The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"


52 days of Moving and E-volving Emotions Manual - 31st day, September 4, 2002




Having Ronnit's car
all to myself,
driving 30 km,
to the pool & back,
I became aware
of another gift,
Arnon had given me,
a completion in my life.
So I "omed" aloud
all the way.



er it's "larmin

The FELT days 121, 122 ~ of the next 15 FELT years

1 5   y e a r s  = 5 4 8 0   days   of
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e   Z e i t   
"inmitten der Ewigkeit",
f e l t - f i l l e d   t i m e  
"amidst eternity"
from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all]
The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013

On 6 days of the week I learn, but Shabbat is dedicated to my main feeling: grate-full-ness.

Since feelings must be vibrated~ wombed, each day closes with a song, fitting the 7 lines

To challenge myself like that -while not knowing what will be "staged"
in my personal and in the world's drama till 2028 , exhilarates me!

2013-12-30-Monday-still 5361 days

My 2 favorite fairy tales have both to do with the Sea: Andersen's "the Mermaid" and Grimm's "the Fisherman". What was the strange thing Yussuf said about me - to me -in the desert, but next to a cistern which once held water?
My inkling that once I was a "human" whale?
Now meant to manifest Water in the Desert?

song: elohim shaeli....mimtzulot ha-yam ala
2013-12-31-End of 2013 -still 5360 days

In the night I awoke with a grate-full memory of what would have been my school-friend Ursel's76th birthday if she hadn't died already.
This angel not only "stood at the edge of my abyss" as so many angels later, especially since my path of manifesting my desert vision, but stayed with me through my painful youth.

song: tehom...kol mishbaraekha alai avaru
December 30, 2013
















Starchild Meshi
came across a painting,
which she painted in 2005,
when she was 17,
re-created it
and shared it on Facebook.
Why now?















I begin to translate that last Succah-document of mine, so as to retrieve from "Addressing the Hosts",
what has to be applied
to the Mobile Desert Hosting Enterprises

Towards the Feast of Freedom , Pesach 1996

Exodus from the constrictions of the Succayah

Exodus from the "Succayah"
which is nothing but
a slave-house and constriction
for the HOSTS

Rachel's desire is that in the Succayah will prevail
freedom to create
and truth
[instead of denial..] that will generate love
and economic abundance,
which will come into being,
when the hosts love to host.

The phenomenon:
After a weekend in the Succayah
the hosts pray for one thing,
that there may not come guests.
The farther the week advances
towards the weekend,
the greater the pressure

I hope, imagine, yes envision strongly,
that my "scroll" was and is
just an exterior reminder
of what Avi has known all along,
and of what his spiritual sources
have been telling him for some time.

I desire ardently,
that he'll find the strength and courage
to take up the challenge
of dismantling what we manifested,
yes - we -
Dani Kish and I,
Ram Eisenberg and Renata,
my children Immanuel, Micha and Uri,
Alan Sabag and Itamar Kechteil,
Gadi and Efrat and (dead) Daniela,
and many helpers through the first 4 years,
and then Avi for 15 years.

I desire,
that he may remember our relationship 2100 years ago,
the relationship between a local Nabatean King
and a priestess, his oracle,
and fulfill our destiny, our vocation, our assignment,
our task in the desert.

I implore YOU, to open Abraham Dror's heart and mind!
So that soon the wadi below the Hill of the Angels' Flight
will look as virginal as on the first images of the video

I woke up in the middle of the night,
with this thought:
Perhaps Avi has stopped receiving guests?

For why did the place look so deserted?
Except for that young woman with the towel
who came out of his cabin
and was obviously his personal guest,
I could not discern any human being,
nor did any of the - formerly 5-6 - dogs bark!

