The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



November 6, 2011 -
I think this is the first time, that a page, which I happen to re-study and perhaps re-edit,
doesn't seem to be very important to me at all.
What I learn and apply concerning Body, has been said on the other Body-is-God pages.
I assume, that I did this work in order to communicate with Avishai Pearlson (see below).
But there was no continuation to what we started.
[Coincidence the next morning: after I deleted Avishai's "testimony about Breema",
since it does not seem to be helpful for me, I came across puzzle piece 33,
where - on
2002_09_14-15 - I do quote a sentence of Avishai, which has been very helpful:
"You know, why you exist? To remind people of their dreams." ]

As to the inserts of March 2011 --- strangely enough : they do no longer really excite me now.
Still - until I'll need the space on this page for a "very important" theme,
I'll leave on it for the time being what I haven't yet deleted.

I don't wait until "feelings become unbearable",
but when feelings or sensations indicate the slightest discomfort,
I let Body feel any and all feelings
and let Body take over to heal them.
and it is then that I get a deep sense of feeling whole as I am,
grateful for being body and being alive.


This is my version of the sentence, which hit me,
when I heard about "Breema" and searched for it on the Internet:
"a deep sense of feeling OK as I am
with gratitude for having a body
and being alive".

Since it is my goal with the Jews and the Palestinians in general,
and with the Desert People, the Bedouins, in particular,
that they may heal their victimhood
- their traumas of annihilation (Jews) and humiliation (Palestinians) –
into self-determination,

and since self-determination must be preceded by self-esteem
and self-esteem must be preceded by self-acceptance,

that sentence about "Breema" felt like the final opening of a tunnel,
towards which I had been walking for so many years:


has to start with Body,
with feeling all I feel in Body.


But when I enthusiastically studied the Breema website,
I found contradictions and lack of consistency.
Though this has been "the story of my life",
feeling exhilarated, when I see similarities in people's thinking and acting,
only to be disappointed by "contradictions and inconsistency",
the differences have always, and also in the case of Breema, enhanced my thinking.

The general assumptions and goals come close to Godchannel's statement:
Body is the Master Healer of Creation
["Free Will" last sentence]

But the Breema "exercises" seem to state, that Body needs exact instructions
in order to make me feel "OK as I am, with gratitude for having a body".
Moreover, the one exercise which can be learnt from the Internet, "Mapletree",
asks me to inhale while contracting and to exhale while extending,
which is just the opposite of what is natural.


Any exercise should be constructed in a way,
that it stimulates Body
to do what it wants to do,
needs to do in a certain situation,
or is capable of doing.

Any exercise should be a key ,
not a "patent" "against" a body condition,
like fatigue (as in "Mapletree").



Comparing and Contrasting Godchannel's info with

[from their homepage: ]

Breema bodywork and Self-Breema exercises
Nurturing touch
Tension-relieving stretches
and rhythmic movements
to create physical, mental, and emotional balance
[to create balance between body, mind and emotions]
in an atmosphere of harmony
[I shun this inexact term "harmony"]

and nonjudgment
Enlivening both practitioner and recipient,
creating deep receptivity
and tangible well-being
A way to deepen my relationship to life while nurturing Body


from "Breema Consciousness, Health and the Body"

… the body is a miniature universe .. matter, energy, Consciousness, and Awareness
When we identify with the body and ascribe a personal meaning to it,
we forget that the body is not something other than Existence itself.

[Identification with Body does NOT contradict that Body is "Existence itself".
See all the quotes in Godchannel that strongly advise us to identify with Body.]

Its physical matter is constantly in the process of formation and tranformation, as is its energy.
In the moment we realize that the body is Existence manifesting, we are healthy.
We let go of our personal identification with the body [see above].
Instead of fear, worry, and judgment
related to the body's condition,
we have confidence in our body's instinctive wisdom as a natural expression of Existence.

[Judgment is one thing – it has to be released mentally.
But fear and worry may still be there
and must be accepted in Body
and moved, sounded, breathed through Body!]

We recognize that the body does exactly what it needs to do
to adjust itself to the many varied energies it receives.
Instead of mentally and emotionally reacting to our body
and interfering with its natural functioning,
we have acceptance of its temporary manifestations and conditions.
As a result, body does a better job of revitalizing itself.

