alone with the beating of my heart" [Lui Chi]
also from "The Family of Man" , one of the few books I kept through all my wanderings since then.

In 1955 this was "the greatest photographic exhibition of all time - 503 pictures from 68 countries".

I tried everything to find a way to include Myself.
After all, your Father said He wasn't excluding Me.
He said I was excluding myself.
But, when I did try to come in, I had to do it on His terms.
This felt very limiting to Me.
I liked many of His visions, they were pretty,
but they were too dry or maybe too mental for Me.
I did not know how to explain it to Him at the time, but now I would say
they were lacking in emotional content and I needed emotional content
p 86
to keep Me interested and make Me feel comfortable.

Being invited into His mind, in those days,
was sort of like going into a museum
where there were many fascinating things,
but I wasn't supposed to make noise
and I wasn't supposed to touch or move anything,
let alone dance around and play with any of it.

I thought He was much too serious
and that He didn't take Me seriously enough
to think I had any input of value. ...

Sometimes I got angry and I developed angry speeches inside of Myself...

Packing these speeches as ammunition,
I sometimes went to try to confront Him,
but... when your Father asked Me
what was so important that I had come and disturbed Him this way,
I would feel clammy and shaky as I tried to think of what to say.
The words wouldn't come out the way I'd rehearsed them;
I would even stammer and be unable to say anything that I meant.
...I would feel unequal and weak, like I didn't belong there.
No matter what I tried to say, He would ... reason its validity away.
I would hang My head in shame, feel wrong and go away.

I had a miserable self-image already...

... I couldn't understand
why My feelings were making everyone want to abandon Me
instead of wanting to understand and include Me the way I wanted to be,
so that I wouldn't have to feel this way.

... After He took Heart in,
I wondered what I was even doing there hanging around the edges
hoping for little bits and pieces of what, I didn't know;
I just felt like I couldn't live without your Father's Light.
I wanted Him to love Me and take Me in.
My neediness had shame in it
that I was a broken-hearted beggar woman:
a cast off, sickly hag,
and no matter how My pride shored Me up and made Me say
that I was a desirable woman your Father would be a fool to cast away,
My fears persisted that the truth was not that way; ...

I didn't know what to say or what view to take.
My feelings were always the most real to Me,
but how could I go by them
when they were a sea of confusion sending mixed messages to Me?

how could I be sending anything but mixed messages to your Father and to Heart?
Even if I knew in most of Me what I wanted,
the rest of Me still undermined My certainty.
What was love?
how did it feel?
Did I love?
Did I love incestuously?
Did I love narcissistically?
Was love possessive or was it supposed to be free?
Did I love only when the object of My love was pleasing Me?

I did not know then
I could have solved a lot of these problems
by just moving My rage and terror.

I was too afraid of your Father
to move anything more than a little grief.
It seemed impossible
that your Father would have received anything more.
No matter how loving your Father appeared to be,
I knew at the feeling level
when my expression was too much for him.
I could feel Him pull away
even when it was imperceptible to Him
and He claimed He was not doing it.

had Me fearing for a long time
that I was paranoid,
but I was not.
The Will can feel this;
infants can feel this.

Mosts problems have arisen
because the Will needs acceptance it is not getting.

When the pressure in the Will has become greater
than the fear of the pressure against it,

the Will has burst forth.


The repression
[i.e. our pattern or imprint of suppressing undisirable feelings, urges or memories]

falls back then, overwhelmed,
but overwhelmed only for as long as it takes to build enough forces
to pressure the Will back down again.

Unfortunately, when repression of the Will has felt overwhelmed,
there has often been gapping and the use of unloving forces.
This has happened repeatedly
because no real relationship has been established
between Spirit and Will in these areas.

From the beginning with your Father,
all My actions were colored by held emotion.
Although I had a sense of this,
even a strong sense at times,
I could not see it very clearly
because I had no situation without held emotion
to show Me how it could be any different.

When going ahead with action didn't bring Me the experiences I wanted,
I tried not to move again.

When emotional expression did not bring Me a feeling of acceptance,
I tried not to move again.

I usually didn't move again until I couldn't hold back anymore.
My situation was preventing Me from seeing any other options.

I was manifesting the extremes

that the presence of a gap always manifests.

I've been doing this forever, until now,
I'm not sure where balance is,
except that I feel like I will know it when I get there.


We had many gaps in Us from the beginning.
The Four of Us were as gapped from One another
as a leaky ship that has been hit by cannon fire.
We weren't very sea worthy, and therefore,
We unfolded a very gapped Creation.
It does not matter what the vision was;
Creation never reached it.

At the time,
We all thought We were just holding back
what did not seem loving in Ourselves
in order to be more loving.

By the time I noticed Heart absenting Himself from Me most of the time,
He was with His Father more.
Since Heart's absence was so instrumental in the gaps that were being formed,
I would like God to tell you about this
because He has more understanding of what was happening with Heart here.



Heart was a problem from the moment of His emergence,
but We hid this as much as We could in favor of the love that was felt there.
How could We make a new presence feel unwelcome right away
by flying into a fight over all of Our unresolved problems about relationships?

Although We had been calling for help,
We did not know what form it would take.
The form of another manifestation
was not really expected other than that the Mother had felt a growing fullness within Her
and did not seem to be able to expand enough to contain it.
The Mother at first thought She had failed Me when Heart popped out

I knew that We had been calling for something
to bond the love We had found between Us,
We did not think that this help would manifest as a presence
that would place itself between Us.
The Mother, at first, drew back in fear
that this presence was going to separate Us somehow.

You need to notice how,
in spite of Our best intentions
to focus on the loving feelings We were also getting from Heart here,

these impressions imprinted in us faster than our thought processes could even realize it was happening

until later when We looked back at it.

This is an important understanding to have...
feelings being allowed to have spontaneous movement in the moment as much as possible.

The fact that this has not happened
is largely the result of judgment of this as an unloving thing to have happening.
The judgments
against this,
along with the imprints which have been left in places because of this,
have had the combined result of no spontaneity left in people at all.

This is the stuff that gaps are made of,
and not something that is going to be reversed easily
because of the many imprints with massive conditioning piled on top that say
spontaneous expression of feelings is unloving and an impossible way to proceed.

As the cosmic balancing principles
always have a turn-around point
when imbalance goes too far,
soon it will be impossible to proceed
without allowing emotional expression.

As you have seen in the micro what happens
when some people cannot hold back their emotions anymore,
so you will soon see in the macro
if no other way is found
to relieve the pressure in the emotional body.

It would be best for so many reasons
if this correction of serious imbalances
were to be sought willingly
in the presence of love, acceptance and understanding,
because healing found in balance is needed more
than another pendulum swing."









I had just read this again,
when I came across a diary entry dated Sept. 6, 1978.
After having returned - with Ronnit, my 13 year old daughter - from England,
where we had taken part in an international workshop of Re-evaluation Counseling with Harvey Jackins,
[please search for it with the help of a search-engine]
I sometimes chose to write in English.


"Half an hour later - what a flood of pain and despair!

"Nobody was available - so I wrote a letter to be thrown away, because they are feelings, not reality.
But some of the insights, or better; the reinforcement of former insights I want to remember

"The pretext for Rafael's torrent of abuses and threats was,
that I had defended Ronnit [ my daughter, then 13 years old],
when he was adding blame to pain,
pain because of the flat tyre of her bike every other day...

"Still, I must stop defending the children in their father's presence.
Today I'll have a thorough talk with them about the necessity of my siding with him in his presence .
I'll take care of their feelings afterwards.

"I'll tell them that this is not a correct way of interrupting oppression.
You should not let the oppressor get away with his abuses.
But the way of freeing Rafael from his own hurts is not by blaming him,
and my defending Ronnit was understood by him as a terrible blame,
another "blow" to him.

"You know that in my eyes RC Oppression Theory is still in its infancy.
Harvey's story about interrupting oppression included the putting down -- the blaming of the oppressor.
The idea of "Partnership" started with the insight, that this was perpetuating oppression, not stopping it.

"In the case of Rafael my whole life with him, especially since this summer in England
is an attempt to free him from the hurts which cause him to be so terribly irrational.
I can't counsel him in the traditional way,
not even outside a formal set-up,
because my rationality upsets him more than anything else.
So a way of broaching the thick wall is
- to initiate discussions with him on an intellectual level,
especially about applications of RC.
I play the game of discussing and respond to his need for "counter-pressure"
and still try to counsel him in the most careful way I can think of.

"It's tremendously difficult and exhausting
because if I "really" discuss, he gets mad:
"You always have to be right."

But if I try to reformulate my statements in order to communicate with him, he says:
"You're a lyer!
like chewing gum - whenever you feel opposition,
you draw back and say something else."

"Still, till this morning I felt there was some progress.
He was less sunk in his boredom and deterioration of awareness and spirit.
He actually enjoyed the discussions intellectually,
and the last discussion even ended with a sort of "talk",
because I told him an example of "stopping oppression",
which a girl in the workshop of Um-el-Fahem [a big Arab village in Israel] had told,
and he proved to me, that the example did not fit at all.
Since he was absolutely right,
I could whole-heartedly say so
and this time, he didn't say that I was lying.
He was glad he was smarter than me.

"It now seems,
that what I've built up in a week with so much pain and labour,
is again destroyed
and the lump of pain and fear
("I know how it will end" - meaning that I'll leave and the children will leave him too,
and of course, he attracted what he feared - 2 years later...)
that clogs his brain,
has become even bigger.

