The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


May 15, Thursday, - at Shoham
re-edited on May 15, 2013, at Arad

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
9:36 (after a phone-talk with Gal about her great letter and after the sculpting of the "Morning-Ritual" [see below ])
I desire to enjoy the next 7 hours of al-one-ness and stresslessness with learning&creating.
I desire to savor the serene sky, after the lightenings&thunderbolds and stuffy air in my heart.
I desire to guard this serenity and inner freedom throughout the interactions with E. and Mika.

image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the composition of genes and DNA strands,
we've chosen for this life.
(see the info on May 13 and May 14)

I am grate-full for the solutions to problems,
which have plagued me ever so often in my life:
- What to do, if I don't want to do anything nor help-teach anybody?:

"If invited to help or teach, respond! and feel and heal your past trapped Will!"
- How to cause receivers to give - in our world: to give money,
without making "my torah a hoe to dig with":

I am grate-full that the stuffy feelings caused me to go out
and walk and scream and sing, without hope or even expectation,
and then this avalanche of insights!
I am grate-full that E. found a non-verbal way to appease me,
making Mika choose a lovely cactus+elefant as a "mincha" for me.

A morning ritual:
Imma: Do you want to dress her?
Grandma: Yes , of course.

Mika, lying in front of her TV kids program
has no intention to finish her bottle.
When I felt, I should establish my authority,
I took away the bottle:
"I'll drink it myself",
and lifted her up - with humor- and dressed her.
To my regret, Imma interfered all the time,
warning Mika to help grandma, and if not:

"Do you want to sit in 'the corner of thinking'?"
So, while usually we have fun in the bathroom,
brushing our teeth together,
this time there were tears.

Imma took over and made a "cuckoo".
Mika's hair is very hard to handle , indeed.
Mika wanted a braid.
So I took the hair of the cuckoo,
divided it into 5 thin strands, interlaced them.
This resulted in a stiff, funny tail!
We then had great fun with Nella.
Mika demanded that I
"sleep" with them,
"like Mika and Nella" on the naked floor.
Mika puts her hands between the dog's teeth,
which is still frightening to me...
Then mother and daughter were ready to go.
And as to my authority concerning the bottle,
it went down the drain
"You can take your bottle with you!"
Of course, Mika didn't want to drink!
She only wanted to hold in her hands

I sing as usual:

Two letters from two friends, Gal (19) and D. (34), which both caused me to cope with myself (see yesterday's "Finetuning")

A written addition to my answer on the phone.



I felt finally free to return to Godchannel's last message
with the intention of writing to the Channelers,
first thanking them for the link which helped us to install "Search" on Healing-k.i.s.s.
(though the results of putting a term in "Search" of my too complex site are far from satisfying!)
and second asking them about the contradiction that bothers me in that message about the "end times"..
But while re-studying my edition (see April 3 and April 6) I came across a link to an unknown page.
I now feel, that I should study this page in Healing to Wholeness first,
because it enriches what I learnt from in all the last 10 years.

[On this day I studied this article only by way of editing it graphically. A more critical study see on May 18]

Nourishment from Others

Healing to Wholeness
New Tools for Self Healing & Personal Transformation

Home ~ Process Coaching ~ Articles

The Healer's Mind

Whenever you are present as the Healer of yourself,
you are poised to invoke the wholeness principle
of Consciousness in the service of Sentience.
This means that what will be happening in your conscious mind
will be loving and supportive of whatever you are feeling in the moment.
For instance, if there is pain, you'll focus your attention on the pain,
and then find where it centers in your body.
This is radically different
than what our conditioned mind has had us doing automatically
-either finding a way of subduing the pain or escaping it altogether.

One of the deepest and most compelling mandates of human conditioning has been:
"Seek pleasure and avoid pain."
This conditioning has been so pervasive
that it seemed to be completely beneficial and rational.
However, while seeking pleasure makes good sense,
avoiding pain has turned out to very problematic.

When we avoid pain,
we cut ourselves off from a loving connection
with the part of ourselves that is feeling the pain.

