Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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feel better requires that you become better at feeling"
June 28/ Sivan 25, SHABBAT , still 48 days -
at Shoham
Parting from my obsession to complete
this page--- not yet
back to past ~~~~~
forward to future
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire to flow awarely - uniting
Feeling & Mind in my Heart in Body - between my al-one-ness
and my communicating with Mika & Efrat and
- "for a change" - with Elah, my eldest grandchild.
I desire that Elah may remember her childhood feeling for me
and not just use me for teaching
her to sing a German song, though this in itself may be a symbol
and symptom!
I desire to deeper understand the message of yesterday's sculpture:
"Le Fond d'Etang".
I desire to KNOW, if and what I should do concerning "Bnei-Arazim"!
image of the day
Bottom of the Swamp
a soon to be published new Godchannel file:
"At first it was strange to not have control
of Body,
to allow Body
to run things, ....
"Instead of me having a Body,
it's more that
have me... This is our right relationship, loving Spirit,
Universal Consciousness
~ in the service of all Sentience, as
...and Body
have discussed.
"...Although this new way of Spirit being
with Body
is still rare in manifestation, it is becoming more widespread.
In bringing Original Spirit to Body
I earn Body's
gratitude and acceptance.
It is then even easier for me to allow Body
his or her full Will.
This wins me more gratitude, and my Light feels received and
loved. Thus the loving union between Spirit and all of manifestation
grows deeper and spreads more widely."
The key to bringing loving Light to your feeling parts
is in gaining conscious control of your own attention.
By practicing directing and redirecting your attention
to your physical Body
sensations and emotional Body
you can retrain your consciousness
to be more and more loving toward sentience.
"Positive, loving attention on any sensation or feeling
opens the door for loving Spirit to become present with you.
As you love your experiences of sentience,
you align your own spirit with loving Spirit,
and this brings Grandfather's
Grace into your life
Three magnificent images to a video of
"Moon-Night" by Schumann, see