"I'm writing but not discharging.
Sometimes I wonder why I have to invest so much energy in one human being,
knowing that it's not me who can really help him.
My very existence is so restimulating to him,
[today I would say: "triggering" him]
that all the effects of my counseling attitude
(and I had this in a way from the start
only that today it's rational and I'm not paying so high a price for it as I did before)
evaporate like a drop on a hot stone.

"I know that I've to build a support-group around us, which will include him in the end .
Maybe one of my co-counselors , whom I started training, will be able to break the ice some day.
But I have to go on - counseling him in the most careful way,
having no model whatsoever.
Because - because there is this commitment "till death will us part",
and my commitment to the children, that this is and will always be true,
because of the fact that we went through so much suffering before we could finally be together,
and because of the great love which had bound us together for at least 10 years
(though he wasn't less abusive during that time)
and most of all- because I always was able to separate his humanness from his patterns,
and if I would leave him, he would be left to his destructive patterns forever.
And there is that deep Jewish wisdom-
the core of Jewish knowledge about the law of mutual depending and mutual responsibility
"whoever keeps alive one soul , is, as if he kept alive a full world,
and whoever looses one soul, is, as if he lost a full world."

"It is this one soul I have to fight for the liberation of its humanness.
It always has been the test of everything I did with other people,
in the wide world.
And it's so much easier now, that I have the tools
and that I know, it's not my fault, as I thought in the past,
and most of all, that I'm loved and validated by other people.

I am not alone in my combat, fight and struggle for Rafael.


"Then I went out into my neglected garden und picked the few roses left,
made myself a cup of coffee, got a piece of cake and sat down again -
pushing away the pressure of so many things that have to be done today...
and then finally the tears came.
I even got myself a pillow and cried and talked for a long time.
Finally I heard you talking to me through my own voice:
"You've all the time in the world, Rachel.
Rafael is your test case.
Israel can wait.
Rafael    i s    Israel."

"I know now, that it is right and it always has been right -
the way I loved Rafael, suffered from him
and fought for the liberation of his humanness,
was right,
however frustrating, exhausting, time- and energy consuming,
eating up my love to a great extent.

"I did this right from the beginning not only for him , but because he   i s    Israel.

[Some hours later I report - in Hebrew - what happened next]
"Ofra (a friend) came for an hour
and I talked with the children, together, and with each one separately,
and then with Yanina (my best friend) for half an hour.
It is clear to me, that I'll never be able to conquer this fortress alone.
It is a paradox like:
"Can God make a stone so heavy, that he cannot lift it?"
For it is my very being, "I", which will always restimulate him.
Immanuel [age 15] reminded me,
that Joel [his stepbrother] was the only one, whom Rafael respected
Perhaps I could win him over....

"At 9 PM Rafael called from "Ha-Goshrim":
"I want to ask forgiveness for what happened this morning,
and please tell Ronnit, that she is not a monster."

I said:
"Tell her this yourself, please
and he told her, and Ronnit made it very easy for him.
For she had already decided - following our talk - to give him a hug when he would come home."

I cannot spell out the connection between the Mother's Monologue about what makes her erupt violently
and my husband's terrible plight of having felt "invalidated by my very presence",
a sentence said by a visitor in our house in 1980, which finally caused my love for him to leave him.
See also: pp1b , sculpted after Rafael's death, December 2001.

I simply observe the coincidence between having opened this page for the first time since I created it,
and my "accidental" glance on that diary entry.

[Read again on November 1, 2011]


I follow my understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,
  that - after 7 years - I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages.

My study and application of "Abraham/Hick's" teachings

about learning "Good-Feeling-Thoughts
continuation of the inserts
from October 1-16, 2009 in "I honor all their experiences"


My daily desire
sculpted in Hebrew and in English, emphasized by one image;
sometimes enriched by a relevant bio-story and by that day's Abraham-quote


October 17, evening – October 18, morning, Sunday, 2009
at Shoham with Efrat and Mika


My desire is that in our togetherness tomorrow
my brother-peer will have all the stage,
and that I'll finally catch and internalize
that in my pursuit of equality between us
I'm like the rabbit, which in the race with the turtle always lost,
for when it reached the target at one end, the turtle had preceded it,
and when it ran to the other end, the turtle was already there.
One one end turtle-he placed itself, on the other end –turtle-she…

4 days ago, Ya'acov drove with me to fetch Mika from "Orchid Kindergarden"
and let her push the button for making his wheelchair descend from the car.
See more pictures in Mika's "Heaven-on-Earth"





October 18, evening – October 19, morning, Monday, 2009
at Shoham with Efrat and Mika

(after my brother-peer helped me to "purify" and accentuate yesterday's desire:)


My desire is to internalize
that "Equality in Self-Esteem" between me and my brother-peer
is based
  on similarity between us  regarding the frequency of feeling and spirit,
& on contrast between us regarding kind and weight of life experience.

Last morning, as often before kindergarden, Mika came into my room/her drawing study.
"This is a pirate, and this too, and this is a boat, and these are seats for the people".
Then she drew 2 children, and when she began to draw a third one in between, she said:
"The legs of this child are asleep - look, I'm drawing its legs!"
I couldn't help exclaiming; "Like Ya'acov's legs?"
It must have hit her, what she has not integrated from that encounter with Ya'acov:
"I said: the child is asleep!"
I was stupid enough to insist: "No, you said, the legs of the child are asleep!"
She stopped drawing altogether....
picked up a tiny doll from the desk, intending a role-play, and told me, what my part was...



October 19, evening – October 20, morning, Tuesday, 2009
from Shoham with Efrat and Mika and 1 hr with Immanuel - to my home in Arad


My desire is that tomorrow when hitchhiking home to Arad,
I can make drivers who feel "unworthy and without meaning"
to align with their Source who knows "I am worthy~~ I love myself~~
I'm looking at every moment for what lets me feel good about myself."

On this photo, taken recently on Rosh Hashanah, it is not a foreign driver,
who is viewing "my" Highway 6-South, while driving across a bridge,
but my son, with whom I do the same work, only much more cautiously...

Noted the next day:
Usually I don't follow up on how or if my daily desire is becoming fulfilled.
Though there are striking assertions of the "effectiveness" of this "method",
I am still very much in the beginning of understanding Abraham's message.
But the hiking experience was so great, that I must report on it.

Dov, the Interior Designer,
I wasn't pleased with the fact, that his job on this day would be
at a Jewish settlement in Palestine, in the house of an Anglo-Saxon family.
But I chose to praise him for having chosen such a satisfying profession.
"The art of it is satisfying, yes, but the people I have to deal with..."
"Perhaps they argue with you about what they want and don't want,
because devicing a house is a rare chance to let out their creativity"
"This would be fine,
but my clients throw bombs or shit at me, always knowing better

and he came down with an avalanche of complaints against Israeli Jews.
This would be a good day, because his clients were polite Anglo-Saxons!
This example of "good" clients gave me the idea for my fervent advice:
"Whenever cursing thoughts pollute your mind and soul,
you will focus on the desire to attract the kind of clients,
with whom to work will be fun and full-fill-ment for you."

He came with the argument, that then he wouldn't make a living.
I became even more ardent in my words and facial movements:
"Dov, this is why you met me!(one doesn't just meet ME!:
from now on you will focus on the desire to attract the kind of clients,
with whom to work will be fun, and the money you'll need will come!"
With this expressed desire of mine I got out of Dov's car, leaving him gasping!

Shlomit Schweitzer from Lod, working for the NGO Yad Sarah
As if I had deserved a price, my next two drivers were happy with their work.
When on that Highway fork a car stopped, I opened the door by exclaiming:
"how wonderful - a woman! [out of 10 drivers who pick me up only one is a woman!]
and a religious woman!"

She smiled and then confessed:

"On the previous fork- to Jerusalem- I saw you, a white-haired woman,
and since I work with old people, among them many with Altzheimer,
I reported to the police......................., but now a see, you are young."
"But if you went to Jerusalem, how come you find me again on this fork?"
"I only had to take equipment from someone not far on that other road,
but I'm headed to Beersheva - I work for "Yad Sarah" as you can see."
How strange, that she had to meet me twice, and this in order to be praised!!!
For the kind of work she does - and what she radiates! - is exalting my heart!
Yad Sarah is known for the equipment it lends out, like a stick to me in Jan.2006,
but the main work, according to Shlomit, is the interaction with people in need.
"I'm in love with the population of the elderly!" exclaimed Shlomit.
There are volunteers who visit an aged or handicapped person once a week.
Shlomit works with the coordinators of the volunteers!
"In your town Arad there is a wonderful coordinator, Maya Simchi!"
I had told her of my desire concerning Tzippi's mother (see Desire Oct. 9-10)
so when I got out at Lehavim, she gave me Maya's phone as well as her own.

The farmer from the religious Kibbutz Alumim
This time I had to walk for half an hour,
and since it was not a highway, and walking allowed, I was enjoying it.
My driver was a quiete man of 63, with a wrinkled, sunburnt face.
First I learnt something from him about agricultural premises in Israel.
"Alumim" made a deal with a neighboring Kibbutz, Shomria, concerning water.
["Following the implementation of the Gaza disengagement plan,
60 families from the former settlement of Bnei Atzmon moved to Shomria"]

I asked,
"why did you need more water than is allotted to you?"
"Because of our appetite!" he said. Was it meant to be cynical?
So Alumim was given a piece of land near Omer, which "belongs" to Shomriya.
On that land - far from Alumim- my driver's kibbutz grows carrots,
and he was on his way to check, how the newly sown plants were doing.
"You seem to love your work!" I ventured. "Yes!" he said strongly.
"I don't think one can work in agriculture,
with all the hazards and difficulties
if one doesn't love working the soil."