[So what to do with the emotions and the judgments ?
Why this split after all?

The emotions that re-act against Body
have to be integrated into Body's flow
just like any other emotion ,
and the judgments against Body have to be released
– which is a mental decision –
just like any other judgment.]


Our level of consciousness has a great impact on our health and vitality.

[For me the goal is not only "health and vitality",
but letting God's-BODY-Manifested-in-Me heal myself and all of Creation.
"Health and vitality" of my personal body will be a natural "side-effect".]


… The moment we experience "body breathes",
we move in the direction of health [of HEALING myself and Creation].
When we have a taste of "there is a body,"
we are a step farther along.
… In moments of Conscious-Awareness,
we taste the unity of all life, and we have perfect health.
Our physical body, mind, and feelings are fully accepted as they are
[there was no talk so far about "mind and feelings being accepted as they are"]


From Breema "Connection to the Body"

In those moments we know we have a body
[no! I don't "have a body", I AM BODY!] ,
whatever our body does is Self-Breema.

Another name for this knowing is connection to the body.
[The "knowing" is – like in Hebrew la-da'at – uniting with Body, identification with Body].
Connection to the body guides us toward the taste of being fully present.
["knowing", uniting , identifying with Body IS being fully present!]
Mind, feelings, and body are in harmony with each other
[again! It is not said, how mind and feelings are in harmony with Body,
accepting Body totally does not yet include accepting my feelings totally]

and we are naturally present in the body,
without thought, assumption, or effort.
[isn't "conscious awareness" "thought"???
And isn't it through Body's brain that I "think"?]

We begin by registering that our body is manifesting;
body breathes,
body has weight,
body moves,
body has a posture,
body as a facial expression,

body has a tone of voice.

to listen to the laughter
of one of my grandchildren

The more receptively we register, the more tangible our experience of body manifesting.
As experience deepens, we receive the knowledge, that "I have a body"
[No! As experience deepens, the knowledge deepens, that I AM BODY]

[the next sentence and then the next three passages express the usual judgment against "separation",
which is - as usual – not recognized as a judgment against manifestation altogether,
which in turn is either denial or simply ignorance
of the reason for the Splitting apart of Original Heart.
I again advise to open HEALINGKISS pp2 PEER COMPANIONS,
and to link from the quotes there to Godchannel>bodyclass]

We connect with the body without struggling with the contents of our mind and feelings.
Whenever we find an interest [?????] in registering the body's manifestations,
we can be grateful we're taking a big step …. in the direction of knowing our true nature.
[This is true, but what about the "contents of our mind and feelings"?
Are they ignored and denied?]



From Breema: "No Judgment"

[I mostly agree, but then:]
When we come to the present, we are free from judgment.
In the absence of our associative thoughts and reactive feelings (which are past-and future-based)
we have acceptance of whatever we experience.

[This "Zen" approach causes me pain.
So what about the pain in the past and the panic of the future?
Deny them?]

The present is the domain of our Being, not of our mind [ including our mind!]
... the mind functions in the present, registering and accepting instead of classifying and judging.

[See Godchannel's "godpage" about "Driving backward into the Future", and pp 1 and pp 1b




From "The nine principles of harmony"

Body Comfort:

When we look at the body not as something separate ….
but as an aspect of a unified whole, there is no place for discomfort
["looking at" is a mental activicty!
Breathing, moving, sounding Body's sensations
and/or breathing-moving-sounding my emotions through Body,
will cause Body to feel comfortable,
provided that I adjust my posture etc.
and my activities altogether
to what is comfortable to Body.
Or – if my truly desired activities are challenging for Body
(like carving out my cave at the Dead Sea) -

I'll engage in them only, if I can win Body over
to cooperate and bear with my desire
for an agreed period of time.
If I would go on copying "Breema" to this page, for instance,
and just "register" Body's discomfort ,
instead of taking a break
and letting Body breathe-move-sound
as long as Body needs to recover,
I would once more override Body.


[From Self-Breema Exercises]

we increase our vital energy in any given moment
and expand our receptivity to do what is most beneficial for our lives.