This causes at least temporary fragmentation,
and makes it impossible for us to heal the root cause of the pain.
The solution is to train our minds to do something extraordinary,
to turn and face the pain with loving acceptance of its existence here now, just as it is. With this loving attention, and the inner resources necessary
for bringing real help to the hurting part of ourselves,
true healing is finally possible.

The Healer's Tools section of the manual has many practices and tips
about how to make it much quicker and easier
to bring loving acceptance to the parts of yourself that are experiencing pain.
Before going there, let's do a quick experiment to explore
what the Healer's mind learns to do differently than ordinary mind:

Pause for a moment after reading this sentence
and feel the support of the chair under you.

As soon as you are paying attention to the sensations in your body
where you are touching the chair,
take a moment to curl your toes, and pause for a few seconds with them curled.

Now relax your toes and pause while you feel deeply into the sense of relaxation...

You may feel, among other possibilities, a radiating or perhaps tingling sensation.
What you have just done
is intentionally focus your attention on feeling sensations.
This is the quintessential movement
that distinguishes the Healer's mind from ordinary mind
-to refocus conscious attention from mind and thinking
to sentience and feeling.

The Healer's Attention

The single most powerful faculty of the human mind is
the conscious use of attention.
Almost always, our attention is directed and focused
by forces outside of our conscious awareness.
Events in the outer world grab our attention.
For instance in this moment
your attention may be focused on these words you are reading.

Or if you look up from reading, you may see something that triggers a thought.
For an instant your attention was on what you saw,
and then it was quickly redirected to the thought that was triggered by seeing it.
Perhaps it was the word for the object, its name;
or maybe it was a short story about it, "That's the photograph of...."
Typically, thoughts trigger other thoughts
and attention dutifully follows the train of thoughts
until another event, a feeling or something else grabs or hooks your attention,
and so it goes.

All of the practices and exercises in this manual have the common feature
of helping train the Healer's mind

to change the old, conditioned habits of attention
by bringing the faculty of attention itself
under the conscious control of the Healer.

We cannot truly be here for ourselves
until we can assume the authority
of consciously choosing for ourselves
what we pay attention to.

The conditioning that has held habits of attention and imprints in place
is very powerful.
And yet it easily lets go when we take control of our own attention.

One common unconscious habit of attention has been
to ignore or dismiss bodily sensations while reading.
Another more problematic habit of attention
is to escape from unwanted feelings and sensations
by paying attention to thoughts instead.

The Healer's attention is focused
on feelings and sensations
because that's where the healing is needed.

And ironically it's the attention itself that heals.
[2013: "attention" is not enough.
Vibrating the feeling,
i.e.. moving, breathing, sounding it physically
is the first and last step to healing.
This is not only Godchannel's info,
it is my most outstanding, outrageous experience!]

Healing happens
when our loving attention falls upon a previously unwanted or ignored feeling.
In the deeper layers of ourselves as Beings,

a circle completes between the Universal Feminine,
the root of the feeling
and the Universal Masculine,
the attentive lover of the feeling.
In this way
humans and Deity work, play and dance together collaboratively
to heal themselves
-and in the process, Creation itself.

Directing and Focusing Attention

A camera can be a useful metaphor for the mind's faculty of attention.
We can consciously direct our attention and adjust the focus of attention,
just as we can change the camera angle and adjust the focus of the lens.
Attention can be directed either inside of self or outside,
and it can be adjusted to anywhere from laser sharp to soft and diffuse.
A wide-angle focus allows us to take in the larger picture,
and a sharply focused attention allows us to study something specific in detail.

Although we have always had the ability
to consciously direct and focus our attention,
this has almost always been an automatic, unconscious process.
Because of the mind's conditioning,
it's been happening without us even realizing we had a choice.

With conscious awareness of our attention comes the possibility
of consciously moving attention from the thoughts and ideas of mind
toward the feelings and sensations beneath those thoughts.

Also like a camera lens,
we can focus our attention either on what is in the foreground of awareness
or what's in the background.
As conscious awareness fades into the background,
it goes beyond the range of the lens of attention and becomes unconscious.