October 20, evening – October 21, morning, Wednesday, 2009
at Arad , alone in my castle, with the "surprise"
that my desire (tshuqati) on Oct.10-11,
that the cockroaches (tshuqim) will find their 'right place '
still waits to be fulfilled:

During my absence from the newly painted, sprayed and ordered house
the cockroaches had celebrated and multiplied almost more than before.


This time my extermination of the cockroaches was sharp and accurate
though " even before Abraham" I knew that "what you resist, persists".
My   d e s i r e   i s   t o   u n d e r s t a n d ,
a) Did the cockroaches stay because they have a message for me?
b) Is there a symbolic connection between the cockroaches in my personal life
and the sequence of events in my personal life since October 7,
which bring up my grief about the extermination of human beings
as if they had been cockroaches ?

In addition to some 50 alive insects I found these "ashes" on the clean board under the sink

Again I emptied the cupboards under and next to the sink, but this time sprayed 3 times
with a much stronger "exterminator of cockroaches" than on October 8
and let the ventilator run with full power for 18 hours, before I put the things back.

Today's e-mail quote - Abraham 2003

You're always getting a perfect vibrational match
to what you predominantly give your attention to.
But you've got to make the best of it.
You've got to vibrate slightly different from where you are
if you are going to improve where you are.
You can't keep taking score of where ... your relationship is, or your body is, without continuing to create it as it is.
To make improvement, you've got to reach for a different thought.






October 21, evening – October 22, morning, Thursday, 2009
at Arad , alone in my castle


My desire is to be an INSPIRATION for my daughter-in-love who always sees black
to become more aware of her choice ~ to replace a black prophecy
by "
a loving-feeling-thought" ,
like a thanksgiving
or an appreciation,
which will bring her closer to what she wants & remove her from what she doesn't.

This composition of "the family around Mika" (2008) includes photos of Immanuel and Efrat,
which they found no longer fitting, when they moved flat. So they took new shots of each other,
which my pilot-son - when now in Bangkok - had let make into this kind of images, as in 2008.
but alas, Efrat's photo (here also in the wrong place, looking up to her stepson instead to Mika!)
was "dark" - which in my eyes added a pretty contrast to the composition, but only in my eyes..






October 22, evening – October 23, morning, Friday, 2009
at Arad , alone in my castle

Today Micha sent an e-mail to all family members, announcing
that he resigned from his frustrating job at "Applied Materials",
and that he will take a break after 14 years of intense work.
He closes with the words, which he repeated when I called him:

"I'm looking forward with curiosity and optimism,
to see how I'll cope with inaction and new possibilities."


After the first part of my desire on September 20 has been fulfilled,
I repeat - today - the second part of that desire
that following the "lekh-lekha" from the high-tech world,
Micha , my younger son, will find his way
to fieldwork in the desert as he yearns to,
work which will give him zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment


When pondering, what picture of "Micha in the Desert" to choose,
I was stunned by the similarity between
"Micha driving my jeep to Succah in the Desert" in winter 1989-1990,
and the image, which I had chosen for October 19-20, 3 days ago:
"Micha viewing "my" Highway 6-South from a bridge"......
I bought that old jeep exactly 20 years ago, and Micha, then 23, gave me some tips....

When I tried to fall asleep at night ,
I pulled out one of my old paper cutting from the box next to my bed.
It was from "Living with Joy", a book given to me in 1993.
How surprised I was to read a teaching similar to that of "Abraham":

p 167: "So you will want to make a decision, as you take a quantum leap,
to follow your inner guidance,
the inner urges of your feeling level,
of your soul.
There are two levels of reality.
In one your mind puts out a goal,
is very clear in its intent,
makes the decision to have it,
and commits your will.
The second level is the soul level;
from it the higher self goes out in all directions
and magnetizes you to the coincidences, people and events
that create what you want.
This happens beyond the level of the mind;
you must follow your inner urgings and guidance to join this flow.

[see continuation tomorrow - below]

I glanced, only glanced at the website of "Living with Joy"
and that's what I read:
You are seeding the world
with new thoughtforms

Joy is an attitude.
It is the presence of love for self and others

Imagine yourself as part of a larger group,
all coming together to explore consciousness,
to seed the universe with the new ideas that are coming.
These ideas are beliefs that the universe is friendly,
that it is abundant,
and that you can live in a state of joy and love.
As you contribute your higher thoughts
to the "general atmosphere,"
you are creating ideas
that will assist others in loving themselves more.

The 4th season of Alon Gal's Reality Show Mishpakhah khoreget demonstrates as the last season (see my letter to Alon Gal in Dec. 2008)
how the reason for an awful financial situation is never the lack of money,
but the lack of self-appreciation, of self-love.
And how Alon Gal makes people love themselves,
and the fact, that this is shown on TV "for entertainment",
is another sign of the beginning of "Heaven on Earth"!...






October 24, evening – October 25, morning, Sunday, 2009
at Arad , alone in my castle
Today's desire will appear further below - following my process towards identifying it

When I felt driven to inform Immanuel of a Chinese doc about Chinese culture,
he responded with informing me, that I didn't need to come for his next flight,
from Wed. to Tuesday, since on the weekend Efrat's family would be with her,
"and for the rest she will manage" (meaning: she will manage without you).
In brackets he added what came down on me like a hammer:

"(Perhaps this will be the beginning of a gradual process of liberation)"

I was aware right then and there - of a huge gap between mind and feeling.
And in order to move, accept, heal and evolve the latter ~ I wrote a letter ,
which later I decided NOT to send!

How good that my letter caused you to already inform me of your program.
Can you listen to my strong emotional reaction to your sentence;
"(perhaps this will be the beginning of a gradual process of liberation)"
Remember that these are emotional reactions,
and that from there I'll quickly grow towards a new insight
concerning my task in the world in present time.

And again: "Remember that these are emotional reactions,
and that from there I'll quickly grow towards a new insight
concerning my task in the world in the present time.

Oct. 17, 2009 - co-creation of a rainbow on Mika's old baby mattress, in my new room

After having written and sculpted that letter I left it in the "Draft" box,
and - already released of much of the pain - began sensing excitement,
excitement towards the unknown experiences which I felt lay ahead...
Before sleep I wrote my twofold desire by hand into my Desire-Diary.
Then ~ when I opened computer and Internet with morning blessings~
and glanced at new e-mails, I felt urged to read one letter right away :
Cornelia from Germany, a volunteer hostess in "Succah in the Desert",
had found me again recently, after 13 years~~~
The experience she told made me sob with joy and I responded instantly,
though my first work of the day "should" be the sculpting of my desire.

"Da sitze ich am Morgen, 7:25 , vor dem Computer und Deiner mail
und weine nicht nur, sondern schluchze, und es will gar kein Ende nehmen.
Wieder ein Zeichen fuer den Beginn des "Himmels auf Erden"!
Und ich schluchze....

In a very difficult encounter with a class of "youth-at-risk",
Cornelia couldn't handle aggressivity any longer and fled, crying.
Remembering that "emotions have to be moved physically",
she ran out to the meadows and wept and screamed, thinking:
"Yes, it is good!"
The next day she sat together with the class - 2 were missing, 6 were present,
six pupils from five nations: Russia, Turkey, Germany, Portugal and Kosovo.
"You cried, didn't you!" said one of them and Cornelia said:
"Yes, I did and I'll tell you how it was for me ~~~ and how we are all vulnerable."
Her sharing encouraged the kids to share their own pain (and I, C-R, cry again),
how they were beaten, even now at the age of 16, how their mothers were beaten
At the end of the lesson a girl drew an angel on the board and said: "this is you!"
And Cornelia closes: "I was filled with joy - and I knew this angel was you!"

2009/10/24 <CorneliaMaas@
Liebe Rachel

Ich wollte Dir gerade antworten, da entdeckte ich Deinen Brief, welche Freude! Ich hatte gerade zwei Stunden mit dir auf deinen Seiten verbracht.
Ich beginne damit, was ich Dir gerade erzählen wollte, eine Schulstunde in dieser Woche:
Es ist eine Klasse mit "verhaltensauffäligen" Schülern, die aus anderen Schulen oder Unterstützungsprogrammen herausgefallen sind und nun bei uns an der Schule eine (letzte?) Chance haben, den Hauptschulabschluss zu schaffen. Von der EU wurden Gelder bereit gestellt, um besondere Rahmenbedingungen zu ermöglichen, kleine Klassen, Möbel für die Zimmergestaltung, einen zusätzlichen Schulsozial-arbeiter~~~ Ich ging in das Zimmer ~~~ kurz: die Schüler verweigerten alles, beleidigten sich gegenseitig und mich ~~~ ein Mädchen wurde wegen "nichts" sehr aggressiv ~~~ alles, was so einen Schulalltag ausmacht, funktionierte nicht mehr (Drei Lehrer weigern sich schon, diese Klassen überhaupt zu unterrichten) - noch zwei weitere Konfrontationen, und ich rannte weinend aus dem Klassenzimmer und suchte Hilfe bei den zwei Schulsozialarbeitern. Sie trösteten mich und übernahmen den Rest der Stunde, und ich wollte am nächsten Tag unbedingt zwei Stunden, um mit den Jugendlichen zu reden. -

Jetzt kommt der Part, warum es mit Dir zu tun hat:

Ich hatte die Tage zuvor bei Dir gelesen, dass ich meine Tränen nicht rechtfertigen oder bewerten muss (ich stimme Dir völlig zu) und ich war deshalb nicht verzweifelt über die Situation, sondern hilflos. Das gab mir auch den Mut, mich gleich am nächsten Tag wieder der Situation zu stellen und ich hatte keine Angst davor. Dafür danke ich Dir, Rachel. Ich denke, dass es ohne die Vergegenwärtigung Deiner Gedanken anders gewesen wäre. Nachmittags
ging ich hinaus über die Wiesen und weinte und schrie und dachte: ja, es ist gut so.

