Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
7 , Wednesday, Memorial Day - at Arad
re-edited on May 7, 2013, at Arad
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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire to
vibrate (breathe, move, sound) and wholly accept
my grey feelings on this morning.
I desire to radiate compassion towards all
the mourners - parents, wifes, children, siblings,
be they Druze or Jewish, Israelis since generations or new immigrants
from Ethiopia or Russia
(yesterday night - a father in tears:
"I am to be blamed, I brought the family here")
I desire that my tears about
my State's inaptitude to
heal the roots of the conflict will bear fruit.
I desire that the feelings of victimhood be transformed into
feelings of parentalness
& greatness
image of the
day: Borobodur, Java
Parentalness, Compassion , Grandeur
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
I give thanks for having just now rediscovered
message in puzzle
piece 33
"You, however,
are not this part.
Your true identity is the healer of the pain,
not the victim of it.
You are the one who brings the help.
It may seem incredible
that as a human being you are being called upon
to heal the oldest, deepest,
and most painful wounds in Creation.
And yet who else could do this work?
"The roots of these wounds
are cosmic.
The original traumas
that first created the imprints you are now experiencing
occurred long before there were humans,
and many even before the formation of the Earth.
And yet as a human, like it or not,
this is your right place~
you are the healer of Creation.
It cannot be overstated,
the greatness of fully awake humans,
aware of both - the depth of their Will [=feeling]essence
and the healing power of love.
The denial of your greatness as a human being,
the healer of Creation~
is now the most serious impediment to the healing work."

Excerpts from
Day 5768 (2008) Honors Israel's Brave Soldiers"
... With flags at half-mast, a second
siren is to be sounded Wednesday morning, at 11 AM, once again
bringing all public activity to a standstill. The siren will
mark the beginning of memorial ceremonies at the 43 military
cemeteries around the country. .
The Defense Ministry reports the number
of fallen in the Jews' war for the Land of Israel since 1860
as 22,437. This number includes soldiers - not civilians - who
fell since 1948, as well as all Jews killed between 1860 and
1948 in the struggle for the Land. The total number is 132 higher
than last year, including 31 who were murdered or fell in battle
since last year's Memorial Day, as well as others who died of
their wounds or were recognized as IDF war casualties this year.
The year 1860 was chosen because it was
then that Jews began to move outside Jerusalem's Old City walls
and build new neighborhoods there. ...
The names of all Israel's fallen soldiers
and terrorist victims will be broadcast on Israel's public television
channel Tuesday evening and Wednesday, one after the other,
for 4-5 seconds each.
Special memorials will also be held at
the Clandestine Immigration Museum in Haifa, the Acre Prison
for Underground Prisoners, and at the Police Section of Mt.
Herzl. A special ceremony will also be held in memory of Jews
murdered by terrorists and anti-Semites around the world. Some
200 such Jews will be remembered at Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem,...
History of Israel's Fallen
The 1948-49 War of Independence was Israel's costliest war,
with more than 6,000 dead - one percent of the Jewish population
at the time - and 15,000 wounded.
During the ensuing seven years of relative
quiet, 101 Israelis were killed in "1,339 cases of armed
clashes with Egyptian armed forces, 435 cases of incursion from
Egyptian-controlled territory, and 172 cases of sabotage perpetrated
by Egyptian military units and fedayeen [terrorists] in Israel.
So said Israel's Ambassador to the UN Abba Eban to the UN Security
Council on October 30, 1956 - the day after Israel began the
Sinai Campaign in response to Egypt's violation of international
agreements by blockading the Israeli port of Eilat. A total
of 231 Israeli soldiers died in the eight days of fighting.
The Six-Day War broke out on June
5, 1967. Along with the stunning victories, over 770 Israelis
were killed.[at
that time we heard, that about 1000 were killed, among them
two men from Ramat-Hadar, the village in which we lived.]
Then began the period of the War of Attrition,
which claimed 424 soldiers and more than 100 civilians. A ceasefire
was declared on August 8, 1970.
Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on Yom
Kippur of 1973. The IDF ultimately emerged victorious, but a
total of 2,688 soldiers were killed.
In June 1982, in response to continued
terrorist attacks and Katyusha shellings from across the Lebanese
border, as well as an assassination attempt upon Israel's late
Ambassador to Great Britain Shlomo Argov, Israel attacked the
terrorists in Lebanon in what was known as Operation Peace for
Galilee. Close to 460 soldiers were killed between June and
December 1982, and another 760 in daily ambushes against Israeli
forces over the next two and a half years.
Between December 1987, when the first Arab
"intifada" broke out, and the signing of the Oslo
Accords in late 1993, 90 Israelis were murdered.Between the
Oslo signing and the beginning of what became known as the Oslo
War in September, 2000, 251 Israelis were murdered by terrorists.
Another 1,320 have been felled by
Palestinian Authority terrorists and gunmen since the Oslo War
began in September 2000.
to the "Second Intifada" since 2000 and not yet ended,
see Wikipedia
See also a
personal view of the Second Lebanon War
and my expression of a ridiculous (?) hope at the
Eve of Annapolis

