The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


"to feel better requires that you become better at feeling"
June 26/ Sivan 23, Thursday, still 50 days -
at Shoham
Parting from my obsession to complete this page--- on June 29

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
After the wondrous260 minutes intimacy with Mika yesterday for which I already feel a longing,
I desire to softly retreat and find my right place in the family which -
until 8PM includes Mika's Abba.
I desire that the multiple personal-national dramas as realistically depicted in "Good Intentions"
will NOW SOON and FINALLY dissolve into a healing process of each & every person and nation
I desire to be focused on uniting my clearest consciousness with my farest feeling all day long!
I desire to thus create the condition-sine-qua-non for Heaven-on-Earth in all Creation - NOW.

My belly without
and my belly "pulled in"

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I now give thanks to our belly, though I keep making it wrong all my life,
ever since my mother's constant "Zieh dein' Bauch ein" -
pull your belly inside...
Because of "too much" good (!) food leftovers, both at Shoham and at Arad
which "have to be eaten" before someone will throw them away,
[I've given up to fight this pattern!] our belly has become more "protruding",
Watching how I judge & detest other people's bellies (like I.s, even Mika's),
I have a criterion for my lack of belly-self-acceptance projected on them!

I'm grate-full, that I.&E. came back from Paris with a common "art-project"!
I am grate-full, that Mika's parents found her well, except for a runny nose,
which started at 7 PM and woke her up often at night, and "belly-pain"
(Efrat, laughing (?)
"only you can give her so many grapes & water-melon")
I am grate-full to you , Mika, for all the delight You've given me,
though this morning again you don't "know" me..
I'm grate-full to Ilan, the neighbor, for having discovered just before I had to fetch Mika, why I couldn't make the car going: the gear was not on "Parking"!
I'm grate-full that I grabbed Nella, which escaped through a car-run street.
I'm grate-full for the abundance of good food and tasty "leftovers".
I'm grate-full for being able to accept my lack of belly-self-acceptance
knowing that only by not being whole myself,
am I compassionate towards all self-hating colors of the ONe rainbow...




I did get a response from Martin, my sister Ursel's husband, after all.
I had expressed reservations
concerning protests from "Amnesty International" in Germany against the violation of Human Rights in Palestine.
He transmitted these reservations to his AI- group at Calw, the town, to which his village Gechingen belongs.
He also sent me two postcards, one from 1954 concerning Ursel's and my confirmation,
and one from 1956, sent by me from a 4 day travel with my school class to Bonn, Koeln etc.
I'm glad to "drive backward" to both situations:

Lieber Martin,
schoen, dass Du doch wieder einen Anknuepfungspunkt gefunden hast,
ja, und dass Du meine Bedenken der Calver Gruppe ueberbracht hast.
Um "Einfluss" geht es mir heute nicht mehr, nur um "Ganz zu mir Stehen".

Danke fuer die Postkarten und die damit verbundenen Erinnerungen.
Die Frau Wahl und ihre beiden erwachsenen Kinder
wohnten einige Haeuser weiter in unserer "Farrenstrasse" in Gablenberg, Stuttgart.
Die Tochter war bei uns Pflichtjahrmaedchen gewesen , wohl 1941-42.
Dem Sohn, Photograph, verdanken wir unsre wenigen PHotographien aus der Zeit.
Unser eigener Apparat wurde von den franzoesischen Besatzunsleuten beschlagnahmt.
Obwohl unser Haus zerbombt war und wir nach der zwangsweisen "Ruecksendung"
[Wolfartsweiler war franzoesische Zone, Stuttgart dagegen amerikanische Zone]
in Gaisburg zur Untermiete unterkamen, blieb der Kontakt mit den Wahls bestehen.
Sie waren eigentlich unsere einzigen Bekannten und - Helfer - in den ersten Jahren.
Die Karte von 1956 ist von mir, von einer mehrtaegigen Klassenfahrt nach Bonn, Koeln


Ursel's and my confirmation , April 1954

Koelner Dom, 1956, a journey with my class from the Hoelderlin Gymnasium for Girls at Stuttgart.
Barbara Buetterlin, Heide Epple, Adelheid Meiswinkel, Ulrike Mascher, Barbara Fetzer

Barbara Buetterlin, Eva Wurster? [died of cancer long ago], Adelheid Meiswinkel
Ursula Merz, Dorothee Raiser, Ika Ott and - drawing behind her - Karin Moritz.
Ursel was my best friend for many years, Dorothee and her husband became good friends of me & my husband,
Ika Ott, a student of medicine, helped me in Israel, when my youngest son was born in 1966,
and Barbara was my "Angel", who helped me with "Noah's Cave". Karin, whose traces are lost,
will forever be in my memory because of her scream at the teacher: "Why did you let (the holocaust) happen!"


Am Sonntag hat Immanuel vom Gericht das alleinige Sorgerecht fuer Tomer bekommen.
Es ist "absolut", d.h. Ruth kann keinerlei Entscheidung ueber Tomer's Leben beeinflussen.
Warum das so wichtig ist, wuerde einen dicken Waelzer als Erklaerung benoetigen....