Am nächsten Tag setzte ich mich mit der Klasse zusammen (sechs waren da, zwei fehlten), und gleich sagte einer: "Gell, Sie haben gestern geweint?" und ich sagte:"Ja, das habe ich. Ich erzähle Euch jetzt, wie es für mich war ~~~"
Einer sagte: "Religionslehrer sind immer sensible Menschen"
und ich sagte:"Ich hoffe es. Nennen wir es mal: empfindsam. Wir sind alle verletzlich und Ihr seid es auch ..."

Es wurde ein intensives Gespräch, wir hörten uns alle sehr genau zu, sie erzählten wie sie als Kinder geschlagen wurden, dass sie noch jetzt (mit 16 Jahren) geschla-gen werden, sowohl Jungen wie Mädchen, dass ihre Mütter geschlagen werden. Es waren sechs Personen und 5 Nationen: Russland, Türkei, Deutschland, Portugal, Kosovo. Am Ende der Stunde malte ein Mädchen einen Engel an die Tafel und sagte: "Das sind Sie."
Ich freute mich so sehr - und ich wusste auch: Dieser Engel warst Du!

Of course, it wasn't me who was the angel, it was Cornelia herself,
who had matured and opened up to use me as the sounding-board of her Inner Being.
My joy was about the confirmation,
that a desire - propelled like a rocket over and over and over again - for decades
does begin to manifest,
the desire, that these six kids, these colors of the One Rainbow, will love themselves

And this great joy helped me to quickly sculpt today's desire in both languages:


This 3-line sculpture is perfect in puns and rhymes and can not really be translated.

"Release - dismissal!" screamed my feeling when reacting to my son's letter.
My desire with all my heart is that Efrat may be free from depending on me!
My desire is also~~ that I myself be free towards whatever comes towards me.

[Looking at the last photos now - Oct. 29 - I regret having been so stingy with photographing...)

While preparing breakfast, I listened as usual to an old casette of mine.
"By chance" it was the channeling of 1988, which I mentioned above.
In the passage on which the tape opened, it was explained,
how frustrated I had been all my life, because I could not "motivate" people,
and because I did not accept, that others did choose to have the experience
of not really living (in my words today: of experiencing zest and full-fill-ment).
It was said, that I should choose "a more mundane, non-spectacular activity".

Well, when towards the end of 2006 I began my assignment at Shoham,
I seemed - for some people - to have forgotten my spectacular visions,
and resigned myself to playing grandma for the last of my ten grandkids.
The "purpose" of this - over almost 3 years more and more fulfilling task - was,
that my daughter-in-love could not cope with being alone with 1 year old Mika
while her husband, the father of Mika and 3 older children, was on long flights.
She had been traumatized twice during the previous 12 months,
first by Mika's birth (Dec.20, 2005) - a birth after 6 years of trying to get pregnant -
which was accompanied by severe, not immediately identified post-natal depression,
and then by that almost fatal accident on July 6, a week before the 2nd Lebanon war,
with its painful aftermath for Mika and Efrat.
It was not until 4 months later, in November, that Efrat could use her hands again...
When, on Dec.23, 2006, they moved from the Galilee to Shoham, near the airport,
a move so vital for her pilot husband, and so fiercely resisted by Efrat (born in Acco),
there was another threat in the air for my daughter-in-love-
that Immanuel would get custody for his son Tomer, for which he had fought so hard.
How wondrous, that I was free, outside and inside, to be simply, lovingly PRESENT!

This is an opportunity to "fill in" "Abraham" concerning "right timing".
I guess, that "Abraham" talks to a different audience than Godchannel.
"People have to be taught small steps to turn their lives around!"
was the channeled message which I received in October 1988.
But as to desires concerning other people or peoples or Creation,
so much evolution in so many areas has to take place,
and when I don't see my desires manifested,
despite whole, entire, total feeling-thinking focus on what I want,
I must come back to myself and ask,
with what good-feeling-thought can I speed up evolution?

As to my Vision about Peace-through-Desert-Hosting-Economy,
compatible with the Desert's Resources of SPS-Space, Purity, Silence,
as contrasted to crowdedness, pollution, noise in populated areas,
I had to understand, that I was to do all the R, the Research,
but as to the D,"Development", I was only to create different models:
Succah in the Desert, the Pyramidion, RedSeaPartnerSHIP, Noah's Shore,
and my last model around "the Cave of the Womb" in the Zealots' Valley.
In January 2006 I was made to understand - through a Body "problem" -
that not only were those Bedouin with their self-and mutual hatred not ready,
- I myself was still oozing tiny poisonous drops of victimhood and judgments.
This had nothing to do with my desire, which I believe was absolutely pure
and in total alignment with "Who-I-Really-Am", my loving HIgher Self.
The non-manifestation had and has to do with the probable result of a manifestation:
in a global as local environment of overwhelming denial of "The Mother"
the "reversals" of any success would have been certain.

It is Orin who channeled "Living with Joy" -- continued the passage above -
who pertains to the time factor which I miss in "Abraham":


To make the time between asking for what you want and receiving it shorter,
begin by getting clear on your goals.
Some of you are so nonspecific
that your minds wander around,
never making clear requests to your souls
and so your souls spend much time guiding your minds
to get clear about what you want.
The more accurately and precisely you can state what you want
in any area of your life...
the more rapidly you will have it.
You may not get it in the precise form you asked for,
but your soul will create for you the essence of what you want.

In being precise, you are formulating essence.
Essence is the growth that you are going for in any quantum leap,
and I would suggest
that you take anything you have requested and ask,
"What is the essence of it?"
If you look at what you have tried to create, you will see
that you have always gotten the essence
of everything you asked for.
For instance, if you wished for a loving relationship,
you may have wanted simply to feel loved.
Your soul may give you love in many ways,
perhaps through a close friend, child or pet,
perhaps through a job promotion, or in any of the ways you accept love.
If you want to create a more fit body,
the essence you want may be more self-love.
If you are willing to go for essence in your quantum leaps,
you will be able to create them far more rapidly.

If you are tempted to go back into the past and say,
"Well' I wanted this, but I did not get it",
look at the core, at the essence, of what you requested.
I would say you have gotten it in many ways.
The soul is quite creative
in interpreting your request.
The soul has to be creative,
for the mind is fairly narrow in its ability to ask.
The soul takes any request for growth
and expands it in every direction it can.

Quotes from Abraham's newest book,
The Vortex,
Where the Law of Attraction
Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.168-169

Show them the processes you have learned
that cause you to feel better;
and apply them often, and openly,
until you are very adept at moving inside your Vortex
whenever you choose.

If you pretend to be happy when you are not,
or confident when you are afraid,
you only cause confusion in your children.
Show them, through the clarity of your deliberate example,
how well your life goes
when you deliberately manage the Vibrational gap
between the two Vibrational aspects of you.
Let them know that you want to feel good,
and demonstrate to them that you can feel good
whenever you choose,

regardless of what is occurring around you.

And most important of all, let your children understand
that you do not hold them, or their behavior,
responsible for the way you feel.

Free them of the impossible bondage of needing to please you
- and, in doing so,
release them to their own wonderful Guidance System.


Questioner: but that I was a victim of two parents who were out of control.


While the therapist did not want you to feel blame for happened to you,
it is really of no greater value to you
to put the blame upon your parents,
because whether you are feeling blame or guilt,
[see Godchannel's message that "guilt and blame are the same"]
you are still outside of your Vortex;
you are still not in alignment with who-you are.
There is no more destructive conclusion to come to
than the belief that you are a victim
and that others have the power
to inflict pain and suffering upon you.


Your parents did not hit you because you were bad.
And your parents did not hit you because they were bad.
Your parents hit you because they were out of alignment,
and because they felt powerless.
It is not illogical - in fact it is extremely logical -
for a person to go from a feeling of powerlessness
to a feeling of revenge or anger,
because that is a step
toward alignment on the Vibrational Scale.

In other words,
a feeling of powerlessness,
is the emotion that indicates
the greates distance from the Vortex of who-you-really-are.
... anger is closer...
and frustration is much closer to who-you-really-are.
Hope is a great deal closer to who-you-really-are,
and now you are almost there;
you are almost inside the Vortex.
Belief in Well-Being
and knowledge of Well-Being
are inside the Vortex,
along with appreciation and love and passion and eagerness
and all good-feeling emotions.


The same thing was true of your parents.
Undoubtedly there were unwanted things going on in their lives
that they had a difficult time ignoring,
which caused them to be pulled into more and more unwanted situations.
It is a sort of chain-of-pain that develops

as someone is unhappy (and often justifiably so),
so he or she lashes out at another,
who lashes out at another,
who lashes out at another ~~~

Most people involved in the chain-of-pain,
whether they are children or adults,
come to the conclusion, from the uncomfortable life that they are living,
that they are not worthy
and that good things do not come to them.
And because they feel that way - that is what happens.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.170-172

Only when you are willing to find a thought,
any thought that brings you a feeling of relief
can you begin your trek up the Emotional Scale
in the direction of the love and appreciation
that represents who-you-really-are.

