Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
L O G 2
0 0 8/2012
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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7/ NISAN 2, Monday, still 133 days - at Shoham
Parting from my obsession to complete
this page--- on April 11
back to past ~~~~~
forward to future
I shall refer to "Shoham" from now on, I shall link
to this page,
from where also some of the many other Shoham pages can be reached.
April 7, 2012 - first day of Pesach:
My son Immanuel "settled" at Shoham 3 times, [in 4
different flats].
just like the precious stone was attached to the High Priest's
garment thrice
"Shoham" the
If the consonants of this Hebrew term are turned around,
I see "ha-shem", "the Name",
which is an ingenious solution for the problem of pronouncing the
unpronouncable YHWH,
which is not a noun, but a verb: he, it, happened, happens, will happen.
The numerical value of sh-h-m is 12 or 1+2
= 3,
and even if - as the municipality of Shoham does - the letter vav
with its vowel value O is added,
the numerical value is 7, which - in my experience - symbolizes the
wholeness of creation.
Shoham is a gem, a precious stone, which was worn by the High Priest
in a triple manner:
a shoham on each shoulder of his 'ephod'
and a shoham in the center of the last row of the hoshen,
the breast-plate,
with the 12 gems, which symbolized the 12 tribes of Israel, i.e. the
wholeness of Israel.
Thus the highpriest, dressed in the ephod and the hoshen , was "overlaid"
by a triangle of
As to the identity of the shoham, there are so many different "identifications",
that one should best let go of the "scientific" exploration
and stick to the symbolic meaning
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire to FOCUS my bubbling,
foaming thinking about two seemingly different "issues"!
(1) about another condition for 'Heaven-on-Earth', which may
be perhaps called 'excitement',
(2) about Godchannel's condition
of "wholeness" for transiting from 4 to 5 dimensional
After 5 PM I desire
to balance the tension in the house,which may
arise because of the deadline of E.'s newspaper
image of the day
I met this sad child
on my way from the pool
to the bus-station in Arad
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to you for balancing our interior temperature,
however crazy this season's changes between cold and hot may
The Ethiopian child in my town - Arad:
Seeing suffering in other people, in the world ,
I always find it difficult to thank for the "good
which is "granted" to myself, to my family,
and especially to Mika, who'll star on today's page again.
It always pains me, for instance, when after a collective
a person who survived thanks "God" for having been
What about the other people? did God
want them to die?
to my Present
Having left the sight of the sad
child in Arad "behind me",
I traveled with the bus to Beersheva,
from where I walked over to the train-station
- this time the doors
were open and the train did wait in order to go north.
I still had a spare ticket, but wanting to be ready for
future journeys,
I went to the counter and demanded
"two tickets Beersheva-Airport
and one ticket Airport-Lehavim".
But then, when after the station
"Lod" I awaited the station "Ben Gurion
the train rolled on and on, until the announcement came:
"Next station - Tel-Aviv-Haganah".
Irritated I descended and inquired.
The answer:
"Oh! the train from and to
Beersheva will no longer go through the Airport,
but if you hurry you'll catch the train to Modi'in, which
stops at the Airport."
I hurried, caught the train - southward
bound - reached the Airport in 8 minutes,
took a taxi, since E. couldn't fetch me and needed my
help with Mika urgently.
The driver was a woman and she gave me the chance
to express my anger and concern about this new arrangement,
which would make my commuting between Arad and Shoham
even more cumbersome, also more expensive ~~~
When I finally relaxed, I thought:
'When I started my assignment in my family at Shoham -
it was Dec. 29,2006.
It turned out - to my delight - that 2 days (!) later,
from January 1, 2007,
the train from Beersheva would stop at the Airport trainstation,
which would make my journey much more convenient.
This arrangement lasted
for 16 months, and I am grateful for that.
But is there a meaning in this changing-back into inconvenience?