For the Healer and explorer,
the most interesting and helpful aspects of conscious awareness
are found in the deep background of awareness
and in the layers of the unconscious immediately below conscious awareness,
often referred to as the 'subconscious.'

What happens in our inner process has, for the most part,
remained undetected by our conscious awareness,
or at best kept in the deep background of awareness.
However, as the Healer working to improve our inner process,
we want to refocus our attention on the elements of process
formerly relegated to the background.
For instance, in ordinary consciousness
the words you are reading and their associated thoughts are in the foreground,

and the way your body feels in the chair is in the background.

As an experiment,
you can continue reading and paying attention to the words and their meanings
while also feeling whatever bodily sensations are available to feel in the moment.
This will likely involve reading more slowly for the same level of comprehension

-while at the same time feeling your body as you read.

Another way to experience refocusing the lens of attention
is to stop reading for a moment,
and when you do -
listen to what your mind says about what your body has been feeling.
Try this now if you like.

You probably heard something like,
"I'm feeling _____," or "My _____ feels _____."
The main point is that no matter what your mind said, it was a thought.

By refocusing attention here,
we were able to see that it was just that, a thought;
and that it or a similar thought was in the background
until you stopped to become aware of it.
You consciously refocused attention to observe the thought
rather than unconsciously believing it
or automatically identifying with it.

Identity and Attention

Identification is ordinarily a subtle unconscious process.
Identification happens
whenever our attention is hooked by something occurring inside of us.
In the ordinary mind,
the perception of a thought is experienced unconsciously as identification with it.
In other words, ordinarily there is no awareness of having a thought or of observing it, only a sense of being the thought.

For instance,
"I am having a thought
that I should be doing something else right now,"
is ordinarily replaced by the (likely untrue) realization,
"I should be doing something else right now."

Another way of saying this is
that within the conditioning of the ordinary mind,
we have believed our thoughts.
We have unconsciously, automatically believed
that what we think is right and correct, beyond question.
And of course this is almost never true.

Almost all thoughts arise out of habitual, conditioned patterns
that have not been updated
since they were first established long ago-in childhood or earlier.

This is because
one of the habitual, conditioned patterns of the ordinary mind
has been to unconsciously identify with our thoughts.
Whether the thought is true or not has almost always gone unquestioned
The quick and easy solution to the illusions and delusions
created by unobserved, unquestioned thoughts
is to consciously move our point of view from identification with the thought,
and instead become the observer of the thought.

When we are not our thoughts we have the power to question them.
"Is it true
that I should be doing something else right now?"

can be a good entry
to a more present and real identity as the Healer of myself,
the 'me' who observes and questions my thinking.

The Observer

In the Healer's mind attention continually moves to the position of observer.
Only when we become observant of ourselves and our process
do we have the power to heal.
In fact, it's the ability to observe thoughts and feelings
that distinguishes you the Healer from the other parts of yourself.

[2013- again: "attention" is not enough.
Vibrating the feeling,
i.e.. moving, breathing, sounding it physically
is the first and last step to healing.
This is not only Godchannel's info,
it is my most outstanding, outrageous experience!]

When the Healer hears the buzzer that signals a part of self is hurting,
you are able to look around to see who is asking for attention.

The quickest and easiest way to do this is to find
where in your body you feel the feeling,
and come into observance of the feeling by feeling into it.

The same can be done with thoughts.
Conditioning has programmed us so that when a thought hooks our attention,
we become attached to it as if we are entranced by it.
In fact, thoughts can easily create a 'spell' that takes us away from ourselves
and brings us into alliance with the thought,
almost always to the point that we identity with it as in, "my thought," or "I think..."

At an unconscious level this ultimately means
"I believe_______, and therefore it's true."

In most of us this line of faulty unconscious reasoning has gone to
"I am my thought," or rather, "My thought is me."
For example, without any observation or questioning, "Life is hard,"
can very easily go from a thought to a belief,
and become an unquestioned 'fact' with a profound influence on how my life goes.
Part of my identity is now a person whose life is hard.

