The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound

'Tis the Last Rose of Summer

'Tis the Last Rose of Summer
updated : 2010_05_09
Sir John Stevenson,
Thomas Moore
the tune can be heard
on the website
for folksongs

'Tis the last rose of summer,
Left blooming all alone,
All her lovely companions
Are faded and gone.
No flower of her kindred,
No rose bud is nigh,
To reflect back her blushes,
Or give sigh for sigh.

I'll not leave thee, thou lone one,
To pine on the stem;
Since the lovely are sleeping,
Go sleep thou with them;
Thus kindly I scatter
Thy leaves o'er the bed
Where thy mates of the garden
Lie scentless and dead.

So soon may I follow
When friendships decay,
And from love's shining circle
The gems drop away!
When true hearts lie withered
And fond ones are flown
Oh! who would inhabit
This bleak world alone?

When I was six years old,
and we were evacuated to a tiny village
from the bombardments in our city Stuttgart,
my mother started to teach me piano.
What we had available, was a book for beginners,
simple tunes, but not always children's songs.
I don't remember the first lessons,
but then "The Last Rose of Summer" had to be learnt.
The rhythm was such, that I just couldn't get it.
35 years had to pass,
until Immanuel, my eldest son, learnt to play this song on the guitar,
and I - learning the text for the first time - could let go of my panic...

Letzte Rose, wie magst du
so einsam hier blühn?
Deine freundlichen Schwestern
sind längst, schon längst dahin.
Keine Blüte haucht Balsam
mit labendem Duft.
Keine Blättchen mehr flattern
in stürmischer Luft.

Warum blühst du so traurig
im Garten allein?
Sollst im Tod
mit den Schwestern,
mit den Schwestern
vereinigt sein.
Drum pflück ich, o Rose,
vom Stamme dich ab,
Du sollst ruhen am Herzen
und mit mir im Grab.

It's only now - on November 26, 2009 - when I returned to rehearse the song,
that I am deeply moved not only by the tune, as before, but by the lyrics.




On December 13, 2009,
in the garden
of my children's flat
around the ground-floor
of a big storey-house
I found a bush
with withering roses
beautified by rain-drops
just two weeks
after the expansion of this page
and just a day after the musical
of the forever moving story
about the Little Prince and the Fox
who teaches him,
why his rose is unique
despite the sight of a field
with 5000 roses.

See the gift of roses which I got 6 days later from "Starchild Global":

to former song to next song

2010_05_09: Mika's and my Heaven on Earth
Since 2009_08_01, I employ song-page after song-page
for documenting and exploring the evolution
of Mika, the youngest of my 10 grandchilden,

whose assignment seems to be:
to exemplify to humankind
by her own  living - doing,
how to  play - fully  create
from moment to moment

"zest-fully and full-filled"


"....Manifestation is meant to be a playground
where being and doing are fun..."

[Godchannel, Second Interview with the Folks]


Shabbat, May 8, 2010 - The Rose-Triangle - Mika's closer family

In January 2010, I felt, that after 5 years of having "settled" in a one-room rented flat,
with a bit of desert land around it, which I'm being permitted to turn into a garden,
I should plant fruit-trees,
After the planting of a pear-tree, an apple-tree, a fig-tree, a chinese-orange tree,
2 pitanga-shrubs and 4 passiflora-vines,
I desired to honor my three children,
born of Rafael Rosenzweig, grandchildren of Franz Rosenzweig,
by planting a triangle of three rose-bushes,
since "Rosen-Zweig" means "Rose-branch".
[I now see, that the completion of many pages about Franz Rosenzweig's love
is also dedicated to a "rose-triad"....]

Immanuel Rosenzweig and Ronnit Rosenzweig-Shai and Micha Rosenzweig , 1969 and 1981


The plant-nursery at Arad
finally managed to find me
three different colors of roses.
My landlord,
who only recently had freed this spot
- my former compost-hole -
from a load of bricks,
helped me to transport them
to "my" garden.

