The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Succah Parting from its realization in the exterior World


D E S E R T   V I S I O N

Desert earth, devoted or rebellious
Desert wind, relaxed or tempestuous,
Desert moon, radiating or veiled;
Naked and pure is the desert earth

She conceives, she gives birth
to love and grace,
compassion of Wo/Man,
compassion of Wo/Man
towards him/herself.

see in SongGame



1.Stage: 1983-88 : Becoming Prepared
     2.Stage: Nov. 1988 - Nov.1990 : Conception and Pregnancy   
      3.Stage: Nov. 1989 - Pesach 1990 : Birth of the Succayah as a scientific model of an SPS business
 4.Stage: Pesach 1990-February 1994 : Arrival of Paying Guests and Consolidation of Concepts
   5.Stage: Febr. 1994 - Succot 1994 : Expansion of Responsibility and Experiment with optimal target guests

      7.Stage: Pesach 1996 - August 1998 : Fragile Independence
      8.Stage: August 1998- August 2001 : Forced partnership of Four
      9. Stage September 2001-July 2002 : Conflict between Partners


Sixth Stage: Succot [October] 1994-Pesach [April] 1996
The Succah's "Coming-of-Age"



"Adolescent" Teams run the Succah

"Parent" Rachel hidden, but available

3 months hard work in Tel-Aviv to create a financial basis.

Severe influenza and its message: "Stop Doing!"

Fight for a Tree and Flight to Egypt May 1995

Nov. 1995 - following Rabin's murder
my last thrust to bring about the breakthrough of the Vision

[not completed ]




March 15, 2011,
Since I never came around to complete this page, I shall use the free space on it
for inserting more of the old negatives which I let scan recently,
this time about my first visit at Basata, probably in February 1991,
continuation of 5th stage of the Succah

A visitor or guest had informed me of "something similar to your Succayah in Egypt".
I, of course, had to explore this rightaway with my own eyes.

Basata, "the first eco-lodge in Egypt", as it is now advertised on their own homepage,
has, indeed, many things in common with the "Succayah" or "Succah in the Desert".

But "Succah in the Desert" is a scientific model of a "Desert Hosting Economy",
and - first of all - cannot be owned by anyone
[Basata had many problems to acquire its real-estate,
but in the end it even became a pioneer for many future hosting-businesses along the Red-Sea-Coast of Sinai]

My vision was, that there would be thousands, ten-thousands of Succayahs
first in Israel, then in the Arab desert countries, then in other deserts on the planet.
[See the vision as explained for instance in "Glossary", and - an advanced version - in ARARAT-HEART]







Sherif El Ghamrawy, the Egyptian - German-educated - engineer and his German wife Maria
[see my excerpts of their story from their website 27 years later]

Guests from abroad and from Israel and - probably - a Bedouin worker


The toilets are always a presentation of the quality of a hosting business! See the photovoltaic cells to the left

There was a crucial influence of Basata on my mobile model of a Desert Hosting Business:
the use of bamboo!
It was Sherif , who donated the first three bamboo poles for the third generation of pyramidal tents,
which I created in Wadi-at-Taula , some kilometers further south from Basata, in July-August 1996.


See the wondrous story about the white water-snake with the purple head,
which I met in the waters of Basata after the "Vision-Quest" in February 1994


On this day, March 15, 2011, I feel a bit of pain , when comparing my own process with that of Sherif and Maria:
If I had wanted "an eco-lodge" , or "a special hosting-business", as everyone defines "Succah-in-the Desert" today,
I could still be in the Succayah!
I could have -could I ?- developed it in a way, that the Government of Israel would have become finally won over.
Did I want too much, too fast?????????
On the other hand, I am still absolutely sure, that the future does not belong to those who break the law of:

"The land is not to be sold in-harness [= permanently],
for the land is mine;
for you are sojourners and resident-settlers with me."

[Levicitus 25,23 , translation of Everett Fox, see wholeness of the Bible]
See also Desert Peace Process d

A symbol of walking in the desert:
My son Micha, with a guest and with Bilha, one of our mother-donkeys, with her newly born child Terach

The moon is wandering, isn't it? The sun is wandering, isn't it? So what about us, about me?



How are the following two images connected? I don't know. There simply (?) was no space on any of the relevant pages

palm-fronds laid out to dry in the direction of Sarah
palm-fronds laid out to dry in the direction of Rivkah




Now more of the big show of ice and snow,
in which I see a promo of the fulfillment
of the many prophecies about
Water in the Wilderness

Water in the Wilderness is the strongest symbol
"a New Earth and a New Heaven" in the Bible.
Even if Water is not mentioned,
it's the Wilderness, the Desert, where it will begin.

I therefore allow myself to edit the recently scanned negatives
of Jan. 1990 - Jan.1992
in as big a size as can still be seen on one screen,
and insert these in the empty spaces on 8 pages which have to do with "my Vision about Peace through Desert Hosting Economy."

See an additional sequence of the snow in the Succayah,
with the guest Uri Goldin and my son Micha on his motor-bike.

The image taken on Jan. 1, 1992, from inside the Hagar Cabin, in which I lived then, is inserted in ".integration 2001-2003-My Life's Harvest"

Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in sixth Stage
of Succah
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in sixth Stage-
Flight to Egypt a
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in seventh Stage
of Succah
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

in eight Stage
of Succah
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

the Hosts
Snow and Ice
in the Desert

the Spirit-Shit house



The view of the Abraham-Succah from the western, snow-stained, window of the Hagar Cabin

When I came down after the snow-night, I had great difficulty to open the front-door of Succat Abraham


Even my German volunteer, who must be used to such sights, is exhilarated when seeing the masses of snow
on the bench, the seats, the table , on the palm-fronds, on the gas-tank, yes on Moshe Gordon's stained glass window


continuation in 6th Stage>Flight to Egypt a