The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


52 days of Moving and E-volving Emotions Manual - 29th day, August 2002

Aahhh! Aahhh! How nice would it be
to sense my beloved ones cuddle me ~~~          



1ter it's "alarmin

The FELT days 115, 116, 117, 116 ~ of the next 15 FELT years

1 5   y e a r s  = 5 4 8 0   days   of
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e   Z e i t   
"inmitten der Ewigkeit",
f e l t - f i l l e d   t i m e  
"amidst eternity"
from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all]
The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013

On 6 days of the week I learn, but Shabbat is dedicated to my main feeling: grate-full-ness.

Since feelings must be vibrated~ wombed, each day closes with a song, fitting the 7 lines

To challenge myself like that -while not knowing what will be "staged"
in my personal and in the world's drama till 2028 , exhilarates me!

2013-12-22-Shoham>Arad- still 5369 days

13:00 I used the 4 hours of travel well, to feel if there is one among the (not "documented") feellings of the intense situation at Shoham, which I want or need to take with me into what I feel to be another step on my path to the "quantum-leap". But no, I just want to deliver each of my family into YOUR hands, and go on.

song: betach al Ha-Shem be-khol libaekha

2013-12-23-Monday-still 5368 days

I'm fed-up with "babbling" stories, which are not only not relevant for people, but often show me as a victim (of mother, husband, the authorities). I sacrifice this 'need' to You, please free me from this pattern. Let me ask before any sentence I utter: "Is this relevant for them? Is it revealing their relevance to themselves?

Song: ronni, aqarah...harkhivi meqom ohalekh

2013-12-24-Tuesday-still 5367 days

The usual tiredness-edging-depression after having been out of my castle is gone and a waft of joy and tiny signs affirm that I'm heading in the right direction towards manifesting MDH-Economy, though I've no idea, how - or if! -the "scroll" should reach Avi, or whom I should meet or what exterior step to takel.

song: neve sha'anan, ohel ....bal yissa ??

2013-12-25-BD Yeshua & FR-still 5366 days

A day without interaction (face-to-face, letter, phone, just swift glances at people in Jacuzzi & pool). I love to be hidden. And as to the tent-vision -like in the movie Lippel's Dream-it has already manifested,
"hit'angi-rejoice in the ten-thousands of your tribe" (Yehoyada about the "failure" of "Noah's Shore" 2004)
song: ani khalamti khalom


December 22, 2013

I   d i d    bring my camera with me, but was prepared to not take any photo,
the more so, as Immanuel's camera was used often, by himself and by others.
But when I saw my 3 children + son-in-love + youngest male grandchild - singing in one row,
I ran for the camera, took a picture and Yael, with whom I was in intense talk, took a few more.
Finally I saw the 4-fold song-album used which I made for Immanuel's 46th birthday in 2009

Two episodes with Mika:
"I finally told Abba about the coincidence with the pigeon!" [Last time, when she was amidst a panic attack concerning death, we went down to train her rope-jumping, when she suddenly saw a dead pigeon on the ground] "It looked so peaceful", she now said, demonstrating - in the bathtub - the pigeon's lying on its back with stretched-out wings, "as if someone had taught it in school, how to die!- Later I also told it Imma, but she said just one sentence" (I forgot which).
-"Why were you so afraid of telling it?"
-"I feared she would fear that my panic attacks would now get worse!"
-"The opposite was true, wasn't it? You did not have any attacks till then, right? "
-"It's because you had the chance to really touch death!"
-"yes, and because I could DO something with it!"
She -then - after having touched the little corpse, not only suggested to bury it, but also found the right place to do so!

After the birthday singing, Tomer carried Mika up to her room and bed and I went with them. I told Mika to quickly clean up the floor, before Imma would enter. While doing so, Tomer said:
"Mika is the wisest and the prettiest girl in the world".
"That's no big deal!"
"the most gifted?"
"That's no big deal either"
There Mika rose up from the floor and asked - shyly:
"shae ani yoda't le-hitbatê? -
That I know how to express myself?"
Rafael Rosenzweig's descendants
Rafael Rosenzweig , 1922-2001, was married to Ines Cohn from 1946-1963 and to Christa-Rachel Guth from 1964-1981

I n e s

Dita &Gideon

(&Ofer, Udi, Itai)

Hagar (&Rafi)

I n e s

Joel &Tova

Ran (&Shir)


