The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

Vårvindar friska

The Winds of Spring


Vårvindar friska
Swedish Folksong,
which I learnt in summer 1958,
when I worked as an au-pair in Sweden.
I still feel strongly what the lyrics are about,
but I wished someone would translate it for me.

Vårvindar friska
leka och viska
lunderna kring
likt ælskande par
strœmmarna ila
finna ey vila
fœrran i havet stœrtvågen far

Klappa mit hjærta klaga och hœr
vallhornets klang bland klipporna dœr
Strœmkarlen spelar
sorgerna delar
vakan kring berg och dol

[Google translation is totally unuseful,
so I'm translating according to what I remember]

Fresh spring-winds
play and whisper
? around
like a loving couple
rivers hurry
and find no rest
? into the sea a high wave runs

Clap my heart, complain and hear
a French horn sounds among the cliffs ?
The River-God plays
sorrows he disperses,
? around the mountain and valley

See other Swedish songs

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En-JOY-ing and growing with Mika and my Family
following the documentation "Mika's Heaven on Earth", inserted since Song Game 2007_01_01


Shoham April 8-9, 2011
continued from Song-Game 2007_08_06

Mika wanders around in our tiny room,
and improvises a song with her toy-guitar.
I listen perplexed.

"To whom is this song addressed"? I ask.
"To God, of course!"
"Could you sing this again, so I can record it?"
"Yes, but the words will be a bit different"
"Of course".

That you'll always
feel pleasant in your heart,
You will always be yours,
and we are yours
When you'll be in trouble
then we will always come to your help
when you'll be in heaven and fall
we'll hold you everywhere
so that nothing will happen to you.

[A Song to God]

And when you'll feel sad and lonely,
then you'll have joy , a good feeling
for we'll always be with you
and you'll always belong to whomever you want
Everyone loves only you and you
(while we noted the text later , she corrected:
Everyone loves you and me.
You decide what you want to do here together.
You'll always have what you want
you'll do what you want

She helps me to transcribe her lyrics ~~~

or go to the astronaut center
take helmets and suit
we'll built a spaceship
and fly to space
to dive to bring treasures
we'll always go to where you want
and always, you'll do what you want

that we won't have a bad family
and not a bad life, but a good one
and whoever will make a really bad life,
leave it and let's go - it's enough!
Now one goes to a better place,
to where you want to go: tu-du-du
always invite the friends whom you want
and want
We'll always be yours , tu-tu-lu-lu
Always always yours - lu-lu-lu
we'll always be yours
forever each one is always with you, tu-lu-lu

~~~ by listening and stopping my digital recorder


On Shabbat morning Mika wants to re-visit "our" olive-tree,
which is planted on a heightened plaza in the center of a junction.
Small as the plaza is - for us there is much to observe and to enjoy.
Inside the tiny niche of a mini-rock we see some withered primroses.
For some reason I check them and a find what I never saw before:
primroses in the state of fruition!
We pluck one fruit and open it and discover some 30 white seeds!
I propose to sow them in a niche between the bare roots of the olive-tree
"But you first need to fill the niche with soil!"
"By chance" Mika had brought with her her precious red spade...

a few illustrations from the Internet:
blossoms and fruits of the primrose:


Shoham-Arad, April 10, 2011

Before we parted the next morning,
I showed Mika the
which she was given in kindergarden,
"the Table of Moods", verbally: state-of-spirit.
Actually the moving paper-wheel lists feelings.
But luakh, table, rhymes nicely with ruakh, spirit.
and asked: "what is your mood to day?
"Let me think!"
she said and after a while:
"I'm still joyful" (as she had answered yesterday),
and after another while:
"No! --- today I'm loving!"
[she said "ohevet",
not , as written on the wheel: me'uhaevet=in love]

It's sad, that English speaking people
do not differentiate between "joyful" [samêach] and "happy" [me'ushâr].
yes they prefer the latter.
And there is no verb like "sich freuen" in German and "lismoach" in Hebrew.
Also, there is only one word for "joy" in English (and perhaps: "gladness") ,
while in Hebrew there are several: simchah, sason, khedvah, rinah and more.

See Lean&Live 5: Joy is not the same as Happiness!

In the afternoon, at Arad, I got a call from starchild Boris ,
while he did his job as a life-guard in some Dead Sea hotel
"Are you in Arad? Can I come at eight?
I'm reading a book (in English!) : Leo Tolstoi: Happy Family,
Since I remember your "romance with joy" last year,
I would like to talk with you about "Joy".

At eight he came - together with another starchild, Gal Mor,
The two said simple and simply amazing things about Joy...

See also the Hebrew/English song about "a Joy that forgot its Cause"
underneath what is the crown of Beethoven's uncomplete 9th symphony,
which has become the Hymn of United Europe:
Freude, Freude, Freude, Freude

The six feelings on the wheel are:
"in love" ,

"What do you feel, when you feel "stam", Mika?

"that I don't want to do anything, boring!"


"Abraham" (1999) e-mail quote on April 14, 2011

If we had a child, or anyone,
and we caught them doing something inappropriate,
we would not amplify it with our words.
We would identify what it is we do not want,
and then out of it would come
the rocket of desire of what we do want,
and then we would just visualize, visualize, visualize,
until we find peace within our vision.
When you make someone and their action the heart of a vision
that you've spent time on --
your relationship improves,
your experience is better,
and they receive the benefit of the experience.
But if you catch them, and see them, and worry about it,
and put mechanisms in place to prevent it,
now you have not only amplified it,
you have now made a commitment
that is hooking you both into that,
until usually it gets big enough that you break apart,
and then you attract others to fulfill that role.





This picture and text is a kind of "promo" of the wondrous Seder-Pesach with the United Family
within my daughter's family on April 19, 2011 - see the compositions on the following Song-Page!
[Pesach 2008- with Efrat's family at Acco; Pesach 2009- With the Walk-about-Love at Nes-Harim;
Pesach 2010 with Micha's family, and see the sequence about a True Pesach - 2003

From left to right, though not everybody is really visible:
Itamar, Mika, Efrat, Ra'ayah ~~~~~Jonathan~~~~Immanuel, Micha, Uri, Ayelet, Yael, Arnon~~~ Ronnit, Rotem
Elah, Alon and Tomer were missing: they had Pesach with their mother's family, also the first time in her own home.

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l [Guth] ~ R a f a el R o s e n z w e i g   
[See "Grandma of Ten"]

Immanuel (1963) & Ruth
Elah 1987
Alon 1991

Immanuel & Efrat
Mika -2005

Ronnit (1965) &Uri

Jonathan 1991
Rotem 1993
Yael 1996
Itamar 1998

Micha (1966) &Ra'ayah

Arnon 1996
Ayelet 1998


The next day, before we drove to Efrat's family at Acco and Kiryat-Ata, and before we - a day later - set out for Brazil,
I wrote to my daughter, how much "nakhat" she had caused me with the way she conducted the Seder.
There is no word for "nakhat" in English.
It means the satisfaction a parent or a teacher feels, when a child has done well.
I heard the word the first time, when a man among the team of the administration of the Hebrew University said to me:

"We know, that we'll see "nakhat" from you!"
This was in 1961....

Immanuel's older kids were not with us physically and Jonathan was not with us emotionally.
And since I'm caring so much for both , I'm glad, that a screen-saver image got my attention
Jonathan and Tomer in October 2005 (Immanuel's photo)


Continuation of "En-JOY-ing and Growing with Mika and my Family" in SongGame 2007_08_10