The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"





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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

Learn-to-Know YHWH


A Psalm
for Nation and World

Proverbs 3:5-6
[the text is a bit problematic,
for, of course, we do have
to lean on our own understandings.
But I won't explain now,
how it is still relevant for me.
Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam

March 23, 1996
Close to Pesach, when I heard the inner voice,
that I was called to do another "
and leave the very region of "Succah in the Desert"
and go "down" to Sinai


Trust in YHWH with all your heart,
and upon your own understanding do not lean.
In all your ways learn-to-know Him,
and He will straighten-out your paths.
[my own translation: on Aug. 6, 2010]

A day after my birthday, Aug. 16, 2010 I received a message (from Cornelia),
from a German website called: Lektionen der Liebe - Lessons of Love.
Today Aug. 31, 2010, when I rehearsed the song of this page in the pool,
I felt, that it expresses - in biblical language - exactly
what the "Weather-Report" of Maitreya through Julia is talking about.

Now, until Sept.9, 2010, Rosh-Hashanah
I've studied already 3"weather-forecasts",
enough to know, that this source resonates with me,
notwithstanding some "triggers", which serve as contrast

Wetterbericht für die Woche
vom 16.08.-22.08.2010
durch Julia

"Diese Rubrik beschreibt in kurzen Worten
"Wellen" und "Strömungen" von Energien,
die auf die Erde und unserere Bewusstseinsfelder treffen,
die uns beeinflussen und unser Wachstum unterstützen
und hauptsächlich aus der geistigen Welt kommen.
Aber auch "Wellen" der Negativität
und allgemeine Umwälzungen, soweit bekannt,
werden im Wetterbericht mit aufgenommen."
Wetterbericht für die Zeit
vom 23.8.-5.9.2010
durch Julia

Wetterbericht für die Zeit
vom 6.9.2010-19.9.2010
Maitreya durch Julia

I also searched for more info on other sides and found

Julia Schuricht
Maitreya –Die sieben Lektionen der Liebe

I began to study this unknown, quite new website of Maitreya/Julia,
and discovered a message about
the "DECISION of HUMANKIND" in July 2010,
[edited also in "Learn&Live" intro]
to "ascend" as one or not to "ascend" at all
"Alle oder Keiner - either everyone or no one -

elated me.

I've known this all my life, since the age of six.
During my studies of theology I discerned a hint even in Christianity
(Origines: "apokatastasis panton" - "the bringing back of all")'
but it was only Jewish Thought, which I found permeated with this:
A Psalm
for Nation and World

Citrus, Myrtle, Date, and Willow
- these are Israel'
Knowing and doing exist or don't
- these are Israel!
They shall make one union,
They will atone for each other,
An ancient psalm was given to the nation!
A redeeming psalm also for the World!
Without leaves-
there won't be grapes!

Myrtle, Date, Willow and Citrus-
these are Israel!
Knowing and Doing aren't there or are-
these are Israel! Etc.

Date, Willow, Citrus and Myrtle Etc.

Willow, Citrus, Myrtle and Date Etc.

to my song

and see the links
to my book,
which is all about
this solidarity,
this oneness
"the human soul",
into awareness
on every

On Rosh-Hashanah, Sept. 9-10, 2010, I understood, that I have to transfer all this elating info to the Intro to LEARN&LIVE 2005,

Words do not teach at all.
It is life experience that brings you your knowing.
But when you hear words
that are a vibrational match to the knowing that you have accumulated,
then sometimes it's easier for you to sort it all out.

Abraham/Hicks 1997

to former song to next song

Mika in her own house at Shoham, since June 28, 2010,
looking south-west beyond houses towards the free land

"...Manifestation is meant to be a playground
where being and playing are fun"

Mika's and my






On Friday, July 16, 2010, Mika woke up and found her father back home


He had brought some pretty gifts from Johannesburg:

And before Efrat brings me to my hitchhike-junction,
Mika delights me with her spontaneous dancing...
She does not even need music for that...



Friday, July 16, 2010 - After 4 weeks back in my home at Arad.
During the next 12 days I had to reajust and to begin to integrate my experiences in Europe

The main thing I had to take care of, was to purchase a new vent.
It wasn't a matter of money, but a matter of finding what I needed.
My first attempt failed and I had to carry the vent back to the shop.

The only other option of a vent had to be assembled by my landlord.
Of course, he did this willingly and with all his expertise.
What was delightful for me, were the two kids he brought.
Amit, his son, was as sweet a starchild as always,
but there also was Lishai, the little girl
("how old are you?" "I don't know"),
The glow and glory of this starchild simply took my breath away!





On July 28, 2010, Mika came to Grandma,
not the other way round.
Before they - Immanuel, Tomer and Mika - arrived from Shoham,
Ofir drove out his car from his parking-place on "my" veranda,
and I made this part a playground for my own youngest starchild.

I taught her, how to make a pyramid of four triangles - out of 6 plastic pieces and 4 metal balls - MY Tetraeder, MY Pyramid...

My photo next to Mika's own photo


"Come into the tent, grandma!" "But, Mika, how can I squeeze myself through this little hole?"

The weather was so pleasant that we could have our lunch outside on the veranda.
(unlike on this day, on which I'm sculpting this: Aug. 6, 18:00, 34 degrees despite 2 vents and doors and windows open),

I'm looking at Tomer, knowing in hindsight, what the near future "held in store" for us....

After dinner Abba, Savta and Mika drive to Grandma's pool,
while Tomer walks to a schoolmate from his boarding-school.

[to be inserted: photos which Immanuel made in the pool]


While still in her towel-gown Mika busies herself with some creation on my desk,
while Abba solves some problems with my computer, which had awaited him since long.




Continuation of Mika's "Heaven-on-Earth" , in March 2010, on the Song page of May 21, 2007