At first my "doing-impulse" took over:
"I've to propose to this and this person,
to fake registering as a guest."
I immediately heard: "That's none of your business"
and I let go.
Still, at 6:15 PM, I felt driven to check the Internet
I find a site called "Booking"
with many slides, some of them reminding "my" time-
where a booking of today ! ! is registered
Avi's site"Succah in the Desert"
definitely suggests "everything as usual"

So why this "flash" at night?
The more so as I heard already 5 weeks ago,
from a close and absolutely reliable source,
that Avi felt "tired" of hosting in the Succah.


In front of my eyes this booking of "a cabin, which
includes a common bathroom (2 grownups)"
was ordered 7 hrs, 8 min. ago - a cabin+bathroom??

The jar for water
as well as
the copper bowl
for washing
was bought by me
in 1990.
But obviously
there are now
where a bowl is
no longer needed?

The quote
which appears
on all slides

"The location is wonderful,
the quiet,
the encounter
with simplicity"

the bells (empty oxygin tanks) that called guests to meals
the oil lamps that guests were carrying - burning - to their succahs
I'll quote the chapter about "HOSTING"

Succah Bamidbar (Desert Hut) is our home. We live here throughout the year under the same conditions we offer our guests.

Our hosting is personal, congenial and homey. Each couple / family stays in a private succah--a sort of rain- and snowproof hut with windows and door that is well ventilated during the summer.

The succot are scattered throughout the wadi and on hills at 150 m from each other to ensure privacy. Our large succah, (moadim), accommodates several couples or two families at once.

Each succah features comfortable beds and a sitting area that can be turned into an additional sleeping corner, plenty of bedding and linen, solar lighting, a heater, a water pitcher for drinking or washing, and a hot drink area. In the summer the succot are cool and ventilated; in the winter they are warm. Bathrooms and showers are shared.

The gong sound invites guests to the central succah for our delicious breakfasts and dinners. We offer home-made, richly flavored vegetarian food: soups, vegetable dishes, legume and vegetable stews, pies, past and much more.

Check-in and check-out
As we are located in the very heart of the desert, it is essential to get here while there is still daylight. Check-out time can be arranged onsite. However, when we are running at full capacity, check-out is at 11 a.m.

Pets are not allowed at Succah Bamidbar, as our dogs, though friendly to the guests, are very territorial.

Since Succah Bamidbar is an ecological site, we make sure to protect the desert. Camp fires and barbecues are strictly forbidden.


Rates per night

* including vegetarian breakfast (for groups of 10 ppl or more, it is possible to arrange for dinner, at an additional price, and in advance notice)

Couple 550 NIS
Single 300
Child 2-13 130
Additional adult 250

Thursday/Friday/Saturday / Holidays
* including vegetarian breakfast and dinner

One night:
Couple 850 NIS
Single 850
Child 3-16 200
Additional adult 400

Two nights:
Couple 1500 NIS
Single 1300
Child 3-16 350
Additional adult 700

You may book for a single weekend night, but we strongly recommend at least two nights in order to experience our special hosting style. On holidays we request at least two nights per reservation.

When you make your telephone reservations we will ask for your credit card number for security purposes only. Cancellations are accepted with an advance notice of at least one week before the planned date. Changes in the reservation date are handled as cancellations.

What to bring
Toiletry articles, a towel, flashlight (though not essential), warm clothes even in the summer. Please keep in mind that there is no cell phone reception in our area.


I came across the fragment of a paper-document,
obviously a letter which in May or June 1994
invited young people to participate
in "Aetgar be-Midbar", "Challenge in the Desert"
a format of "CONTENT" or "Activities"
which will be very relevant for Mobile Hosting Enterprises,


December 31, 2013

This last day of the year 2013   I'm dedicating to experiences which I attracted into my life
 b e f o r e  I began to manifest the first scientific model of my Desert SPS Hosting Economy

I begin with what came to me this night: the angel Ursel Merz, 1951-1956


Quoted in My SaltSea Springs
"The 13th of March is the date
which ensconces the beginnings of two crucial relationships.
On March 13, 1951, a classmate, Ursel Merz, may her memory be blessed,
saved me from the oppression of another classmate
and "officially" offered me friendship "for all our life".
We were 12-13 years old then. "


