The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"





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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound




last update: August 13, 2008
On August 18-21, 2011, I added

Yehuda HaLevi
Jehuda Halevi
12th century

based on
Jeremia 1:5

June 6, 1986

Omission of the last lines:
June 28, 2000

Jeremia 1:4-5

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee,
and before thou camest forth out of the womb
I sanctified thee;
I have appointed thee a prophet unto the nations.
And I said: 'Ah, Lord GOD!
behold, I do not know to speak;
for I am a child.'

Updated 2007_10_03, 4 AM,
I suddenly realized, that the claim of Jehuda HaLevi was the same as Jeremia's ,
the claim, that his life didn't start with his incarnation in his mother's womb.......

As to the verb "
yada'tani" - "you knew me" or "you know me"
- it cannot be translated.
It means two opposites:
to differentiate like in Genesis 3:4 : "you will be like God, knowing good and evil .."
to unite like in Genesis 4:1 : "Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore..."


I went to sleep again, only to wake up - 8:15 - with another memory,
Franz Rosenzweig, Jehuda Halevi, and the page of the poem, "translated" by him,
on which I had noted the original Hebrew, a long time ago,
and his notes to the poem, which preceded the "insight" which I phrased above,
but which had not pierced me, when I discovered the poem the first time in that precious first edition
[Sechzig Hymnen und Gedichte des Jehuda Halevi, Deutsch,
Mit einem Nachwort und mit Anmerkungen, Konstanz, Oskar Woehrle Verlag]
Franz Rosenzweig began with this work in Dezember 1922,
half a year after his paralyzing sickness had first appeared.
A later edition appeared with 30 more poems,
but it was the first edition with sixty hymns and poems,
which was given to me as a gift by Ilse Strauss,
during my scholarship year in Jerusalem in 1960-61,
4 years before Ilse - the sister of my mother-in-law, Edith Rosenzweig - would become my aunt.
[2009_11_21-I now found a translation into English, but "WITH YOU" is not among the online poems]



Ich war bei Dir, vor Erdenleibs Beschweren -

     in mir nun Deinen Geist woll schirmen, mehren.

Haett' Kraft zu stehn ich, wolltest Du mich stoeren?

     und Macht zu gehen, wolltest Dus mir wehren?

Und was ich sinn - es bleibt doch Dein Gedanke;

      was ich beginn - wie wollt' ich Dich entbehren.

Dich such zur Gnadenzeit ich - woll mich hoeren;

     mit Deiner Gnade Schild woll mich bewehren.

Anstelle mich zum Dienst vor Deiner Schranke,

     und weck mich auf zu Deines Namens Ehren.

BEI    DIR [Rosenzweig's Commentary]

"Es hat fuer den juedischen Dichter nicht erst des Platonismus bedurft, um zu wissen, was Jesaia (45,4) und der Psalmist (103,14 und 139,1) gewusst haben und was zu Jeremia (1,3) bei seiner Berufung wortwoertlich gesagt wurde, dass Gott den Menschen, schon ehe er ins Leben tritt, erkannt und geliebt hat - die hebraeische Sprache drueckt beides unuebersetzbar in Einem Wort aus. Dieses Wissen ist eine tragende Grundlage des menschlichen Lebens, mehr noch als selbst die Hoffnung auf das was jenseits des Grabes uns erwartet; denn diese Hoffnung ruht nur auf jenem Wissen, das eine im Leben selber sich bewaehrende Gewissheit besitzt. Jeder Geburtstag bestaetigt sie. So hat von diesem Wissen der Seele um ihr Niedergestiegensein mein unvergesslicher Lehrer im Gesetz, Nehemia Nobel, an seinem 50ten und letzten Geburtstag gepredigt. "

The clearest of the verses , quoted by FR,
is "God's" "information" to Jeremiah 1:5

"Bevor ich dich bildete im Mutterleib habe ich dich gekannt"
Martin Luther: "erkannt" ! Martin Buber: "gekannt" !
together they come closer to the Hebrew 'yeda'tani'.

As to Psalm 139, it is not only the beginning which may include the secret,
See the Psalm as my song
but also the continuation, especially verse 13...

see the entire psalm 103
in Hebrew & in Buber's translation
to Rosenzweig's letter Dec. 25, 1918
inserted in Aug. 12, 2008


August 18-20, 2011 :
See the wondrous story of this song in Heaven-to-Earth-4>August 18-20

The shade of the hands of the living God
may be a refuge for you
if in wholeness and truth you seek refuge in him
Your step will be directed on the day of the walking
your hand he will hold on the day of the doing

seek peace, and pursue it. [Psalm 34:15]
isn't he the lord of peace
and peace he shall make.

