The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


May 30, Friday, -at Shoham
re-edited on May 29, 2013, at Arad
[from May 29-June2, 2013 - with Mika at Shoham,
while her parents spent a holiday at Barcelona with Ronnit and Uri,
in honor of Uri's 50th birthday in June]

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
between 8:45 and 9:45
I desire to become free of my emotional dependance and self-victimization towards my daughter
Contrary to what I intended yesterday, I desire to "do" something and demand respect from her.
Even if she is a manifestation of "The Mother" & should be "approached" only when she wants,
I, too, am an aspect of "The Mother", & when it's R. who approaches me, but soon regrets,
I desire to be honored at least by a written communication: "Please, let me retreat again",
instead of cutting me off in defiance, while never telling me what crime I've committed this time

image of the day: Mother and Daughter
1968 Israel, grasping Imma's hand
1978, England, learning "MUTUAL SUPPORTt"

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to you for keeping up such a healthy biochemistry,
that no virus nor parasite (like worms in little Mika) has a chance with us!



I am grate-full that at least with Micha communication is now smooth,
and that I'll meet Arnon today to work it out with him.
I am grate-full that I was guided to take a small initiative towards Micha,
but when he assumed that I would coordinate with his sister's family,
I bluntly refused and said, that this was his job, embarrassing as it was.
I am grate-full that this way of action resulted in more communication
between my daughter-in-love and my youngest son.
While Efrat once more let him know what zero chance I have with R.,
he could voice his own exasperation by his sister's "reluctant" cooperation.
So non-communication of one party led to more communication of another.
And I am, indeed, "grate-full for small favors", in this case and always!

Driving Backward into the Future

1971 Ramat-Hadar
in our garden
1976 Yokneam -
on a family tour
for my "Bir'am Project"

1978 Acropolis, Athens,
on a family trip to Europe

1979, when Ronnit was 14

While working as a guest-lecturer for 5 months in Berlin ,
I invited R. to visit me and to also take part in a Ski+Rebirthing workshop at Aschau/Bavaria.
10 weeks later we celebrated her wedding in Israel.
Both these pictures - and they are the last ones of the two of us together, as far as I know -
seem to indicate something "not right" between Mother and Daughter of which R. seemed to become aware,.
when in 2003 she started to study "Group Facilitating", which included much psychology and psychotherapy.
Except for the crime, that "I did not know" of a family member's behavior against her and therefore did not protect her,
she never was ready to communicate to me, what it was and is that was and is "not right".

In the beginning she did the perfect thing: she asked me to agree for a freeze of our relationship:

"I don't want to share my life with you, nor do I want you to share your life with me."
I accepted this and occasionally, when it was asked for, assured her, that I still accepted it.
She even let me know several times, that she was aware of what she was demanding from me.
But then, whenever there appeared the sprout of an incredibly cautious communication - prompted by some technical need -
and I responded, while in no way sharing anything personal or asking her to share anything personal -
I always managed to "trigger" her (a word, which even my other children cannot dare to use in her presence),
and the result was : deadly silence.

The situation is still like exactly like described here.
Except that there were tiny signs of her thinking of me,
when we met during a family-gathering initiated by Micha's family at Mazkeret Batya , 2 weeks ago,
[- the first contact with my daughter since the celebration of Immanuel's 50th birthday on 2013-01-25-
[then I had a chance to ask her, why she hadn't responded to my letter - with some memories - to her birthday 2013-01-04,
and if I had again done something wrong. She retorted:
"I don't want to talk about that".]
Now when Uri distributed the food , she said:
"why don't you give food to my mother, she has to be honored!"
(I was sitting at the edge of the table in the same row as Uri and he simply had not seen me)
or when we came to talk about a terrible figure in the Bible called Yishmael ben Natanya and I mentioned my overview of Israel's ancient history,
she said to one of the grandchildren:
"Know, that this is the best overview of this history I've ever seen!"


last communication next communication
see in

"and walking humbly with your God" [ Micah 6:8]

You sent me a sign - the delition of my passage to R. yesterday -
that I should not make any demands after all?

"It is right to demand , it is even vital for OUR HEALING,
that you demand respect from everybody else.
But why does this demand have to be expressed verbally?
Isn't the point of learning "how to manifest what you desire",
that you cease trying to do this by words and actions,
as long as you are not whole enough to grasp the whole puzzle,
which includes all the people, all the world, all creation WITHIN YOU ?
Trying to fulfill your desire by force -
and "demanding" something verbally
is nothing but "imposing by force" , or "raping"
the results may be 'counterproductive'
i.e. against your own self-interest, against what you desired,
in other words, they will result in reversal."
[See "Godchannel>Beware of Reversals']

But my "not approaching her" so far has been interpreted as
"my mother can take anything".

" Please do learn the difference between radiating
that you have so much compassion that you can "take anything",
and radiating that you are not only "space" but also "boundary",
and that you demand mutuality in communication,
and be it only: 'Please let me go, I want to withdraw.'
"Being not only SPACE in which the beloved one will grow
but also BOUNDARY against which the beloved one will grow",
requires neither 'verbal demands' nor 'sanctions'.
It is how you perceive yourself, that will fulfill your desire.
Your daughter's behavior only reflects how you perceive yourself."

But with regard to my daughter I'm fed up with hearing this!

