Living with Joy
(by Sanaya Roman and Orin)
Edited 1989 (?)
Given to me by No'am Zimin in "Succah
in the Desert" in 1993,
re-read and excerpted in November-December 2006,
re-read in November-December 2007
Virginia Satir: "I like this book
because it describes the way I feel about so many things."
Joy is a state of gratitude and compassion..
Living with Joy: p12-13
You are seeding the world with new thoughtforms
As you contribute your higher thoughts
to the "general atmosphere",
you are creating ideas that will assist others
in loving themselves more.
Living with Joy p17-18
Joy is an inner note
that you sound
as you move through the day.
The personality is often distracted by the senses,
which capture its attention from moment to moment.
The phone call, the child, the constant voices, the emotions of others
all are energies that grab your attention throughout the day
and can distract you from your inner-directed
True joy comes
from operating with Inner-Directedness
and recognizing who you are.
an announcement in "living with Joy":
Book III of the Earth Life Series Spiritual
Being Your Higher Self

Living with Joy p.19
Your great challenge is not to be distracted
by what is pulling on you or calling to you,
but instead to find your center
and magnetize to yourself all those things
that are in alignment with your inner being.
Are you setting it up so that people are pulling
on you,
so that your time is full, but is not filled with the things you want?
You have the power to change that drama.
It comes from your compassion for who you
and from your sense of inner freedom.
Many of you have set up lives for yourselves
that are not joyful
because you believe you are obligated to others,
or that you are enslaved by one situation or
The challenge of the path of
is to create freedom.
You may have created an arena of work,
and based your life upon certain accomplishments and forms.
The path of joy is
learning not to be caught by the details of those forms.
It is learning not to be trapped by your own creations,
but to be uplifted by them.
Living with Joy p.22
The path of joy involves valuing yourself
and monitoring where you put your time.
If every single person spent time only
where he accomplishes the greatest good
for himself and the person he was with,
[I believed that I accomplished
the greatest good for myself as for my daughter-in-love! See page
the world would change in a day.
It is important to spend time in ways
that promote your highest good.
If something is not for your highest good,
it is not for the highest good of the planet or others either.
What you love
is a sign from your higher self
of what you are to do. [Nov. 25, 2011,
that's much too simplistic!]
Living with Joy p.25
If a friend [grandchild] snaps
at you or is unfriendly,
step back,
and with a sense of compassion,
try to experience life from his/her perspective.
You may see… his/her defensiveness
which has nothing to do with you,[true!],
for you only represent another character
in his/her play.[true!],
The more you can step outside,
the more you will be in a position to heal others
by being in your heart with compassion.
Living with Joy p.26
You can go back and change negative memories
by looking at the gifts people had for you
and seeing the good you did for them.
You will heal yourself and others by doing this.
The healing will occur in present time also,
and erase any projection of negative patterns into your future.
Living with Joy p.30-31
…many of you hold negative images about
your past selves.
every day you are growing and evolving
and learning new ways to handle your energy,
and yet, if it had not been for those incidents
in the past
you would not be who you are now.
Everything that happens is meant to help move
you into your greater self.
Now that you have reached a new level of being,
you may be tempted to look back at the past with regret.
You may think of many higher, more loving ways
you could have handled some things.
Yet those very incidents provided you with
the growth
that allows you now to see a better way of behaving.
.. Look at each incident not as a separate event,
but as a part of an entire life path.
Living with Joy p.32
Right now it has been decided by you as a race
that fear works more effectively in changing people than hope,
A belief that growth comes through pain and struggle.
This is one you are getting ready to let
go of on a mass level.
However, there are many who are not yet ready
to exist without pain and struggle so they....
2006_11_28 [research about "joy" in the Hebrew
Living with Joy p. 33-34
must be allowed to live in that arena
until they are willing to move on.
Think of a time in which something happened
you did not understand.
Now as you look back,
you understand why you drew that incident to you
and what you learned from it.
