The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound




to which I contributed the tune or the lyrics or part of the lyrics
+ ONE LOVE SONG by Idan Reichel


last update: 2012_02_09
first song:

David Troim

February 15, 1997
first song:
Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam

March 1997


to former song to next song


A second Love-Song
is based on one of the best movies I've seen in a long time:
"Not afraid, not afraid"
See K.i.s.s.-log 2008, October 5 and K.i.s.s.-log 2008, October 14

The music seems to be
by Gabriel Yared (born in Lebanon 1949)

My lyrics are based on the words which I could guess:



Dive like a seagull,
sing like a starling,
rise like an eagle,
fly like a swallow

Don't be afraid
Life is just a game.

Remember tomorrow
your lover will follow
peers talk, laugh
and God does hear!

Swing with the Ocean,

Sing your emotions!
Living forever
Loving together

Don't be afraid
Life is just a game.

Hmmmm- hmmmm
Living forever
Loving together

Don't be afraid
Life is just a game.

As to the line: "Peers talk, laugh and God does hear!" - see the biblical prophecy in "Az nidberu"

As to the yearning in this song, see Godchannel>Old Heart and New Heart :


"Old Heart has been the story of the prince and princess
who desperately long for one another
and yet are separate, pained and heart-broken.
New Heart is the story of the prince and princess together,
integrated as one human being.
Meeting another human being
in whom the prince and princess are also fully integrated
with all parts of Deity in loving balance
is to realize Original Heart's vision.
New Heart is
loving Spirit and the Mother making love inside of you.

Divine Romantic Love

"If it is your desire to come upon another
who is also hosting the union of loving Spirit and the Mother in this way,
it is inevitable it be fulfilled.

You will not need love
because it will be already fully present inside of you.
Without needing anything,
you are free to love the other just for who they are,
not for what they can give you or do for you.
Without any neediness, guilt or blame,
there is only pure love, real love.



"Real love, unconditional love, has no opposite or shadow.
And real love is not 'fallen' into~~~
it is discovered or kindled in you.
It is awakened from inside of you
with a tremendous self-love.
Where your deepest desires
receive your unconditional loving acceptance
and with the feeling
that your love is bringing their fulfillment right now.

"Even the longing for another to share that love
can be fulfilled
by lovingly accepting the desire itself.
Unfulfilled desire has been difficult for Old Heart to accept.
As New Heart you channel loving Spirit
and move to fully accept the desire
just as it is,
unfulfilled and all.
As you embrace your unfulfilled desire for real love,
you empower the fulfillment of your desire~~~
and not just inside of you,
inside all of manifestation as well.
It is as if all of Creation
is held in the loving arms of New Heart.

"You can feel the relief of your good grief now
as you cry for joy.
You can taste the richness of life
because the Universe feels nourishing and fully loving.
You know yourself as New Heart
because you feel whole and complete in yourself~~~

while experiencing the fulfillment of the deepest yearning in creation~~~
to share and explore love with another.

New Heart matures in you as quickly
as you move to embrace and act on the fact

that you are first your own beloved.

"When you embrace
all your desires, feelings, emotions and sensations
as your own inner beloved,
the space opens for the magic
of drawing another into your life
as the outer beloved.
Suddenly, miraculously he or she is here with you,
entwined in your embrace.
You find yourselves as two whole beings
now in divine union as one.
Kissing, caressing, curling around each other,
you love and honor the manifested Divinity you each are.
Songbirds fill the air with sweet music,
flowers bloom and the trees sway in gentle breezes
as all of nature dances in the warm embrace [of] your divine romantic love.

Part of a third love-song

In order to realize this longing,
I want to remember what I just - on August 23, 2009 - learnt again
[ in today's daily e-mail quote from "Abraham-Hicks"]
"What you do is miniscule
in comparison with what you choose to think,
because your vibration is so much more powerful
and so much more important!"