[See puzzle piece 22, Projection and Perception]

"Of course, but it is a law. of which you still haven't grasped all aspects.
And one role of this actor in your drama is to expand your understanding!
Do not judge yourself of being "slow",
you have no human model to follow and are a pioneer on this path.
So for the time being, stick to yesterday's deepened intention:
to manifest through desire and intent, not through words and actions.
You heard of the new technology which allows an armless person
to pick up a spoon by the power of his/her mind.
You may liken your words&action to unwieldy prostheses,
which you can now cast away,
since the power of your desire
merged with the power of your loving spirit
will manifest the reunion of your daughter with you, her mother,
sooner than you can believe!"

I trust you!


The final edition of the letter to my daughter
is only (!) about Yael's drashah to her Bat-Mitzvah
and about Yael's essay "My Journey"
- both translated into English by me.
As to Yael's two quotations
- from "The Little Prince" and from "Moshe Greenberg"
"The Value of the Human Being in the Bible".
I mentioned, how those two were meaningful in my life
already many decades ago.

as to the double meaning of Yael's quote
at the end of her drashah

"And the way is still opening (its eyes) alongside"

or :

"and the way is still opening (its eyes) to your light"

I inserted the link mentioned on May 26
and I related my talk with Yael on her Bat-Mitzvah:
"Your greatgrandfather, Franz Rosenzweig,
would have been so proud of you!"



Continuation of yesterday's "gallery"

The world passes by,
while Mika is absorbed
in plucking ingredients
for her "daisa"

Nourishment from Others

From a Seth clipping.
{When putting "Seth" in my "search", in order to find out
when - in K.i.s.s.-log - I quoted a clipping from Seth for the first time,
I reached the page of February 8, and discovered that on this very page
I also inserted a correspondence with my daughter
about her, my daughter's idea to teach the Benot-Mitzvah of Yael's class...,
a correspondence which was cut off by her just as fast as any other attempt...]

"In the dream state you allow yourself greater freedom,
trying out certain ideas and beliefs in the more plastic framework.

You may therefore accept new beliefs initially in the dream state,
and the intellectual or emotional realization may only come "later".

In dreaming, the conscious mind itself is far more lenient and playful.
It can afford this greater permissiveness because it well knows
that it need not immediately test out theory in the daily context.
It very willingly looks inward toward those areas of the inner self's experience
to see what it can find for its own use,
quite like an explorer searching for resources in virgin territory.

The earth-tuned consciousness must deal within the space-time context,
for only inside this famework can it clearly perceive events.
In the dream state consciousness ignores space-time relationships to a large degree,

and yet it is still firmly based upon the body's corporeal mechanism.
Dreams then are physically experienced.
You perceive yourself running, talking, eating, in quite phpysical activities

- except that they are not performed by the body that lies on the bed.

That kind of dream awareness can literally regenerate your life,
though the original impact will be forgotten,
and the entire event will usually be translated into images before awakening.
Such dream events may be called experiences of basic being.
During them,
the self or consciousness literally travels to the source of its own energy.
On another level atoms possess this same kind of knowing.

It may seem that such comprehensions have little to do with your daily life,
particularly since they are so seldom recalled, and then only in translation;
yet they provide you with additional energy - and when you need it most.

In periods of stress,
the physically attuned consciousness
will often momentarily forsake its usual orientation and let itself fall back,
as it were, into the source of its own being,
where it knows it will be regenerated and indeed reborn."

I could not achieve
"half a Grandma-Day with the Quintet",
and the desired meeting between
me, Yael, Arnon and Rotem,
did not take place.
But Arnon came with his sister ,
and while Ayelet played with Mika
I had 20 min. with Arnon,
to share the upheaval
my cancellation of the RedSeaTour
had caused him and me.
We couldn't afford more than 20 min.,
because Efrat knocked at the door,
announcing that Ayelet became bored.

I was shocked and grieved.

"But Ayelet", I said to her later,
"a year ago, when Mika could not yet talk,
you loved to be with her so much.
How come, that now,
when you can communicate with her,
you get bored?"

"I don't know why,
but I like small children..!
When I brought the kids
to the zigzag path,
which leads up to "Sunflower Park",
Arnon got excited
and ran all the way up and down,
with Ayelet and Mika in his tow.


When we finally reached the playground of the park,
we met delightful Galli again [April 7]
that sweet playmate of Mika's in her kindergarden,
who is more than half a year younger than Mika.
It is this child, who after midnight becomes "a monster",
exhausting her parents with incessant screaming for an hour.
After Mika had once beaten Galli (May 19), Imma talked to her heart,
and since then Mika takes the role of a loving caretaker,
like here:
"Do you want to take off your sandals? I'll do it for you!"
"I'll protect you when you climb up the stairs!"

One of the fascinating experiences with the - now - four kids was the experiment with balancing each other on the one hand,
and the consideration demanded from the older children towards the younger ones.

After some time,
Galli's father wanted to go home
and took his daughter off the swing.
But the screaming was so pathetic,
that he succumbed and put her back.

Mika "thought",
that she had to look for a chance
when she could imitate her friend.
The chance came,
when Galli and Haim did part
and I asked Mika
to get off for a minute
and let Arnon and Ayelet
do the rough swinging
for which they yearned.
Oh what a scene
did the little actress produce!....

Before Haim took his daughter away,
I asked him to take a photo of all of us
This was the most tricky experiement: how could big Arnon balance tiny Ayelet and vice versa?




song of the day

flowers grow unseen....




back to ~~~~~forward to 2008/2012

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8

copied from 2012-05-30

link to the song mentioned


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2013 Immanuel and Efrat, Ronnit and Uri in Barcelona, from the Facebook Immanuel-Efrat

Dancing in Barcelona-
Ronnitand Uri did not agree to the publishing of their pictures on facebook. But the woman to the left seems to be my daughter after all