The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


52 days of Moving and E-volving Emotions Manual - 28th day, August 2002

MY 64th BIRTHDAY : 6+4=10 = ONE
Arnon's "Flag of Love" brought "Salaam" with Rotem.
How? "Release Judgments against yourself & FEEL"


r it's "alarming


1ter it's "alarmin

The FELT days 111, 112, 113, 114 ~ of the next 15 FELT years

1 5   y e a r s  = 5 4 8 0   days   of
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e   Z e i t   
"inmitten der Ewigkeit",
f e l t - f i l l e d   t i m e  
"amidst eternity"
from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all]
The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013

On 6 days of the week I learn, but Shabbat is dedicated to my main feeling: grate-full-ness.

Since feelings must be vibrated~ wombed, each day closes with a song, fitting the 7 lines

To challenge myself like that -while not knowing what will be "staged"
in my personal and in the world's drama till 2028 , exhilarates me!

2013-12-18-Wednesday- still 5373 days

How joyous: the 'meem' to my 64th birthday!
Flame & dance will be with me from now on!
--I'll listen one more day to the meaning of M.'s "disappointing me" (which includes my sadness that she, too, felt disappointed by me
7 years ago).
-I was "allowed" to "share" with Felicia. But I bury the Succah-tax-debt story!

song: at ro'ah be-midbar lehavah

2013-12-19-Thursday- still 5372 days

I sing: "Things happen at the right time", but what if NOTHING happens? If M., Yael, even Ezri Alon simply don't write, i.e. don't give me a chance to "do" what little I still believe I "must" do, which is to communicate what I want and then "let it happen"? There is no recipe! I must womb~vibrate the doubt, when to do, when not.

Song: Know exactly what you want, communicate

2013-12-20 - Mika's birthday- still 5371 days

No Computer/Internet nor "time" at Shoham.
But on Dec. 23 see my "fed-up-feeling"
which I recorded while being prevented from sleeping by an untracible noise every 20 min.-
explained later as 'a box producing scent!'

Multiple feelings in the presence of
Immanuel, Efrat and Mika.

song: Elohim .... mekhaqaeh ad shae-agdal

2013-12-21 -Shoham-Shabbat- still 5370 days
Multiple feelings in the presence of Mika's birthday guests: Elah, Alon [+ Noa] Tomer ~~ Ronnit, Uri, Rotem [+ Shim'on], Yael, Itamar ~~ Micha, Ra'ayah, Ayelet ~~ Joel, Tova, +Tzilla, the helpful neighbor +one of Mika's many friends; Ronni [missing: Arnon, Jonathan [+ Shir, Dita&Gid'on] -Immanuel&Efrat
song: Amoq betokh kadur ha-aretz




December 18, 2013

Did I write: "bury"? Bury the Succah-tax-debt story?
When grabbing for the morning-book from the shelf,
I discerned a tiny corpse on its top: "my" Praying Mantis,
which had amused me for some time perhaps 2 weeks ago!
I always wonder, to where animals disappear when they die.
Not when they are killed -that is obvious- but when they die.
The book, by the way, was the Tora with its weekly Haftarot.
I realized that "haftarah" has the same root as
"niftar" - passed away, died.
And haven't I already put aside another big Succah-picture,
and this time also let my camera photograph its burial place?

I want to be much more systematical in being "spherical":
I want to clearly differentiate between past and future,
experiences I need to remember from my Vision's past
and happenings I envision towards the Vision's future.
One aspect of this is also "the burial" or "the elimination"
of experiences that are no longer relevant or fertilizing.
Provided, of course,
that I did thorough Moving-Wombing work with them.
I'll now climb up and down the the Grave of Grace.
On a "meem"-page in October, where I once again explored
"the ancient, ever more relevant issue of I s r a e l ' s v o c a t i o n",
I suddenly remembered, what I now see as Rafael's mystical advice:

"Das Thema sei dir zu gross, sagst du,
aber es gibt doch gar keine kleinen Themata,
die Idee, die einem nicht weniger zum Weglassen wichtig sein soll
als zu dem was hinzukommt,
eine Arbeit wie die - kann eigentlich nur
in einem dauernden Prozess der Elimination entstehen,
was natuerlich voraussetzt,

dass vorher etwas zum Eliminieren da ist."

I learnt this also through the saying of the painter Max Liebermann:
"Malen ist weglassen", "to paint is to omit"
I could despair, of course, of my incapacity to do this.
But now, the purpose of eliminating, omitting is not,
"to give other people space" in a conversation,
but to deliver a clear message to the world
of what has to be manifested all over the deserts.

"th r o u g h    a    c o n s t a n t    p r o c e s s    o f    e l i m i n a t i o n ,
provided, of course, that there is something to eliminate",

First the chaos on "my" veranda after the winter-storm and rain - a few days ago
Then the beloved picture of the Sarah-Succah - which stuck to the wall among my computer
- within the downward pointing "rocket" of some of the most meaningful pictures in my life.
Followed by its burial in the 'Grave of Grace' in the Wadi of Compassion.
On top of the 7 pictures I buried there 3 days ago and under the Blessing for the Rachel-Succah,
a creation by an anonymous guest, which I stole from there in 2002
Finally the "grave" has become a real grave!
I felt the desire to enframe this glorious grave between chaos in garden and veranda
(which I could fix by strenuous work for three days every day an hour],

and the exhilarating (yes!) sight of the storm-destructed metal fence: now the narrow cleft is wide open!
I see this "revenge" when walking up my path and stepping down the little slope I made for my new track

When crossing
the free space between
the (former) fence
and the Ha-Gai road,
I see this puddle,
it's not very big
and yet it reflects
the entire 7 storey building.