You can see as you look back with the larger picture in mind
that when you did not get what you thought you wanted,
there was a reason for not having it.
Perhaps not having it changed your life path.
Maybe having it would have held you back in some way,
or maybe it was something you wanted
from a smaller, less evolved part of you.
What you have now would not be possible without those experiences.
You cannot leave something until you love it.
The more you hate something
the more bound you are to it,
and the more you love it
the freer you are.
So as you love your past,
you are free from it.
When you can think of your childhood and your
and know that they were perfect for the path you are on,
you are then free of the effects of your past.
You can believe
that you chose your parents, relationships,
and careers
so that you could be where you are now.
As you change your negative memories
into positive understanding,
you can go even faster into your new future.
You can release the past by loving it.
Everytime you think of a bad memory
that makes you feel sorry for yourself,
Or bad about how you acted,
Or makes you see yourself as a victim,
Or makes you hold a negative picture of yourself,
See what good you created from that experience.
It may be that you learned so much from it
you never again brought that kind of behavior back into your life.
It may be that because of that situation, you changed your path.
It may have brought you an important connection
or helped develop new qualities and personality traits.
You may have served and helped many people in that job.
Living with Joy, p.35-36
Your parents may have developed your strength,
or your inner will,
by creating obstacles for you.
People who want to develop muscles, for instance,
may use weights to push against.
Your parents may have acted as a "weight" for you to push
to develop your inner strength.
If you are facing a new challenge,
one for which you have not yet acquired the necessary skills,
imagine uniting with your future self,
drawing to you the knowledge that future self holds.
It may not come into your conscious awareness
until the moment you need it,
But the energy and knowledge your future
self can send you
can make what you are going through today seem easier.
If you are facing decisions or troubles,
Imagine yourself five years from now looking back at today,
viewing the overall picture.
You could make things up, telling yourself
why you are going through what you are experiencing
and affirming to your present self
the rightness of everything that is happening.
When you imagine your future,
you will be more evolved, wiser, expanded;
problems that exist now in your life will be solved.
Problems create a focus of attention.
They are labelled as problems
because you do not yet have a solution,
nor is that new part of you yet activated
or matured
that knows how to deal with the situation effectively.
Often you create problems to originate new
forms of behavior
and evolve parts of yourself.
You can draw to you new images of who you want
to be,
but you will also want to be willing to release the situations and
things in your life
that do not fit those images.
The emotional body has the most to gain
from reframing everything into the positive,
As to the above passage
about what Godchannel calls
see what I copied from the 1980 diary,
right after I copied the above passage:
When the vibration becomes
your magnetism changes
and you attract to yourself people and events
that amplify this drop in energy.
Once you take responsibility and attune your
awareness to higher thoughts,
creating joyful images in your mind,
you can raise the vibration of your emotional body.
Then you will want to have
the people
in your personal life
who contribute to and share
those high feelings.
If you find, however,
the people you know are constantly depressed or angry
or in a negative emotional state,
ask yourself what belief you have that says
it is good for you to be in that personal environment.
[But what if these are actors in my
drama, i.e. family members?]
Living with Joy, p.38
You may be thinking of your job or lack of one
as a problem,..
Your higher self is always watching over you.
It is always monitoring you to see if your attitudes,
if who you are at the personality, emotional and physical level,
are developed enough to have what you want.
If it sees you are not ready,
it will sidetrack you
while it evolves those parts of you that need to be developed.
You may need certain skills,
to meet new people,
or change your environment.
Your higher self will guide you in the right direction
so that you can make the changes you are asking for,
Or have what you want.
The joy of God in thy face
Joy to all who see thee,
Joy of night and day be thine,
Joy of sun and moon be thine,
Joy of men and women be thine,
Each land and sea thou goest…

