The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


June6/ Sivan 3, Friday, still 70 days -at Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on June 12

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire - from this Chodesh Sivan onward - to train - consistently & with utmost concentration!!
how to manifest my desires through heart-felt, God-felt INTENTION and not through words&acts

I desire to thus draw on the help of the whole 'universe' & integrate my desire into its 'right flow'
I desire that my 'test case' of manifesting desires in this way will be:
my intention that Yael&Rotem seek communication with me - without writing/calling them to do so!

I desire that this focusing will -first of all- 'heal' all blame/guilt ,self-victimization/self-justification

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the coagulability of our blood,
without which the tiniest wounding would make us bleed to death.
Thanks also for the fast way, in which you healed the itching swelling from
the painful sting by an invisible insect when I left the pool through that gate.

I'm once more expressing my thanks for the "sign from heaven",
Tzippi's funny "blame": "you have created this",
that now anyone who doesn't pick up his dog's shit in a park will be fined.
What is implied in this "sign", is the "graduality" in which desires may manifest.
In this case the first step is a threat! which will begin to make people aware.
Since many dog-keepers are affected by my desire, i.e. would have to change,
a "global" manifestation would override individual "choices" concerning dog-shit,
though these aren't true choices, but habits, lack of awareness, lack of caring.
Thanks also for the reminder of the great lesson in Israel's exodus from slavery
"God"-Moses could have manifested his/their desire for the people to be free
- by transferring the slaves to a new land on a flying carpet in one single move.
They also could have manifested a land empty of people, i.e. of potential enemies.
And - and this is my new insight, following what I read about Chodesh Sivan-
Moses could have manifested a true partner & not that pathetic populist Aaron.
I'm grate-full for all the coincidences which give emphasis to "My Universe"


Finetuning to my Present

My insight:
the true partner for whom Moses yearned,
would not have served the manifestation of his desire for his people.
Only someone whose feeling and thinking or lack of thinking was like everybody's
could bridge between his "ideas" and everybody's self-victimization

(see the channeling about me, which I quoted yesterday).
I read again, what that man from Arad, Erez, said to me in Noah's Cave in 2004:
"Like Moses - you must not water down your message.
You must always be YOU and say always exactly what you need to say.
What people are capable of hearing and understanding will not help them.
What you have to say, needs to be first interpreted by them, that is true.
Moses' message has been interpreted for more than 3000 years now,
over and over again by more and more people.
Aaron is necessary, yes, but as a separate person, not as part of you.
You must be YOU."

Yes, but the demand is now, not to "say" anything at all
except in the form of this website, which imposes on nobody.
And "Aaron" is not an individual, but all the people who care, like I care!
For instance those who have written that song about the Children of 1973,
and those who have been singing it throughout the last 35 years,
like I did in the pool - opened outside for the first time in this season -
which allowed me to sing aloud and sob....and sing again while sobbing...

Nourishment from Others

I look again at that stunning ancient interpretation of the story in Exodus 32
about Aaron having yielded to the slaves' demand in the desert
to build them a god in the form of a
"Golden Calf"
'For if he had refused them, they would have killed them, like they killed Chur'
(whom Moses made responsible for the people
during his absence with God on the mountain
and since Chur
[Ex. 17:10-12 and 24:14} is no longer mentioned in the story,
the assumption was,
that the slaves killed him, because he didn't succumb)
But since Aaron was the High Priest,
killing him would have been unforgivable and the punishment unfathomable. This is what Aaron prevented by being prepared to commit a sin himself.
The interpretation is totally opposed to the biblical Account, [Ex. 32:21]
in which Moses harshly reprimands Aaron:

"What did this people unto thee,
that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them"

See the Hebrew/German compressed version of what was a detailed study - delivered as my "test paper" in order to be accepted as a doctoral student
at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1967

About the month Sivan , the third month with reference to Nisan, the first month in the Bible:
"The Zodiac "sign" of the month is "Twins,"
a hint of the roles in this month of Moshe and Aharon who were considered equal,
and it was through them and by their merit that the Torah was given to the People of Israel. "
"This month" means the month of Shavuoth, the Festival of the Giving of the Torah"
Were they "equal"?
Yes, as equal as the grapes and the leaves of a vine:
"de-ilmalee alaya ---- la mitkayimin itkalaya"
for if there were no leaves, the grapes existed NOT.
see the motto of my book
From the first Interview with the Folks:
"When your frozen terror
of being an outcast and separate fragment
begins to move in loving acceptance,

your taste for competition will fade.
When the denial is removed
and you have lovingly accepted all of the terror,
you will feel yourself to be safe, no matter what.
It is then that Original Heart's desire for peers
[seePuzzle Piece 2 and 2b: Peer Companions]
will naturally draw you toward cooperation.