Coming to the T-junction
of Moab-Ha-Gai-road
I discern the desert
underneath the tree
between the buildings,
and I am glad
to wind through them
-my new track,
thanks to Arnon,
to the pool

I rejoice in the wide opening

and -across the Wadi of Compassion
in the view of my neighborhood
"Shaqed" ,
which means "almond"
and comes from the verb
"to be alert",
which always reminds me of
Jeremiah's vision [1:12-13]
of the almond-tree


RECALLING   experiences with the temporary model of my Desert Hosting Economy vision
from "Fight for a Tree and Flight to Egypt":

" Where was I heading?
To disappear~~~
To make them search for me~~~
"To shake drowsy hearts",
would Daniela later bring it to a point. "

Actually this was a fight with the Israeli Nature Reserves Authority,
"an act of protest", as the Egyptian Prison Director later phrased it.
This was in 1995 - a little tree planted in the desert was uprooted.
6 years earlier I was told by people of the same authority,
"Man will be forever be Nature's enemy,
therefore we are against
your concept of integration of Adam and Adamah."

4 years later - I conducted a little workshop and said:
"Only people who love themselves, will protect Nature".
The vice-director of the Society for the Protection of Nature
said bluntly:
"We don't believe that",
and delivered an ultimatum when I had to leave the Ein-Gedi Fieldschool.
which "belongs" to the SPNI.
So both , the governmental INPA and the public SPNI,
did not only oppose my concept, they fought my person.


E N V I S I O N I N G   the manifestation of the mobile model of my Desert-Hosting-Economy vision
Is the time ripe and am I myself whole enough
to help such people take a quantum-leap,
both in there beliefs and in their egos?

I'm - in intervals - watching a doc about the Renaissance.
It is relevant, because this definitely was a quantum-leap.

I asked myself, what will be the relationship
between the Ohalot and Art?
Then - in re-reading the Hebrew diary of 1993
I came across Andrea and her Head ,
a huge relief on the other side of the hill,
where "Sarah" and "Ya'aqov" are located.
That's it: Artists will sculpt in Nature,
even if they cannot exhibit in museums.

Also in the diary, on April 2, 1993,
I learn from guests about 'Capuera' and am enthusiastic:
It doesn't need a smooth floor, I stress there.
Also martial arts could be trained in the Ohalot.
I also came to think about Yehuda Hanibad,
such a modest, great helper in 1993.
He warned me, of letting myself be tempted,
to participate in the tourist-exhibition
in the Opera-house of Tel-Aviv.
And though - in my unforgivable stupidity-
I did not listen to him,
he paid some 2000 NIS for the prospectus
about a mobile workshop in the Desert,
which I wanted to exhibit at Tel-Aviv.
Absolutely nothing came out of this,
not of the exhibition, not of the prospectus.
I found a Yehuda Hanibad on the Internet,
but I'm not sure, it's the man I'm looking for.

Watching this picture,
taken in the opera-House,
I can see a sign from Heaven:
It was not a succah
but a pyramidal tent,
which we exhibited there,
sitting in it ourselves!

And what about
the mobile workshop?
One day in a Succah,
one day further away in a tent and one day without anything.
How much did I work
on that prospectus!
And how did I force my son
to graphically prepare
through an entire night1




December 19, 2013

E N V I S I O N I N G   the manifestation of the mobile model
of my Desert-Hosting-Economy vision


See the ideas
I envisioned on meem-timeline 3g
and which I upgraded today

from Desert Water Vision IV, 1997
I also launched a campaign
towards the Manager of "The Princess",
who was German,
in order to win him over for my idea
of attaching a "Pyramidion" to the hotel, up on the ridge.

The message of all failures in the exterior world,
together with about 10 "problems" with my Body,
had one content:


from "Nebo-let-Go" - a sequence of verbal sculptures 2006
Ram was also the inventor of the "Pyramidal Tent",
a mystical co-creation between us.
The third and fourth R&D creation
- in Sinai and in Eilat -
used bamboo-poles instead of wooden boards.
The model, in which I lived till November 2004,
still awaits the manifestation of my Desert-Vision
[see at the end of that page -2012
bamboo-poles on top of my tent- on my veranda at Arad - 2012,]

Another lesson on my path to manifest the Ohalah/Rihlah - "Mobile Desert Hosting Enterprises"

I learnt something beyond anything I had asked for:
In my work about redemption from denial and guilt,
["I'm a pioneer of Evolution in knowing how to feel"]
there is an aspect which I did not yet understand,
when I sculpted the 7 felt lines above this morning:

I must absolutely refrain from manipulating people,
i.e. trying to "win them over" for doing something
for "the quantum-leap" of "Adam ve-Adamah".

Therefore, instead of being disappointed,
when people do not keep their promises,
I'll understand that
not keeping their promises is a sign,
that they weren't whole with their promise to begin with!




Tomorrow I'll travel to Shoham, to be with Mika on her birthday, and to be with all my family on Shabbat for the celebration.
I'll try to take a break from all the intense thinking, feeling, sculpting of the last days and weeks concerning "my vision"....

last composition of the sequence which I started on November 10, 2013

go on to next "meem" page, but without Mika's photo-presence