C h r i s t a - R a c h e l

Immanuel& Ruth
Elah 1987
Alon 1991

Immanuel & Efrat
Mika -2005

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l

Sister Ronnit&Uri

Jonathan 1991
Rotem 1993
Yael 1996
Itamar 1998

C h r i s t a - R a c h e l


Arnon 1996
Ayelet 1998


The Rosenzweig Family , perhaps 35 years ago





es sind keine Worte, die mir einen Felsen vor die Füße legen. Eher das wird mir immer bewusster, dass Jahel schon immer sein Name war und ist. Das Gefühl, das ich so stark empfunden habe, als ich im 5ten Monat schwanger war und mir der Name fast den Boden unter den Füßen entgleiten ließ und sich in meinem Bauch ein unbeschreibliches Gefühl von Weite breit machte, kam so deutlich wieder hoch, als ich deine Zeilen und Worte las. Auch als ich dein Video angeschaut habe wurde mir ganz anders zu mute..mir kamen sogar die Tränen. Ich war mir noch nie so sicher mit meinem Gefühl, wie jetzt, mit seinem Namen.
Mir kommt es eher so vor, als wäre im Moment die Kommunikation zwischen Martin und mir durch einen Felsen unterbrochen. Aber so langsam wird er kleiner und kleiner und der Himmel wieder blauer. Denn ich habe das Gefühl, dass nicht der Name das Problem ist, sondern etwas anderes Martin auf dem Herzen liegt.
Wie Recht Mama hat! Oh ja, auch hat sie einiges von dem, was du geschrieben hast schon gesagt und ich fühle genau das selbe. Es ist doch bemerkenswert, wie drei Menschen auf der selben Spur sein können.
Martin hat den Namen ohne h vorgezogen, da ich ihn ohne h geschrieben hatte und er es doch besser findet, wenn die Eltern den Namen geben und nicht jemand anderes....
Es hat sich jetzt soweit ergeben, dass wir schon mal die beiden Namen für unseren Sohn haben....nur ist jetzt die Frage in welcher Reihenfolge (Jahel Jaguarundi oder Jaguarundi Jahel). Mir wird immer bewusster, durch solche Kleinigkeiten, welche Kulturunterschiede da eigentlich aufeinander prallen. Aber wir sind auf dem Weg und in einem wieder entspannteren Umgang miteinander.

Dass Eure Kulturen aufeinanderprallen, ist ja klar ,
und das wuerde sich loesen lassen,
wenn Martin und Du lernen wuerdet,
wie man Gefuehle ausdrueckt (physisch vibriert durch Atem, Ton, Bewegung) und sie sowohl heilt als evolviert als sich durch sie - zusammen mit dem Bewusstsein - leiten laesst.
Es ist ganz sicher, dass hinter Martin's Widerstand gegen Yahel etwas anderes steckt.
Vielleicht gibt es ihm aber doch ein Troepfchen zu "denken", wenn Du ihm sagst, dass Yael und Yaguar ein zu grosser Widerspruch sind, selbst wenn Yaguarundi ein kleiner Yaguar ist. Schau mal, was ueber Yaguar in Wikipedia steht: stell Dir vor wie ein Yaguar einen oder eine Yael toetet.

Uebrigens habe ich jetzt gehoert,
welche Probleme man in D. mit Namen macht. Die Tochter meine Stiefsohns, die zur Zeit in D. lebt, verheiratet mit einem Israeli, hat ihre Tochter Lior (mir-ist-Licht) genannt. Jemand bei der Behoerde hat herausgefunden, dass das ein maennlicher Name ist,
und lange musste die Mutter herumstreiten, bis man eingesehen hat, dass Lior ebenso haeufig, wenn nicht haeufiger ein weiblicher Name ist. Die kleine Tochter meine Hausleute heisst so, und ebenso mein beste (junge) Freundin.

Ihr werdet beide wachsen durch Euer Kind!

Dec. 23, 2013

I let M. go, since she wasn't whole with delivering the scroll to Avi.
So what should I do now? Should I go there myself and deliver it?
Or is the idea of conveying that message to Avi, nor right, nor now?
Also Yael did not announce her coming and Ezri Alon went silent.
Nor is there any responce from Joshua Bloom and the Tru'ah Rabbis.
I need to learn, what all this "no, not, nor" has to teach me.
One things is clear;
I first need to learn that lesson about "manipulating" , which is new
and to advance with the old "babble" lesson
[s. above: felt day]
towards its deeper goal.