The outside pool is open - how great! -
I'll take a picture from within the water from a perspective I did not catch last year!



This is the gate, through which I squeezed myself
and while caught in it, I felt an incredible pain.
Seeing nothing, I at first thought
that electricity had strikken at me.
But there was no cable or anything around.
But neither could I see an insect or the sting on my skin.
Finally the slight pain, the later swelling and itching
(which haven't receded entirely) proved it to be a sting.
A sting while caught in the bars of a gate?

I didn't miss to see the beauty when exiting the pool...



AVANTI POPOLO - Channel 1, Shabbat Eve, June 6, 2008
[sculpted the next day, on Shabbat morning]

The most exhilarating sight in the deeply moving movie was,
when the Israeli soldiers finally succumbed to the pestering of the two Egyptian soldiers, who wanted to stick to them. Before they had desperately approached them for water, and were granted it - after the pathetic speech of the drunk Egyptian soldier as "Shylock". The Five are seen marching against the sunset, singing the Italien Communist [someone shouts, they've changed it to "Socialist") Hymn "Bandiera Rossa" and in it "Avanti Popolo"
forward people! Too late I grabbed my camera!
But perhaps this was good, for the images I could catch show the Five totally blurred - their different uniforms have melted into unison figures of humans in desert and sand....

Avanti popolo (1986)
with  Salim Dau (1951 Bana)
and Suhel Haddad

Director and Writer:
Rafi Bukai
born in 1957 in Kiryat Gat,
died in 2003 of cancer

Assi Dayan,
a son of Ruth Dayan
[s. yesterday],
said after Rafi Bukai's death,
that for him "Avanti Popolo"
is "Cult" ,
and that Israel's Filmmaking
greatly benefitted from Bukai.

From Yael's Movie Journal
Shakespeare's Shylock:

Hath not a Jew eyes?
Hath not a Jew hands,
fed with
the same food,
hurt with the same weapons,
subject to the same diseases,
heal'd by the same means
warm'd and cool'd
by the same winter and summer
as a Christian is?
If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh?
If you poison us,
do we not die?
And if you wrong us,
shall we not revenge?






            Wikipedia mentions an essay in Hebrew, not on the Internet by Anton Shammas:
       "hitbalbel ben tafqidim"       "He confused between roles" ,  
said by one of the Israeli soldiers
           after the Egyptian soldier-actor recited Shylock's speech.

              The same is written in the Hebrew entry about Rafi Bukai

                                            I'm not yet able to express what I understand ~~~The Exchange of Roles~~~


Avanti popolo (1986) :A wonderful movie,
19 February 1999 Author: anonymous from Israel
A most beautiful anti-war movie. It describes the surreal journey of two Egyptian soldiers as they're coming back to Cairo from the Six-day War of 1967. One is an aspiring actor, whose biggest role so far was that of Shakespeare's Shylock (the irony of fate), who contributes the role of the sad clown (played in a most touching way by the Arab-Israeli actor Salim Daw); the other soldier is a very disillusioned and broken man whose only aspiration is to return home (while he is not familiar to me, he performs his role very well too). This contrast between the real and the fantastic is possibly what enhances the movie's message most.

While the movie fluctuates between pacifist euphoria and tragedy, it is a very focused and thought-provoking film.

The Hebrew Wikipedia writes about Salim Dau and "Avanti Popolo"
that he contributed a lot to the change of the plot during filming

Searching for the actor Suhel Haddad on the Internet
I found him in Auschwitz, 2003,
with the people of the Arab-Hebrew theatre in Yaffo





song of the day

Once more: We are the Children of Winter 1973 -
you promised us to convert enemy into friend....

{When I opened that page, I discovered that the image I had inserted there,
was from "Avanti Popolo"



Continuation of my encounter with the Seven - see April 25
Gal Mor sent me the photos she made on Eva's camera on April 24 only today, after Eva had returned to Leipzig and sent them to her.




The wandering family: Shachar dawn and Or light , Dindin's parents

Dindin, 11 days older than my Mika, grows up in nature - with fruits and no diapers.
While Mika takes care of her pipi and kaki only now, Dindin does so since the age of 1
and had no problem going out into my garden and finding himself a place.


Am I teaching again??????!!!!

Boris, one of my five starchildren, irritates us with his carpentry work, so he lets go of it


Boris and Shakhar
Will they be true peers of mine in the future?

"If you would ask me, I might give you a reason,
why you should circumcise your son after all",
I said.



This photo was mine and only here all seven are on the picture, though little Dindin is hidden in his mother's lap


back to past ~~~~~ forward to future 2008/2012

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8