Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution in
learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"

InteGRATion into
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

The End of that Time...
Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam
February 2007,
between Arad and the Desert |
December 2012: Addition of two words at the end of
the song,
one in Hebrew: 'me-asham', one in German: 'und-von-Scham',
from 'guilt' and from 'shame'.
Both words rhyme on 'ge'ulat ha-adam' -'the redemption
of wo/man'

I had found the tune to this old poem of mine in February this year
while recording it on my primitive digital sound-recorder.
Then I forgot about it.
I discovered it at the same time as the info about "Firing
the Grid" reached me
and with it this image.
This coincidence urged me to share this info
with one of my ten grandchildren, Rotem, now 13

To an
end has come
the time
of playing "small brain",
Forever has ended the time
of playing "victim"..
From now on the game is saving the World,
the game is entirely the redemption of Wo/Man..
Translation on August
17, 2008]
the time has ended
for the game "small head",
Ended has also forever
the game of the victim
From now on the game is
the saving of the world
The game is entirely
the redemption of Wo/Man

July-August 2012: exploring "Dictator Guilt" through re-studying

to former song
to next song
Gateways to Freedom -December 2009
Kate Ann Spreckley -
re-edited on April 20, 2010
Finding ourselves at the end of the
Georgian Calendar year
we are granted the opportunity to review our lives
and to make preparation of the coming year ahead.
December is an intense month with the
energies flooding
through the 12:12 Stargate,
the Solstice on the 21st and the celebration of Christmas on the 25th.
The Stargate on the 12th indicates
that we have reached a place within this phase of our evolutionary journey
where it now becomes possible for us
to hold and to utilise a vibration of sacredness
in all that we do and in all that we accomplish.
It is within the energies of the 12:12 Stargate
that we are gifted with the keys to self-mastery
which will enable us to create a revolution of consciousness
that will give us clear direction and access to our paths
... in the evolution of humanity.
During this journey of transformation
new levels of perception are awakened
and the requirements necessary to obtain true peace and freedom are
We are required to discipline ourselves and purifying our lives
so that we are able to radiate our light,
shift our energy
and carry our creations forward
using the higher frequencies of Universal love and wisdom.
This will cause fundamental changes within our world
and we are required to be fully present,
to maintain our centre
and to radiate our light within the swiftly changing energies.
This phase of our evolutionary journey introduces a major change
in all our expressions and within our field of service.
As we awaken to our own blissful nature
we are initiated into the higher realms of ideas, visions and revelations.
During this time of extreme energy
we shall be gifted with revelations
regarding our unique field of service and our purpose.
As we allow the essence of our Spirit to grow and develop within our
physical life,
our path opens before us
and the light of our Divine Creator shines upon the consciousness of
bringing us all into alignment with the Divine Plan.
about the Will-Polarity, Kate?]
The energy of December brings an opportunity
for us
to balance our Feminine and Masculine energies at a cellular level,
bringing the right and left hemispheres of our brain into a
state of equilibrium
and restoring deep wisdom within our consciousness.
As the channels of our higher mind open
we are able to begin decoding the memories of our deepest origins
and thus revealing the true nature of our Soul.
As we apply the wisdom we have gained in creating a better world
we are able to heal any rigid beliefs and misuses
of power,
allowing the infinite power of love and wisdom to merge with our inner
[The love has first to be turned
towards ALL OUR FEELINGS, Kate!]
my song: I inhale God and I exhale Love to whatever I'm feeling just
Every living thing within the Universe
is a representation of all Creation
and contains within it the unity of the Universe.
The necessity of all Creation is to move into harmony
before wholeness can be achieved.
All aspects of our self must be recognised
[Our most difficult emotions cannot
be 'recognized',
leave alone accepted, 'integrated',
unless we know
how to MOVE them, BREATHE them, SOUND them with BODY]
and integrated before personal wholeness can be attained.
Every situation and experience that arises
brings us closer to a sense of wholeness and unity within the Universe.
Each experience leads us to a new understanding
of ourselves; our talents, strengths and weaknesses,
all that which we have been given to complete our lifetime here.
The destiny of all humanity depends upon
how we choose to react or respond
to the different energies, situations and life experiences we are
gifted with.
If we choose to respond through our heart, ,,,
we will experience and see the glory of a new Earth birthed
within our reality.
The frequency of the 12:12 Stargate will allow us
to perceive more of the unseen realms
and to integrate this into our conscious experiences.
As we allow ourselves to become channels of Divine love and light
the wisdom of the Heavens is returned to the Earth realm
and the union of Heaven and Earth is created within each living
The heavenly bodies that dance through our skies
powerfully influence our physical reality
and we are constantly immersed in a flow of vibrations
through which we can receive and conduct energy.
As the energy of the Solstice moves within our world
we are called to remember that we contain all aspects of creation
and that the way to Oneness and Unity is through the reuniting of
– light and dark, female and male, body and Spirit.
- Mika's Heaven on Earth
2009_08_01, I employ song-page after song-page
for documenting and exploring the
of Mika, the youngest of my 10 grandchilden,
whose assignment seems to be:
to exemplify to humankind
by her own living/doing,
how to playfully create
from moment to moment
"zest-fully and full-filled"
Mika on April 11, 2010,
in her gymnastics suit
with a butterfly chain,
sticking a cotton circle
into the cover circle
of our treasure-box,
the content of which
is for ever changing
"....Manifestation is meant to be
a playground
where being and doing are fun..."
Second Interview with the Folks]
Since Mika's thread has reached
SongGame 2007_03_17,
I've been creating a more comprehensive composition than before:
Not only a sculpture made up of Mika's personal, individual being ~ playing
~ living
but a composition of the major experiences of her family - on this planet
- at this time.
April 15, 2010 [2nd page]
The 46th anniversary of my and Mika's father's immigration to Israel
and the 19th birthday of Jonathan, my daughter Ronnit's firstborn.
Morning before kindergarden and coming home from kindergarden

While still in bed, Mika wanted to listen to the disk
of her big sister's performance "Do-Re-Mu"
and after having eaten her cereals, she dances to the music
of Do-Re-Muh

Since Abba will come home today, I try to involve her
in uprooting the flowers, which she had sown with him , and which had died
At 4 PM Abba still hasn't arrived.
eruption of the volcano forced his plane to make a huge detour,
they ran out of fuel and had to land in Athens to refill the plane's tank.
So I'm allowed to fetch Mika from kindergarden.
As usual,
she delights in the garden-flowers
on the way home,
but still doesn't succeed
in pronouncing: Bougainvillea |
She enjoys playing with her shadow
Of course, she brought Imma a flower!
And then uses her little propellor to make fun with her!

Still more
pictures of Abba's and Tomer's jungle experience

Continuation of Mika's
"Heaven-on-Earth" , in March 2010, on the Song page of April
9, 2007 |