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 The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"






See below:     MY  J O U R N E Y   to   E U R O P E, Summer 2010 -
previous page---------------beginning of sequence ----------------source of image


On 2005_01_18 I discovered a different version of the file .awareness, called .bodyclass2 (later eliminated).
There - unlike in .awareness - the names of the first chapters were listed :
- Consciousness in Body
- The Second Dimension of Time
- The Third Dimension of Time

There was no new title for the fourth chapter
"Loving Light and Empowering Light".
I had interpreted this last fact as an answer to my pleading with the Channelers,
that the term "empowering" (appearing in the address of my website) be replaced by "power-seeking",
and since it seemed to have been omitted, assumed, that .bodyclass was an update of .awareness.
But since the message "The God of Love and the God ", which has the word "power" in its very title, was left unchanged,
I was no longer sure any longer regarding which file preceded with.

Since 2005_06_02 I could no longer find the file www.godchannel.com/bodyclass2.html .
and became convinced, that .awareness is an update of .bodyclass2, and not the other way round.
I therefore have deleted .bodyclass2 from Edited Godchannel Files, just as it was deleted from the original Godchannel Files.
But I find it beneficial to compare the two versions, where they differ.

Re-checked for updates and re-studied on 2010_03_31

Truth & Reality Class IV
Fundamentals of Manifestation
4.3 Awareness

First part without title
Consciousness in Body
The Second Dimension of Time
The Third Dimension of Time
Loving Light and Empowering Light

"This is Body, welcome back to class.
As with previous channelings,
in this lesson I'll be using both the singular and plural pronouns
and first and third persons in referring to Body.
In the second attention Body is singular,
in the first attention we are plural ~
and of course we have two genders.

"Along with manifesting in two attentions
and in two genders,
Body also manifests with two kinds of awareness ~
conscious awareness and sentient awareness.

The awareness of Spirit and mind
is called 'consciousness' or 'light,'
and the awareness of Will-emotions and Body-sensations
is called 'sentience' or 'feeling.'

"All of reality on every level is included
in at least one of these two fundamental kinds of awareness.

Spirit's conscious awareness hosts
images and thoughts,
and the Mother's sentient awareness is of
feelings and sensations.
In any moment when the two are in alignment,
Heart becomes present ~ and remains
until conscious awareness turns away,

usually in judgment.

"As Spirit has said earlier in this class,
reality is ultimately a subjective affair ~
it exists only as it is perceived.
'Who' perceives is you.
'What' you perceive is your 'reality.'
And how you perceive or behold reality ~ is with your awareness.


"If in the moment you have more consciousness and less sentience,
you will experience more thoughts, ideas, spiritual understandings and light,
with fewer feelings about them.
In other words, you'll be more 'in your head.'

"If in the moment you have more sentience, and less consciousness ~
you will experience more emotions and bodily sensations,
but with little thought about them.
In other words, you'll be more 'emotional' or 'in your body.'


"If you experience any combination of consciousness and sentience ~
you are alive.

"Life, all life has both kinds of awareness ~
[See quotes from "The System", No 553, p. 147]
and all fragments are alive.
The sun is alive,
the moon is alive,
the galaxy is alive,
and so is every particle,
from the fragments that make up atoms
to the galaxies that make up your 'universe.'
All living things have awareness, both consciousness and sentience.
Life is the essence of manifestation, Body's essential quality.


"Your human awareness is vast and varied.
Each nerve cell in your body,
and every other kind of cell as well ~
has a life of its own.
Each cell is a focal point of awareness.

But what kind of awareness?

"In manifestation there is much more sentience than consciousness.
As discussed earlier in this class,
there is much more of the feeling, magnetic-Will essence in manifestation
than there is the thinking, electric-Spirit essence.


"Trees, for instance are very sentient, but not very conscious.
Human consciousness can easily say, 'Trees have no awareness ~'
But trees very much do have awareness.
They have sentient awareness, feelings ~

it's just that most humans are unable
to perceive the kind of sentience that trees have.


"With the exception of themselves and their fellow mammals,
humans have a great deal of trouble
perceiving any of the incredible, deep sentience in Creation.
And a great many humans are challenged
to fully perceive even their own sentience ~
because they are often so much 'in their heads.'

Consciousness in Body

"Soon we will begin the healing class about Body.
And in order to work together in the healing,
we will need to be able to relate with each other.

and in "A Time of Fruition" (Appendices)

"The first step in relating with Body is
to be able to perceive me.
For instance, right now in the first attention
I'm moving my eyes to scan these lines of type as you read.
Can you feel Body doing this?
How does it feel?

"Thank you for stopping and paying attention
to something you may not have noticed in a while ~
Body in the first attention ~~~
the one of us who is closest to you.
In fact, your constant companion and best friend ~ remember?

