The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates

February 1 , Friday, at Shoham
re-edited on February 1, 2013, at Arad

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image of the day

"Are you crazy to take a picture of us?"-
"Forgive me, I'll insert only the smallest possible size
It was such a fruitful talk, please let me have an image for the record."
July 2003 & November 2004: in joy and in sorrow- "be-yakhad" together, as Mika stresses

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner,
I give thanks to our heart
and all the cardiovascular system,
despite Extrasystoles,
which have been occuring now and then for over 30 years,
probably just to make me more aware of our heart's fantastic rhythm,
of this ongoing gentle beat ever since the early stages of the embryo
who became me, Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam.

I give thanks to Limor, the journalist,
and to her colleague, my daughter-in-love, who invited her.
I give thanks for the deep interview about our relationship,
about "kallot ve-hamayot", daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law.
in the context of an article towards "Family-Day" next week.

As a compensation - my beloved daughter-in-love! - here again the photo you liked:


The Encounter between Venus and Jupiter

On Friday morning, February 1st,
Venus and Jupiter converge in the southeastern sky less than 1 degree apart.
It's a spectacular view worth waking up early to see: sky map.

From the shores of the Caspian Sea, Iranian photographer Babak Tafreshi
sends this picture of the planets converging on Jan. 31:

The February 1st alignment kicks off four mornings of beautiful views
as the crescent Moon moves in to join Venus and Jupiter over the weekend.


My virtual morning tour around Sky and Earth

from Australia  
from above Canada
from Ireland

4 photos from the USA

from Maryland~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from Ohiofrom Miller Place, New York State ~~~~~~~ from Rehoboth, Massachusetts




"Your 'altar' composition is splendid,
and so is the journey around the earth for viewing
the close encounter between Jupiter and Venus!
Isn't that symbolic for your encounter with Efrat?"

Yes, now that I think of it:
"Noga" stands for beauty and love
and "Tzedeq" means "Truthfulness" in the Bible
[and not "justice" as usually translated].
I'm still stunned by the outcome of yesterday's interview.
Limor, a writer in the local newpaper, of which Efrat is the producer,
asked me about the reality behind the proverbal enmity
between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

"You should start with the story about Naomi and Ruth,
according to which there never was so great a love
as between this mother-in-law and this daughter-in-law."

And though I was hesitating to explain the purpose of that story,
fearing that I wouldn't be able to remember it exactly,
Efrat begged me to do just this,
while telling our personal story about her names Ruth and Efrat.

"And then I helped you
to see the purpose of that strange love-story
in a much deeper way,
which you couldn't have seen back in 2003,
when you followed
"the female thread of redemption in the Bible".

So please help me to phrase this here, so as to remember it!
I'm again feeling so pressured,
as if someone put his foot on my chest, saying: "write or die!"

"Feel this pressure and breathe and ~~~ wait!"

But I might forget, and I haven't more than an hour,
before Immanuel will return, and later Tomer will come,
and the whole family will be together,
here at Shoham and tomorrow at Arad.

Thank you!

You could have responded: 'I'll help you!'
You could have promised, that I won't forget.
You could have reminded me, that if I'll forget,
that I'll regain these insights at the right time.
Instead you lovingly, funningly said: 'Let Go!'

And so I did, I took Nella for a 10 min. walk .
Schubert's Missa churned in my intestines,
and my eyes were so sensitive,
that they caught four beautiful every-day views.
And I understood, that my insights are yet a secret.
And that I should rely on what should be told at this time
through Limor's short future article,
which will be not only about Efrat Rosenzweig
and Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, alias Rachel Rosenzweig,
but about other mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law as well

"I'm glad you got it!
You see, sometimes fear and pressure have a purpose.
Like Efrat said to you,
when she came back from her exhausting shopping:

"The Universe told me to stop this craziness:
I drove to 3 supermarkets - imagine all the parking troubles -
to find the mangold
[chard] I needed for my recipe...."

"So feel your pressure and feel also,
if you should limp along with it like you would do with a lame friend,
or if you should listen to its 'Simply do not do!' "

Thank you so very much.
I'll soon cease my/our creation on this Friday page,
and surrender to the experiences of the 'exterior' world...