I now understand the delay of one hundred days since the 3 star-children planted the first 2 trees,
until the vision of the rose-triangle manifested:

When I opened the page, which followed my latest composition of Mika's Heaven-on-Earth on May 1, 2010,
with a song about ONE-ness....
I found the page "God's Rivulet" already occupied by a composition about the extended Rosenzweig Family...
and then - can I believe it? - it was the turn of
"'tis the Last Rose of the Summer" , with its mystical implication,
presenting itself "naturally" as the page for the rose-triangle in the sequence about little Mika ROSENZWEIG

preparing the hole
for the dark red rose

the white rose

the rose-red rose

The next day, before I left Arad and the rose-triangle - for again joining Mika Rosenzweig at Shoham,
was extremely hot and I already had to cut withered roses, the leaves of which I spread on the earth

Two days later, Tuesday, May 11, 2010 ,
I discerned an e-mail with the subject
"Die Weisse Rose", "The White Rose"
and felt goose bumps.

Though it was my turn to respond to a letter to Martin,
my late sister Ursel's husband, born in April 1931 !!
he had written again, excited:

He had learnt,
that the organ-pipe chamber in the Church at Ulm,
in which I played the organ
during his and my sister's wedding in 1963,
had been the secret "spot of freedom",
where the heros of
Die Weisse Rose
prepared their anti-Nazi flyers.

One of the Three, who were killed in 1943,
and to whom I dedicated my book,
was Sophie Scholl.
It was only thanks to Die Weisse Rose
that I could lift my head a bit and stay alive,
after I became aware of what my nation had done .

[See about Sophie Scholl in "Self-Determination in AU"
and in "Rachel's List"
and in "Self-Sacrifice versus Self-Acceptance"]

There is also another coincidence,
at the age of 13 I had the priviledge
to see such a chamber of thousands of organ-pipes.
It was then, that I told my mother,
that I wanted to learn to play the organ,
and this was the only time, as far as I remember,
that she fulfilled a quest of mine immediately!

Liebe Rachel,
hier ein Zeitschriftenartikel über die "Die Weisse Rose". In der Martin-Luther-Kirche haben Ursel und ich geheiratet und Du hast die Orgel gespielt. Damals hat noch niemand von uns gewusst, welches Geheimnis mit dieser Orgel verbunden ist. Das einzige, was ich damals schon gewusst habe, war, dass die jungen Scholls und die jungen Hirzels versucht hatten, gegen die Nazis zu opponieren. Die Details sind mir erst so nach und nach klar geworden. Unter anderem hat ein Buch von Susanne Hirzel "Vom Ja zum Nein" bei der "Aufklärung" eine Rolle gespielt.

Übrigens: Er war in der Martin-Luther-Kirche, als ich (damasl 13 Jahre alt) zum ersten Mal über das System meine Zweifel bekam. Der Saal der Martin-Luther-Kirche war zur Schule umfunktioniert worden. Eines Tages tauchten einige Soldaten dort auf - es waren die mit dem Totenkopf auf der Schildmütze - und machten Propaganda für ihre Einheit. Wir wurden nach dem Vortrag, der von Gehässigkeiten gespickt war, einzeln gefragt, für welche Waffengattung wir uns interessierten. Ich nannte das Funkwesen als mein Interessengebiet. Sie fragten mich gleich, ob ich das bei ihnen machen wolle. Nach meiner Ausrede, dass ich mir das noch überlegen würde, haben sie mich nicht weiter bedrängt.
Mit einem Klassenkamerad habe ich mich dann auf dem Heimweg über die Veranstaltung unterhalten. Wir schimpften beide über die Typen mit ihren Totenkopfmützen. Es hat uns dabei niemand zugehört. Vermutlich wären sonst ernsthafte Schwierigkeit programmiert gewesen.