"What else do you notice about me?
Can you sense the pull of gravity
that draws me into the seat
or whatever is supporting us?
Is there any discomfort,
any place where you feel
Body may want to move or change position?
If so, thank you for helping me.
Thank you for noticing Body
and allowing me to adjust myself for more comfort.


"If you have done this,
you have used your consciousness
to be of service to your sentience.
By becoming consciously aware
of even a slight sentient discomfort,
and giving that part of Body or Will
the loving light of your conscious awareness,
you have helped consciousness serve sentience,
you have helped the God of Love
become present with something needing healing in your Body or Will.

[these two lines are missing in .bodyclass2 !!!]


"This has not been the general rule, in any Creation.
Ever since manifestation began,
consciousness has insisted
that sentience should serve him.

I say 'him' because consciousness, light, Spirit ~
is more expanding and outgoing or 'pushy,'
the more masculine awareness.

[.bodyclass2: the masculine awareness]
And of course sentience, emotion, sensation, Will, the Mother ~
["the Mother" is missing in .bodyclass2]
is more indrawing and magnetic,
the more feminine awareness

[.bodyclass2: the feminine awareness].


"The fundamental problem in Creation

has been a result of the power
that consciousness has held over sentience.

At first glance it seems natural.
Spirit and consciousness seem to be stronger, wiser and quicker.
Why shouldn't they be in charge?

The answer lies in the feeling nature of Will.
The Mother's sentience holds the key
that makes it possible for consciousness to exist.
Her magnetic essence knows just what is right
and what is not right in any given moment ~

by the way it feels.
[see today, 2010_03_31, in pp52 about teaching children
to guard themselves from being sexually abused!]


"Consciousness can look at the situation
and 'see' what is needed,
but without the feeling sense in the Will
that is holding the situation in manifestation,
he cannot really know what is right.
A great many manifestations
that look good but feel bad

have resulted from the conscious awareness of Spirit
having dominance over the sentient awareness of the Mother.


"The time for mind
to rule over Body and the emotions
is coming to an end.



"The fundamental problem in Creation
and the need for healing

has been a result of the power
that consciousness has held over sentience.

At first glance it seems natural.
Spirit and consciousness seem to be stronger, wiser and quicker.
Why shouldn't they be in charge?

"The answer lies in nature of Will,
and in the uneven distribution of Light
in relationship to Will in manifestation.


There is so very much magnetic essence
in need of cooperative, helpful, loving Light.
So much Will essence has been 'lost'
that now something very different must happen ~
if life is to go on

"But Consciousness has believed he knows what's best,
while sentience knows she knows.
And it hurts
when her knowing is denied or ignored by consciousness.
It hurts when consciousness 'decides'
what should or should not happen in Creation
without reference to the needs and desires of sentience.
As with the trees, for instance.

"Healing Body,
Body healing Creation ~
this will happen.
It will happen
because Body

[.bodyclass2 added: and only Body]
has the parentalness
and power
to bring consciousness from its position of master over sentience ~
to the much healthier position of her servant.
Only when consciousness is at the service of sentience

can [.bodyclass2 "will"] the real healing begin.


"You are Body in human form,
and whether you have realized it yet or not

[.bodyclass2: "and whether you know it or not,"]
you have incredible skill and potential
in both powers of awareness.
As Body, both consciousness and sentience are at your command.
You, and only you can do this thing
that has never been done.

But how will you turn a tide
that has been going the wrong way since the beginning,
since the foundations of manifestation were first laid?

"The answer is in your willingness.

The willingness of conscious awareness
to serve sentient awareness
is the first necessary step in healing within Body.

In my introduction to the healing class on Body
[.bodyclass2: In my introduction to this class]
I pointed to finding and encouraging
the willingness to heal

as the first key step.

Now I'd like to begin discussing the second step."



The Second Dimension of Time

"There is another dimension of time
that is hidden to most humans,
but quite obvious to 'higher consciousness.'
The ordinary conception of time
is like a line that goes from the past through the present and into the future.
Events can be placed on this line,
and it is used to organize and make sense
of much of human experience.
But linear time is only one dimension of time.


"The second dimension of time can be understood
if you imagine that rather than a completely straight line,
linear time unfolds as a giant spiral or circle

["circle" is missing in .bodyclass2, instead it is spelled out as: "And then imagine that the spiral closes to form a circle"]
that comes back again to its beginning, like the rim of a wheel.

"Now imagine that each moment on the line of time,
each moment on the rim of the wheel ~
is connected by a spoke
that goes all the way to the wheel's central hub.
Linear time still unfolds as a spiral-like line,
but each moment along that line is connected
to a single, central point through a 'spoke' in the wheel.
In this metaphor the spokes and hub
represent the second dimension of time.