Auf der einen Seite ist das natuerlich, was wir alle wollten.
Auf der andern Seite wird es nun fuer Immanuel's jetzige Familie so schwierig werden,
dass ich mir am liebsten Augen, Ohren und Gehirn zuhalten moechte.
Was gut ist, ist, dass sie in ein Haus auf dem Land ziehen werden,
in dem es a) einen Garten und eine ziemlich freie natuerliche Umgebung gibt
und b) 5 Zimmer gibt (eines fuer mich und eines fuer Tomer eingeschlossen).
Die ganze Idee meines Mitlebens mit Efrat waehrend Immanuel's Fluegen
entstand seinerzeit gar nicht wegen Mika, sondern wegen der "Aussicht",
dass Tomer zu seinem Vater zurueckkehren wuerde.
(Ruth hatte ja Tomer schon einmal abgeschoben,
als Immanuel und Efrat in Michigan arbeiteten,
und spaeter als sie nach Kfar Vradim in Galiaea zurueckkehrten,
aber als Tomer sich dann so gut machte,
was sie wohl bei der Abschlussfeier der Klavierschueler merkte,
zu der sie nach Kfar Vradim eingeladen wurde,
forderte sie Tomer mir nichts dir nichts zurueck, mitten im Schuljahr

Da man fuer das Haus 6000 NIS verlangt hat, so sind jetzt die Mietpreise in dieser Gegend,
(zum Vergleich: mein einziges Einkommen - von der National versicherung - sind
2180 NIS
und fuer meine Einzimmerwohnung in ARAD- mit Veranda &Garten bezahle ich
1050 NIS,
alles eingerechnet, Steuern, Elektrizitaet, Wasser, TV und Internet-Verbindung),
wollten Immanuel und Efrat verzichten.

Ausgerechnet ich war dann diejenige, die ihnen zeigte,
dass sie keine andere Wahl haben,
und dass sie eben mal an den alltaeglichen Dingen sparen sollten
(in denen sie rasend verschwenderisch sind...).

Die naechsten Wochen sind bezueglich Tomer noch ganz unklar.
Er soll in ein Internat kommen,
aber nach seiner bisherigen "Laufbahn" nimmt ihn kein "anstaendiges" Internat.
Er soll also vorher in eine "Erziehungsanstalt" kommen (das heisst natuerlich anders heute).
Aber da gibt es wiederum technische Probleme, von der Sache selbst ganz zu schweigen.
Und jetzt haben die grossen Ferien angefangen!
Und heute abend faehrt Immanuel fuer 4 Tage nach Bangkog.

Schoen war, dass Efrat bereit war, mit Immanuel nach Paris mitzufliegen.
"Bereit" auch, sich auf mich die 2 Tage und eine Nacht zu verlassen.
Wenn ich mit Mika allein bin, haben wir ein wundersammes Zusammensein.
Wenn dann Efrat wieder da ist, sollte ich am besten nicht existieren.
Aber ich bin ja eine sehr erfahrene, nicht ego-abhaengige Grossmutter...

Viele Gruesse Rachel




Our Outing Today

I sing: "I paint the white page / with blue -sky and water
with yellow I paint light / the night in black with green - plants /

and here I change, checking if she remembers the original
with red - "a sweet heart on a stick"
"NO! " she protested! "with red - flowers!"
"and all the colors I use for drawing on the page the rainbow."
"Shall we go to the garden of the grapes and pomegranates?"
- and then through all kinds of attractions on our way to there,
she asks again and again:
"Are we going to the anavim and rimonim?"
When we approached the garden, she said:
"let's run to the grapes!"
I knew, of course, that we had eaten all the grapes
and was sorry to disappoint her.
I gave her the box within the box
(until this morning a container of cheese),
brought her stones and suggested, that we ask Imma to buy us grapes,
which next time we would bring with us in this blue box to this place.

Dinner cooked by Abba-Pilot-Chef, shortly before he had to go on flight to Bankok.
Since Mika often, when I take her picture, asks to see "Mika ve-Savta",
and doesn't get it, that if Grandma photographs her, she will not herself be on the photo,
Efrat takes a picture of us both.
Later, in bed, Imma and Mika talk about being afraid,
and this little girl of 30 months puts a serious question to her mother:
"mi-ma AT pokhaedaet, Imma" - "Of what are YOU afraid, Imma?"
and her little face is total attention and expectation!



song of the day
A song of peace in 3 languages

Who will bring to us shalom
|: with all our neighbors :|
|: Only me and only you
by our own true efforts: |
Salaam, Shalom, Shalom, Salaam




6th Continuation of the images, taken by an official photographer at Yael's Bat-Mitzvah on May 20, 2008


RONNIT, My Daughter


YAEL, Ronnit's Daughter





ROTEM, Ronnit's Daughter



Yael and Shir, one of ther close classmates and friends
[see also on Itamar's birthday, and on the Benot-Mitzvah -pages]

YAEL with Mika, her cousin



JONATHAN, Ronnit's Son


Ronnit, my daughter, loved by her daughter,
but also very much loved by her many friends,
like Ataliya, also her neighbor, and Sarit, who sang the entry song.
Both women are dear to me too.









Suddenly we met by chance - alone,
Yael and I,
and I simply took her arms
and began to dance with her.
This ignited Mika to join us...







Yaacov, with his wife Orit
and one of his twin daughters: Yahel
It was Yael
who - unwittingly -
made this reunion possible....

From my response to Yael,
after she copied her poem
on her painting of hearts
for Yaacov - 4 years ago:

"Please send Yaacov this link,
for it's not me who can send it:"




back to past ~~~~~ forward to future 2008/2012

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8