And only from inside the Vortex can you fully appreciate
the experience and the expansion,
and the understanding, that it has given you.

Most people believe that what they are looking for is someone to love them,
and they also believe that it is the responsibility fo their parents to love them.
But parents in despair, far from their Vortices of well-Being,
have no love to give.

And so, the child assumes he is not loved because something is wrong with him,
rather than understanding he is not being loved by his parents
because they are out of alignment with love.

Again, we must say that humans are looking for love in all the wrong places.
Look to your Vortex;
look to the expanded you;
look to your Source;
look to the resource of Love.
It is always there for you,
but you must find Vibrational alignment with it, within you.
You must tune your Vibrational frequency to that of love -
and your Vortex will envelop you - and you will be surrounded by love.

Questioner: But how do you attract terrible experiences
when you are only nine months old?

Even though you are only nine months old in your physical body,
you are a very old and wise creator focused in that baby's body.
And you came with powerful intentions to experience contrast
and to launch clear rockets of desire into your Vibrational Reality
for the purpose of expansion.

People often assume that because a child is not yet offering words,
the child could not be the creator of its own experience,
but it is our promise to you
that no one else is creating your experience.
Children emanate Vibrations
- which are the reason for what they attract -
even from their time of birth.

Most children are born into situations
that do not challenge their natural tendency
to remain aligned with their own Vortices.
Most children are not influenced out of their Vortices
by those who surround them
in the early days of their physical experience.
But sometimes,
when you have come into the physical experience
with a powerful intention
to teach Well-Being,

you intended, even before your birth,
to have early exposure to contrast

that would stimulate your desire early on in your physical experrience,
because you understood the power of the asking
that would come out of that experience.
When you really know what you do not want,
you ask with greater clarity for what you do want -
and your Vortex expands more rapidly as a result.

.... you look fore more reasons to feel good ... you move into your Vortex...
... when you merge with the evolved, expanded part of you...

you will harbor no ill will toward anyone who helped you achieve that.
In fact, you will stand in appreciation for the part they played
in your joyous expansion.

What would cause a child to be born with an unwanted physical condition?
For instance, there seems to be an almost epidemic number of children
being born with the condition called autism.
At what point before its birth could a baby be thinking thoughts of lack?

From your physical perspective,
you often do not remember the immense value of contrast and difference,
while from your Non-Physical perspective before your birth,
it is often a very big factor in the choices that you make.

Many parents and teachers who have forgotten the value of contrast and differences
have a powerful desire that their children "fit in",
which has resulted in a truly troubling epidemic of conformity.
And so,
many Beings come into the physical experience
with an express intention of being different enough
that they cannot be controlled into conformity.
All Non-Physical Beings coming forth into the physical experience
are clear and eager and sure,
and they never come from a position of lack.
No exceptions.

(end of fourth Part:: Parenting, and the Law of Attraction:
Creating Positive Parent/Child Relationships in a World of Contrast)




and The Law of Attraction:

the "Magical" Key to Your Vortex

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.175

We have very much enjoyed our interaction with you
in presenting our knowledge of the universe,
of the Laws of the Universe,
and of the important part that you play.
Always, our primary intention
as we interact with our physical human friends
is to help you remember who you actually are
so that you may experience the fullness of the appreciation
for your part in this joyous, Eternal, Universal creation.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.176

It is an important dance that we dacne with one another
as we dialogue back and forth between physical perspective
and non-Physical perspective,
because both perspecties are integral to the whole.
Both the perspectives of physical and of Non-Physical
are essential to our Eternal expansion,
but the most significant understanding that we are presenting in this book,
and the most important knowledge that you will ever acquire,
is about the integration of those two Vibrational vantage points.

When people observe the wonder of their galaxy and planet
nd speculate that it was somehow set into motion by Non-Physical forces,
... essentially accurate;
Your physical world is an extension of Non-Physical Energy and creation.
Everything that you now behold
was created from the conscious attention of Source Energy.

The story of the creation of you and your world
is not a story of something that happened-
but a story of something that is happening.
The Source Energy that created your world
continues to flow forth to you and thrugh you
for the continuation of creation
and for the expansion of the Universe.

Often Humans, in their humility, refuse to accept
their important role in the continuing expansion of All-That-Is,
and that is the reason why we are offering this book.
It is our desire to awaken within you the memory
of who-you-really-are and of why you are here.
We want to help you return to the knowledge of your creative ability;
we want you to reap the benefits of the important work
you are doing in your physical bodies,
we want you to return to the Vortex.

Your physical exposure to your physical world
is providing the contrast
that is necessary for you

to form your opinions and desires about how life could be improved.

And even though you cannot see them, and are often unaware of them,
your desires for improvement shoot out from you
as Vibrational rockets,
or messengers of request.

They shoot out into the Vibrational atmosphere in the same way
that the original rockets that created your planet were sent;
and they are received by the Source of the Energy that creates worlds,
the same Source Energy that is the origin of All-That-Is.
And those ideas, requests, and desires are understood;
and - in the moment of their launch - they are answered.

Most people have neither an awareness
of the launching of the rockets
nor of the receiving and answering by Source,
but even so, powerful new creation is begun.


in the living of physical life
and in the launching of those rockets of desired expansion,

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.177

it is not only an expanded world you are creating -
it is an expanded you.

As you observe sickness in yourself or in another,
you set forth a new Vibrational request for wellness
that is received and answered by Source.
When the contrast of your physical world
reveals to you corruption or injustice,
you set forth a new Vibrational request for fairness and justice.
When someone is rude to you,
your rocket asks for nicer experiences.
When you do not have enough financial resources,
your rocket asks for more.
And with each request offered all day, every day,
a Vibrational Escrow, or Vibration Reality, is forming.
The Broader Non-Physical part of you,
the part of you that existed even before your birth,
the part of you that exists in the Non-Physical
even while focused in physical -
the Source within you (your Inner Being)-
not only answers your request for improvement,
but becomes it.

People often have a difficult time conceptualizing a creator,
or a force,
or the process
through which something as amazing as your planet,
spinning in its orbit in perfect proximity to other planets,
could have come to be.

And yet, ... you are - every one of you -
continuing to add to the expansion of all of that
through your living of life
and the launching of rockets into the Vibrational Reality

that will someday be fully realized by physical inhabitants.

We have written this book
because we want to call your attention to the Vibrational Reality
that you are in the process of creating.
We want you to be aware of your Vortex of Creation
and most important of all,
we want you to find a way,
by the deliberate directing
of your own conscious thought,
to become a Vibrational Match

to the contents of your swirling Vibrational Vortex of Creation,
because every desire tht has been born within you thus far exists there,
just as you have dreamed it to be,
waiting for your alignment.
[It is not only a matter of my alignment!
See below, in the left frame, on October 25-26]

Everything that you see
that is now physical, tangible, visible, audible reality
was previously swirling in a Vibrational Vortex of Creation;
as that older, larger, wiser part of you focuses purely upon your request,

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.178

holding no resistance whatsoever, the ... Law of Attraction responds.
And then , all cooperative components
(all components with same Vibrational frequency)
are drawn into this swirling Vibrational Reality,
this precursor to the physical reality that is now available to you.
Only one thing is necessary for this Vibrational Reality
to become real in a physical sense,
manifested into things and experiences
that you can see and hear and smell and taste and touch:
you have to go into the Vortex!

When your husband, in his frustration, yells at you,
and yo are reeling in the absence of love that he is currently showing you,
you launch a rocket of desire
to be respected, to be loved;
for a mate, who feels better,
for a mate who loves you.
And click, click, click, click,
those requests are received and integrated
into your Vibrational Vortex of Creation.
And now, the Law of Attraction responds to this swirling creation,
drawing in all cooperative components -
and your newly amended creative Vortex expands.
But there is a very important question that you may want to consider:
Are you,
right now,
a cooperative component?
Are you in the Vortex?

* If you are still reeling in discomfort from your mate's verbal abuse-
you are not in the Vortex.

* If you are telling your girlfriend about what happened,
defending your innocence in the whole affair -
you are not in the Vortex.

* If you are longing for the time when he treated you better-
you are not in the Vortex.

* If you are letting it go
and remembering how you felt when you decided to marry him -
you are in the Vortex.

* If you are not taking his outburst personally
and are focused upon other positive aspects of your experience -
you are in the Vortex.


Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.179

A simple way to understand the Vortex is this:

* Before your birth into this physical body,
you were in the vortex (no resistant thought resides there).

* A part of the Consciousness that was you
is now focused into the physical you that you know as you.

* The contrast of your life causes you
to send rockets of expansion into your Vortex,
where the larger Non-Physical part of you exists.

* The Vortex,
which holds only your positive requests for improvement and expansion,
holds no thoughts that contradict improvement and expansion.

* The Law of Attraction
responds to the pure, nonresistant Vibration of your Vortex
and gathers all cooperative, Vibrational-matching components
that are necessary for the completion of the creation.

* YOu are one of the components of your creation.

* in fact, you are the creation.

*So the only question is:
Are you,
from your physical format,
right now,
a Vibrational Match to yur creation?

Or not?

* And the way you feel, right now,
as you focus upon the subject of creation ,
is your answer.