Self-Breema exercises are not for muscles, bones and joints.
They are to help us discover who we really are.

The mind participates in Self-Breema, as do the feelings.
…Body, mind and feelings come into harmony in a common activity.

We become present, and in that, we find … the simple knowledge that "there is a body"
[that I AM Body]

When that knowledge is present, we experience an appreciation for the fact that we have life
[that we ARE life],
and a connection to all of life.

"Body breathes, Body has weight"
This nonphilosophical experience is the first step
in coming from the mind's interpretation of life to the actual experience of "I exist,"
and the taste "I exist in harmony with the totality of life".



[From Practitioners in Israel]

Shoham: Merle Jankelowitz , (net?), 03-9794596

What is Breema?
The harmonious choreography of Breema exercises and treatment sequences includes
gentle stretches,
gradual leans,
rhythmic brushing,
nurturing rocking
and playful tapping.
"It's a comforting, soothing, relaxing back-to-the womb experience
.. awareness of how good it feels to be alive."


[from another page in]

Rocking, stretching, rotations, leaning, percussion, brushing

Breema forgoes any use of force.
Instead, mutually supportive body mechanisms
employ the relaxed weight of the practitioner's body
to give profound, firm-yet-gentle support to the recipient's.

Self-Breema exercises are self-bodywork and meditative movement sequences you do for yourself.

They nurture the body while giving you a chance to build nonjudgmental receptivity between mind and body.

they vary widely in form, but any of them can bring mind, body, and feelings into a more balanced and constructive relationship.

The 9 priniples can guide us during any activity of life to participate in the present moment non-judgmentally
(without interpretation, assumption, expectation, justification, fear, confusion, etc.)
[fear and confusion are not judgments, but emotions!]

Breema and Self-Breema facilitate a taste of presence in the body
that becomes the foundation of a new dimension of consciousness.


Today, Aug. 13, 2004, I received this testimony:
Breema: the Art of Being Present

By Avishai Pearlson, LMT, Certified Breema Practitioner and Instructor

What is this we call Life?
Who am I, why am I here?
If life on this planet is a certain school, what is it for?
How can I work with confusion, suffering and fear in my life and around me?

Breema, and the 9 principles of Harmony give me the most useful tools to work with my questions and life's challenges:
the tools to deal with my mind.

In 1989, I discovered Breema at the Breema Center in Oakland, California.

I felt I had found a treasure.
Truth has a ring to it. You hear it, you wake up!
Since then, I have been learning, practicing, teaching, and exploring Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony.
Breema has been an unfolding, ever-deepening gift for me, bringing meaning to different aspects of my life.
After 15 years, I feel as excited to learn Breema as I felt when I took my first class at the Breema Center.

Breema Bodywork for me is delightful and joyful.

It is done on a padded carpet, with both giver and receiver wearing comfortable clothes.

I am constantly amazed with the profound effect of receiving even a short Breema session:
I feel deeply nurtured and relaxed,

yet invigorated and alert,

my mind is quiet and peaceful, my feelings are calm.
I experience a deeper connection to my body.
Stiffness and backaches fade away, as do doubts and confusion.

I feel happy to be alive.
I feel grateful.

Giving a Breema session, I use my whole body for every movement.
Giver and receiver support each other and benefit equally from the atmosphere of acceptance and aliveness.
Breema is unique in its emphasis on the experience of the practitioner.
Its principles lend clear and consistent support to the person giving the session:
Body Comfortable;
Firmness and Gentleness;
No Extra;
Single Moment/Single Activity;
No Hurry/No Pause;
Mutual Support;
No Force;
No Judgment;
Full Participation.
The practitioner learns to move comfortably and naturally,
conserving energy that is usually lost to tension,
and experiencing the mutual support inherent in Breema.
As I lean my weight into the recipient's body, or lean away, stretching a limb,
I experience my weight shifting.
I keep coming back to my breath.
Body has weight and breath.
This brings me to here and now.
At the end of each session, I bow with gratitude for the opportunity to become present.
I have received a true benefit from giving this session.