Training in explaining:

The temporary model of the Desert Hosting Economy
proved to be flawed:
The succahs - though they were intended as "temporary" -
stayed stuck to the ground.
This tempts people to convert "temporary" into permanent.
"Permanence" results in "wider, higher, deeper, denser" -
- the more human installations = money&time investment,
the more panic of thieves and terrorists, in short: "enemies".
Therefore: guarding fences!
Gone is the free.roaming, passing through the desert.
Gone is the "comparative advantage" of the Ohalah.
Training in envisioning

I asked my pilot-son, if there are futuristic ideas,
about a "body-plane",
that would enable me to go wherever I want
"Technically this is already possible.
But even if far advanced computer-logistics
could regulate this kind of traffic through the air,

this would make us even more vulnerable to attacks,
and the already crazy panic
[paranoia?] would increase!"

How far from each other can the Ohalah-tents be,
without spurring the guests' panic of theft and rape?
exploring the aims of Shaul Goldstein,
director of of the INPA
which is intended to be the Parent of the MDH-Economy
an article in Haaretz on Jan. 8, 2012

Finally a tune wanted to be added to qol dmamah daqah,
so as to stress, that the Mobile Desert Hosting Economy
will not manifest through storm or earth-quake or fire,
but through "a voice of fine silence"

From September 1, 2011
7:30 After a short night I woke up with Rita's song: "A day will come - you will see"
I opened the computer, the e-mail box and in it the post from the daily "Good News'.

"May there be a sign for me!" I begged, and there was a sign!

The music in Gadi's Jazz Club at Mitzpe-Ramon was recommended!

and with it "the endless magic of the desert",
"it seems that in these days many are infected
with the virus of the desert
and whoever visits, will understand".

I wrote to Gadi and he responded that he, too, was surprised and thought of me,
and yes, that the whole family watches "Masterchef" and thinks of Immanuel.

Addition on October 10, 2011:
2 days ago the starchildren, Tzippi, Boris and Gal visited me
Out of the blue Gal asked: "Do you want to hear a song about the Desert?"
They sang and I recorded in Hebrew::
"The desert talks
[the root of 'desert' and 'talks' is the same: midbar medabber]
calls you to be joyful
reminds you that everything           blossoms in your heart

The Desert wakes up,
the rising of the moon
reminds you that you are a guest in this world.

[Hear Gal's and Tzippi's singing in SongGame 2007-12-30
and my own singing in Nourishment Matthew's Messages]

"My" Desert and the Desert Prophecies:
Indeed a sign, that "the time has come"

"Abraham" (1998) e-mail quote on September 3, 2011

"Ask and it is given!"
You ask through your wanting.
You ask through your desire.
You don't have to use your words.
You just have to feel it in your being
... That desire is the beginning of all attraction.
The desire is what puts the eternalness in eternity.

See also the composition on Sept.3, 2011 about the "Tent-Revolutionaries",
and my hopes for Imma-Immanuel in particular and Israel's role in general.

Water in the Desert? How come?
[an old negative discovered in Dec. 2010, inserted in : Rejoice in your potential Peers

Some more paper-photos, which I've NOT buried now in the Grave-of-Grace, since they show what I envision for the future of the Desert
The Ramon-Crater
and the Tent of Appointment,
Rami Eisenberg's first version
:a song in the album
from which the birthday guests sang:
What am I, I am just a human


Dec. 24, 2013

No longer "petitioning and partnering"

Do not counter adversaries with mental arguments,
but womb their feelings in your womb

more about "security" and "safety"

during the night of Dec. 20-21, 2013, at Shoham

about the issue of "security" in the Ohalot/Rihlaat,
in the paranoid State of Israel

I don't like these thoughts!
I hope I can delete them in time!


I wonder about how often my websites hint at "the future" of my tent.
See, what I noted underneath this image in "AraratHeart > Rakhaf-3"


My tent on Rakhaf was first erected in the East ,
then -
on this picture - in the West
with a mobile double solar panel




Dec. 25, 2013

Schumacher's "GOOD WORK", 1979
was given to me on May 22, 1989
by Dominique Grouès from Aix-en-Provence, France.