April 7, 2012,
-Though I made my "Exodus" from that assignment,
I'll visit Shoham for 2 Pesach days
and since - strangely - I cannot figure out the times
of the direct bus to Tel-Aviv,
I'll travel to Beersheva, honor the train and ask my family
to fetch me from Lod. |
scupture in a Shoham Park : symbolic for my double home |
In the "Commercial Center"
of a new (1993) town in Israel:
While approaching Shoham in the taxi,
I fixed with E. that we would meet outside the Commercial Center,
which is close to her office. Mika ran towards me with joy, and
E. took care, without me having asked for it, that I could go
to the toilet and then get something to drink, "and
then you two go to the playground." I
hate malls and commercial centers, and had once asked E. to not
demand from me to spend time there, especially not with Mika.
So she only bought us a milk-shake and an ice-cream for Mika,
we sat at a table while her boss, Ilan, joined us, and then we
parted, - a little opposition on Mika's part, but soon she flowed
with me into the direction of the huge and pretty park with its
playground behind the center (when we finally reached it, much
later, it was too dark to photograph there...).
For some reason I asked her: "Where
do you want to go!" and understanding
that she had the choice, she said vehemently: "not
there", and turned back into
the Center. |
And strangely enough - this time I was open
to enjoy an aspect of 'Heaven-on-Earth' in the Commercial Center of
The ideal architecture allows people and children, even dogs, to stroll
around, rove around, play around freely and safely.
And I
again - as on Yom Kippur in Shoham - remembered a biblical prophecy
which always moves me to tears, even now while quoting it again:
that year a tune added itself to the prophecy]
This is what YHWH tzeva'ot says:
"Once again men and women
of ripe old age
will sit in the streets of Jerusalem,
each with his cane in hand
for the plenty of days.
And the city streets will be filled
with boys and girls
playing in its streets."
This is what YHWH tzeva'ot
"It may seem marvelous
to the remnant of this people
in those days,
but will it seem marvelous to me?"
declares YHWH tzeva'ot
[Zecharia 8:4-6,
I tried to correct the
As to the question-mark - it's not in the original,
but a question may indeed by intended here] |
The prophecy concerns "Jerusalem", as
the city of cities.
But the name SHOHAM with its incredibly symbolic meaning may suit
the prophecy even better than the present war-torn Jerusalem.
Here is part of the research on "Shoham",
which I did in July 2006 and again in December 2006, facing my new
"destiny" in this town.
is a young town, founded in 1993 with 18,500 residents, almost
half under the age of 19. This age distribution explains the emphasis
the local council puts on education, culture and sports, with
more than 50 percent of the budget dedicated to these issues..
"Shoham is located close to Israel’s main airport,
which is halfway between Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, the two largest,
major cities of the country.
"The development of the town has constantly put emphasis
on the environment and related issues. The town includes both
private homes and apartment buildings. It is the council’s
policy to maintain the appearance of Shoham as an environmental
friendly town. In Shoham there are 250 dunam of green parks
and gardens, designed with a unique system for reducing water
"More than 6,000 pupils and children learn in 5 elementary
schools, one junior high school and one high school in Shoham.
Aproximentally, 40 day-care centers and kindergartens operate
for the younger children. The educational system includes unique
programs, in various fields, such as: Environment, Leadership
& Politics, and Biotechnology...
On July 30,
2006, I studied the option of Shoham.
While E. and Mika were still
in the hospital shelter in bombarded
Immanuel, now a pilot at El-Al for already 2 years,
was finally searching for a place near the airport
and move there - from the Galilee - with his wife and daughter,
Shoham was the best option, Modi'in a secondary one.
I did research on Shoham, in which - probably not by chance
- I had lived already twice,
at first with Immanuel, who had just moved there after his divorce
in 1999,
to be close to his children at Modi'in, but not too close to
their mother,
and then - after I had to leave my
"Pond of Blessing" at the Dead Sea -
again with Immanuel, except that now Efrat had moved in with
Pondering "Shoham" in this diary entry, I reach the
that I had done my part in healing
the blood-soaked hill of ancient Modi'in,
and that from now on (which eventually came to happen only by
the end of 2006)
I would commute between the
old-new town Arad, with no record of bloodshed,
and the very young
town Shoham, which hopefully was not erected on confiscated

[Wanting to be empty-handed with Mika, I left my camera
with the other luggage in E's car, and only my cellphone-camera hang
around my neck,
but the photos are good nonetheless.]
discovers ants in the Commercial Center,
and has no problem lying on her belly, while a man sits in the
background, busy on his phone.