So viel für heute Liebe Grüße Martin

The pipe-chamber of the organ:
"Here the flyers of Die Weisse Rose were hidden"

"Da muss etwas nicht stimmen, was man am Geiste dieser Klasse sieht! Man schaemt sich, dass es eine solche Klasse an einem deutschen Humanistischen Gymnasium gibt!" so schrie mit sich ueberschlagender Stimme Roland Freisler, der Vorsitzende des Nazi-Volksgerichtshofes, bevor er 1943 die Ulmer Schueler der Widerstandsgruppe
Die Weisse Rose
zu hohen Gefaengnisstrafen verurteilte.

Suse Hirzel bekam damals fuenf Jahre Haft. Hirzel, heute 87 Jahre alt, Cello-Musik-paedagogin und aeusserst fit, steht mit Konfirmanden und Schuelern im engen, westlichen Treppenhaus der Ulmer Martin-Luther-Kirche und erzaehlt: "Ich kann mich deutlich an das Gebruell Freislers erinnern. Doch ich habe damals wohl den Unmenschen von Nazi-Richter bezirzt – als Zoepfe tragendes, blondes deutsches Bilderbuchmaedel. Vermutlich trug dies zur Milderung der Urteile bei." Ihr "Verbrechen": Susanne Hirzel, damals 21 Jahre junge Musikstudentin, hatte naechtens in Stuttgart das fuenfte Flugblatt der Widerstandsbewegung in Deutschland verteilt. "Der Vertrieb der Flugblaetter fand hier in der Luther-Kirche statt. Zur Tarnung hat mein Bruder Hans Hirzel, waehrend sein Freund Franz Josef Mueller Flugblaetter faltete und kuvertierte, von Zeit zu Zeit auf der Walcker-Orgel gespielt", so berichtet die Zeitzeugin.

Die Pfeifenkammer bildete das Versteck. Ein kaum mannshoher Raum – ringsum von Holz umgeben, inmitten der 3000 Orgelpfeifen – diente im Kriegswinter 1942/43 monatelang als Schutzraum der Ulmer Schueler-Widerstandskaempfer um den Katholiken Franz Josef Mueller und den Sohn des Pfarrers der Luther-Gemeinde, Hans Hirzel. "Sie waren ein paar Jahre juenger als unsere Vorbilder und Freunde um Sophie Scholl und Willi Graf, die als Studierende in Muenchen Widerstand gegen das Nazitum leisteten", erzaehlt Suse Hirzel. "Die Aelteren schrieben die sechs Flugblaetter – und wurden deshalb zum Tod verurteilt-, die Schueler halfen, sie zu verteilen."

Fuer Gemeindepfarrer Volker Bleil ist die Pfeifenkammer in seiner 1928 eingeweihten Kirche ein heiliger Ort: "Ein Schatz; eine Aufgabe; ein revolutionaeres Erbe, das fruchtbar gemacht werden muss, insbesondere fuer junge Leute." Bleil faehrt fort: "Schueler koennen viel bewegen, dies ist die Botschaft unseres Denk-Ortes." Mit dreizehn Konfirmanden hat Bleil seit dem Herbst die Ausstellung erarbeitet, die nun – taeglich geoeffnet – im Treppenhaus der Kirche an den Schuelerwiderstand erinnert.

Im grauen, quadratischen Treppenhaus, das zur Pfeifenkammer fuehrt, sind Schrift-baender angebracht: In Schwarz die Hasstiraden des NS-Richters Freisler gegen
Die Weisse Rose. Daneben die vielen Fragen und Saetze, die Denis Selb, Lea Peter, Lavinia Schmidt, Lea Salzmann, Daniel Einsiedel und die uebrigen Konfirmanden gesammelt haben: Hattet ihr Angst? Habt ihr eure Aktion in der Klasse geheim gehalten? Als ihr aufgeflogen seid, haben sich Bekannte und Freunde von euren Familien distanziert? Wie haben eure Eltern reagiert? Ihr wart evangelisch oder katholisch – hat dieser Unterschied unter euch eine Rolle gespielt? Hattet ihr juedische Freunde? ~~~

