"Today I
want to discover something new", I said to Mika,
before she could voice her expected wish to go to the playground.
She seemed to agree, but made a whining scene: "I
cannot walk!"
The girl, who is jumping, climbing, doing acrobatics all day long!
So, while carrying her, I directed my steps up to the water-tower.

"Do you remember the water-tower
of Bet Nehemya?"
Now and afterwards and still two days
later, when she told Abba,
I realized, that she simply cannot get it into her head and imagination,
that "Bet Nehemya" is not one house, the house, in which
she lived,
but "a village", i.e. an agglomeration of houses,
nor that now, too, she lives among other houses, in what is called
"a town".

But as to the water-tower and all that we were about to discover,
she asked smart questions, like "where
does the water come from?"
As soon as we had reached the water-tower, she forgot her "tired
and roamed around,
first enjoying with me the fantastic view - as far as to the towers
of Modi'in,
(where she
had lived for 3 transitory weeks between Bet Nehemya and Shoham)
and then exploring the small archeological site, which we hit on.
Actually this is "a hill of wars", as several memorial boards
and not a sign of information could be detected
of when and what people carved out the impressive ditches and holes.

After Mika had found a strange almost cube-sized
and played with throwing it into one of the water-filled tiny round
we discovered where the stone came from: a mosaic!
I taught her that this is called a "psifas"!
"like the word "professor"?
she said.