In July 1988 I "reached" the bottom of the abyss,
the abyss of not knowing my vocation
and not knowing why I was led to live in a mobile home.
In August I began to learn computer at "Manpower",
which then employed me as a temporary secretary.
When I got this job a second time, and for 6 weeks!
my spirits woke up and I said bitterly and bravely:
"If I can't find my vocation,
I'll at least do something important for humankind:
I'll promote Solar Energy.
For one month - utilizing the "tools" of my working-place,
i.e. computer, fax, phone, money,
I explored, learnt, met relevant professionals,
both in governmental authorities and in business.
The Minister of Energy said, that I should forget about it,
Solar Energy would never be viable,
yet he recommended Dominique
who had come to study and promote solar energy in Israel Dominique helped me to advance quickly
during the one month of this my first step
of what soon was to become
my vision about Desert Hosting Economy.

As to E.F.Schumacher:
Since the age of 16 I "empowered" people as we say today,
- I encouraged them to find the job that would satisfy them.
One night - at the age of 27 - I had a kind of epiphany:
Today I would phrase the message like this:
"You are meant to change the paradigm of work:
people will choose the work that makes them feel
and the world will be granted the people,
who do the work that the world needs."

A day after having delivered my PH.D.-thesis in 1972,
I began to dedicate every free minute to this goal.
That's how I heard about E.E. Schumacher
and felt, that I was not alone with my vocation.

In summer 1973 another angel appear on my abyss:
the librarian and the director of the Hadassa-Institute
for vocational consulting,
The advice of the director and the caring of the secretary
"provided" a job for me, where I could learn "practically";
finding jobs for academic immigrants from East Europe.
I was rarely successful, but I learnt immensely.

Now, on Dec. 25, 2013, I re-encounter E.F. Schumacher!

In the face of the economy paradigm of
ever more, higher, global
in which the individual human being drowns,
the concept of "Small is Beautiful",

=economics as if people mattered ,
will be wondrously demonstrated
in numerous mobile hosting enterprises
all over the deserts of the world.

There is a basic idea
of technical form, materials, composition
and of how such a little enterprise works.

On the basis of the dispersed Ohalot/Rihlaat
there will arise
centers for provision and repair.

This structure will challenge inventors,
who will improve
- the provision of water,
- digital communication
in so far uncovered regions
- and nature-compatible transport
to and between the Ohalot/Rihlaat

"Twenty years after his death, the ideas of E.F. Schumacher still resonate through the environmental movement "
2013: now it's 35 years after his death
and his ideas still resonate with me, Rachel Bat-Adam

Wikipedia: "He is best known
for his critique of Western economies and his proposals for human-scale, decentralized,appropriate technologies."

The book from the shelf this morning was:
by E.F. Schumacher (died 1977),
Bestselling author of SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL -
and "A Guide for the Perplexed"

On the back of the little book I read:
When Dr. Schumacher took a look at the plight of businesses today [remember, that was before 1977 when he died!] and said 'small is beautiful' he spoke to millions and coined a phrase. In GOOD WORK he addresses a question which is central to most of us and one which is all too often ignored by the economic structure of the Western world. Dr. Schumacher maintains that the purpose of man's work is threefold: to produce necessary, useful good and services; to enable us to use and perfect our gifts and skills and, finally, to serve and collaborate with other people in order to liberate ourselves from inbuilt egocentricity. "A Job in which one finds no personal satisfaction destroys the soul. "
With sanity and sensitivity the E.E. Schumacher offers important and thought-provoking alternatives which point the way to mankind's physical and mental liberation

A quote from "New Scientist": the message .... is not the inevitable ruler and real alternatives seem possible."
Quote rom "Observer" : Dr Schumacher 'demonstrates that small is not only beautiful but essential if our working lives are to have any meaning, any satisfaction, any creative justification'.

A quote from the book towards its end (p.142)
...Now T.L.C. is the only fertilizer that really works. Don't inquire where you can buyh it -- you can make it yourself. T.L.C. means tender loving care, and this is what our life needs. ...the withdrawal of human labor from agriculture, the substituton for T.L.C. of
[by?] chemicals and big mechanization, we now have a system that has no real future because it is based totally on nonrenewable fossil fuels, and instead of working with nature it bullies nature.
RECALLING   experiences with the temporary model of my Desert Hosting Economy vision

Hostess of the group from Italy and Germany, who came to keep SILENCE for 12 days, in Febr. 1993, a photo which I buried now......
