The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah Parting from its realization in the exterior World

D E S E R T      V I S I O N


2002_11_03 Appendix to Desert Peace Process 2002, page 4

I, Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, hereby
abolish, abrogate, annul,
negate, nullify,
rebut, refute, repeal , retract, revoke,
all documents which legalized
the so-called "Company for the Realization of Desert Resources",
supposedly a "Company in favor of the Public",

and the arbitrary, absurd definition of the so-called Company's "captital" as "20000 shares",
and the partnership with Gadi and Efrat,
which for them obviously meant to have a claim to 50% of these "shares".
I also abolish, abrogate, annul,
negate, nullify,
rebut, refute, repeal , retract, revoke,
my so-called "Testament",
in which I entrusted "Succah in the Desert" and the so-called "Company in favor of the public"
to Gadi and Efrat Lybrook.
Instead of the word "entrusted"
[in Hebrew: hifqadti]
I jokingly, stupidly, used the word "bequeathed".

THE 1996 SUCCAH TESTAMENT and its Annulment
2002_08_19 ; last update: 2008_02_16

In December 1995 I was ready to move my bus
to "UNA", a spot on the northern side of the road to Egypt,
from where I could face the wadi running from the south,
where for 4 years I had been fantasizing the first Midbaron.

I pleaded with the ranger, but I was refused yet another time.
"I know", I said," that this wadi belongs to the Nature Reserve!"

I only stripped off my succah from my bus,
and   m o v e d    it
out of its hiding wadi into the open Zin valley
its face towards what I desired as the future.

How could I have been so wrong?
But my strong intuitions are tricky.
Often they lead towards a lesson,
not towards a new circumstance.

All of a sudden - Pesach 1996 - it was there:
the understanding, that I could and should go,
make a complete "lekh-lekhâ" , a true Exodus.

Three days later - a second understanding:
"Go down to Egypt",
meaning that I should go on with my work in Sinai.

I never question such understandings.
I never hesitate to follow them without delay.

I needed to prepare for both-
for "going out" [yetzi'ah]
and for "going down" [yeridah].

With some difficulty and with a ranger's help
I found a place to stay, to repair my mobile home:
outside the Alpacca Farm, 3 km from the Succayah.

I decided to do the going-out within a week,
and the going-down within 40 days.

In that week I wrote "my Will", the "Succah-Testament".
and in those 40 days I organized my archive in 20 folders.

Both perished on Pesach morning 1998,
when the Abraham Succah burnt to ashes.

In my attempt to transform the burning conflict
between Gadi Lybrook and Avi Dror

from frightful to fruitful,
I asked Gadi to e-mail his copy of the Testament.
He keyed it into the computer,
trying to preserve the graphics of the handwritten, poster size document.
I improved on his/my graphics and changed nothing except for 2 things:

I stressed, that the word "DROR", FREEdom,
appears "3 times" in Jeremia.
It's important in the Biblical context
which is an analogy for my
But from the present perspective the word may also contain a prophecy.
Avi's family name is Dror: Abraham Dror.

And I added the number "three" to the words "my children".

I did not guess then, what my decision would lead to later:
That the three together now pay half of the rent of my flat.
This is, what they proposed to do,
when the persecutions of the authorities conveyed the message,
that another - immobile - life is now the situation in which to heal.

I never completed the translation, though,
and now I know, why: this "testament" should have never been written.

"To call Freedom [dror]
to one another"

( 3 times in Jeremiah 34-35)

To Gadi Lybrook & to Efrat Soroker-Lybrook

Today on the Eve of the feast of freedom 5756, 3/4/96
I Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, go out free
of every official obligation and every financial debt
towards "the Succayah" which is a model of a hosting enterprise
that develops and preserves the Desert's SPS
as well as towards "The Company for the Realization of Desert Resources LTD"
which is supposed to realize the model of a "Midbaryah"
i.e. of a basic municipal structure (12 succayahs and a Midbaron)
in order to demonstrate the "SPS Desert Economy Vision"

(the initials of the Hebrew terms create the word khokhmah=Wisdom).

I go out free
after 7 years of commitment to "khokhmah"
years full of creation and satisfaction,
but also full of toil and pain and yoke,
since from now on, you, Gadi&Efrat,
are ready and mature
to take on the yoke of the Succayah
and the yoke of "khokhmah".

"When you aquire
a Hebrew serf,
he is to serve for six years,
but in the seventh year
he is to go-out into freedom,
for nothing
[Ex. 21,2]


You are free to experience and to do as you see fit
and you have no moral obligation to follow my way!
The existing Succayah and the planned Midbaryah
are but "a training ground for dreamers," i.e. a situation,
in which dreaming and creating people train
how to dream and how to realize dreams.
Even if you should stray from what was revealed to me
and not make use of my experience,
I am at your side, provided that you won't stray
from being self-determined ["parental"] in realizing your will.

You are also free from what
according to the popular restricted and restricting understanding is called: "return of investment".