Living with Joy, p.39
If you listen to people's negativity,
you are putting yourself in a position
of being affected by their lower energy.
You do not need to listen.
Ask them what they want and where they are
Mentally send people the thought
that the level of development they are at now will evolve,
and send love to them for who they are.
Notice the TV, newspapers and books you read
do they bring up your energy or…
Playsheet 1:
1. Think of someone you have felt critical about lately.
What especially did you feel critical about?
[yesterday Maureen Moss,
good article/channeling about Compassion,
but she still believes in advertising and selling …
today Heidegger,
"das Scheitern seiner Existentalismus Philosophie 1933"…
it's easy to answer the following question concerning these two people.]
2. What do you criticize in yourself
that is the same or opposite of what you criticize in this person?
For example,
perhaps you criticize a friend for always being late.
You may pride yourself about being on time,
but find on closer examination
that you are very critical of yourself about issues of time.
Living with Joy, p.41
The Art of Self Love
there are many ways you can love yourself,
And everything that happens to you
is an opportunity to have a loving experience.
Seen in the right perspective,
Anything can provide you with an occasion
to love yourself.
Loving yourself means accepting yourself as you are right now.
Living with Joy, p.43
You have been given the "I"
so you can separate from a greater whole
and experience a particular part of beingness.
Everything you have experienced up till now
is what you were born to learn about.
Whether you label it good or bad,
it is what composes your being, your uniqueness and purpose.
View yourself as a crystal with many facets.
Each of you is completely different,
a unique combination of energy.
Each of you is beautiful, special and one-of-a-kind,
as is each crystal.
You reflect light in a unique way,
thus your aura varies from those around you.
One of the ways to love the self more is stop
comparing yourself to others.
"Everybody says it is good to meditate", you may be hearing,
and so you feel bad if you don't do so.
"Does this fit me? Does this bring
me joy? Do I feel good when I do it?"
Loving the self means stepping
outside of guilt.
There is tremendous guilt in this society.
: "You made Guilt God on earth, not me!"
Many connections between people come from the
solar plexus,
the power center,
from which people try to persuade, convince, control and manipulate
each other.
Loving the self means
stepping outside of this kind of relationship.
To do so you will need to let go of guilt.
Living with Joy, p.45
You may think you have to make excuses for your
or tell white lies to protect other people's feelings.
When you act this way you are not loving to yourself;
instead you give your subconscious a message
that who you are is not enough or acceptable to other people.
Nov. 26, 2011 , The only way
I've found , is to be - lovingly - what I am.
So people were triggered
and left, and once I could let go of guilt, I could accept it,
and it is alright for me, that my mail-box on computer and cellphone
are empty.
By focusing an my Cosmic Self, or my Creater-Self or my I-AM-Presence,
I'll create the fulfilment of my dream:
"those who see Ha-Shem
will talk among each other and he listens
and he hears"
(see the verse and song in 5 languages
on top of the pages of K.i.s.s.-LOG
Living with Joy, p.49
You do everyone great service
by being willing to receive their love.
One of the greatest gifts you can give others
is opening to their love for you.
Before you see your friends,
ask what is the highest purpose you can create
Have you ever stayed at someone's house really
wanting to leave,
but hesitating, not wanting to hurt his
If so, you were valuing him more than yourself.
You were giving him the telepathic message
that he does not have to respect your time or you,
The inability to say
"no" to people
reflects a world view that says
other people's feelings are more
important than yours,
their rights are more significant
and should be considered first.
When you do this
you create energy blockages within yourself,
Backing up resentment, anger and hurt
which then sit in your aura and attract more of the same.
Living with Joy, p.51
Often you can be aggressive with yourself,
one part of you dominating and controlling the other parts
"for your highest good"…
For instance,
you may berate yourself constantly for not being more organized,.
you may make huge lists of things to do
and then feel bad if they are not done.
This is making the will right and your other self wrong,
the self that is resisting the direction of the will..
It may be that your higher self has created
the resistance
to keep you from doing certain things
and is directing you to other doorways.
If it is used in conjunction with the heart
to help you in following a path you love,
your will can assist you to increase your self-love.
The will can be a director of focus.
When it is linked with what you love to do
there is no end to what is possible
or to the boundaries you can transcend.
Last but not least,
don't take yourself so seriously.
Laugh and play.
It's not the end of the world if something doesn't go right.
The quality of humor
is perhaps one of the greatest doorways to self-love.
Those who come from a high level of self-love
are often humorous,
have a great wit,
and love to bring out the childlike playfulness in others.
This next week – if you are experiencing
difficulties with people,
look at the area of problems and ask,
Do they love themselves in this area?
Send them compassion
to use in whatever way creates their highest good,
and enjoy the love you have just sent out
as it comes back to you to use for your highest good.
Living with Joy, p.57
Blaming othes will always take away your power.
[Again see pp15
Guilt&Blame is the same]
If you can discover why you are choosing to feel hurt by their actions
you will learn much about yourself.
…Thank them silently for providing you
with the opportunity
to become strong,
For often strength is developed in the face of opposition.
Self-worth means paying attention to how you feel.
Validate your feelings; do not analyze and question them.
Self-esteem means knowing
that you did the best you knew how,
even if two days later you could see a better way.
Trying and working hard to get things done
is not necessarily the road to joy.
Respect yourself by following your inner
Rest, play, think, and take time to get silent.
Doing those things that nurture you
are ways to increase your self-esteem.
Living with Joy, p.59
The relationships you have with others can
only be as good
as the relationships they have with themselves.
If they do not know how to love themselves
that sets a limit as to how much they can love you.
No matter how hard you try,
how many nice things you do,
they cannot give you the love you seek.