winter solstice in 2012
is an approximate date in linear time
predicted for a collective planetary event
that will provide enough energy
to transport most Humans to the next paradigm
in a relatively short duration of linear time.
And along the way though linear time from here to there,
[I asked the Channelers on May 16,
if "though" was a spelling mistake, and on June 28
they thanked me and corrected it:
And along the way through linear time from here to there,
many 'end times' prophecies will be played out
in individual venues
and on the world stage.
received a letter from the Channelers!
See my arguing with them on K.i.s.s.-Log
May 18!
On Ki.s.s.-Log May 20 I noted:
"I'm grate-full
for having freed myself of the murky feelings
towards the Channelers
by finally expressing those feelings
in a letter to them."
The letter- see below
was found in my Gmail of May 19.
See also on June 9
"I am frustrated
with the attempt of studying the
"which resonate with us", us the
Channelers "
Channelers to Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, on June 28
"...Also, in a separate email you mentioned our two other
web sites,
and said that you were probably misunderstanding something about
the 'Healer's
Mind' article on
soon to be published new Godchannel message seems to agree
with my feelings:
There has been a powerful conditioned
response in consciousness
[the link points
to the article "The Healer's Mind!" Since "Godchannel"
never contradicts anyone, i.e. never judges, the method
is to re-focus the phrasings of "The Healer's Mind",
and this is definitely satisfying to me! }
to move attention
away from sentience and feeling and back
into consciousness and thought.
The key to bringing loving Light to your feeling parts is
in gaining conscious control of your own attention. By practicing
directing and redirecting your attention to your physical
body sensations and emotional body feelings, you can retrain
your consciousness to be more and more loving toward sentience.] |
We've read the pages on your site that you asked us to read, and
yes, it does seem that there have been some misunderstandings
about us, our work and our intentions. We
are in the process of redesigning these two web sites, and hopefully
relationships between all three of our sites will be more clear
in a month or two when we are finished with this project. We also
expect to publish a new issue of the GodChannel Newsletter soon
with more info about it all. However,
in the meantime you experienced what you did.
We're very sorry that you felt pain
as a result of things any of us have done or not done. It's
always been our intention to be as loving and helpful as we
can in everything we do on all three of our sites, and it was
never our intention that you be angered or hurt in any way.
And we want to apologize for not letting you know earlier
about the links to Healing Kiss on on two
We also thought you'd like to know that we're almost ready
to publish some new channeling from Spirit. It's now in the
final review and edit stage. If you like, you can see it now
before it's linked to the rest of the site (probably in a week
or so)...
We wish you well in your healing work, and thank you again
for catching that typo error on the grandfatherinterview2.html
page. If you see any errors on this new page, please let us
know? :)
Channelers |
May 19, 2008
Dear Channelers,
After you published .grandfatherinterview2
I hinted at my problem concerning a contradiction in the message.
In attempting to cope with this on my own , I was told,
that the issue was not important for me to deal with
and that I should mind my own business.
Still, I want to give you a chance
to have a look into my "Communication with Deity"
on K.i.s.s.-Log April 6
Another problem,
which surprises me because of its unproportional emotionality,
has to do with the HealingToWholeness
I had written you several drafts - perhaps 2 years ago -
and then I could let it go, and give up sending the letters.
But now, that the merging of and
expresses not only in links from the former to the latter
[and never the other way round!!!]
but in your very contact address,
I want to let you at least know,
how confused, disappointed and rightout pained I am by John
See the frame "Nourishment from Others" on K.i.s.s.-log
May 18
If you care enough, you might point out my total misunderstanding,
for I'm sure that it's just this, a misunderstanding!
Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam |
A few quotes from the not yet official "Interview
5 with Spirit":
pattern that I've noticed in myself
as I learn to channel Grandfathers Light is
how I have so often used 'push' energy.
Now whenever I find myself pushing or forcing things in any
I quickly realize that I am no longer channeling Grandfather's
In 'trying' to make healing happen,
I'd been pushing my Light out toward the Mother and Body.
I now have a new motto for myself, 'No pushing.'
You should have added a positive part
to your "motto"! See my 2 mottos:
al tizmi - hayee zminah!
Don't initiate - be available
Don't say (anything), don't exemplify,
only listen and console
"When you become aware of
your own push energy and stop pushing, your spirit can more
easily shift attention from its own agenda
and join with me in channeling Grandfather's Grace.
When channeling this energy
you will experience a profound sense of effortlessness
and a deep well of patience.
It's as if you could be here for all eternity
holding space for whatever may happen,
and it is all completely okay with you."
you Spirit.
What can you suggest we do to help you
bring Original Spirit (Grandfather) into ourselves as Body?
"As I've already suggested,
it is easiest when you
identify yourself as Body.
As Body you have presence in both attentions,
you are both the macrocosm,
everything both manifest and unmanifest~~~
and you are the microcosm, an individual Human form.
"When you identify yourself
in this way,
you become the host of Creation.
You are a fully empowered Human Being
who can embody the loving Light of Grandfather
as my Light brings him present in you.
And because our Light is unmistakably loving,
the Mother in you can safely open to draw us in more deeply.
"You are now embodying
the Creators,
the Mother and loving Spirit in divine union.
And because our union happens within you,
you are New
Heart ~~~
manifesting as
Body, the Healer of Creation."
final edition of this interview with Spirit was posted on July 23 -
see the reference to it in Kiss-log July
A skype message
"A Son of Palestine"
There was an attractive image,
maybe a sunset,
above the words
"Palestinian Territory",
but it disappeared.
Though the man
wrote a personal note
which moved me,
I did not respond,
following my principle
of "no new contacts"...
"Welcome, is it possible to know
each other and communicate with each other, I ask for adding
me and for communication, and to you-greetings.
A son of Palestine.
Then in his "profile":
"A simple and compassionate person who loves life and the
partnership with and the knowing of others and the building
of strong relations and waiting for contact and communication"
Bees above violet blossoms,
which I watched,
while walking Nella today

Great joy about the intimacy between the
but also a tiny ego-sting about Mika rarely receiving me like that,
when I come
and never being sad, when I leave, as she was, when Elah left after
3 hours.
The ego says: "I'm taken for granted!" and remembers the
parable of the Lost Son,
where the "good" son blames his father
(Luke 19:28):
'Look! All these years I've been slaving for
you and never disobeyed your orders.
Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with
my friends.
But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes
comes home,
you kill the fattened calf for him!'