"The first dimension of time
is the cornerstone of the first attention ~
and along with the three dimensions of space,
it constitutes the four dimensional space-time continuum.
The second temporal dimension, however,
exists only in the second attention
when physicality is limited to only four dimensions
[on 2010_03_31, I discerned this sentence, but it doesn't make sense in the context of the previous wording]

"The place in the center, at the hub of the wheel ~
is beyond all time, and has access to every moment ~
past, present and future.
As a seeker moves inward toward the hub,
they move toward higher and higher consciousness.

"This place at the hub, in the center of time,
is the single eternal moment
through which consciousness can behold all of manifestation ~
including all the events and realities at the rim,
all the fixtures and forces of the first attention.

[This is the way I explained the two perspectives of the two stories of Creation in the Bible,
[see in "The Rainbow between God and Noah"]
long, long before this teaching was giving in the outside world through the Internet:
In the first story the Creator (with the specific verb "bara' ") sees that everything is "good" or even "very good".
He sees it from the innermost point in a huge globe, a point, where there is no time and no space, I told my pupils.
In the second story the Creator (with another verb for creating: "yatzar") is as if on the surface of that globe,
where there is time and space and polarity and movement,
and , of course, there "God" experiences failures: "it is not good", i.e. the first human, Adam.
So he created the animals as Adam's companions, but there still wasn't "a help against him", i.e. a polarity,
and only when he found Adam's companion inside of Adam himself, was the creation of the human completed,
and in line with the first story, in which "Adam was made male and female", from the perspective of the "hub".]

"From the perspective of the hub of the wheel,
the rim and all of its manifestations are illusionary.
They exist in time,
and from the point of view of eternity ~
they are not real.
In other words, from this point of view
the first attention and everything in it is illusionary.
From the point of Eternal Now,
linear time
and the space and energy and matter associated with it
appear to be temporary, impermanent.
Only this single eternal moment of cosmic consciousness
experienced at the hub
seems to be 'real.


"This understanding has been the basis of many religions and philosophies.
And in those terms 'attainment'
has meant leaving the rim of the wheel,
leaving the world of pain and suffering,
the world of 'Maya' ~

and moving as far into the second attention as possible,
by traveling in the second dimension of time
toward the hub, toward the Eternal Now.
This point of absolute presence is
where one may experience themselves
as the crown of Creation, and indeed its Creator.


"This is the journey of the spiritual masters and mystics
and many practitioners of magic.
It is considered to be the way of conquering death,
because in eternity ~
in the single moment of 'Now' or 'all time,'
there is no death.
In these terms death is part of the illusion of linear time,
just another element along the rim of the wheel of karma.


"But all this 'attainment' has been leaving something out ~
Body and the Mother.
The Will and Body of Creation
have been left behind by these 'adepts.'
They were necessary steps
to the attainment of permanent cosmic bliss ~
but here in the 'Now,' they are no longer necessary.


"And although nothing has seemed wrong with this,

when consciousness has moved into the 'higher realms'
away from the first attention,
away from sentience ~
and particularly away
from the most difficult parts of the feeling essence,

it has in effect left manifestation itself behind.
It's been a journey of return to Original Hear
but without Body,
and without the Mother's most vital parts.

"And it always has ended in singularity,
oneness without true peers.

"This was not Original Heart's intention in splitting itself
to create manifestation.
And it is nothing like the Mother's dream.


"But to 'higher consciousness' this has seemed for all world
like the right direction to go,
and even though Body has been placated in the process ~

"this permanent withdrawing of consciousness
has not been helping
the healing of the pain and suffering of the lost Will in Body.

"This has not been consciousness in the service of sentience.
This has been consciousness escaping the limitations
it has perceived certain kinds of sentience had placed on its freedom.
It's been the old story
of Spirit lifting out of the pain, suffering and hopelessness of Body and the Mother."


The Third Dimension of Time

"There is yet another dimension to time.
Imagine, if you will, that the wheel is not flat,
but rather shaped like a cone.
In other words,
the rim of the wheel forms the circumference at the base of the cone,
and the hub becomes the point at the vertex.
If it were standing upright,
the cone would resemble the shape of the pointed hat
traditionally worn by wizards and witches.


"In this view the base of the cone or brim of the hat
is the four dimensional universe of the first attention.
The point at the top of the hat
is now the central, all present single moment of eternity
that includes all other moments in the second attention
as they unfold,
all the way down to the bottom
where linear time of the first attention is like the brim of the hat.


"'Spiritual attainment' has meant essentially
that consciousness leaves the brim
and moves up to take permanent residence
in the all-powerful present moment of Creation.
But this is not true wholeness.
In this scenario Body is left to die its 'illusionary' death.

And Will is left without the light or consciousness
that she needs to bring herself out of her pain.


"The Mother, the Will of Creation is based in sentience.
Our metaphor can be expanded to include her reality too.
She is not only present at the brim,
in the upper chakras,
but in all the chakras below as well.