In normal consciousness, our sense of identity rides along
with the perceived inner phenomena of the mind and body,
including the emotional body.
Thoughts, feelings and sensations have captured our attention.
And with that they have captured our identity.

Observing the thought, feeling or sensation
with curiosity
immediately breaks the spell.

This is because you, who are observing this inner phenomenon,
are experiencing the thought, feeling or sensation from outside of it.
You are not in it or identified with it, you are observing it.

Now your point of attention is as the observer of an aspect of a part of yourself.
This is where the Healer's mind begins.
When your conscious attention has this self-observing point of view,
you are in the position of the Healer,
the one who can heal all the rest of you.

And since you, the Healer are observing another part that's hurting,
you are at once both the Healer and the part that is being healed.

The specific healing medicine that the Healer brings in this work
is loving acceptance.
Practicing observing ourselves
and loving what we observe in ourselves
is part of every practice in this manual.

For instance, when the Healer rescues the child from a past trauma,
the Healer unconditionally loves the child,
just as she or he is in the moment without having to change in any way.
And the Healer's motive in coming to help the child in pain
is not only to stop the pain and so we can feel 'good' again.
The Healer's motive is love.

The Healer wants to find and reclaim this previously lost part of self
so you can be reunited within,
so you can be more whole,
so you can be more of who you truly are.

Through developing the Healer's skills and using the Healer's tools
we get better and better at doing this unusual and amazing thing
-loving ourselves.
When our minds are able
to give our open, honest complete and unconditional loving acceptance
to the darkest, stinkiest, most desperate and depraved parts of ourselves
we know we have the right medicine.
We have a loving mind. We have the Healer's mind.

Index of Articles

Healing to Wholeness
PO Box 633, San Anselmo, CA 94979
415-924-8800 ~ 800-449-4422


"Do you want to draw with me?"
said Mika - back from kindergarden.
After a few minutes of wild drawing:

"I want to make balls!"
Imma gives her bits of 'plastelina'.
But when she saw,
that grandma was much better
in forming balls or eggs,
and that doing so required
not only skill, but strength,
she gave me orders,
what size a balll should have
and what color,
and only added her "finish".

Then, with the perfect balls
in a plastic bag,
we went out.
Again she chose
to go to the playground
in our street,
which was too crowded
and despite her yearning
for children,
she couldn't find anyone
to play with.

"Should we go elsewhere?"
, she said and I was glad.

"Let's go up to the
"Sunflower Garden".

She agreed.

On our way
I lifted her up to smell
a beautiful red rose.
She discovered
the pretty fruits
of the rose,
and how its petals
can be plucked.

With the fruits in a vessel
she walked up the
zigzag path to
the playground

on the Sunflower Hill.
The sky was strange -
like in winter,
wind and clouds...
The half moon,
which Mika
watched carefully,
time and again.


When walking up that path, Mika could - with my help - finally relieve herself of a 3 day constipation...
I felt relieved too!
When reaching the circle of houses around the park on the hill,
we watched the heavenly flowers and fruits of a passiflora vine which covered a huge wall.
It seems to be a public area, so I'm eagerly waiting for the ripening of the hundreds of fruits.
My only surviving vine in Arad's desert soil hardly produced leaves and only 2 fruits so far ....

[ the term "passiflora" inserted in my new "Search" brings up only one page, though there should be many more!]

Then we reach the spaceous hilly playground and park,
which is called Sunflower Garden, though I haven't seen a single sunflower there, neither last year nor this year.
"Let's sit on this bench", says Mika,

She now alternates between enjoying the rose hips and watching the children on the playground.
Only after some 10 minutes is she ready to join those children,
something she had expressively wished for before.
Not the devices on the playground are important for her today, but "ha-yeladim".
And soon we meet someone we met before:
Yuval - the five year old, whom I recognized rightaway because of that glorious photo,
which symbolizes the prophecy of Zecharia and the 60th birthday of the State of Israel - in the sign of the children..