I followed the ceremony in the Cemetery on
Mount Herzl.
The contrast of this handsome soldier singing struck me:
the pool was closed,
I moved Body by collecting garbage
from the Wadi of Compassion.
In order to discard it in our common bin,
I had to go around the corner
of "our" house, the Cohen house
and that's how I met this scene:
Father, daughter and son,
painted Ofir's creation,
which he showed me proudly:
He had found the rack of a wheelbarrow,
bought timber and built the case,
in order to fill it with earth,
and plant flowers in it.
Ofir saw my cellphone
"Can you take a picture?"
Later Ofir sent me these 3 images! "May
you prosper as a carpenter artist", I
I zapped into a doc about the 339 fallen soldiers
from the Druze Community.
How do the women cope? Are they allowed to remarry?
The interviewer got access to one circle of support,
the only place, where the widows can talk.
One of them became a widow at the age of 17,
by then she already had two kids...
What also struck me, is something that is never mentioned,
when one talks about women who lost their husbands or sons,
but I know it so well concerning my widowed mother: that now there
is nobody to say a word of appreciation.
I heard it also in the words of children ,
who had lost their father, even if they had never known him,
or siblings who lost an elder brother:
the yearning, that father or brother would see,
how well I'm doing,
that he would be proud of me!
I never had this yearning, since our
mother told us -
that my father didn't like "academic women",
and that he would not have allowed his daughters to go to highschool.
This doesn't mean, that she said the truth.
The yearning for appreciation and recognition is in our genes since

The interviewer: "And
see this noble, wonderful, charming women.." |

"who raised homes with great difficulty.
alone, in loneliness" |

"and send their sons to the most demanding
units in the Israeli army" |

"and I know what suffering lies in
this loneliness of theirs" |

"my daughters want me to remarry
and bring them more children"

"And what do you tell them?"
"I'm looking for a bridegroom"

"We are waiting for the day
on which we meet at the home of one of us" |

"He would say to me: "Imma,
Imma! Abba comes home, He is coming"

"He is 33, Lieutenant-Colonel. Commander
of a camp"

"When I see him, when he enters the
with the clothes, with the rank" |

"When he comes home on leave from the
army , says to me: 'Wow! What a home!'" |

"Suddenly nothing! I do everything.
Nobody to even say 'thank you'!"

Tzur was murdered,
when he traveled with the Nr. 37 Haifa bus in March 2003.
He was 17.
The 22420 fallen soldiers
do not include the 3000 (0r 6000?) victims of terror.
No little flag is put on their graves today.
Asaf's father is protesting....
Also - Asaf's father published a quest on the Internet:
"My son wanted to travel after school.
Please send a stone from wherever you are,
so that Asaf can enjoy at least the stones of the planet."
He received more than 1000 pretty stones from many countries.
They are now exposed in an urn next to Asaf's grave. |
I wasn't fast enough in catching the text
of Yossi Levi's letter
who was killed some 14 years ago
in a war, the name of which I forgot..
What I wanted to record was this sentence:
"Forgive me for worrying you.
But I wanted to do more".
It wasn't enough for him to teach soldiers.
He wanted to fight himself.
It is the yearning for full-fill-ment
and - secondary! - for recognition,
which drives men into battle,
as I've been observing for 3 decades.
then there is this boy: Oren, 17, blind,
who tomorrow will be one of the 24 people,
who will light the 12 torches,
which symbolize the 12 tribes of Israel.
He was 10
when a female terrorist blew herself up in a Cafe in Haifa.
He lost five members of his family and his eyesight,
but he has won the third place
in an international sailing competition of the handicapped...
of the day
"We are the children
of Winter 1973.....
- you promised us
to convert adversaries into partners..."
Continuation of the 70th birthday gathering
at Ne'ot Kdumim on Friday, May 2
for Gil Huettenmeister, my German co-student at Jerusalem University
in the year of the Eichmann Trial 1960-61 |
At the junction of this pomegranate tree starts
the "Wedding Path" in the Biblical Landscape Reserve of
Neot Kdumim
See the "virtual tour" of Neot Kdumim

for people to rest in

"For your love is more delightful than wine"
(Song of Songs):
Is this an ancient cistern or a winepress?
the interesting info about wine in the virtual tour)

big rocky cave for wild doves,
a bird which is not only the most frequent on the planet,
as I learnt from the sign next to the fence,
but a cherished metaphor in the Bible in general
and in "Songs of Songs" in particular.
I imagined Mika watching these doves' flight and landing
between rocks and the vines on the fence
Not exactly fitting into the Biblical landscape
were some busses like this blatantly yellow one with a group from
the USA, amidst the forest.
Also yellow, but less blatant, and on the parking lot, was Gil's minibus
from Tuebingen, Germany (with Hilleke,
her dog, and Sami Kamaal),
A group of Muslim women - in the company of a
male - learn about ancient fruits and vegetables
more tomorrow
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