But I must also heed the biblical warning in "the Song of Songs"!

in K.i.s.s.-Log 2008, August 30 , I wrote:

In the morning pool I rehearsed this song over and over again.
While at Shakespeare's times female roles (Juliet!) were still played by men,
there is this woman who - perhaps 3000 years ago - speaks not only in her own name,
but lets us know that she is the active one,

[just like Eve who gave 'the fruit of knowing' to Adam, the man... Genesis 3:6].
She gets up from her bed, she roams around the streets of Jerusalem,
she isn't afraid of the guards, but asks them to help her,
and when she finds HIM,
she is the one who pushes him into her mother's bedroom.

And she adjures the daughters of Jerusalem!
'I adjure you,
O daughters of Jerusalem,
by the gazelles,
and by the hinds of the field,
that ye awaken not,
nor stir up love,
until it please!"

(see and listen to the entire song
in SongGame 2007_02_27!)


A fourth Love-Song

You, you love me

Image: After a 13.6-year absence, Comet 8P/Tuttle is once again traveling through the inner solar system. At closest approach to Earth on Jan. 1st & 2nd, 2008, the comet will brighten to 5th or 6th magnitude

you-love me
you - you
you-love me

I-love you
I-love you
I - I

we (are) one
we (are) one
we - we

I-love you
you-love me





About a year ago my grandson Arnon
played this theme from Brahms' Third Symphony
on the piano.
I was so moved by it,
that I asked him to scan the piece for me.

Now, much later, when I re-discovered the piece,
the lyrics came to me "just like that",
and I don't even know,
if it is a dialog between me and "God"
or between me and a human "true peer",
who is so slow to appear...

In the translation the symbolism gets lost:
All words begin with an Alef:
the verb a-h-v = to love
all personal pronouns:
ata (you)~~~ani & anochi (I)~~~anachnu & anu (we)
and , of course, "aekhad" (ONE)

Only in the last line another letter -"resh" - the first letter of Rachel - is prevalent.
"Womb" is my metaphor for "Self-Acceptance",
for in the womb there is only darkness, no light,
only water, no non-water,
which means that there is no polarity!
Therefore no choice! Therefore no judgment!
Only acceptance, compassion, love!

Aug. 22, 2009- I came across a sentence in Franz Rosenzweig's Love-Letters to Gritli, in November 1919:

du freust dich schon, dass du bist -
und ich, was soll ich denn erst tun?
Freuen ist manchmal wirklich kein Wort.
Vielleicht ist das einzig Unverbrauchte und Unverbrauchbare
das Danken.
YOU rejoice , that you are -
and I, if so - what should I do?
To rejoice sometimes really isn't a word.
Perhaps the only not exhausted and unexhaustable is




February 17, 2011 - modified on March 27, 2013
A fifth Love-Song

A tune to a commercial on the Israeli Educational Channel 23
became so ingrained in my flesh and blood,
that it attracted the "appropriate" lyrics of only 17 syllables
in the bio-context of this month
(see Learn&Live16>Febr 3-7+14)

You are my "Peer" and you are received!

Ourselves and Creation

we'll heal into wholeness and peace.

March 9, 2011 - modified on March 27, 2013
A sixth Love-Song

In my cherished
biblical love-song
s. above
there is 3 times a warning
not to wake up love,
until love is ready for it.

The tune of a German
(or Austrian or Swiss?)
came to my mind
and created lyrics
which claim,
that now
"love is ready".

I made you swear, daughters of Jerusalem-
if you wake up,
if you awaken
the Love
till it desires!

Canticum 2:7~~~3:5~~~8:4
Modification of the lyrics on February 8-9, 2012

2012-02-09--- 2013_03_27DELICIOUS      DELETION


December 11, 2011 - February 8, 2011
A seventh Love-Song

River Water

River water flowing
These are the days of your life
They are the days of your life
flushed in the flow
that starts with the first rain

River water flowing
These are streams
That reach the dying desert
With the quiet that will come

Even if I'll drink all the sea
it will not quench my thirst
for another day close to you
for another day in your arms

Even if I sit under the sun
its rays will not burn me
as my heart burns
in the flames of your love

a talkback:
"I don't understand Hebrew,
but I know this is one of the most beautiful songs I ever heard."

Idan Raichel official


idan raichel&indie arie in New-York

Nachal-Band 2011

It was a ca. 8 year old girl,
whom I heard singing this song on TV.
It touched me so much,
that I had to learn it myself.
How wondrous - the Internet!