The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


April 26/ NISAN 21, SHABBAT, seventh day of PESACH, still 114 days -at Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on April 28

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to live Shabbat as I began it with the first twitter of the birds in this woundrous silence,
vascillating between excited grate-full-ness for so many "things" and dozing off into dreams.
I desire to be able to sculpt the experience with The Seven and with my Starchildren altogether
I desire to "complete" the last 8 pages, before plunging into sculpting the Pesach experiences.
I desire to sculpt my drafts to Gab. and to Jon. in a manner that will be fruitful for both sides.

image of the day
At the pool Meshi parts from me
- to meet Dina, another one of my 5 Star-Children
in order to go out with her to the desert

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
After I had sculpted my "Intention",
I wanted to simply thank you for being alive.
But something in me still resists admitting that.
The frequent desire of wanting to die, from the age of 12,
which at the age of 55, after I had learnt that dying wouldn't make sense,
turned into rage and fury about this one law of existence,
that it is impossible to not exist,~~~
this desire stubbornly refuses to fade into oblivion.

Not being able to choose from the multitude of specific "things",
for which I feel grate-full today,
nor knowing, what should be "the image of today",
I decided to first do something else - before returning to today's 'altar'.
I began a response to an e-mail from Immanuel, received 2 days ago,
which became longer than planned
(what else is new, Rachel !).
And when I sent it, I was already half an hour late for the pool..

["late" = there will be less hours in between 'morning-pool' and 'noon-pool']
But soon enough I understood the purpose of this delay ~~~ Meshi~

And now I can specify one thanksgiving:
I'm grate-full for having met Meshi and for the timing of this meeting!




Finetuning to my Present

Some "Angel" has been staging this double encounter quite forcefully,
the sudden appearance of The Seven in the evening of the day,
on which I had specified my "Intention" of being left al-one !!!!
and the "casual" meeting of Meshi after we haven't met for maybe 2 years,
though she lives 10 min. away from me and comes to Arad when on leave.

I now [12:30] read again, what I sculpted
about my experience from 2004 onward
["Rakhaf" July 13-Zipi>>>Arad,Dec.4, Zipi:
"I want you to meet my friends"]
with the five Starchildren from Arad - Zipi, Gal, Boris, Dina, Meshi -
who entered my life despite my wish - which was even then: to be left alone.

"It's incredible", I told Meshi, "Gal and Boris came to me 2 days ago,
together with four and a half other people
["I met those", she inserted],
and while now climbing down and up the wadi and crossing the street,
I was totally focused on trying to understand that deep togetherness.
And there you who were mising- are calling me from afar!"

As always with my starchildren - the lapse of time does not matter -
during the 10 minutes we walked together, Meshi summarized her life,
as if I had been sharing its procedures and meanings day by day.
Being a graduate of the youth movement "No'ar Oved ve-Lomed"

[popular also among Arab youth],
the Army assigned her the job of an educator-commander in the Gadna.

"I'm working at Sde-Boqer and can do with the kids whatever I want,
even playing
uga, uga ('cake, cake', a popular dance for kids of Mika's age).
Despite my uniform, rifle etc. , I manage well in conveying basic values
like 'listening', 'cooperation', 'not-leaving-somebody-behind' etc.!"

When we first met - she was 16 then - she already worked with youth.
In fact, it was due to the "wool-game", which she had taught us in Dec.2004,
that the togetherness with the Seven became so April 2008.

"What about 'love'?" I asked
and the answer was to the point at its deepest.

"It is not exactly as I want it, but neither is the time ripe for leaving".
"I'm glad, you see it that way, it's more teaching,
if you can understand experiences and lessons inside a relationship,
than after having ended it.
Can you talk with him about your difficulties?"

"Yes. Except now, when I wanted to take a break, he said:
'why can't you work it out together with me instead of stepping aside?'

"Well, then this is something you have to teach him,
the principle of Qohelet
[Ecclesiastes 3:5 ] I always taught you:
"There is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing",
or the Jewish marriage law - to separate at the time of menstruation."

"Yes, Gal told me the same yesterday, from a different perspective!"

"Remember, no love, no love will last unless this principle is guarded!"

We parted, she went to meet Dina and I entered the pool,
not singing while swinging - as usual- , but thinking:
'What am I to understand from the visit of The Seven,
reinforced by the encounter with Meshi?'

My Starchildren, nowadays, are not only mostly away from Arad.
They also have their difficulties with being overwhelmed by me,
or so I believe.
And Zipi, the only one who can always "take me",
I've asked to "refrain from embracing" until "the time will be ripe",
i.e. until we are ripe for true "peership",
when I can get what I want to get,
and when what I want to give can be received.

One of the beautiful aspects of the relationship between "Starchildren" is,
that there are many possible combinations of "groupings".
Periods of estrangement occur not only between me and a starchild,
but also between this or that starchild and another.
But each of us knows, that there are others who will take care,
it's really symbolized in the woolen string crisscrossing between us.

And the fact that Gal, when she finally felt ready to face me again,
dared to bring with her Boris and Itai and Eva, Shakhar&Or&Dindin,
this simply comes to remind me of that fact:
We are always together, in embracing as well as in refraining from embrace.

"Rachel1", I heard a familiar voice,
but could not identify its owner,
"young as ever and 'sasgonit'!"
of varied shades
Only when she hugged me, I saw!
"Is that you, Meshi, so grown up?"
"Where are your glasses?"