These ants are bigger than the ones we watched last
week at the entry of our house,
and Mika is fascinated.
Suddenly Mika lifts her eyes from the ants
and spots a peer from her kindergarden.
"Galli", she exclaims,
runs to her
and hugs her warmly.
I wasn't fast enough with my camera...
Galli's mother had a strip with stickers
and the more she handed to Mika,
the more Mika wanted to stick on her chest.
I like the composition with the mother , the two girls
and a young woman sitting on the wall behind them,
her hands with her phone on her ear,
such a familiar sight in these days...
Galli is 8 months younger than Mika,
but they had no problem in communicating,
though Mika's ability to speak
has lately developed rapidly.

Mika - and her grandma - enjoy the spaces as
well as the many low walls in the compound of the Commercial Center
pay attention to the background! |
Mika and Galli
walk towards a group
of other kids.
Isn't this scene
Zecharia's vision?
Except that
in this new town,
(unlike in Arad...)
there don't seem
to be many old people
"with canes in their hands".
What Zecharia
couldn't imagine,
was that
"in those days"
a grandmother of seventy
would run around
with her tenth grandchild
as if she was
a child herself....
has left now, but Mika enjoys watching children,
though she doesn't know them.
When editing the photo, I was annoyed
by the head-cut man in uniform ,
but this composition might be symbolic...
some iron bars to climb on!
In the background this time:
a Steimatzki Bookstore (exists in every big or small city in
a young man talking on the phone seems to pass by,
while a young woman, with a phone in her hand, seems to walk
It's becoming darker, and Mika longs for
One last look to the sky which forecasts the weather change,
- the light between the clouds matched by the lit-up high lanters
and we leave the Center in the direction of Imma's office,
but when we encounter the big park with the playground,
Mika gets excited again and wants to explore and play there.
By then it has become too dark to photograph... |

of the day
the song which
I modified a bit and learnt by heart,
when I drove from Arad to Shoham for the first time
on Dec. 29, 2006
Being intimate with "God"....
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
never perfect&complete
Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
- L O G 2
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(1997) e-mail quote on April 7, 2012
The Universe does not know
whether the vibration that you're offering
is because of something you're observing
or something you're remembering
or something that you are imagining.
It just receives the vibration
and answers it with things that match it.
April 7, 2012, Shabbat, First day of Pesach, Arad
April 15, 2012, This entry on April 7, 2012 will be
~~~ the last new sculpture ever ~~~on the entire website of Healing-K.i.s.s.
Celebrate what people do towards the quantum-leap of evolution,
both - on the exterior level and on the level of feelings and beliefs.
just the titles in a group-email to day from
OBO - One
becoming One
deserve to be celebrated:
* How Do We Get To Compassionate Cities?
The Heart Of It All—A Model City of Interfaith and Compassion
—"We Love You, Iran and Israel"
The Heart of It All—The Charter for Compassion
How Do We Get To Compassionate Cities?
among religions is a precondition for world peace."
~ Swami Agnivesh
We do have living examples today of initiatives
that are making the necessary bridges
toward this peace among religions.
Our guest on this week's OBO Radio Show, Terry Taylor,
is one such initiator, making bold moves
in Louisville, Kentucky toward Interfaith Harmony.
We will be building on last week's show where we spoke with Compassionate
Action Network International
around building cultures of compassion.
Now we'll dive into the work of one city
that is devoting itself to
peace, interfaith harmony and compassion -
a true living example of a compassionate city in formation.
Michelangelo and Mika (Sept.
2007 in Arad on the mattrasses and covers, which I've now exchanged.
Last night, when I came to Pni-el - so we would spend Pesach Eve together,
Boris showed me a picture:
"I want you to have it - you can hang it
on your veranda".
I said harshly: "No! That's not the genuine
painting! How come that the Creator's hand is lower than the hand of the Created".