* If you are angry -
you are not a Vibrational Match -
and you are not in the Vortex.

[Again!!! "Abraham's teaching " has to be filled-in:
Anger and all "negative" feeling
have to be accepted, vibrated physically and then evolved!]

* If you are feeling appreciation
(as I've expressed, for instance,on each page of the 365 days of Song-Game 2007
and all other pages of "InteGRATion into GRATe-FULL-ness" 2007:

you are a Vibrational Match-
and you are in the Vortex.

[The following passage is in italics and underlined in the original:]

The key to getting inside your Vibrational Vortex of Creation,

of experiencing the absolue absence of resistance,

of achieving complete alignment

with all that you have become

and all that you desire,

and of bringing to your physical experience everything that you desire -

is being in the state of appreciation.

And there is no more important object of attention

to which you must flow your appreciation

than that of self.

The habit of thought, or belief,

that holds most people outside of their Vortex of Creation,

more than all other thoughts put together,

is the lack of appreciation of self.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.180-181

Why Would Someone Lose Self-Confidence?


The reason why the bravado that you are born with usually fades
is because you allow yourself to become distracted from your Vortex.
You allow others to convince you
that it is more important to you
to pay attention to how they feel than how you feel.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.182-183

What Is a First Step Toward Self-Appreciation?
{I've dealt with this question ever since I came to understand
"Cain & Abel", this immensely informative Biblical metaphor,
which was just now the pretext for Cornelia Maas, see left frame, Oct. 25-26
to finally search for me.
She had re-studied the booklet (lost to ME!) of my lecture in Germany 1985.

Jerry gives many examples of how family and teachers in his childhood and youth either "deflated, humbled, embarrassed, belittled him",
or "uplifted him tremendously".
"But .... we don't need to look for others to uplift us or give us self-confidence,
although it does help.
We can find it directly in ourselves, no matter what's going on around us, right?

You have just pointed out, through the examples in your own life,
the problem with looking to others for yur upliftment.
Those who were in a state of appreciation -
and therefore wee in alignment with Source;
with their Vortex;
with the Pure, Positive Energy that creates worlds -
as they held you as your object of attention,
you felt the advantage of their gaze.
But when those not in their Vortex.....

Your vortex of Creation, the Source within you (your Inner Being),
is undeviating and dependable.
When you make your way to your Vortex of Creation through the thoughts that you choose -
you will always be replenished.
A balanced, good-feeling life requires
that you return often to drink from the Source.

Jerry asks if "competion" is helpful or unhelpful and tells,
how - after much competing in diving (my association to dead Nir Rak),
juggling and other talents and abilities, he pulled himself away
I liked winning, but I didn't like losing;
and I didn't really enjoy others' losing, even when I was winning.

You have deliberately positioned yourself in this time-space reality
filled with variety and contrast
because you enjoy the stimulation of thought that it provides.
The key to effectively
the variety or competition of ideas and experiences that surrounds you
is to use it to stimulate your desire,
but then once your desire has been formulated
and your rockets have been launched into your Vortex,
to now turn your undivided attention to you
and your thought-by-thought relationship with your own vortex.
Once your rockets have been launched,
the physical competition has served its purpose for you.
In other words,
competition is a tremendous impetus
to Step One of your Creative Process,
but it is a tremendous hindrance
to Step Three of your Creative Process.

Jerry: Aren't you speaking more of comparison than competition?

Competition is just an advanced version of comparison.
... there is never an ending to the game,
for there will always be another combination of contrast
that will cause you to launch another rocket of desire.
Therefore, you will always have the fun of moving towars your Vortex;
of closing the Vibrational gap;
and of experiencing, in detail, your newly launched expansion.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.187

Some offer criticism
because we place such emphasis on the value of your feeling good,
accusing us of teaching selfishness.
And we acknowledge
that true selfishness is at the very core of our teaching,
because if you are not selfish enough,
if you do not care how you feel,
if you are not willing to continually redirect your thoughts
in the direction of feeling good,
you cannot come into alignment with the Source within you.
And unless you are n alignment with the Source within you,
you have nothing to give another.

(see the last stanza of my song: "she's a ray of the sun")
Alignment with Source -
being inside your Vortex of Creation,
becoming one with the true expanded version of you -
is the ultimate selfishness.

And yes, in that state of alignment,
all good things must com to you.
Every rocket of desire that you have launched will be fulfilled.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.188-189

True success is not the attainment of things,
or the achievement of tasks,
or the achievement of financial abundance.
True success is the coming into alignment with You.
Yes, selfishly aligning with your desires,
your clarity,
your confidence,
your knowledge,
your love
- with Yourself!

Jerry: Well, this philosophy clearly is
about the value of our feeling good.
Can you guide us on how to feel good/
Can you give us a process or a technique
to feel good about ourselves?
Speak to us about
how we can deliberately acquire self-appreciation.

The ultimate in self-appreciation
is the allowing of yourself
to be in Vibrational alignment with Source,
with the expanded you inside your Vortex,
and it is not necessary
that you focus upon yourself in order to do that.
In fact, for most people, especially in the beginning,
it is easier for you to find alignment
while focusing on many other things, other than you.

Over time, you have developed many opinions and attitudes,
and habits of thoughts - or beliefs about yourself -
that when activated
hold you outside of the Vortex.
And so, it is easier to get inside the Vortex
by focusïng upon other subjects
that are easier for you to feel good about.

For example, you could think about your favorite pet,
and in your appreciation of that pet,
you may move right into the Vortex
bccause you do not hold resistant thoughts of envy or blame of guilt toward your pet.
We would really like you to see
that when you are thinking about your cat -
or anything that holds no resistance to your Vortex,
and so you flow easilyinside -
you are then joined
(or better stated, you have allowed yourself to merge)
with the whole of that whch you are.
We would call that the ultimate self-appreciation,
even though you were not thinking about you
in order to accomplish it.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.190

As people stand amidst the contrast of their physical lives,
they often wonder,
What is my purpose for life? Why am I here?
and we want you to know that you deliberately came
to enjoy your exploration of the contrat of your time-space reality
because you knew that it would inspire new ideas and desires,
and that it was, in fact, the foundation for expansion.

It is our expectation that, through the reading of this book,
you now have a clearer understanding
of how you, in yur physical body,
fit into the larger picture of creation
and the important role you play, from your physical format,
in that larger picture.

We are most eager about helping you remember
that even though you are powerfully focused
into your physical body,
in your physical reality
at this time,
you - and we - are creating a Vibrational Reality
that holds the promise of your future manifestations.
And the amount of time that will expire
before you begin to see and experience those desired manifestations
is only the amount of time that it takes you to get into your Vortex.
Your moods and attitudes and emotions
are your indicators of your proximity to your Vortex,
to your Vibrational Reality,
to everything that you desire,
and to all that you have become.
[See what I say about "time" in the left frame of Oct. 25-26]

... As we conclude this book,
we are going to offer a handful of very simple processes
that, if consistently applied, will help you achieve
a gradual but steady alignment
with the Energy-that-is-really-you,
and will assure your entry into your Vortex;
and once you are consistently there-
your physical life will be transformed.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.191

Some Processes to Get into the Vortex

It is not necessary to deliberately apply these, or any processes
in order to raise your Vibration and get into the Vortex.
Many people move easily into the Vortex
simply because they like feeling good
and consisently offer thoughts that do feel good....
But if you are like most people
who are observing the world around you,
you have probably developed patterns of thought
that do not serve you,
and that hold you -
whle you may be unaware of it -
ouside the Vortex.

When you have a belief about something
(a belief is only a thought you keep thinking)
and you think about it often,
and therefore keep it active in your Vibration,
the Law of Attraction simply brings you evidence to support it
(because you get what you think about,
whether it is something that you want or something you don't want).
And without making a decision
to do something about changing the pattern of Vibration
that is contained within those beliefs,
nothing can change in your experience..

And so, the following processes are offered
to help you release resistance
and to provide an inevitable path into your Vortex

The Vortex P. 191~~~ Some Processes to Get into the Vortex

[It is exciting to quote these processes in another wording,
though I'm highly trained in feeling grate-full in each moment,
as exemplified, for instance, in my song: I breathe and enjoy...

I've dedicated an entire year - 2007- to the training in
InteGRATing into GRATE-FULL-ness
and in 2008, the year of "", I began each day
by thinking -not only in bed - for what I am grate-full NOW,
but by sculpting my hodayot (thanksgivings) on this website

as I phrased in the intro to ""

From January 8, 2008 onward a page will begin with
"image of the day"

and with a double Thanksgiving,

first to my Body, my Partner,

second to people, circumstances or things.

A Bedtime-Visualization Process

Tonight, as you lie in your bed,
focus your attention on the best-feeling things you can find.
Draw your thoughts inward,
away from any overwhelming details of your day,
and feel the ease that occurs when you focus up close to where you are.
Think, in detail, about your bed:
its comfort, the feel of the bedding.
Think about the relationship of your body to the mattress,
and imagine the mattress floating or your body being absorbed n it ~~~
Relax and breathe, and enjoy the comfort of your bed.
Say things such as:
I like this. This is a good thing. I have a good life.
and sleep.