You cannot leave a situation until you
have done so with love.
Those situations you leave in anger
will be there for you to resolve in the future.
It may not be with the same person,
but you will create another person and a similar situation
to allow you to resolve it with peace and love.
Being sensitive to other people's feelings
is different from trying to please them.
It is easy to respect yourself when those around
are respecting you.
The challenge is to respect yourself when
those around you do not.
First forgive them and then let go of any
need for them to validate you.
When you need to be validated by others to feel good about yourself,
you take away your power.
Living with Joy, p.66
It is important
to develop positive pictures about the nature of power.
See Godchannel in pp29
Reclaiming my Power
Living with Joy, p.67
True power is the ability
to motivate, love, encourage,
and help people recognize who they are.
Living with Joy, p.72

Living with Joy, p.76
The voice that tells you you cannot do
is not the voice of the higher self.
It is simply a part of you
that needs to be recognized and loved,
to be shown your higher vision.

It is time now
to bring this self into consciousness,
talk to it,
and give it a new image of what kind of love you want.
You may have a self that believes in scarcity
[like now: "not enough space
on my computer, therefore I should..."]
Talk to this part of you, showing it images
of abundance.
Living with Joy, p.77

The greatest movement to the higher self comes
in acknowledging the higher self
and in evolving all the other parts.
Your subpersonalities are simply parts
of you
that are not yet aligned with your higher self.
You can very easily change the images these
parts are holding
by first paying attention to the voices within you.
When you hear a certain thought pattern,
such as the voice that is doubtful,
begin to see it as a part of you that is
asking for help from your soul,
a part that needs to be shown new images and b
e l i e f systems.
When things happen effortlessly and doors
it is because you are not only on your own higher path,
but you are weaving it into the higher vision of mankind.
You are here to evolve certain qualities
within yourself
and to manifest your higher purpose.
You can know what those qualities are
by looking at what challenges continually present themselves to you.
[the challenge in Dec.
-the beginning of my almost 5 years
of growing with Mika]
– of traveling to Shoham and
back without pain and discomfort.]
From Gil's
[Frowald Huettenmeister's] Letter [7-12-1964]
after his imprisonment in Egypt symbolizing his experience there
Frowald (later renamed:
"Gil") was the only other German student,
who received a scholarship from the German Government in 1960-61,
in order to study on the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Later he worked for the Israeli Intelligence and got caught...
His self-esteem in prison was that of a "worm"...
I came across this on Oct. 5, 2013,
after - on my way back
from Shoham on Oct. 1 - I read the poem,
which I had created on a Shabbat at the Red Sea: Febr. 15, 1997,
and re-read on a Shabbat at the Dead Sea: January 1, 2000 (!)

I use the opportunity to insert 3 other
recorded in my little calendar of the year 2000
I learnt to be myself , a queen,
alone, all-one, at last serene
see the
song: Balanced I am