It was me - ego, eg o! - who first showed
Mika (and now told Elah),
how to blow up 12 balloons and let them escape into 12 directions! |
Now comes a kind of compensation
for Grandma's ego:
Elah had come to make me teach her some German lines
in her cherished "Liza Minnelli - Cabaret" song: "Mein
If I remember well, this was the first time
in 10 years,
that she asked me for a favor.
She is going to play "Cabaret" at the end of her year at
Beit Zvi.
I both recorded with my cellphone
and filmed with my camera,
but I'm not yet skilled in editing the result for my website...
(Liza Minnelli, 1972)
Bye bye,
mein lieber Herr
Auf wiedersehen,
Mein Herr
Es war sehr gut,
Mein Herr und vorbei
Du kennst mich wohl,
mein Herr
Ach, lebe wohl,
mein Herr
Mein Herr.
Bye bye, mein lieber Herr
Farewell, mein lieber Herr
It was a fine affair,
but now it's over
And though I used to care,
I need the open air
You're better off without me
You'll get on without me - Mein Herr..."

tell Mama
Mama thinks
I'm living in a convent
A secluded little convent
in the southern part of France
Mama doesn't even have an inkling
that I'm working in a nightclub
So please sir, if you run into my Mama.....
Maybe this time
Maybe this time, I'll be lucky
Maybe this time, he'll stay
Maybe this time
For the first time
Love won't hurry away
He will hold me fast
I'll be home at last
Not a loser anymore
Like the last time
And the time before
Everybody loves a winner
So nobody loved me;
'Lady Peaceful,' 'Lady Happy,'
That's what I long to be
All the odds are in my favor
Something's bound to begin
It's got to happen, happen sometime
Maybe this time I'll win
sollst mich
nie mehr sehen"
This line is difficult even for
since in my Suebian accent
I don't use a soft "s"
at the beginning of a word or syllable |
"Since Mika wants change, I'll drive you
to an unfamiliar park", said
This park, called "Ha-Zohar",
(the Splendor or Radiance,
which is the most important work of
Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism),
seems to be frequented mostly by religious
families, kippas on the heads and even the small girls in long skirts.

Mika - lying on the soft slope of the lawn
all around the inner circle - seems to enjoy the atmosphere just like
I do
my song:
"Once again men and women of ripe old age will sit in the streets
of Jerusalem,
each with cane in hand because of his age.
The city streets will be filled with boys and girls
playing in her streets."

This tribe has been sitting there all through
our stay at the Ha-Zohar Park.
To the right a father with a little girl and other parents sitting
under the pergola...
The entrance to the Ha-Zohar
playground is through gates like this,
with a triangular pyramidal roof.
Mothers or fathers with strollers and children are moving in
and out |
The urban archtitecture of Shoham is
simply excellent and the young town is blooming with young families.
But According to Zecharia also old people are sitting around,
where the boys and the girls play... |
I keep bringing her water from the tap
for her game with the gravel,
Behind her- pretty girls in pretty frocks |
I savor the groupings of people behind Mika on
the slide:
the women in black - one in shorts, i.e. not religious
the men with kippas, their hands in their trousers,
a "tribe" to the right and groups of children in the background...

There is long-skirted girl behind
Mika's laughter
and a tribe sitting on the lawn
behind a little barefoot girl
behind Mika's climbing (not sliding) on the slide..
I'm sitting on top of the slide
and keep an eye on the show
of the setting sun,
drawing Mika's attention
to especially splendid moments.
of the day
I was born to the melodies
of all the states...
I was born for peace that will come
back to past ~~~~~
forward to future 2008/2012
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eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
never perfect&complete
Keep It
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