Yehuda Halevi changed the word "seek"
from "baqesh" into "baqshah"
and I changed the masculine form of
"your step" and "your hand"
into the feminine form.

On November 1, 2011 , I read in Veronica's "Whispers" the following correspondence:

My question is...
Can an ex-boyfriend that passed many yrs ago still come around to comfort me?
I can swear that I seem to sense him around from time to time.
It makes me feel happy, gives me strength, and seems to say its going to be OK.
Is it true... and even though I am happily married to someone else?
Dear J,
Energies that have crossed over, especially loved ones, can assist you in the physical.
Your ex-boyfriend wishes to support you energetically.
There is no attachment to worldly things,
so he can participate without interfering with your current relationship.

Love and care is eternal.



December 26, 2011
See context on November 30, 2011

My old dictionary quotes the medieval Yehuda Halevi

"and I on the back of a ship    hangbetween water and sky    circle and move"

"ani" =
I and "ani", a poetic word for ship, have the same consonants though different punctuation.
In 1996-99 I played with the usual word for "ship" - aniyah = I am Yah, and this is my Internet password up to this day.
Yehuda Halevi probably borrowed "akhug" -
"I circle" or "I make a circle" from the one biblical verse in which it appears:
Job 26:10 - The translators groped for an interpretation, but it's only by intuition that one can "know" it.

to former song to next song




2010_04_11 - Mika's Heaven on Earth

Since August 1, 2009,
I employ song-page after song-page
for documenting and exploring
the evolution of Mika
my youngest grandchild,

whose assignment seems to be:
to demonstrate to humankind
by her own living and doing,
how to playfully create
from moment to moment

"zest-fully and full-filled"

[see previous composition]

"....Manifestation is meant to be a playground
where being and doing are fun..."

[Godchannel, Second Interview with the Folks]



Since Mika's thread has reached SongGame 2007_03_17,
I've been creating a more comprehensive composition than before:
Not only a sculpture made up of Mika's personal, individual being ~ playing ~ living
but a composition of the major experiences of her family -on this planet -at this time.
This will include scenes in the recent past, from Immanuel's album
[since 2010_01_01]
and relevant e-mail quotes from Abraham
or quotes from other nourishing sources.

Daily e-mail quote [April 14, 2010) from "Abraham"

Be easy about this.
Be playful about it.
Don't work so hard at it.

Let your dominant intent be to feel good,
and if you don't feel good,
then let your dominant intent be to feel relief.

Feel your way through it.
If you think your way through it,
you can get off on all kinds of tangents.
If you feel your way through it,
you can come quickly to your Core Energy,
and when you do that only good can then flow to you.
[What's missing in this is,
that feelings have to be physically vibrated,
if not - we simply cannot "stand" the "difficult" feelings!]

March 25, 2010

Mika greatly enjoys her sister Elah's performance in the Hebrew musical "Do-Re-Muh"


(I also caught a sentence
from the blessing for parah-le
-the little cow:
"that you will accept yourself
and listen to all your feelings" )

Mika on April 15, 2010 tells me while eating her cereals and listening to the disk of
Do-Re-Mu - The show with the Cows (cow in Hebrew: parah),
with the main "figures": Paranoia, Parapsychologia, Paradigma and Paraphrase, paparazzo
and "Para-le", litte cow, whose problems are the center of the funny, clever musical.

"When 'Paradigma' came out from the performance,
she saw me and knew me!
But I went over to my sister "Paraphrasa",
for it's my sister whom I love more than any other person in the world.

Elah Rosenzweig among the actors of Do-Re-Muh




From the artificial green to the jungle green and my virtual journey with Immanuel and Tomer
- a week later without Mika


The root-system of a jungle tree, where people can find shelter


The palace of a kind of Ants



And again - by contrast - my desert: moving slowly further up the Wadi of Compassion

Looking back, north, over the edge of my Almond Neighborhood , before looking up, south, again.

I can hardly believe my eyes: a cave!
For more than 5 years I have been living here, and never even knew, that there was a cave within a distance of 10 min. walk
[But see on May 21, 2010- when we explored the "cave" and it turned out to be nothing but a niche!]



Further up on my narrow trail I again look back south-east:
across the Wadi of Compassion my "Almond" Neighborhood comes more and more in sight.

see the completion of my desert-hike on Shabbat April 10, 2010 - on the following page, a desert-song page


Continuation of Mika's "Heaven-on-Earth" , in March 2010, on the Song page of March 25 , 2007