Die dunkle Pfeifenkammer hat nun ein grosses Sichtfenster. Mitten im engen Raum befindet sich der weiss angemalte, rechteckige Holztisch, an dem die jungen Wider-standskaempfer arbeiteten. Auf dem Tisch steht eine altertuemliche Olympia-Schreib-maschine mit schwarz-rotem Band. "Ein Typ wie die Schreibmaschine, die der Drauf-gaenger Franz Josef Mueller damals aus einer Dienststelle "organisiert" hatte, und die wir benutzten", sagt Suse Hirzel. Grosse Bildwaende mit Lebenslaeufen der Akteure und Fotos von damals und heute portraetieren die jungen Helden aus dem Schuelerwider-stand gegen die NS-Diktatur.

Es gibt neben dem neu geschaffenen Denk-Ort in der Martin-Luther-Kirche in Ulm nur den Lichthof der Muenchner Universitaet, der authentisch an die Aktionen der damals jungen, christlichen NS_Gegner erinnert. Ueberhaupt haengen Muenchen und Ulm in dieser Widerstandsgeschichte eng zusammen: Die Familien Scholl und Hirzel waren eng befreundet. Im Januar 1943 brachte Sophie Scholl aus Muenchen 2000 Exemplare des fuenften Flugblatts Der Weissen Rose in ihre Heimatstadt Ulm und uebergab sie Hans Hirzel, dem juengeren Bruder ihrer Freundin Suse. Der 18-jaehrige Hans und befreundete Mitschuler aus der Abiturklasse des Humanistischen Gymnasiums hatten seit 1941 bereits insgeheim Flugblaetter mit NS-kritischen Predigten des Muensteraner Bischofs Clemens August von Galen verbreitet. Haeufig duskutierten die Jugendlichen, was man als Christ gegen Hitler tun darf und muss.

Hans Hirzel verfuegte als Hilfs-Organist ueber den Schluessel der Luther-Kirche. Und er kannte die Pfeifenkammer – das Versteck, das fuer einige Monate zu einem Schutzraum der Freiheit wurde. "Franz Josef Mueller diktierte: mein Bruder Hans tippte", erzaehlt Suse Hirzel den Konfirmanden und Schuelern des benachbarten Scholl-Gymnasiums. "Sie suchten aus dem Telefonbuch die Adressen von Leuten heraus, die Publikumsverkehr hatten: Zaehnaerzte etwa oder Gastwirte. Die erhielten dann anonym die Fugblaetter."

Fuer Lea Peter und ihre Mitkonfirmanden ist die Begegnung mit der Zeitzeugin Suse Hirzel ein grosses Erlebnis. Die Musikpaedagogin, die Gestape-Gefaengnisse sowie das Frauen-Konzentrationslager Ravensbrueck ueberlebt hat, ermutigt in ihren Antworten die jugendlichen Fragesteller. Die alte Frau unterstreicht den christlichen Glauben als "unsere Kraftquelle fuer kritisches Handeln fuer Freiheit und Menschenrechte". Und Suse Hirzel laesst keinen Zweifel: "Junge Leute, Konfirmanden und Schueler wie ihr , sind nicht ohnmaechtig!"

Pfarrer Bleibl ergaenzt am Ende: "Die Schueler Der Weissen Rose, die wir hier ehren, waren evangelisch und katholisch – und sie hielten zusammen, unter hoechstem Risiko. Dies war damals ziemlich selten. Es bleibt kostbar – und eine gute Botschaft fuer uns heute."
Von Thomas Seiterich

see there - under
"Erinnerungsstaette Weisse Rose":

Die Orgel:
ein Ort des Widerstandes
und der Freiheit :

Die "Weisse Rose"
in der Martin-Luther-Kirche 1943
"The Organ: a place of Resistance and Freedom

Image: a white rose with Suse Hirzel,
a younger co-worker, who survived

Continuation of Mika's "Heaven-on-Earth" , in March 2010, on the Song page of April 28. 2007


Beloved Ones, this is a time to celebrate. This is the "Second Coming of the Christ" that was long awaited. Indeed, the Christ Avatars, the Masters Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, who came to Earth two thousand years ago, brought within themselves the seeds of the Sacred Rose Consciousness. This was expressed in their lives, in their work and teachings, and in their relationship. They were the Divine Union incarnate, the Sacred Partnership that birthed the New Consciousness that manifests for you now and flowers into this wonderful shift and miraculous transformation. At this time, the seeds that were planted in Israel and in France, have flowered forth, and their work has reached its culmination in You! You are the Sacred Rose, you are the Second Expression and Flowering of the Christ Consciousness on Earth. You are Heaven seeded on Earth in the form of Beauty and Love!