"Now imagine two cones, with their bases together.
One points upward like the wizard's hat ~
that's consciousness.
The other points downward,
like a downward moving vortex or whirlpool ~
that's sentience.
In the middle,
at the widest point is

balancing the feeling sense of sentience
with the knowing sense of consciousness.

"In the upper cone or whirlpool is consciousness and light ~
ever rising up in glory, abundance and bliss.
In the lower cone or whirlpool is sentience,
dropping down ever lower into darkness, pain and misery ~
in the absence of the Light which has risen away from her.
And all of this, both consciousness and sentience ~
all of this is Body.
All awareness, all consciousness and sentience
is of and in manifestation,
it is the totality of existence.
But real wholeness,

true wholeness demands that it all be included.
Nothing can be lifted out of or left behind

[last line is missing in .bodyclass2]

[In .bodyclass2 , there is no new title here ]
Loving Light and Empowering Light
[Maryam-Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam:
Already in 2001 and again in 2005 I've pleaded with the Channelers and with "God",
to replace the word "empowering" with "power-seeking",
but my pleading has not been answered yet!

"Spirit and Grandfather have said

this is to be a complete recovery
of all the lost Will essence of all the Creations.
This includes everything necessary
to realize the Mother's Dream,
and this means that all of her lost parts will be reclaimed.

"In order for this to happen,
the direction of Spirit's movement,
the traditional preferred direction of consciousness ~
must change.
Instead of rising up and away from the first attention
and all the Will essence that is in pain and drudgery there,
it must come back down and be with her.

And moreover,

second homepage and pp 50 and pp54
loving Spirit
as your own conscious awareness

[.bodyclass2: "as conscious awareness"]
must be willing to move all the way down
to the deepest and darkest Hells

that exist at the bottom of the lower vortex.

"Heart has said that - [missing in .bodyclass2]
there are two kinds of Light ~
Loving Light and empowering
[power-seeking?] Light.
Empowering [power-seeking?] Light has been rising up and away from lost Will,
seeking ever more freedom, power and glory".
[.bodyclass: seeking ever greater kingdom , power and glory.]

"Loving Light, truly exalted consciousness,
conscious awareness with the intent to heal ~
is Light that is coming down
from the heights of glory and power
to be with the most anguished terror in Hell.

[Last line is missing in .bodyclass2]


"Loving Light is truly worthy of the title 'God.'
It is Light that's willing to somehow find its way ~
to dwell with the Mother and her most painful realities in Hell.


"Just as empowered [[power-seeking?] consciousness
[in .bodyclass2 the term "empowered" is missing]
can know the pleasures of eternal bliss
in the Now of the single present moment ~
loving consciousness is willing to also know
["also" is missing in .bodyclass2]
the abject pain of the eternal suffering
in the forever Now
of the Mother's deepest and darkest sentient awareness.


"But who will do this?
Who would voluntarily bring their consciousness
from the heights of the cosmic glory and power they have attained ~
to the hopeless depths of torturous pain and despair?
The answer of course is you,
the human whose intent is the healing of Creation."

[.bodyclass: "the healer of Creation".]

"Only those who are already in manifestation
are capable of completely identifying with Body in both attentions ~
and then reclaiming all of the lost Will of Creation,
all of the lost Will in manifested existence.

Isn't this you?
[.bodyclass2: This is you.]

"Only you are capable
of bringing unmanifested Spirit

[.bodyclass2: "of bringing Spirit"]
and the eternal glory of Heaven
to its new home here on Earth.
This is the essence of the healing work,
the culmination of Original Spirit's search for the Mother's Body.

"And in the next part of this lesson
we'll discuss some practical methods
you may find useful in doing this work.

"It is both your conscious awareness
of the highest, most glorious spiritual realities of joy and Light ~
and your spirit's love

for consciously knowing
the sentient awareness
of the deepest, most hopeless realities
of the Mother's pain and suffering.

These qualities are
[.bodyclass2: "These are "]
what will enable you as Body
to bring together the two opposite poles of Creation
in their completely whole, loving union ~
manifesting who you truly are,

[.bodyclass2: "as who you truly are,"]
New Heart in Body."


Body Pages

Body Class Discussion






See below:     MY  J O U R N E Y   to   E U R O P E, Summer 2010 -
previous page---------------beginning of sequence ----------------source of image


I'm still walking, climbing, sitting, enjoying myself (without depression)
on the path to the lighthouse on the cliff of the Sheeps Head Peninsula,
on Wednesday, July 7, 2010










What pretty lichens!










Afraid that the (second) battery of my camera would not last,
I always disciplined myself when wanting to take a picture.
And yet - the beauty was such - that I yielded to my desire often...



Continuation of the photos of my journey to Europe in 2010, in the Godchannel file
Chronology of Site Updates