When you Find Yourself Awake

When you awaken in the morning,
deliberately stay in your bed with your eyes closed for five minutes or so,
with the intention of basking in the most pleasant things you can bring to mind~~~
During your slumber,
you have released all resistance,
and if you do not activate it now, it will not come up.
So this extra five minutes in bed is for the purpose of allowing your naturally higher Vibration to get a strong foothold~~~
Find pleasure in your thughts,
and hold them in that pleasant place as long as possible.
And, in the moment that the slightest uneasiness surfaces,
breathe deeply

(which means "vibrate , move your emotion in your body!")
focus back upon the comfort of your bed,
find something to appreciate-
and then get up to begin your day.



October 25, evening – October 26, morning, Monday,

at Arad , alone in my castle



This is untranslatable...

My desire is, that whenever I attract the trigger
"Nobody can contain me - I'm a cow with overflowing (congested?) udders",
I'll remember the other's congestion of pain and his "yoke's weight

I suddenly understand, why I was led to re-encounter that poem of Lea Goldberg,
be inspired by a beautiful tune, and rehearse it endlessly on my way to the pool,
exactly 25 years after I first met Yaacov.
It has a line which is even today truly relevant to me:
"If you unload on my shoulders the heaviness of your yoke ,
maybe it will be easier for me..."

TODAY'S DESIRE is meant to complete the process about "equality"
between me and my brother-peer Yaacov
(see above Oct. 17-18 and Oct. 18-19)
he again forced me - in his loving, delicate way - to be more exact.
On Oct. 20 he related to how I had phrased my DESIRE on Oct. 17-18

In my deliberate intent to slow down the process between us,
I answered only on Oct.20, saying at first in Hebrew, that he was right:
If the point is not "equality", but "equality in self-esteem",
as I've claimed and taught since 1974 (see Partnership Ideology),
then why do we need "a basis" for equality??????
I saw this contradiction in my own thinking, but Yaacov himself helped me out:
If equality in self-respect does NOT exist [and of course it rarely does...]
then the kind of balance which I saw as "basis" might be "a way to reach it".

I continued in English, so he might recognize "Abraham's" terminology:
Whenever there is no alignment between my feeling-thinking-judging
and the knowing of my "Source
I have the choice to come up with "a good-feeling-thought"
as a first step towards alignment.
in this case:
"Source", or who "I-really-am" , or my "inner Being", or "my Higher Self"
that you and I are equal, as all people are equal,
for all people are pieces in a puzzle (our metaphor during RedSeaPartnerSHIP!),
and if even the smallest is missing, there is no puzzle.
But my feeling-thinking-judging is afraid, that we are not equal.
The pain, that you cannot contain more than perhaps 5 % of what I want to offer,
is so immense,
that I can take this pain only,
if and when I am aware, as I am now constantly,
that from your pain
- of not being able to walk and all that this involves in your daily life -
I cannot contain even 1 %.

I believe, that this kind of comparison would help many people and many peoples.
It already helps ME with many people and many peoples....

Yaacov, whose wheelchair is not visible here, on my daughter's wedding, March 1987
Now, in Oct. 2009, Yaacov's daughters went on a journey to Poland's holocaust memorials
together with Rotem, the third child of my daughter, born 6 weeks before Yahel & Shira.

Today's e-mail quote - Abraham 2001

All is well, and you will never get it done.
Life is supposed to be fun.
No one is taking score of any kind,
and if you will stop taking score so much,
you will feel a whole lot better --
and as you feel a whole lot better,
more of the things that you want right now will flow to you.
You will never be in a place where all of the things that you are wanting will be satisfied right now,
or then you could be complete -- and you never can be.
This incomplete place that you stand is the best place that you could be. You are right on track, right on schedule.
Everything is unfolding perfectly.
All is really well.
Have fun. Have fun. Have fun!







October 26, evening – October 27, morning, Tuesday,
at Arad , alone in my castle


My desire is -
to understand in depth the message of the phenomenon,
that for the last 3 weeks every day something happened
that reminded me of the Holocaust,
forcing me to internalize what 'God' taught me long ago:
Perpetrator-Victimizer and Victim are both ME!

In re-reading puzzle-piece 42 : Victim and Victimizer , sculpted in 2001
I re-discovered a dialog in Godchannel
[quoted there on 2001/12/13]
which is extremely pertinent to "Abraham's" teaching - please read!
" The Difference between "Affirmations" and "Judgment Release"!
"The Difference between 'Affirmations' and 'Judgment Release' " !

Oct 26, 2009 - Ya'acov sent me this moving, mystical picture of his twins, Yahel and Shira,
as they lead the group in a concentration camp during their school's "Journey to Poland"
It wasn't planned that they would carry the flags, definitely not while walking together..
Yahel & Shira, now 16 - only 6 weeks younger than their classmate, my grandchild Rotem.
All 7 days of Rotem & Jonathan, Yahel & Shira in Poland are documented in daily videos

Shira-Yahel owe their birth also to the empowerment, which Ya'acov was ready to receive from ME.

The two other "reminders of the Holocaust" - yesterday! - were programs in TV -3 SAT:
the movie Die Faelscher, The Counterfeiters, which I turned away from,
since watching it would not serve my present goal,
and an Interview with Avrum Burg about his book "Defeating Hitler" (2007)- "Hitler Besiegen"
On the song-accompanied "PeacePalestine Blog" I found an Interview of 2007 in English.
In Wikipedia about Burg another book is mentioned - search for the many reactions in Google!
"The Holocaust is over. We must rise from its ashes"
I agree to Burg's thesis, that Israel - from an abused child - has turned into a violent parent,
but how can this blaming statement help us, Israel as a community and each human being?

This question seems to already lead me towards a first answer to today's DESIRE;
It is not enough that I begged Rotem (October 4-5)
to focus on the shining stars of Human Dignity,
in order to bear the overwhelming darkness of the Holocaust.
It is the time to face how the perpetrator/victimizer relates to ME!
[See a former attempt in AUschwitz-BirkenAU>Coping with Evil>

by Damon Toth

(who- like me - participated in the Godchannel Forum in 2000-2001)

2009_02_13 -handwritten by me on p. 262-3:
I always ask - how can it be that I'm the perpetrator?
Here is an excellent explanation from another Godchannel student:

With a whole lot of rage building up from both sides
and no one wanting to give it any movement in ourselves through expression,
our feelings of rage from both sides went into denial.
When we shove things hard into denial,
they don't disappear,
they fragment off
and emerge later
only to play out what has been denied.
Denial of any kind plays out ugly.

If there are parts of you that hate children, for example,
but you don't allow yourself to look at this part of you,
to listen to the thoughts in your head over this,
to want to go into these feelings of anger you have there.
What happens is that this rage that you are feeling
and the thoughts that you are having around this
all go into a state of denial.
Once denied,
we push it away from ourselves
and it collects up with other essences
that match its vibration
that have been pushed away from those
who have denied their rage here also.
Once enough has been drawn to each other,
it incarnates into a person,
or it roams around
and attaches itself to someone
who is holding similar thougts and feelings.
If they are holding enough of it,
or enough is attracted to them,
then this person becomes abusive to children.

Denials play out the very things that we have denied in ourselves.

It then looks to us
like someone else is doing the abusing

because we do not understand the true nature of denial,
and the responsibility that we all have in creating it.
If you get heavily triggered by stories of child abuse,
there may be a strong likelihood
that you have denied some of your light out of yourself,
and this denied light has attached itself to someone
who is acting it out.

When we allow emotional expression in ourselves,
our thoughts begin to evolve also.
Thoughts and feelings work together,
but it is our feelings that need to move first
before our thoughts can evolve.
We cannot control thoughts,
it doesn't work that way.
We have to give ourselves
emotional expression
so that our thoughts
can evolve into loving ones.

God is not saying that we act out our rage on another individual
so that we can give it expression and movement.
What we need to do
is find a safe place and let it rip there with no one else around,
or with someone who we can be fully expressive with
who won't judge us and we feel safe with,
until the emotional charge that we are feeling is gone.
This applies to any pent up emotions
that we have not allowed to express
for any one of a hundred reasons.
The longer we go without expressing our emotions,
the harder it becomes to express them later,

and the more denied they become in us.


Denial is not an Earth thing
as it started in the Heavens first........

As to "moving emotions", alone or with a supporter, see pp 17



October 27, evening – October 28, morning, Wednesday,

at Arad , alone in my castle


My desire is - to be inspired
as to how arrange the corner-shelf around the mattress of my bed,
which is also "the living room" and the center of my one cramped room,
so that this corner will radiate harmony and beauty on me and my guests.

See an image of how this desire was fulfilled -and the lekh-lekhâ exercise completed!

Ofir, my amazing landlord, paints the yet empty corner around my broad mattress.
Now that we also completed to install the new shelf-corner in the wall (his idea!),
(see the previous arrangement and how my "equipment-angel" Ezriel helped me then]
the 3 electrical sockets - (hidden here partly by Ofir's body - with 2 modem-cables,
which connect my TV to Israel's "HOT" , and my computer to the planet's Internet.
are disrupting the harmony of books and tiny artifacts from my kids and grandkids.

See two aspects of the former shelf-corner, shot just recently, by Ofir's little son, Amit (4 1/2)
And scroll down - on Kiss-Log -to a scene with Amit and his sister Lior sleeping in that corner!







October 28, evening – October 29, morning, Thursday,
at Arad , alone in my castle


My desire is – that my beloved daughter
will have fantastic success in her business!
will feel zest-full-ness and full-fill-ment !
will heal from what separates her from me!