"To the pool I don't take them,
so I won't see the nylon-bags etc.
blown into the wadi by the wind."

"Meshi" means "silk", and her family name is "Tayeb",
Arabic for "good" - as my German maiden name: Guth...

Meshi's "Wool-Game"

One of us holds the end of the thread of a wool-ball,
throws the ball across to another person and asks a personal question.
Then this person holds on to the spot of the thread which reached her,
throws the ball to another person of her choice and asks a question.
When each person is holding on to the thread,
with a question to be answered on her mind or heart,
the last one is the first to answer the question thrown at him,
- no second questions from among the circle are allowed ! -
and throws the ball back to the person from whom he had received it.



song of the day

Gal sang a few lines from this song, which is dedicated to my starchildren:

"She is a ray of the sun, he is a wave of the ocean,
colors of the one light are all of them...




Second Continuation of the Ki.s.s.-log Page for Jonathan's Birthday on April 15

Since my old-new TV is not yet connected to the digital converter,
I'm "forced" to zap into Israeli channels, while eating my meals.

[Lunch: backflashs to the life of Yitzhak Shmueli, director of the Israeli Broadcasting Authority in the seventies:
His son: "It was a crime that you gave the order to re-use the tapes of programs like 'A life like that' and 'Tandu'!"
"They had no understanding then of the historical value of those tapes. TV, founded in 1968, was new to them."
So, my double appearance in "Tandu" with Yaron London in 1975, is gone forever.

Earlier - during breakfast - I zapped into a movie,
which brought up another good memory concerning Jonathan from winter 2000-2001
The Series: "The Tribe",
obviously an early season, judging According to some faces,
which I remember at a later age, when Jonathan and I ardently sat down at 5 o'clock,
to see an episode of "The Tribe", which fascinated me as much as him.

This occurred during the 6 months of living in my tent in my daughter's garden at Modi'in.
I don't remember, if the program was given day after day or - probably - once a week.
We didn't talk before, during or after the program,
but I - in addition to my delight in the movie -
was grate-ful for this non-verbal communication between us.

I chose a few images from among the actors we liked so much.



And now back to Jonathan in April 2008

Late at night of April 15, I found a response to my letter from Jonathan , in which he enclosed six of his songs


What stays is - Watching
lyrics: Jonathan
tune: ?


A Song for which I have no Name

lyrics: Jonathan
tune: nobody yet


Why are You still Here?
lyrics: Jonathan
tune: ?

Between the Autumn Branches
lyrics: Jonathan
tune: nobody yet


It's Impossible
lyrics: Jonathan ~~~ tune: Jonathan
[my cellphone recording on April 15]








On the Way to Her
lyrics& tune
Jonathan & his friend Tomer

[listen to the song on April 15]


How strange! I just (April 28, 12:20) came across a sculpture about a togetherness with Jonathan , see puzzle piece 45, Maryam, 2001/12/02



In the afternoon there was a new constellation of "actors" : Immanuel had brought Tomer from Tel-Aviv!

Tomer is dressed-up in shirts, trousers and boots,
which had already caused somebody to call him "a Nazi",
as he told me when we were walking on the Bareket-Path with Abba and Mika
"I've applied all the slogans myself", he said proudly,
"what do you think of it!"
I looked at him gently, with a smile and said:
"Why is it important for you to know, what I think?
It is not me whom you want to impress, is it!"

"Whom do I want to impress?" he asked "naively".
"I think the boys your age, or the boys who are older than you,
even those men, with whom you have contact...
I don't know, if women will be impressed ."
"There are also women"
he said and cut off the conversation.




The almost full moon (Pesach!) in the east,
next to the Dommim-Tree, the ziziphus spinachristi, under which the Quintet had sat the day before,
and the sinking sun - not spectacular, but mysterious - in the west








"Sex-Pistols", an English punk rock band in the seventies, on Tomer's jacket
and a lovely threesome watching busy ants


One last glimpse of the sun between the shrubs
[hardly discernible on the starry background of this page]

and then we have only the moon with us

More millipedes...




Now the Three are exactly under the moon
and Tomer even turns his face,
not pleased to be caught by the camera










He is in a good mood, Tomer,
and will be so for the rest of the day.

Late at night
after an Internet video "lesson"
in punk, rock and metal music,
Grandma and he will go out,
as usual,
except that this time we get lost,
and it's only thanks to him,
that we find our way back.

How grate-full I was,
not only for this rescue,
but even more so,
that he could experience
this boost of his self-esteem...




Little Mika has been a bit nasty
to grandma for a moment,
grandma goes away
and sits under a tree
in some distance,

so little Mika has to cross
a desolate piece of land
in the night
to come over to grandma
and say:

"Slikhah! Bo'i!"

without a pause between the two words:

"Sorry! Come!"

The cursed boots....and a new cellphone (a gift from El-Al)

She rides home holding a palmfrond triumphantly

It's the Eve of Shabbat,
I'm wearing the new dress
(the first in years)
and Mika wants to dance,
something we do quite often.
Efrat turns on the music.
Immanuel interrupts his cooking

and grasps my camera from the table


I give thanks for that day, Friday, April 18 - it was beautiful with all these four actors in my drama



back to past ~~~~~ forward to future 2008/2012

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8


My strong landlord, Ofir, helps me to plant the trees which I had bought - with Ya'acov's help- on April 3, 2012

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future 2008/2012