See the "Circus-Experience" in K.i.s.s.-log July 2008,
with the 3 photos of Ursel I had guarded

Most influential on my life was the "Satan-Story"

From my Diary of 1978, quoted in "Integration-My Life's Harvest"
London-Purley: we spent half a day with Ursel Merz and her daughter Julia.
[Ursel had been my best and only friend from age 13 to 17, but she had other friends too,
"with whom I can make fun, since you are so serious!"]
Ursel said: "It's a wonderful time for being a woman!"
That hilarious laughter, that sense of fun!
That smile and smiling word to everyone-
the porter, the ice-cream-seller, the policeman, the guard
- and on the other hand - she says-
tending to be a "stickler", "pernickety"
(= everything has to be accurate)
and "impersonal",
not able to invest any feelings in a closer relatonship.
Will she be a model with regard to laughter and fun
and her smiling, validating approach to people?

[among the first Succah-images, inserted on this page,
there is one which reminds me,
that Ronnit, my daughter, too, helped with creating the Succahs.
It was with Ronnit that I met Ursel Merz in England,
after 2 international workshops in Re-evaluation Counseling!

How encouraging now, to read an extraordinary dream,
in which I was guided to find my lost friend Ursel Merz,
and learning from this dream once again,

"Perhaps this is, what's important: to know the goal, to start off on the way,
and then trust, that I will reach whatever I need to reach at the next station. "

From puzzle piece 51: Laughter is the final stage of healing
1978: "It's about the "lightness" I've to introduce into my life.
To hell with that damned seriousness, heavyness,
"tierischer Ernst" [animal seriousness] , as they've always said .
"Ich brauche noch eine andre Freundin", I need another friend too,
said Ursel Merz [my friend between the age of 13 till 18]
"mit der man lachen und dummes Zeug schwaetzen kann"
[with whom one can laugh and chat nonsense].
Isn't it that, what I've been wanting for such a long time?
I wonder, what made me so dead serious,
while I feel, that I'm actually a very joyous person,
just as my mother described me in her diary about me as a baby:
"sie kann so wunderbar lachen" [she can love so wonderfully].
What happened to me? Why was it too dangerous to laugh?
Why does it still seem to be too dangerous to laugh?"

This is what I found when "harvesting" my website.
But there are two more memories that came up tonight:
When most of my class-mates took up dancing,
I was among those who could not afford the course.
Still Ursel invited me to an intended party at her home.
I wanted to sit next to Thomas, the brother of Dorothee.
"No!" she said aghast!
"He wants to be able to talk to someone!"
This shocked me to the depth of my being
and from that day one I improved my conversation skills,
but also exacerbated my stress, pressure, fright, panic,
while being with what I projected to be "expecting" people.

Another - still shameful - episode occurred earlier.
I was often invited to spend a weekend with Ursel's family.
This was splendid and one of the few highlights in my youth.
One day, I see myself sitting in a small room under the roof.
I was reading , while Ursel and her 3 sisters were playing outside.
What I read, brought up my feelings of sinfulness and worthlessness,
to the extent, that I opened the window from above
and declared in front of the appalled children below:
"This is me!" and probably read to them the passage.
Ursel's father came up and took me out for a walk,
to help me become reasonable again....
This father died, perhaps when we were 16 or 17.
I see myself crying in the midst of a Latin lesson.
The teacher told me to stop since it wasn't even my own father.
I was not aware, that perhaps I cried the tears for my own father,
which I had never cried, since I didn't even know him.
Ursel's father died as a late after-effect of the hunger during World War II,
when he gave to his family-members what he could take away from himself.


Now I'm making a big jump to 1986, when I already lived in my mobile home,
but as yet had no idea, what for.
What was the purpose of my "driving in Abraham's bus-steps"?
As to the diary about my taking care of a senile man for a month.
I now discarded most of it.
But some time later , I think , I added the history of the beginnings of my bus, in a composition with photos.