Beloved Ones, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene were channels for Divine Higher Consciounsess. Through their physical bodies as a man and a woman, they served as portals for anchoring Divine Consciousness on the Earth and expressing the Divine Will. Their personal Rose energies were fully activated and they were guided to be an expression of Divine Love. So indeed, is each one of you when you open your Sacred Heart to Unconditional Love and allow the Sacred Rose of Light to unfurl in your Crown Chakra. Then, you become a Multi-dimensional Being, a Portal for Divine Love in a Human and Physical body. This is the culmination of the Human Angelic trans-formation, when Spirit and Matter become One and function as One.
... Humanity could begin to work as co-creators in the manifestation of Sacred Spaces on Earth once again.
Beloved Ones, if you imagine this beautiful Rose Grid with its Flower like geometries, then you will see that each flower is a "nodal point" where the Sacred can manifest into form.

Now, each one of you is a Sacred Rose, and a potential nodal point for the expression of multi-dimensional energies and the expression of Divine Will on Earth. In order to achieve this, it is necessary only to open your Heart and become fully what you are - an expression of Divine Love in Motion. When you can perceive yourself as such, you will flower into the energy of the Sacred Rose and you will become a channel for Divine Love.
Many of you will feel called to begin to participate in this new work. Firstly, you will connect with your own Inner Divinity, and then you will manifest this by creating Sacred Spaces in your own homes and lives. This you will share with others.

Then, as you enter into 2010, you will enter into THE YEAR OF THE SACRED ROSE, when Earth once again begins to manifest Sacred Spaces that are filled with Living Light, JOY and CELEBRATION! These will be Multi-Dimensional Points of Creation and Magic for the manifestation of the New Earth energies.

See also the message from "Spirit Pathways" about this month, December 2009


This is also a chance to re-edit the message on July 2009 from Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

These shifts may be felt on the physical level as vibrations and pains within the lower part of the body as the incoming energies restructures and realigns the lower chakras. .. [is this the reason for the unexplainable pressure and pain in my bladder since May 2, 2009?]

At this time, Beloved Ones, you may also experience the closing and completion of many relationships as the old energy patterns of relationship are replaced with the new Ascended Energy of
the Sacred Heart as the basis for relating and relationship.

This will mean, that the old energies around Money, Sexuality and Power will be replaced with the new higher energies
that you have held for the Collective. In place of the distorted energies of Greed and Fear around Money, the new energies will introduce the higher frequencies of Abundance, Sharing and Enough for All. The Ascended Human Angel will be quietly confident that he or she will always be able to manifest exactly what is needed to provide for life, and that he or she will always have enough to share with others who may not as yet have perfected the skills of manifestation in this time of transformation and change. These energies will be introduced by a realignment of the Base Chakra energies.

The new energy around Sexuality will replace the distorted energies of ownership and control through manipulation of the creative and reproductive energies. .. every relationship will be held sacred and will be a reflection of the Divine Union of energies. At the heart of Relationship will be the energies of Unconditional Love,
Acceptance and Commitment. Each Relationship will have a focus of energy and that will be the focus of the Sacred Commitment within the Relationship. The energy of Creativity that is the purpose of the Sacral Chakra will be used within Sacred Relationships to manifest the energies of the Sacred in the New Earth. And, because you are now Co-Creators on the Planet, each of you will decide within your Relationships what is the Sacred purpose and focus of your partnerships...