But when I looked for images on the Internet, I had to understand, that it
is just that what Michelangelo wanted to paint!
The new high-hard mattresses, which Ya'acov and
I had planned together,
and which he ordered (custom-made) and transported here four days ago.
On this Shabbat, which is also the first day of Pesach,
I want to study and excerpt from 3 Godchannel files,
what is relevant for me at this time:
Healing the invisible You
September 1999
Unlike the channeled messages in
I see these 7 files as an integration
of the "human" and "non-human" voices
of The Mother
Is spiritual better than physical?
Are the Father's values better than the Mother's?
How exactly?
So, how about being a real Son
embracing Both Parents
without being polarized towards Either?
How about not being Them but being Love between Them?
...because the real God
is not the One Who is without Her!
The real God is the One Who is with Her!
The real God is the One
Who has Both inside Himself,
the real God is the Heart! The Love! The Middle!!!
You are saying that you want to consciously
whatever you want for yourself.
If you look deeply into it enough,
you'll see that it's chosen for you already
- by your own Free Will, your own subconscious.
Whether it's peace or war,
"positive" or "negative,"
a pleasant or unpleasant event,
including crossing the street
and scratching your nose -
it's all chosen
by the deeper all-knowing part of yourself already
- whether your conscious mind
is aware of it yet or not, agrees to it or not.
After all, what for
has your Spirit joined you in this lifetime
- for a picnic?
Or a complete experience
without the possibility to escape
as it always did in the past?
Fear of the future is polarization towards
It is caused by your consciousness' fear
of experiencing
what your subconsciousness is experiencing.
And why do you want to "consciously
choose" your experiences?
Because you are afraid
that your subconscious has another plan for you?
Because you think
your consciousness knows better?
Isn't trying to choose your experiences
really trying to avoid pain
and dump it into Mother, as usual?
that you're feeling
- fear of upcoming lessons and teachings
that your subconscious may be holding for you?
It is all set up for you
- not to fear and not to worry
- only be ready to EMOTIONALLY experience
EVERYTHING SHE DID (and does) - that's all!
Your subconscious is going to bring everything you need,
all the tests and all the lessons
that your consciousness needs
for its growth and maturity
- nothing more and nothing less!
And remember,
it's only a mild version of Her experiences.
Can you compare being fired from a job
as an avant-garde thinker
and being burned publicly as a witch?
And what do you think
- was it easy for Her to face
the "fear of the future"
while being dragged to a bonfire
- alone and without you, Consciousness,
without any Light, any hope
or even the possibility for help?
While you were only standing there in the crowd,
like you had nothing to do with it,
and enjoying the "show"?
She was utterly alone, misunderstood, abandoned and lost
in cold, brutal Space for eternity
- how would you like to experience that?
Interview with Grandfather
March 31, 2008
Discussion of the belief in
'The End of Time'
"This is Original Spirit abiding in my
First Mother or 'Grandmother,'
as you know her.
"It is timely to discuss the general phenomena
associated with what in your terms is called
'the end of time.'
And since you are asking about events that transcend your
present sense of time,
some more clarity
about the true nature of reality
may be helpful.
It is in your awareness
that manifestation exists,
and you can experience only
what your perceptions,
both inner and outer,
bring to your awareness.
The popular myth
that there is an objective 'world'
that is common to everyone
and that can be known and understood
has caused
a great deal of confusion and suffering
along Humanity's journey toward wholeness.
The perception of self
as one person among billions of others
in an objective world
places your point of view outside of yourself
and perpetuates the false notion
that separation, alienation and fragmentation are 'real.'
"At a deep transpersonal layer
of your Being,
you are creating
the world you perceive.
It's as if you are producing, directing
and writing your own movie,
your unique and ultimately subjective 'take' on reality.
And since the true nature of reality
is fully subjective,
living Human will experience
the shattering events
at the end of time
d i f f e r e n t l y , and ironically
at d i f f e r e n t 't
i m e s .'
of these prophecies
point to a relatively sudden awakening
into much greater awareness
for some or all of Humanity.
What has been well hidden within the folds o
f your present four-dimensional world
will be clearly revealed
by the additional Light available
in the unfolding of
the new, five-dimensional world.
