Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
6 , Tuesday, at Arad
, the Eve of Memorial Day
re-edited on May 6, 2013, at Arad
to past ~~~~~ forward to future
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire to better understand,
why I attracted the Cohen family,
my landlords, into my drama,
and if I should relate to, be open to, be available for Lior
and Amit (3),
as I am to my grandkids
I desire to know, if the coincidence
of 3 invitations (last week's Inv.
to Gil's 75 birthday at Neot Kdumim, yesterday's arrival of
the snail-mail invitation to Yael's Bat-Mitzva and my
landlady's spontaneous: 'do you want to come with us to
the Ceremony of Independence Day of all Arad kindergardens',
which I didn't respond to clearly)
means, that I should let go
of my rule of not responding to invitations except from my family?
of the day:
Lior with braids like mine at the age of 6
asks permission to wash my dishes.
Her mother doesn't allow this,
while I - at 6 - was often late for school,
because I had to wash the dishes...
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to the neural structure and function of our
the understanding of which affirms "God's"
that there is no "predetermination",
but actually "post determination".
we remember are "reconstructed"
in the brain
at the instant of remembering,
and then reconstructed again at each subsequent remembering.
The old model for remembering was something
like taking a photograph of your uncle's farm house and keeping
Today's newer model is more like making a pencil sketch of
the scene,
then losing it and re-drawing it later
by trying to put all the lines and marks
in the same place you did the first time.
Imagine this being repeated time and again:
lose the sketch and then reproduce it,
lose it again and reproduce it again.
It would not be surprising for each new sketch
to have the essential elements from the first,
but also to exhibit changes
that accumulated over all the successive replications.
I am grate-full,
that Lior seems to teach me to open
up to her presence in my life.
I am grate-full that there was rightaway
a sign as to my question above:
In the jacuzzi a woman asked:
"Is it possible to talk again?"
(see more below)

School in 1944, in the small village, to which
we were evacuated,
started right after my 6th birthday on August 15.
A year later schools were closed for half a year
and our camera was confiscated by the French Occupation Authorities.