The old energy of Power as a means of control and manipulation will be replaced at the Solar Plexus Chakra by the new ascended
Christ energy of Personal Empowerment and the ability to hold the energy of Unconditional Love in the Heart at all times. The frequency of Love transmitted through the Diamond of the Heart will manifest as the ability to flow your personal energy in any situation without needing to exert control and domination. The Flow of Unconditional Love ensures that each being is able to express their needs and desires without fear and to have those needs met in love by those with whom he or she connects. The essence of the New Earth is negotiation and co-operation as a way of manifesting for the highest good at all times.

Beloved Ones, you will learn the skills of working together as groups to ensure that everyone is able to manifest what they need and desire at all times
, and that you can support the process of manifestation, not just for yourself, but for others as well. .

        [2010_05_10- Does this mean, that my dream of functioning as A Trainer of Dreamers will soon manifest?].

... the old "victim" energies of the Feminine will be replaced in the Collective Consciousness with the Ascended energy of
Empowerment and Creation ... The Base Chakra will be realigned from the lack and poverty of the old consciousness and will be set at the frequency of Acceptance and Gratitude, within the knowledge that Abundance is always present and that lack is an illusion. On the level of the Sacral Chakra and the Sexual and Creative energy, the New Code will allow the Feminine energy to be empowered to express Passion and Creativity and to receive these energies from others with Grace and Gratitude. At the level of the Solar Plexus Chakra, the new Light Codes will allow the Feminine energy to express its power and empowerment through the energies of Equality and Sharing. Giving and Receiving will be held in balance ... to ensure that he or she Receives and Gives in a balanced and loving way that honors the essence of each individual within the group or community.

Within the Collective Consciousness, Beloved Ones,
the old energies of Polarity and Duality will be replaced by the Yin and Yang of Complementarity and Co-Creation.

The Diamond Light Children : Supporting the New Consciousness
At this time, this powerful changing of Light Codes and consciousness is being supported by the arrival of the Diamond Light children on the Planet. These are the Cosmic Master souls who have been incarnating on the Earth in this year of 2009. As more of them arrive, they are facilitating transformation and change, and many of the Crystal Children are "upgrading" their consciousness so as to be able to enter into the Diamond Light energy of Full Cosmic Consciousness. Their support is enabling the rest of the Human Collective to make similar shifts into Cosmic Consciousness ...

Beloved Ones, many of you ask how you will know when you have achieved the New Consciousness. How will you know when you have opened to the full energy of the Fifth Dimensional New Earth. Well, we would say that firstly, you will become aware of your inner Divinity and your Cosmic Consciousness. You will feel the "I AM" energy of Soul and Spirit that lives in the Diamond within the Heart. Secondly, you will have absolute trust in your ability to Co-create and Manifest with Spirit and to provide all that you need on Earth within your Reality and to live in comfort and abundance. Thirdly, you will have entered into an awareness of the Infinite nature of Time and Space. You will live fully in the Present Moment, ..You will have no fear of death as you will feel absolute confidence to face all the transitions and transformations in your existence with grace and peace. And, lastly, you will   f e e l  yourself to be a Master of your own destiny, knowing that you create your own Reality at all times. And you will know that if you do not feel comfortable within a creation, that you can change it at any time and create another Reality [see the movie Anna's nightmare shortly after six - which is definitely NOT "a comedy", but a metaphor].

Indeed, Beloved Ones, we can only say:"Welcome to the New Earth!"





June 1-20, 2012

All my efforts with the three rose-branches were in vain - they only barely survived.
But early in 2012 I transferred them to a spot, where I could watch them more easily.
And when we connected them to the computerized new water-system, they started to flourish.
Not consistently, but in breaks, and only on June 20, 2012 - for the first time all three together!

June 1: The Immanuel Rose

June 20, 8 A.M., still in the shade of the house:
The Immanuel Rose, the Ronnit Rose, the Micha Rose

At 1 P.M. in the hot sun

Photographed without intention:
from the youngest to the oldest like on the photo of 1969 and 1981 above.

to former song to next song