My mother died before joining me in my mobile home

My sister came from Germany to my mother's funeral and saw my mobile home,
which - after 7 weeks of work - at least had a roof (with Mona posing on it) and a foldable shade to sit outside

The backside-bed with its drawers intended for my mother's diapers etc. still lacks closing doors.
The secondhand fridge turned out to be wasting much too much electricity. Later , in Germany, I found a little fridge on gas.
There was a tap with water, but not yet a sink or a sewage pipe to the ground and now doors to close the cupboards above

Amidst the super-human stress of building my mobile home,
there were hours of joy,
like on the day in May, when I thought the home was ready
and I took my friends to a drive north.
It brought us, by chance, to a cliff above the sea
(see my mobile house on it- in the upper picture to the right)
near Havatzelet, where the polio-afflicted Ya'acov was brought up
(yet I don't think, that he even shared this with us then....)
But the day failed the test for my and Ya'acov's "plan", illusion,
to live in the bus together (with devices to cope with his disability,
like a tap from the exterior back of the bus - for Ya'acov to shower,
see the tap on the image below!)

See much more in Closeup to my Past

The first place to park - after I could finally drive my relatively ready mobile home,
was Kfar Truman, [read the article in Wikipedia!]
at a farm, where I wanted to tame and train - in vain - Maya, my wild bitch.
I was still using every spare minute to complete sowing the white curtains
that unlike the sea-colored blue curtains, which shaded me from light and people,
were meant to protect me from flies, but did this only to a small extent.
Often I had to kill 20 flies before breakfast.....

With Mona in her home at Ramat-Gan (I think)
With Mona and Maya at Kfar Truman
With Mona and Maya at the Mediterranean Sea























I'll stop here (Dec. 31, 7:45 PM), for the last sentence shows,
what a long, long journey lay ahead of me till I understood,
that "a process of becoming whole with each other",
does not necessarily end, when we think it's ended.
I learnt it, when during a meeting with my daughter,
which I imposed on her in October 2012 in her house,
she let me know, that I had "d e s e r t e d" her and Micha,
when I moved from our flat at Bethel-Street to my bus.
At first I was deeply shocked:
"But you were being prepared for this for a year and a half!"
Until I understood, that even such a long,loving preparation
could have been nothing but a skilful MANIPULATION!
And when I now read and copied the story about her behavior,
right after I had left that flat "for good" and only visited often,
I understand,
that I had caused Ronnit to deny her pain about my departure
(though she was already 20 years old by then)
and soon the denial erupted into ugly complaining and blaming
I had not yet come in contact with "Right Use of Will" then......

RECALLING experiences towards

I came across the meeting on Rakhaf
with the Bedouin dreamer and artist
Muhammad Abu Hassan Abu Kabua
- see K.i.s.s.-log November 2008.
He said
[like Yussuf - on Dec. 28,2013]
that he was from an "unrecognized village" near Aro'er.

I should also think about that kind of eco-toilet.
Perhaps it could be hidden in a fold
of one of the front triangles of the tent?
See also "How to shit in nature"
Today, on Dec. 31 I finally was granted the confirmation
of my 2 letters to Joshua Bloom and the Tru'ah Rabbis

Dear Christa-Rachel,
Thank you for your email and keeping us informed about your work.
Sincerely, Josh

Why did I try yet another time: to "petition" people with influence?
and to "partner" people who seem to share my goal, my vision

I envision from now on, i.e. from January1, 2014
that my potential peers will feel in their Mind and Heart,
how mobile desert hosting enterprises will bring "Heaven-to-Earth",
= the basic arena for training towards feeling Zest and Full-fill-ment!

December 31, 2013, 10:50 P.M.
I desired to be granted a "message" towards the year 2014
and simply skipped through my huge archive on my computer.
A communication with Deity on 2007-01-04 (my daughter's 42nd birthday)
touched me so much that I recorded it so as to listen to it in sleepless hours.

continue to the year 2014