"In other words,
there will no longer be places
in manifestation
where denial can hide.
The abundant new, loving Light
to the deeply moving Will in Humans
as they go through
these transformative experiences
will reveal
what has been hidden from you
since before linear time began.
"The Mother of your Creation
has had a Dream for this Creation since before it began.
The Mother's
Dream is
that all sentient beings
realize their greatness
and live in peace
with complete freedom~
free of denial in any form
and steeped in deep and abiding love,
and excitement
in a safe and harmonious venue
of exquisite beauty and wonder.
Go on reading
the chapters:
"A new
kind of mind"
"The fifth dimension'
"Your Magical Body"
Interview with the Folks
March 25, 2012
The Destroyer - Working with
Denial Energy & Denial Entities
asuras are purely denial energy,
which is the essence of the Void.
Spirit had initially mistaken
the concentrated deep denial energy
he first encountered in the Void
for individual beings,
thus the term 'asuras.'
Denial energy or asuric energy
is the essence of negation,
and is actually nothing at all.
It comes into manifestation
through gaps that still separate parts of Us,
and of course it does not properly belong here.
"Denial energy cannot be loved.
Even if your love was strong and true enough
to embrace an asura,
it would slip out of your embrace
like the piece of nothing that it is.
Your larger-than-life love
would send any denial back to the Void
and fill the gap
that the denial energy was holding open.
When you have more experience with healing
and your self-parental love is strong enough,
you may want to try this method
of releasing denial.
You would love the fragment of lost Will
so thoroughly and completely
that you would literally love the denial energy out of it.
"In the meantime, there is nothing
in continuing to release any denial energy
you find in your personal and transpersonal gaps
in the way Spirit has already described.
[See "Releasing
Deep Denial Energy" in
"True Sacrifice"]
The advantages of doing a deep denial release are
that it is both safe and effective.
With the denial energy
temporarily out of your gap,
you can much more easily move
with unconditional loving acceptance
toward the tortured Will
on the other side of the gap.
As loving consciousness
you can then be of real service
to the suffering sentience you find there.
"Your Feminine essence is not at risk
of being re-attacked in a reversal
when you release denial energy
as Spirit has suggested.
And Heart is not at risk of being hurt again
trying to bridge a gap
that typically holds negating energies of denial far more
powerful than Heart's good intentions.
"Denial entities
such as the Psychopathic Killer and the Torturer, however
are a different matter.
Although very, very powerful,
they are not purely denial energy,
and they cannot be simply released to the Void.
"Working with these entities
is advanced practice,
and should not be attempted
until you feel comfortable
experiencing very high energy states
with intense negativity.
In other words, you want to be
in a very resourceful Healer state
with all of your available lower chakra terror
moving freely in your loving acceptance
before attempting
to match the energy of these entities."
Now there comes a chapter about
"The Destroyer"
The origins of the Psychopathic Killer
Here I'll quote just one passage from it
of her lost parts must be recovered
before the Mother can turn her attention
to the realization of her dream.
Lost Will is still suffering,
"Lost Will" on some 100 pages of Healing-K.i.s.s.]
and the whole Will is still fragmented,
including the Will of the Psychopathic Killer.
The Mother's dream involves
of currently hidden dimensions,
however she must experience
a complete healing of all her lost fragments
before she will have the movement
necessary to open any more dimensions.
The last chapter is
about "The Origin of the Torturer"
After I've re-studied and re-edited what
I could bear somehow,
getting the strength to do it only from the joy of sculpting,
I want to rely on what I quoted in "Voices":
"My subconscious brought everything
I need".
It's not my mind's choice that can cope with this info.
While we were driving back at night from the North,
Ya'acov asked: "But why do you learn
this difficult stuff?"
I said: "I
have skipped studying 'Voices' for 12 years,
and I've allowed myself to not insert 2 messages
in my "Edited
Febr. 2010 - "Denial
Expression : The Psychopathic Killer"
March 2010 - "Denial
Expression : The Torturer"
But how can I allow myself to ignore that coincidence:
that I happen to open Godchannel exactly on those days,
on which - after 2 years without a word from Godchannel-
there were those two new messages on March 25 and 27?