But see the "number" of 1 500 000
on May 11
to my Present
It was about a year ago, when a woman
in the pool,
who overheard my argument with the pool's director,
approached me and begged me to write up a letter
in which the director's behaviour against us elderly people
would be described,
and - with her and other people's signatures -
delivered to the Arad municipality.
I was so stunned by this "appeal"
- why to me? -
that I re-acted from my lifelong "Yes-Pattern",
and only when I had time to come to my senses,
I wrote her a letter, which I delivered to the pool's office,
explaining in ever so gentle words,
that at this time of my life I needed
to keep away
from any involvment outside my family,
and I - as kindly as possible - asked for her forgiveness.
And now this woman - Alissa Sason
(=joy) - addresses
"Is it possible to talk again?"
She was the only woman in the jacuzzi,
and when I looked at her - utterly surprised,
she reminded me of our past interaction and added:
"Why so much rage?"
"Rage??? why rage? I explained to you, why ...."
Well, she seemed to have understood me after all,
and now gave me info, that there was a new director now,
that tomorrow on Memorial Day the pool would be closed,
and also from July 15-Sept.15 because of repairs,
only the outside pool would be usable then,
but not for her because of her skin pigmentation
which would not allow her to be in the sun.
Then we exchanged some information about each other.
What she shared, was so intriguing, that later in the cloakroom,
I approached her, while she dried her hair in the toilet corridor,
asking her if she would answer some questions about her life
skin pigmentation in Tanzania
I took yet another photo of the entry to
our pool,
since I did not dare to take Alissa's picture,
afraid she might still not have come to terms with the strong
pigmentation of her facial skin.
And this is the story I want to remember:
"I've a daughter who is married to
Jochen, a German from Berlin!
They now live in Arad and have two kids and I say, Jochen is
better than many a Jew."
Alissa's parents emigrated from Iraq to
Burma (Myanmar),
where her brother was born.
1942 the war reached Burma and the family fled to India,
where Alissa was born - in the same year.
When she was nine, they immigrated to Israel.
"How come, you don't remember, when
and why your parents went to Burma?"
"I was not interested to learn about
the past, since the present was so horrible.
My grandmother forced into marriage, my mother forced into marriage,
and so was I."
2 of Alissa's 5 children were asthmatic,
which is what made her move to dry&high
Arad in 1983.
Her husband refused to join her:
"There are many asthmatic children in the center of Israel,
so what does it matter, if there are two more."
"But I had money then and could afford
to pay 1200$ for a 28 days camp for my sons.
Since Arad proved to be helpful, I stayed, except that one morning
I woke up,
and had all these brown stains all over my face.
This was the first time I tried to kill myself,
the second time was because of my financial situation,
and the way I let my husband take advantage of me, when I divorced
him 4 years later.
"Did you never find a true partner?"
"I had some chances, and today I regret, that I didn't
take one.
But I did everything for my children, I never cared for myself."
Her tone of voice and expression of face
that she no longer justified such
"But now it's too late.
One daughter and one son live with me in Arad, one daughter
in Modi'in-Re'ut,
another daughter and my other son live in Beersheva, I have
11 grandkids,
and I hope, things will get better in time.
I have no pension, - only National Security - and still pay
700 NIS mortgage.
I believe, that since I had no worries at that time, I have
to pay for it at this time."
Here I stopped her and said:
"Let's continue right at this point,
when we'll meet - by chance! - next time."
And I stretched out my hand to emphasize,
that from now on I would "talk".
- with the cellphone already focused on "camera"-
I also photographed the carpet of the still blossoming " Monk
Hat", kova nazir,
from which, on the way back from the noon-pool, I use to pluck
some leaves,
and add them - so rich with vitamin C - to my salad of self-grown
sprouts. |
After my experience with Alissa Sason in the pool
I came home,
looked at the tiny, self-sown, Tipuana in my garden, and thought:
"This tree will symbolize tiny Alissa and my tiny opening up
to her."
"When the sun goes down tonight,
step outside and look west.
You'll find Mercury and the Moon beaming side-by-side through
the sunset.
Seeing Mercury is rare enough;
seeing Mercury together with an exquisite crescent Moon is out
of this world!
2013_05-06 DELICIOUS
at this moment: Shirim
The Memorial Gathering
on Rabin
Square in Tel-Aviv:
More than 22400 people fell in 7 wars.
"And if they
would all be here now -
and nobody else -
they would fill this square,
and if each of them had born 3 children
and they were all here,
there would be no space to hold them."
The first song was again
Rachel's ...
I think of my father, killed 65 years ago.
And of Eberhard, my brother,
also killed by a soldier from the USA,
though in times of peace, by his car.
But most of all I think of my children -
they are alive!
and of all the mothers, whose sons are not... |
chance" this was a photo in a Webshot
series which reached me today.
The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem |
Second Continuation
of the70th birthday gathering at Ne'ot Kdumim on
Friday, May 2
for Gil Huettenmeister, my German co-student at the Jerusalem
University in the year of the Eichmann Trial 1960-61 |

A typical wild landscape in the Land of
Israel - with the sage in front contrasting with low trees and shrubs
between boulders

In contrast to the view above - this fir
is waving with grandeur

And then a lake - not natural, of course. Everythings was re-created
in this landscape:
Kedumim embodies the panorama and power of the landscapes
that helped shape the values of the Bible
and provided a rich vocabulary for expressing them.
"The Bible conveys its ideas not in abstract terms,
but through a clear and vivid record
of long human interaction with the land of Israel."

Half an hour later I would sit on the stone
underneath this sycamore and listen to Hilleke's
sad story..

Under another sycamore I discerned one
of the many succahs,
dispersed discretely and discreetly throughout "the Ancient Oasis"
neot kdumim
A group of people was learning about ancient
agriculture. It sounded fascinating, but I had "no time"
to listen longer.

more tomorrow
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Keep It
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