I let her take the stone home, "but
don't throw it away, don't loose it!
One day you'll come here with Abba and bring the stone back, promise!"
At home in my room, we looked for a secret
where we would also hide the triangular stone,
which I had found in the morning (repair of heart-chain!),
on the sideway among a small heap of broken tiles.
My idea had been right on the spot,
that Mika could paint the 3-dimensional triangle all around
as a gift for her
father's birthday.
Mika was so enthusiastic about the stone and the idea,
that she, of course, couldn't keep the secret....
image with Mika carrying
the few
flowers which we had picked
and which she herself had put in this glass,
once more exemplifies her sensitivity to whatever we find
in nature.
Mika's drawing-painting style has changed
now: instead of "items" and "creatures" she paints
areas of forms and colors.
When, on this evening, Efrat and I asked her, what this
[the lower picture) was, she hesitated, thinking frentically
and said:
"It is ~~~ a machine~~~ like a net~~~ which
catches sharks and dolphins~~~"
Both, Mika and Efrat, looked at me, expecting my reaction to "dolphins"
and Efrat - under this pressure - felt urged to say: "but
Mika hurried to add - with tears in her voice :
"but the sharks rescue the dolphins".
We both felt bad of having pressured her so,
and discussed, if we should not even ask the painter: What is this?
"But I also want to show her my concern
for what she creates."
said the painter's mother, and , of course, this is true for me ,
The next day I found a chance to show Mika that picture again.
"Did you say, that here the sharks are
rescuing the dolphins?"
"Yes, but also the dolphins are rescuing
the sharks!"
That was the moment to dig deeper:
"Tell me, Mika, does it bother you (le-hatziq
lakh), that we ask about a painting: what is this?
"No", she said with no doubt in her voice and face,
"this does not bother me!"
"Good! But know, that even great painters like Picasso about
whom I told you,
sometimes don't know, what it is they've painted.
And you, too, can simply answer: "I
don't know", if someone asks you!"
Still, the fear that people have of my judgmental remarks
about words they say or drawings they make, etc. etc.
is not something I want to take lightly.
The same is true for the mutual triggering (not
too bad, not long) the next morning
concerning my story about the experience in the kindergarden.
At first I only reinforced the correct, but confused story of Mika
and said, I would tell her- tired and exhausted Efrat - more later
"perhaps in one of the advertisement breaks
during the BIG BROTHER reality show".
When we watched the show together
[see in K.i.s.s.-log 2008, for instance on
Oct. 20, how important the first
season of 100 days was for me!],
I did try, but felt I had already built up the story to something
so overwhelming,
that Efrat didn't show interest in hearing more if it.
But the next morning I ventured:
"perhaps I shouldn't stay inside the kindergarden
which triggered Efrat and she exclaimed:
"Why must you make everything so complicated!
I decide now: you won't take Mika today, I'll take her myself!"
Now it was my turn to be triggered and I disappeared in my room.
Not for long, though, since I could well see, how I had created this.
I came out again and accompanied the ritual of Mika's getting ready
for kindergarden.
This time Efrat drove her there (instead of letting me bring Mika
by foot - 5-7 minutes!)
and came back for a few minutes, for on this day she would travel
to work with Talli.
She tried to appease me, like I tried to appease her saying:
"You are right, I should have simply told you the bottom-line
of the experience:
'I find it dangerous, when the kids compete for me,
it's not good for the atmosphere in the kindergarden, nor is it good
for Mika!'
and I accept that you get triggered by my 'too much, too complicated'!
But I don't accept that you punish me!"
Somehow peace was restored right there and then,
and Efrat said:
"Since Immanuel will return from flight
around 3 PM,
and I want him to rest,
you may take Mika from the kindergarden at 3 PM.
And as you suggested: tell Tzippora, when you ring the bell
(no guard during the Chanuka
that she should bring Mika out, without you going in."
And that was, what happened:
Mika was brought out to me,
she sat in the yard, carefully cleaning the sand out of her shoes
and socks,
then - with my help - doing some breath-taking climbing on the fence
and then walking with me along the road,
"in order to pick flowers for Abba".
We found many different pretty flowers hanging out from the gardens.
"How excited will Abba be!"
she exclaimed over and over.
An imposing tiger-colored cat began to attach itself between our legs,
Mika got afraid - having heard from her mother so often:
"Never touch a street-cat, it may scratch
And as so often, the fear fulfilled itself:
we wanted to rest on a bench, and - hop - the cat was on Mika's lap...
I transferred her swiftly to a nearby swing,
the cat - walking through underneath - caught a kick from Mika's shoes
and finally moved aside,
but when we wanted to go home, it was bothering us again,
and since there was no way, that Mika would walk ,
I had a child on my shoulders and a cat between my legs
until we crossed the main road, Emeq
Ayalon, where it stayed behind.
There was no opportunity for taking any picture, of course...
the evening,
after Mika had enjoyed both her parents together,
she came to me with a cardboard:
"Write on it: Welcome to Mika's birthday!"
I wrote by pencil,
she colored the writing,
and for the background
I proposed to use
[All the equipment is always ready on and in
my chest!]
The result
of this co-creation
was making us
happy |
Here she is still dressed as a princess,
since - just before - I rehearsed with her,
how she would appear in front of all the guests on her birthday,
hinting at the song I had made for her (the rest is still a
"Do you remember, what you answered,
when Imma asked you,
about what grandma should make you this
year's song?"
This was on the morning of Dec. 7, before I left Shoham.
Since that time I returned by train and bus
- because of the imminent rain,
the song was ready, when I reached home.
Now , 9 days later,
she remembered every sentence she had said...
~~~God waits for her to grow up ~~~
~~~ to make her a princess in heaven~~~ |
Since this time I didn't leave for Arad
when my son returned from flight,,
Immanuel showed me, how he can - on Google
Earth and with GPS etc. -
mark his except steps on an exact 5 km track at the beach of Los Angeles,
including the rate of his heart-beat!
This is
a chance to insert a few photos
taken at Los Angeles Beach
in April 2009,
when my son-on-flight
took with him his two daughters:
Elah (then 21) and Mika (then 3)
are all perfect
and expanding;
you are all adored
and worthy;
you are all here having your exposure
to experiences
and doing the best
that you can
from where you are.
You have not been sent here in a test or trial;
you're here as creators as part of an expanding Universe.
… That judging... God
is manufactured from humans' deepest despair.
--2004 Abraham
Some interactions with Mika,
told in Hebrew
about kisses
and about God's task in her life