Doesn't it mean, that I HAVE TO open up to them?"
Ya'acov could not understand this and I said:
"But if it doesn't mean anything to you,
just leave it."
And we talked about,
how we both had become very accepting
of other people's ideas and decisions.
"It's like in a puzzle - my beloved metaphor
if even one piece would be missing, there would be no puzzle,
but if I would do, what you do and you would do, what I do,
we would not have time to fulfil our own task.
It is so clear to me,
why I was led to immerse myself totally
in "Right Use of Will" and "Godchannel" since
while you chose to immerse yourself in the info
from "Abraham/Esther
Hicks" - since when?
Thus a cross-fertilization can take place
- but only in those areas where it is needed for either of us!"
Addition on this last day of sculpting on
on April 15, 2012:
While gathering all my concentration
to at least once read and graphically edit
the rest of the 7 Voices files, "Healing the Invisible YOU",
[I managed Voices
3, Voices
4 and the very relevant Voices
I keep wondering about the so rare e-mail from the Channelers
which reached me on this very day,
[see now their expressive
message on Godchannel, on April 12, 2010]
as if they wanted to support me,
when bringing to an end
what I started almost 11 years
April 7, Still "in the oven":
Phrasing the "melt-down" of my money-pattern/trauma.
It will continue to be the focus of my "Exodus from Egypt" - during
the Pesach week.
April 15, 2012:
No! an "Exodus" much more drastic had to be completed today!

10 Hebrew lines daily
between Ya-Ra towards the doomed-to fail
2012_04_07- 2013_03_24 DELICIOUS
April 11-15, 2012
This confusion was one of a series of other - technical - confusions the
next day,
while I prepared for traveling to Shoham, till I finally did, after all, arrive
These confusions were one of the "signs from Heaven", that the time
has come.
The time for -definitely~finally~totally - part from sculpting on Healing-K.i.s.s.
which for 10 years served the purpose of healing, exploring, creating MYSELF.
My last sculpture was created
towards April 15, 2012,
the day of my "Exodus" from sculpting on Healing-K.i.s.s.
48 years after the immigration of mother and son to
21 years after the birth of my first male grandchild, Jonathan
My Exodus from having healed, explored, created for myself
only ~ to vibrating "fullness" to whoever is with me,
and, if there is a chance, creating a situation where others can actually
feel fullness even if just for a few hours
(see the
Cain-song: zammeen hizdamnut bah yilmad al kocho ve-aerko - it's really
nothing new in my life, but!)
I had set up Healing-K.i.s.s. in June 2001 -
in order to heal, learn and create together! with "potential
[see the top of the
first pages sculpted in 2001].
I may have contributed a lot to "Evolution" by my truly superhuman
but there was no healing together, no exploring together, no creating together.
My husband once left me a note on my desk:
"Don't do everything yourself, leave space for
others to do".
And during a Seder-Pesach, only within the family, including Dita and Joel,
he suddenly burst into tears - literally out of the blue - and then explained;
"Now you have taken from me even the last thing
I did in this family!"
The last thing was, that I - not being content with his version of the Hag(g)adah
composed and edited my own version, based on all I had learnt during my studies.
The children took part in this creation by illustrations and by singing some
But I couldn't make Rafael feel inspired to co-create with me.
This in-credible torture of my life,
of getting the feedback again and
again and finally feeling it in a paranoid way,
that "I am not giving space to others in my healing-exploring-creating"
must have an end now.
On my way back to Arad from Shoham and Tel-Aviv 58 hours later,
after intense experiences, which~~~ screamed for being "sculpted",
I pleaded with ....
that this time I may succeed in doing my lekhi-lakh
from my sculpting.
How often have I decided this! How often have I tried this!
Yet I always slipped back into creating
- creating alone, and - as it seems - creating for myself only.
"Now I shall no longer fight,
I'll rest from my efforts in YOUR might."
Not a single sculpture will be added to "Healing-k.i.s.s." after
this last one.