I had the priviledge to combine creating and making a living:

25000$ were invested by me
30000 DM (German Marks) were given as gifts
and loans-later turned into gifts,
from my friends
[Anke Ristenpart and Irene Hahn]
and from my sister Ursel in Germany.
The time I invested - 7 years -
out of this 5 years as a "one-and-a-half job"
and 2 years as a "half job",
the ability to think and the strength to work hard
were given to me "gratis" ,
in order to create externally and to grow internaly
and the investment returned to me already
"mea she'arim", a hundred fold [Gen. 26:12]

I , therefore, have now financial demands from anyone,
also my three children are whole with the fact,
that I use my money and my time and my talents
not in order to take care of my old age
and not in order to buy a flat for them,
but in order to create what I desired to create

My thanks and my blessings and my support
are given to you!

Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam

2013-11-20 -
Am I not eating now,
what I cooked then??????

The two parallel passages from Jeremiah, which I interspersed within the so carefully sculpted text of the "Testament",
Jer. 34, based on the command to free a Hebrew slave after 6 years in Ex. 21:2, and Jer.35 about free people in Israel, which chose to never build .

I had forgotten about the Rekhab-sons, a group of people at Jeremiah's time,
who could be an example for guests and hosts in SPS desert enterprises,
not in the still faulty, defective "temporary" model of Succah-in-the-Desert,
but in the pyramidal tents of a mobile "Pyramidion" or "Ohalah" or "Rihlah".



Since I have not died, but the situation has changed,
I need to re-write this will.

My experience with my successors in the one and only Succayah on the one hand,
and my R&D of the pyramidal tent and the experience of living, creating, interacting, suffering,
in Sinai and at the Red Sea (Egyptian border and Jordanian border) and at the Dead Sea between 1996-1999,
led me to an ever deeper, new understanding:
the model of a Succayah is nothing but a bridge between old and new.
It is still too permanent,
thus endangering the Desert SPS Resources,
and the present painful and shameful conflict between the partners,
who each blame the other for wanting to make the Succayah a private business
with the prospect of raising the value of the land for later etc. etc.
makes me even more certain,

that the economic future will be in mobile hosting-enterprises,
based on 12 pyramidal tents and a team of three owners!!

As to the model/place/business/company called "Succah in the Desert",
I want to analyze its principles
as outlined in the Memorandum that serves as the basis for

For utilizing the Comparative Advantage of the Desert:
a company for the benefit of the public.

"A SUCCAYAH is based on two principles
which enable Man to live in the Desert
without imposing himself and destroying what nurtures him:

First Principle:

the small number of Succot and guests
guarantees balance between Man and Nature
and meaningful communication between guests and hosts.


Second Principle:

The temporariness of dwellings, service, ownership:

a) of the dwellings
(allows the Succayah to be moved elsewhere,
in case the site should be needed for other purposes
or civilization should come too close and impinge on the treasure of the Desert:
Space, Purity, Silence (SPS)

b) of the service of the hosts
(allows them to pause/leave,
should they become tired of daily welcoming people into their hearts)

c) of the ownership of the founders
(prevents the temptation
to expand and impose superfluous civilisation and thus destroy SPS.
The entrepreneur's "Investment" is a loan.
See note to the right.. )


Such a small enterprise "SUCCAYAH"
provided it is embedded
in a comprehensive socio-economic setting,
which will preserve the SPS resources of the desert.

"The entrepreneur's "investment" is a loan"

This addition makes only sense
in the context of an already viable,
comprehensive infra-structure of Midbaryahs.

As to the present one and only Succayah,
which was conceived and is perceived by me,
Christa-Rachel-Maryam Bat-Adam,
as a scientific model
of how to unfold and preserve the Desert's SPS,
there is no "loan" to be returned,
not when I gave two examples of "lekh-lekha",
first at Succot, Oct. 1994,
and finally at Pesach, April 1996,

and not at present,
when Gadi&Efrat on the one hand
and Avi Dror on the other hand
must part as partners,
as Ya'acov and Esau after their reunion -
parted as brothers
[Genesis 33,12-19].

My intention was that,
any additional investment
should be covered by the current income.

If not - the "Omên" ["foster-parent"]
has to get his/her reward
from the satisfaction of "fostering" the Succayah.
This is - I admit - difficult
in the present time-period of capitalism.
It is one of several reasons,
why the privately owned
mobile model of a hosting business
is more realistic

As to the first investment for a Succayah,
a great idea evolved
out of constant struggling with this problem, in 1995,
but since this is not the time
for the erection of any other hosting business,
leave alone for the realization
of the comprehensive SPS Desert Economy,
it's senseless to even mention it.
As to the first Succayah,
the money was invested by me,
and when, after a year, in November 1990,
I ran out of the very last penny,
3 women, my sister and 2 friends in Germany
gave me a loan,
not expecting, that I would ever return it.

But since the time is not ripe for this condition to be fulfilled
as made vivid by the very conflict between Avi and Gadi,
of which the situation in the Middle East is only a reflection

the second part of the second principle has to be suspended.

For if the law of temporariness of the foster-parent
would be applied to this one and only succayah,
it would collapse.
A succayah - which is based on those 3 laws of temporariness -
can only function and prevail ,
if integrated into a stable socio-economic-technologic infrastructure.

document, written 20 years ago, between September 23 and October 10 , 1993,
part of it during the Succot-week in the house and garden of Orenia&Dov Yanai

mo'ed ba-midbar~~~~maerkhav-le-yotzrim
[difficult to translate: timing-for-meeting in the desert~~~ space for creators]
[the four photos on this page and on the other page, where I insert the document, were glued to the front and back cover of the document]




continuation of this document in "Memorandum 1994"