Biographical Background to the Research
on the Hidden Female Thread of Redemption

For Efrat: March 2003 -
based on Phillip Ratner's sculpture of Yaacov's Dream

As to the published article and Limor's splendid photo of Daughter-Mother-in-Love - see February 12



Couldn't you be friendlier to each other?

The crescent street, in which we live, today

A neighboring house: what harmony between stones, walls, stairs and cocos-palms, paradise-flowers, pansies


And again playing with beads in grandma's room,
colored ones, newly bought for Mika by Imma


Then Abba comes home, though for 4 nights only.
Mika senses that he is in the house,
she rises early from her afternoon nap,
she invites Abba to play with her,
she exclaims
: "Ken" [yes],
when he asks her, if she wants to drive with him to Tel-Aviv, to bring her brother Tomer.
"Look, satta, look",
wanting savta to see her riding on her father's shoulders

A threesome hug and off they are, - waiting for the elevator


song of the day

Tamar, the grand-grand-grand-mother of Boaz, Ruth's husband ,
who were the grand-grand-grand-parents of David, the King,
the metaphor for a "Messiah",
whose stained pedigree represents stained humankind..




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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8


Rahel Varnhagen,
Auf Frischen Kleinen Abstrakten Wegen,
An Pauline:

... keine Hand haelt die Vergangenheit, sie rinnt durch;
keine greift die Zukunft; sie ist nicht da.
Aber die Ewigkeit ist da:
in den wirklichen Lebensmomenten,
in Leidenschaft, in Zorn, Liebe,
in edler Ueberzeugung,
und ihren Wirkungen,
haben wir sie ganz;
darum handeln und wollen wir auch in solchen Momenten
ohne Ruecksicht auf Zeit;

A pretty video Sent by Elah "Paperman-Fully Animated short film

The "embryo", conceived on Jan. 14, 2013 will e-volve in total secrecy,
and "pop out" into the World - hopefully on Yom-Kippur, Sept. 14, 2013!
This is how I'm feeling and planning it since today.
The only  talking/writing  will be done off-line
- by communicating with my divine peers....

*This reminds me of Heine's poem
[inserted as 2012 Song Nr. 18
at the end of the Intro to Healing-k.i.s.s.]

Es waechst heran ein neues Geschlecht,
ganz ohne Schminke und Suenden,
mit freien Gedanken und freier Lust!
Dem werd' ich alles verkuenden!

Making many different faces is one way to vibrate Will and Body. What I want now is Making many different Sounds to vibrate Will and Body

A composition of January 2008

Also now, in 2013
Frantisec Kupka: Cosmic Spring I [sic!], 1913-14











It took me some time to understand,
why the later painting
is called "Cosmic Spring !"
and the earlier painting
"Cosmic Spring II!
But watching the fullness of colors
and forms in both images
I do understand,
and I do take the advance between II and I
as a metaphor
for my own present "pregnancy"


A version of the Kain-story:
a child felt very jealous towards Mika

An Margret-Sabera,
Danke fuer Deinen so richtigen Satz:

Ich würde mir wünschen, daß der Junge aus Mikas Klasse in seinen Eltern
bzw.den Menschen, die ihm in diesem Moment der Zurückweisung nahe waren,
Gegenüber hätte,
die ihn mit seinen Gefühlen in Kontakt bringen und halten
- bis alles gefühlt ist,
was in diesem Moment gefühlt werden will.
Fühlen = weniger Verstopfung .
Wäre das ein neuer Anfang?

Natuerlich sind wir in der Evolution noch nicht weit genug dafuer.
Aber am uebernaechsten Wochenende ,
das ich allein mit Mika verbringen werde,
will ich mit ihr an diesem Thema arbeiten.
Und die Tatsache,
dass Du mit mir in solchem Ein-k l a n g bist-
-das Wort "Verstopfung" stammt von Dir
und ist mir hifreich-
zeigt doch,
dass die Menschheit auf dem Weg ist....


Frantisec Kupka: Cosmic Spring II [sic!], 1911-12

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[On May 29 , 2013, I opened my diary of February 1, 2006:

"It is the presence of the various kinds of denial energy that cause emotions to feel bad".
[Godchannel>Four Steps to Wholeness]...

Documentary in Channel 8 about the research of brain and emotion
[Next program: how our brain is constantly distorting our view of the world.]
"The surprising ways in which feelings underpin every single moment of our lives."