Mika moves around inside and outside the carousel, and so does Yuval.
Only Grandma is commanded to sit inside and has a hard time not to get nauseated..


Everybody has left the park already.
Only Yuval's father sits there
and falls asleep...

Round and round goes the merry-go-round.
The two disparate kids repeat their acrobatics on the spiral slide.
Again they take of their sandals.
But my battery is empty, and I forgot to bring the spare one.
Some time later Mika rans across the dark lawn to another complex installation for kids,
not heeding my calls:
"What about your sandals."
When I finally manage to drag her back to that slide, she asks:
"Where is Yuval?"
"You didn't say 'shalom' to him, when you ran away.
Now he probably went home with his father."

Mika felt regret:
"I didn't say 'shalom' to him...."


An e-mail from Spaceweather. com
"Pollen floating through the air tickles your nose,
and your body responds by expelling the allergen.
The same pollen that makes you sneeze
can also make beautiful coronas around the sun,

"Coronas are produced
when light waves scatter from the outsides of small particles,"
"Tiny droplets of water in clouds make most coronas,
but opaque equal-sized pollen grains do even better.
They make small but very colorful multi-ringed coronas."

"Unlike water droplets,
pollens are non-spherical--and this adds to their magic,"
"Many have air sacs to help carry them in the wind.
These align the grains to give beautiful elliptical coronas
with bright spots."


Eva Seidenfaden, Trief, Germany, May 12, 2008
After a long period of warm and clear weather distinct pollen coronae around the sun appeared at Trier. Already very impressive on the evening of May 11, they turned spectacular on May 12. It is not entirely clear which kind of pollen produced the coronae, possibly fir pollen. Nikon D80, unprocessed but compressed images

Pollen Corona, Degerby, Finland on 11th June '94 by Marko Riikonen (site)

It little matters for corona formation whether small particles are transparent
or opaque. What does matter is their size and their shape.

Each year trees of the Northern forests release copious clouds of pollen.
The pollen grains from a given tree variety usually have very similar sizes
- ideal for corona formation.

Unlike water droplets, pollens are non spherical. Many have air sacs to assist wind
dispersal and they are consequently become specially oriented as they drift in the air
. The result is elongated coronae, sometimes with bright patches on their rings.


Tomas Trzicky Image taken: Feb. 24, 2008 Prague, the Czech Republic
A hot day with clear sky revealed a pollen corona around the Sun.
Its shape was not regular like in the case of water droplets,
but the corona had brighter parts at the top and on both sides...

Pollen Corona - Ontario, Canada. Montana while on a fishing vacation in June '07.
Why a pollen corona? It is (a) likely non circular,
(b) comparison with Mie scattering calculations predicts 20-30 micron sized scattering particles - the right size range for many pollens,
(c) there are multiple rings characteristic of monosized tree pollen and
(d) it was the boreal forest pollen season and yellow powder filmed the lake surface

Solar Corona Andrew Kirk imaged this corona in November '07. The rings are non circular indicating a change in droplet size across the cloud.
As the droplet size becomes more variable the colours become more chaotic and we have instead an iridescent cloud.

Two coronas. The smaller bright red rimmed aureole is made by water droplets in the visible tropospheric cloud.
The outer glow pervading almost the whole of the image is a Bishop's ring produced by ash and hydrated sulfate particles
injected into the stratosphere by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo.


There is finally enough space on a page to insert Mika's song,
and the conversation around recording it - which took place on April 22.
She still doesn't really grasp, that the cellphone cannot only speak,
it can also record and that therefore is not supposed to hear but to sing!
I remember the same problem with little Immanuel, then about 3 1/2:
I wanted to record a conversation with him on a tape for my friends in Germany.
He couldn't understand, what the thing which moved round and round,
had to do with his talking or singing.

The popular childrens song begins with:
Great joy, great joy, spring has arrived, Pesach comes

song of the day

I receive, I receive an experience
- I give, I give thanks

thanks to you water, air and soil
thanks to you plant, human, animal,
you all nourish, heal and please me
you all are partners to me like God





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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8