Neither about what I experience, feel, think, remember,
nor about "Nourishment from Others", except for graphical corrections.
If I come across something nourishing, I'll record it on my ditigal recorder,
and rehearse it , like the 500 songs of
SongGame, on my way to the pool,
but when I'll get a feeling, that I "got" it, I'll delete it.
Nor shall I take photos as far as I can help it, - even photos of my family.
I'm proud, that after these 2 1/2 days my camera returned unused,
though there was so much to be documented!
What I want to celebrate, - good news via Internet or TV -
I'll do so by "vibrating my heart's desire" to those people,
except if an item fits one that's already on Healing-K.i.s.s.
In this case, I'll note the link, but not excerpt the content.
Modifications of songs will appear on the relevant Song
but new songs will have to wait until
will work.
New documents, like correspondences, will have to be saved in the Computer
of the Universe,
just like my experiences, my interactions, my feeling and thinking, my healing
and evolving.
Except when they are directly enriching the exploration of the theme of
ShaMayiM bli SHi'aMuM
As to "Driving Backward" - one of the Four
Steps to Wholeness
and the theme to which I dedicated the
first of the 70 Puzzle-Pieces
I shall continue doing that constantly "on the inside".
Only what I've already copied [hundreds of documents...]
might be inserted on pages with less than 1300 KBs.
Old paper docs, like I read in the train yesterday,
will be studied one last time and then discarded.
The only additions to existing pages of Healing-K.i.s.s.
will be documents or photos, created by OTHERS,
which fit into already existing sculptures:
like the laudation of Immanuel
on the great event of the Exhibition
by and for Dita Liron, his stepsister's 60th birthday.
There will be no "thread" in linear time,
like this last piece in "k.i.s.s.-log"
or like "Mika's
Heaven on Earth" in SongGame.
If I want to find something in my treasure-box,
there is the beneficial "Search"
of Healing-k.i.s.s.
And if any other person is meant to benefit from it,
s/he will be led to the right space at the right time!
I was not invited to any Pesach celebration this year,
and rightly so,
because it's not a celebration of the Exodus I need, but the Exodus, the
lekh-lekha itself:
"Go out ~ from creating alone ~ just for
yourself ~~~~~towards co-healing, and co-learning and co-creating!"
On my way to the pool, one
of my "lekhi-lakh" songs changed - in order to express this:
And after having "gone out", where
am I now?
This is expressed in a short song in 3 languages:
feel full - filled by what ever you feel
u-le-mi asher imakh - zammên me-le-ut
fuehl dich erfuellt von was immer du fuehlst
u-le-mi asher imakh - zammên me-le-ut
13 words x 13 words = 26
the value of 13 is ahavah=love
the value of 26 is YHWH
April 14 - in the 2 hours support from Boris and Dafna I only stressed that
I am not to create at all.
I forgot to say, that I'm not to create alone, but make space from all my
past suffering and creating
towards my most intense desire: to co-create.
I was led to SongGame
2007_02_08 , read ! what I phrased there on Rosh-Hashanah, Sept. 2010
and from there I was led to Maitreya's Message through Julia in Learn&Live
- on August 25, 2012
Read my comment, which I added to a long excerpt of immense relevance on Rosh
Hashanah 2012
"since the only motivation for your creation
is joy and divine curiosity"
I know now, that lekhi-lakh means also to let go
of my personal evolution
and to intend the evolution-together, Me and Ya and We both
and All
achtet mehr noch, als je zuvor auf das, was ihr denkt und fühlt..
Nehmt es in euer Herz
und werdet euch über die Konsequenzen
eures Handelns, Fühlens und Denkens
denn ihr seid nun wahrhaft eins.
Die Reise des Einzelnen
allein ist nun zu Ende.
Und ihr reist gemeinsam.
Das ändert nichts daran, dass jeder für sich- innerhalb dieses
in seinem Universum lebt und ihr aus eurem Zentrum heraus euer Sein
doch ist nun alles auf das Miteinander, das Gemeinsame fokussiert.
Denn der alleinige Aufstieg ist momentan nicht mehr möglich- außer
doch ankommen werdet ihr alle gemeinsam. So habt ihr entschieden.