The farest corner of the book-shelf, directly behind my sleeping head,
provided space for my box
(gift from a male student in Berlin 1987) with my "Angel-Cards",
- the one on top being "by chance" ~~~~~ "EXPECTANCY",
and a tiny square basket, where I keep the most precious old paper photos that fit into it,
- the one in front being "by chance" ~my daughter with suckling mother Sis,
(Only now I discern that the photo behind- shows myself! as if looking up to my daughter!)
"Expectancy" is what a pregnant woman feels towards the birth of her child...

When I went to the noon-pool, it began to rain, the first rain in Arad this year,
a sweet, soft blessing like in Lea Goldberg's song, which I now know by heart.
I left the pool earlier than usual, as if urged not to miss something, and there:
A splendid rainbow, 180°, above my Wadi of Compassion and my neighborhood!
Isn't this another sign, that my DESIRE will manifest?

October 29, evening – October 30, morning, Thursday,

at Arad , alone in my castle


My desire is -
that I will listen to 3 "signs from heaven" regarding my eyes
and believe with all my heart that my visual acuity
will be like that of little Amit

conjunction of Jupiter and the moon on Oct. 26,

Wanting to show Amit what still can be seen of the Jupiter-Moon conjunction on Oct. 26,
I persuaded him (in pyjamas & without shoes) to climb on my back and walk a bit outside.
This images shows the famous conjunction in Dec. 2008, with Venus as a third partner,
but it also conveys my experience with Amit: "There are  t w o  stars!" " I see only one!"
But when I strained my eyes, I could indeed see a second star not far away, very faint.
"How come, you could discern that star, Amit", I exclaimed. And he: "I have big eyes".

In the night before I saw the moon cradle in a cradle of Arad street-lamps!

The 3 signs finally decypher the message of my fall and my scratched glasses
during the "Walk about Love", exactly when we were in Arad, 7 months ago.
a) When I went to Arad's mall, which is needed only about 3 times a year,
in order to buy glue and other things for arranging my book-shelf corner,
I did something, I never do, I approached the street musician under his umbrella.
I wanted him to see that I was dropping a 10 NIS coin and saw - that he was blind!
b) While reading some e-mail, my eyes were attracted by an ad next to it.
It announced "A Program for Better Vision" and asked to register for a daily mail.
c) "I have big eyes" said Amit, first when I admired him for discerning that star,
and then, when we ate from the loose grapes, which were sold to me for 5 NIS:
Amit did a much better job than me in picking out the berries that had begun to rot.

While in the pool, Lea Goldberg's song ran in my head, learnt from Mika recently:
Open your eyes, look at the world, the world is full with beauty,
and suddenly I saw and heard Shmuel, the teacher in my Hebrew Ulpan, Oct. 1960:
"le-hiStaKel" - to look -
"you can remember that it's written with a 'samekh' (not with the other s),
because the letter looks like a round eye,
and with a 'kaf' (not with the other k),
because the letter looks like half a round eye!"

And that's what I saw with Amit: the moon, a little more than half of it - like a 'kaf',
and a blinking round star, the biggest planet in the solar system.
"Are there other moons?" asked Amit. "Yes around Jupiter there are four!"
He could not grasp, that the earth is round and that it is a planet like Jupiter.
Nor could he grasp with his mind, what I told, when he went to sleep on my bed:
"When I first began to live in this one-room flat in your house (on Dec.4, 2004),
you were in your mother's womb and as any child in the womb you knew much...
I was happy then to live below you-in-the-womb! I knew you had invited me!"
Starchildren don't need their mind in order to understand....

I won't have big eyes like Amit,
but the acuity of my vision will be like his!

Today's e-mail quote - Abraham 1997
You cannot look at that which you do not want
and not join and perpetuate that vibration.
Take your attention from that which is not in harmony with who you are, and in taking your attention from it,
your "now vibration" will adjust to who you really are,
and then you can uplift others.

October 31, Shabbat,
Though I refrain from phrasing a desire on Shabbat,
I want to add an image to my desire on Oct. 28-29.
When Tzippi visited me and delighted in my renewed room,
she had a close look on my little daughter's "Mother and Child".

"The right hand of the mother barely dares to give,
and the left hand of the child does not exist at all.
It can not receive..."

October 30
This morning I forgot to copy the accidental little image from my screen,
"instead" I'll mention a triggering experience with yesterday's e-mail quote,
It said "there will always be war!" – what a belief! what a false premise! -
and that we can choose – by contrast – what we want , blah, blah, blah!

A trigger points out a hole in my wholeness that now wants to heal!

My hole here is, that I still believe in authority, when it's channeled.
But both, 'Godchannel' and 'Abraham', tell me over and over again,
that I should believe only in My Own Inner Knowing ~~ in this case:
that in "Heaven on Earth" people will not need the contrast of war,
in order to know what they want for feeling zest-full and full-filled,
and from there to create and to "expand", themselves and Creation
Contrast is in the very variety and variance of all the light's colors!
There won't be a fight between brown and black,
but in looking at the composition of my painting,
I might exclude the brown as "not fitting there"

and -by feeling this - discover a better match.
As to "I am my own authority" I read again my favorite Godchannel file,
which I'm comparing for either contrast or complement of "Abraham" -
up to the frightening sentence:
"The second secret is~~~
to be ready to lose Our support temporarily~~~
and then continue on anyway~~~
as you follow your own free Will home to your Right Place"

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.6
Life Is about Our Relationships

You will never find yourself in a point in time
when the subject of relationships
is not an active part of your now experience,
for everything you perceive or notice or know
is because of your relationship with something else.
Without a comparative experience,
you would be unable to perceive or focus
any kind of understanding within yourself.

Therefore, it is accurate to say that without relationships
you could not exist at all.

It is our desire
that an even greater awareness of who-you-are
will awaken within you by reading this book,
as you begin to explore the variety of relationships
that you are already living.
It is our desire
that you experience an enhanced appreciation
of your planet; your body; your family;
your friends; your enemies;
your government; your systems;
your food; your finances;
your animals;
your work; your play;
your purpose; your Source; your Soul;
your past, your future, and your present. . . .
It is our desire
that you come to remember
that every relationship is Eternal
and that once it has been established,
it is a part of your Vibrational makeup forevermore,
and that, in your powerful now—
where all that you have become
converges with all that you are now becoming—
you hold the power to create.

Often, when you observe an unwanted or unpleasant experience,
you believe that you are not personally a part of it,
but instead a distant, dissociated, unattached observer of it;
but that is never the case.
Your observation of a situation—
no matter how remote you believe yourself to be—
makes you a co-creative partner of the experience.

Over time, as you have interacted with one another,
many of you have arrived at collective preferences
about how life should be lived;
and while you have come nowhere close to an agreement
about what the appropriate way to live is,
still, on the myriad subjects that you are experiencing,
you continue to try to convince others
to accept the preferences that you most prefer.

Abraham/Hicks: The Vortex p.7
Find Alignment First and Then Take Action

It is our desire that, as a result of just reading this one book,
you will never again require
global, community, or even a partner’s agreement
in order to find your confidence, direction, and power.

It is our desire that,
by understanding your own personal Guidance System,
you will return to alignment
with the power that flows to you and through you.
For by your finding agreement with the power
that flows forth from within you,
the harmony that you seek on all other levels and all other subjects
—and with all others—
will then (and only then) be possible.

In other words,
it always makes sense to first find fundamental stability
before embarking on any journey,
especially those journeys that matter most to you.


October 31, 2009,
Since this page ("The Mother's Eruption") is "full" (1273 K),
I want to insert some e-mail quotes, which I had saved at the time,
but not remembered, when I started with my study of "Abraham"

July 24, 2009

Every thought that you think is vibrating at a very personal frequency
and by the powerful Law of Attraction
(the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn),
that thought is now attracting another thought that is its Vibrational Match.
And now, those combined thoughts are vibrating at a frequency
that is higher than the thought that came before;
and they will now, by the Law of Attraction, attract another and another,
until eventually the thoughts will be powerful enough
to attract a "real life" situation or manifestation.

[My question is, how does this apply to wishes,
which have to do with other people's happiness?]

July 30, 2009 - Abraham 1997

There will be a time, not so far from now,
that you will look back on this phase of your life
and instead of condemning it or beating up on it...
Instead of blaming or guilting, you will feel appreciation for it,
because you will understand
that a renewed desire for life was born out of this time period that
will bring you to physical heights
that you could not have achieved without the contrast
that gave birth to this desire.

August 14, 2009
Your life is right now!
It's not later!
It's not in that time of retirement.
It's not when the lover gets here.
It's not when you've moved into the new house.
It's not when you get the better job.
Your life is right now.
It will always be right now.
You might as well decide to start enjoying your life right now,
because it's not ever going to get better than right now--
until it gets better right now!

August 16, 2009

The most magnificent Creators don't want to get together with people who think just like they do.
They're looking for people who have other thoughts,
because out of the contradiction, come ideas that could not be born out of sameness.
Your relationships will be ultimately more
if you're not identical twins just "yessing, yessing, yessing" to everything that the other one is about.

August 22, 2009

You intended to come forth into the physical realm of contrast
to define what is wanted,
to connect with the Energy that creates worlds,
and to flow it toward your objects of attention,
not because the objects of attention are important
-- but because the act of flowing is essential to life.

September 22, 2009

Don't ruin your life by pushing against.
Instead, say, "I choose this instead. This does please me.

Addition on April 8, 2010:
This very concise advice from "Process Coaching"
[based on Right Use of Will and Godchannel]
complements what's missing in "Abraham"!
The article with its links needs to be read in the original

continuation of "My daily Desire" in
"About the Books called Right Use of Will"