The Self-Breema exercises are short exercises,
in which I use the Breema Principles and the Breema Touch on myself.
When I practice any Self-Breema exercise, I connect with my body, breath, and weight.
I become more balanced and quiet.
Though each exercise has specific effects on different parts of the body,
still they all are similar in the taste that they produce:
the taste of Being Present.

Taking the Breema Principles into my daily life has become my life s work.
Any situation, including a challenging one, becomes an opportunity to work with the Principles.
Any Principle that is alive for me, used in any situation, has an immediate benefit.
The Principles also help me connect to the body,
which brings me to the present moment.
In the moment, there is harmony.
The fragmented interpretation of reality by the mind is replaced by a taste of Unity and Full Participation.
This moment exists.
In the moment, I exist in harmony with Existence.
Gratitude is all that is left to express.

Avishai Pearlson, LMT, is a Certified Breema Instructor and Practitioner since 1991.
He introduced Breema to the Pacific Northwest and Canada in 1992,and has taught Breema extensively on 4 continents.
Avishai is currently living in Eugene, practicing Breema at the Tamarack Wellness center and teaching classes at U of O.

"To be who you are, you don't need much,
but you need to let go of a lot".

From "Freedom is in THIS moment," 365 insights for daily life.
By Jon Schreiber, founder/director of The Breema Center.


Two years ago, Avishai, my friend of old, did not respond to my challenging "Breema".
But now - at a time of war , a war mostly felt in the North of Israel, where his family lives -
he came to Israel for some weeks and called me - twice already..
This stimulated me
to re-edit the fruitful comparison between "Breema" and "Godchannel" ,
which both see Body as the Master Healer.





Arad, Shabbat, March 12, 2011,

I'm no longer photographing, if I "can help it".
But I did have the camera with me, when I went with Amit Cohen for a hike in the desert.
Amit is the son (6) of my landlords and - if not for me - has no chance to experience Nature.
I could tell of little, but great, common experiences, but I'm no longer "documenting".
And yet, when we re-entered our neighborhood, Amit pointed to an amazing piece of art,
(the figures are made of mother-of-pearl!)
that was leaning against the wall of a villa -
obviously people wanted to get rid of it
and hoped, someone else would enjoy this.
I tried to convey to little Amit, that I felt shocked about the timing:
the terrible earth-quake and subsequent Tsunami and Atom-disaster in Japan.
He never heard the name "Japan", but he had heard about the earth-quake.
What does this synchronicity mean?

And why was I re-studying this page on this day?

March 29, 2011

I'll use the chance and insert photos, which I - despite my self-limitation - couldn't help taking at an event in Arad.
Meital, my landlady (obsessive concerning cleanliness) asked me, if I would be kind enough to accompany her kids
to a special (dirtying...) event in the park, which I remembered well from "The Walk about Love" exactly a year ago.
Invited were members of youth-groups, of the Democratic School
(I saw Eitan Shaqed) and kids like Amit (6) and Lior (9).
They were invited to paint some 40 seats, intended to be dispersed all over town for the convenience of its citizens.

Onlookers admired Lior's and Amit's idea to write the names "Lior, Amit"Rachel" on "their" seat


I was reminded of my cherished prophecy, put into tune by me:
Zecharia 8:4,5 +13

There shall yet old men and old women
sit in the broad places of Jerusalem,
every man with his staff in his hand for very age
And the streets of the city
shall be full of boys and girls
playing in the streets thereof

Later Lior hid these stripes on a layer of black, and on the black background she painted a big magic mushroom

"Rachel, take my photo! I want my mother to see my hands!..."
And later, when, after an hour and a half we were to meet Meital again:
"My mother will put me right into the shower, without even allowing me to pee first!"

ite of ancient Modi'in, thtown of the Mbeean rebels,hhhh [187 B.C.],
nd also the towtua leader RSSi El'aza of Modi'in, to who feel close.

s slain by that time's terrorist leader Bar-Kok[132 A.D.]re Ikkk daily wa anSod work, create paths and prune figtrees, tended since the last inhThhdjjtjllabitt fled or were evicted in 1948.
ere I ponder in pain about "

rtnership" nd my failure toprevent wt I foresaw.
is part of my website is still a chaos and doesn't gve more th some hints of wh I d then and mean now.