I now look by chance at
zammên me-le-ut -
for whomever is with you- summon full-fill-ment in
the new song of 2012, today!
zammên hizdamnut -
summon a chance for him to learn about his power
in the
Cain-song of 1984
and my eyes interpret
as "zusammen",
which in German means
thank you, for it is true (see in
the song mentioned above):
"ve-nakhkha hashem tamid"
"and YHWH is always guiding you"
I'll close this last sculpture on Healing-k.i.s.s.
with a letter Achinoam Nini [Noa]
- see how often
she appears on Healing-K.i.s.s.!
LOVE in a loveless
Dear family and friends,
my friend, Alejandra Nash, sent
me the following link of a project she is involved in.
[I sent the link to Boris and Dafna, because
just the night before they had told me
about a spontaneous "concert" at Pni-el" with spontaneous guests
and spontaneous instruments]
At first I thought: oh god, I just don't
have time to watch 15 minutes of anything!
Then I found time (early
morning, and all through the house, not a creature is stirring, only mom and
her mouse J)
I watched , and slowly, tears filled
my eyes.
This is so beautiful and inspiring,
and it embodies every principle I hold true.
Give it your time, and if you can, consider
giving it more.
I have already told Ale that I would be happy to give her my voice if she
wants it...
Sending love and light to you all, hoping
spring will make you sing…
One who is connected to the Energy
is more powerful than a million who are not.
And two
who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream
bring about a co-creative endeavor
that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe. |
April 15, 2012, 20:40 -
Shortly before Daniel's coming,
i.e. the end of my sculpting on Healing-K.i.s.s. and the beginning of,
I read and edited the following passage in "Voices
(see much more there):
Let's dance together.
You are there and I am here.
Let's dance our distance away.
Please don't think of yourself as small or unworthy -
I want to dance with you -
do you hear Me?
It's Me, God is talking to you now.
The only quality I require to dance with Me
is your Desire to dance with Me.
Would you please, now?
May I?
Here we go~
Dance with Me~
Move love,
As I closed this final page on April 15, 2012,
I asked Ya'acov to send me photos of their wedding in 1987:
the dance
of the bride, a dance-teacher,
with her bridegroom in the wheelchair,
which so much MOVED me and my children and everyone .
Until he let his wife scan the photos, on May 9, 2012,
it took several "pushs" from my side.
While we struggle with the
-between Rachel, Ya'acov and Daniel-
the question,
if "pushing" may be a necessary followup of an initiative,
is part of our communication right now.
2013: I leave this photo here, because
I myself appear on it.
2012_04_07- 2013_03_24 DELICIOUS
back to past 2008/2012~~~~~
forward to future 2008
As to new sculptures of what experiences in my life I deem relevant for my
they finally - or so it seemed to me - moved towards a transformation:
a) they should be in Hebrew and disciplined in form to the utmost
b) they should focus on the conditions for "feeling full-filled"
c) they should be a dialog with my true peer, Ya'acov
- with the help of whom we imagine as a third partner: Daniel Golle
- and the hope, that more people would join the circle in time.
From April 11 till April 26 we conducted this dialog on Google-Docs,
hoping, that later, when "" would be ready,
Ya'acov would edit those posts and transfer them to the new site.
Except for Ya'acov's post on April 25,
Memorial Day, this did not happen,
since we were and are dependent on Daniel's completion of the technical part.
A draft of what we desire can be seen on
April 27, 2012.
But technically it is very poor, no fonts, no colors, no pictures.
There is the first post of Ya'acov on
May 1, with a response from me on May 14,
but what is especially frustrating, is, that with the opening of the website
only the titles of the last 4 posts can be seen.
The others can be reached only by clicking: "former, former, former".
Of course there is purpose to this staggering in the appearance of shemshem.
None of the three partners is ripe for a true peership.
In the meantime I add experiences, which I really do not want to forget, to
pages on Healing-K.i.s.s.
the next sculpture inserted in K.i.s.s.-log - connected to a Shabbat
with Immanuel and Mika at Arad.