"Emotions are so variable and so individual, they seem to be out of the reach of science.
.. to distinguish between feelings on the faces on stage, sitting far behind in a theatre.
But the most long distance transmitter is a smile – 70-80 m – like a rocket.

Core universal emotional facial expressions
(studied first in 1967 in the last Stone Age culture on Papua Guinea):

(why not being bored, the facial expression of most people in the West today?)

A link was mentioned: an article, in which I find, for instance the chapter:
Emotions and the mind, and there I read (in May 2013:)

"...classrooms and schools that build an atmosphere of trust and intellectual safety
will enhance learning.
Letting students talk about their feelings
can help them build skills in listening to their classmates' comments.
Finding ways to vent emotions productively
can help students deal with inevitable instances of anger, fear, hurt, and tension in daily life. ..."

Emotions and cognition cannot be separated.
Emotions can be crucial to the storage and recall of information

When I google for "brain research feelings emotions", I find lots of information.
but is studying those my preference ?


Prof. Susan Greenfield, CBE [website "not found" in 2013]
The structure of our brain:
The brain stem, among them breathing and sleeping, we share with reptiles
Around it is the limbing system, which we share with mammals.
The most recent part is the cortex, linked to humans' higher processes, logic and reason.
First theory: emotions (like seen in people at a football match) are primitive urges
which temporarily take over "reason".
Now we know:
Thoughts and emotions are totally intertwined.
A mere thought can trigger an emotion.

Fear is the most powerful, primordal emotion of all.
Nearly a fifth of all the veterans who returned from Vietnam were traumatized.
Some underwent treatment for 10 years.

Dennis is triggered just by a car backfiring or the smell of diesel
So what has changed in Dennis' brain to leave him so fearful?
(Amigdala, Hypocampus) Constant terror has changed the structure of his brain.

Every moment of our lives we are influenced by the footprints of our past.
... unconsciously emotions are guiding our every move.

Emotions make us want to do things.
… to win…
that rush, that thrill, that make certain moments so special.

Where does the actual feel of feelings come from.

... The basic physiological responses that are involved in emotions are only a part of the emotions.
And what makes the experience ... an anxious emotion or a positive emotion,
is very strongly influenced by the person's understanding and interpretation of the situation.
The feeling of an emotion must be generated by something more than the presence of drug molecules in the brain.
Emotions are not something…. That can be switched off or on.
Emotions are with us all the time.
But extreme emotions are all about loosing ourselves and just experiencing.

More about the brain and Susan Greenfield:
[website "not found" in 2013]

"...the complexity and capability of the human brain,
but the facts speak for themselves.
It weighs just over a kilogram (around 2 1/2 lb),
contains more than 100 billion individual cells (neurones),
has no moving parts
and is built from information contained in a single sperm and ovum.
Our greatest technological feats
- Cray supercomputers, the cruise-missile navigation system and Pentium chips, for example -
pale into insignificance when compared with the human brain,
which takes multitasking to a new height and, most importantly of all, is sentient."



On that day - 2006-02-01 - I also put "judgments - emotions - feel bad " in Godchannel Search

That's where the sentence in red, quoted above, came up
It is the presence of the various kinds of denial energy that cause emotions to feel bad.
but, of course, much, much,much more.


Also on February 1,2006, inserted on this page on May 29, 2013

What do I feel about my failure to help Boris today?
How do you feel, God, Mother, when you see humans ,
even humans as willing and feeling and conscious as Boris,
and simply cannot help them?

I cannot help him to love himself or even to want to live.
And, of course, I cannot love myself while feeling such powerlessness

Remember the sadness in the face of that Angel in "Angels above Berlin",
when he couldn't prevent that man from jumping from a sky-scraper.

"This powerlessness is like so many feelings:
they do NOT indicate,
that you need to change the situation in order to not feel the feeling.
Feel the sadness,
feel the powerlessness,
feel your insignificance,
feel the anger against Boris,
who refuses to ground himself by engaging in physical, routine work,
but then do not judge him,
and do not not judge yourself,
let go – let GOD.
Which in this case means:
GOD will bring Boris the experiences,

like triggers and also like a moment of loving Dina without ambivalence,
and he will find himself and his vocation,
and much faster than you found yours…
And now go back to loving yourself for the simple fact,
that you are able to face your feelings."

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