Though I hate it,
if someone - in this or any other dimension - talks to me,
is crazy!
Let us suggest to you a new definition
for emotion.
This is NOT genuine emotion. [I wonder,
if "control" is related to Godchannel's term "judgment"?]
See below: November 23-26, 2010 -
Closeup to my Past, Finetuning to my Present, Nourishment
for my Living
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's
Heaven on Earth"
Arad, Tuesday, November 23, 2010
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birthday: At 7:40 I sent 2 messages by phone. My inserting them here gives more energy to what I desire for them |
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I'm surprised, how relevant my "manifest"
of 1975 "Liberty through Responsibility" still is, despite its naivity.
To show how I "walked my talk", I'm now juxtaposing what I -
already a year ago - excerpted from my political Diary 1975-76,
mainly the pages which deal with my
"Bir'am Model" of how
to turn a negative dependency into a partnership.
The diary of my work was written and mailed in six
copies to my six partners in the "Committee of Partnership".
(Remember, what it meant then to technically prepare
7 pages in the typewriter with copy-sheets in between,
then to fold each copy, put it in an envelope, stick a stamp on it and bring
it to a letter-box...)
Though the manifest was naive, and the model and all
other "projects" failed and my vision has not yet realized,
there are two reasons for inserting these two documents here ~~~ now~~~
a) To wholly accept and embrace, that I had to go through all these "preliminary"
stages of trying to manifest my vocation in the exterior world.
b) To reinforce the energy in those efforts, the mental, physical and emotional
superhuman endeavor, since it DID and DOES fuel ~~~Evolution.
Diary" 1976-77, preface and p. 57b This is the first excerpt of this document ~~ the last one is inserted in Closeup to my Past Background to the 6 years of this Work: see in the Library : My Life's Harvest >Israel and Ismael ![]() |
"Liberty through Responsibility"
1975, page 7b-8a |
Diary" 1976-77, p. 57b-58a ![]() |
through Responsibility" 1975, page 8b-9a ![]() |
to the
people, who preach the Buddhist slogan "Loving Kindness" and even have it as a sticker on the rear window of their car: How would you deal with the following situation? ![]() ![]() Martin Buber at the Hebrew University~~~ I met him in 1961, twice. I'm meeting him again through my book, which I'm now re-reading: The Working Papers of translating the Hebrew Bible into German, which these true peers, Buber and Franz Rosenzweig did together for the last 4 years of my father-in-law, paralized in body and voice. |
I finally
pulled myself together and - before the pool - went to the grocery. It hadn't been necessary for 3 weeks, but now I really needed a few things. [ I was at Shoham much of the time and also received more leftovers than usual] Shopping for me belongs to the things I postpone as long as possilbe. Perhaps because as a child after the war I had to queue for hours to buy the 2 apples, allotted to families with a child under the age of 4. There are two shops quite close to the pool and not as far as the supermarket, One is for fruits and vegetables, and today I felt compassion with the owner. "It's always so empty here! I hope you makhziq ma'amad!" I tried to comfort him. He, an elderly Russian immigrant, didn't understand this "holding a stand", but he seemed to be glad to tell me about the way he coped with the situation, hoping that people would get used to the fact that prizes had risen so harshly. When I had payed, he thanked me and I thanked him for providing me my food. Just outside, in front of the adjacent minimarket a tender boy approached me: "Could you please by cigarettes for me?" stretching out some bills of Sheqels. Understanding that he wasn't permitted to buy the cigarettes himself, I said: "Do you really think I'll assist you in what you should free yourself from right now?" "Are you going to buy it for me?" he tried again "You just have to enter this shop!" "No!" I said bluntly, "I've a grandson who smokes like you! Let go of this dictator!" I felt right and righteous and didn't even doubt myself. In the minimarket, where I only bought a bag of milk, I asked the cashier. "Yes, there is a law, a stupid law, that under the age of 18 they aren't allowed." How come, that after 2 years of coping with T's smoking I didn't know this? "You say, the law is stupid, because they'll get what they want, anyway?" "Yes, but for what price! They miss school, hanging around here for 2 hours, trying to persuade someone, and the someone, - there are many Bedouns - may pull them into some corner and tempt them to begin with drugs, And if they are girls and ask an older man... what can come out of that!?" I was perplex, shocked: "You mean, I should have bought what he wanted?" "Yes! I myself have been smoking since the age of 14, and my son started at 17... I bring him his cigarettes, and also his beer, for since they are not allowed to buy beer, they get Wodka instead..." (I knew one such terrible situation with concern to my grandson...), "I'm a mother of five, believe me, I'm full of anger against this stupid law!" I said: "Thank you! You have opened my eyes!" left and looked around. But even if I had seen the boy -perhaps 15- which looked so delicate and fragile, would I have shown him, that I changed my mind? Was there no other way? I felt awful! and I thought of Martin Buber, who kept telling a major experience: A student wanted to come to get his help. Buber refused. The boy killed himself. Since then he used a slogan (I can't recall it) which resembles the "Loving Kindness". But Buber had a choice! I can't see any choice in my situation but accepting that I'm guilty! What about "Abraham's" slogan: "You can never get it done, nor will you ever get it wrong?" Of course, I also accept Godchannel's message, that I must release all judgments, for only then will I be capable of accepting responsibility for all "perpetration". And so it is: There is no "right" way to deal with a smoking, fragile teenager! There are only my tears... and my desire for him to do what is right for him.... |
on November 23, 2010: 8PM As if the "drama" , which I documented above, was too "insignificant", I was 'led' to contrast it with "real", "historic", world-changing dramas, At an unusual hour (4 PM) I felt urged to check the 3SAT program. What does a sequence about the Roman Empire have to do with me? beginning with Nero (of which I saw only the beginning and the end), learning that he was a gifted artist, but unfortunately being also "Emperor" he lost his mind and murdered everyone around him. I'm still ashamed of the presentation which I gave about Nero in highschool. Since other presentations of mine had bored my mates, I - unconsciously - chose a "juicy" subject: murder....] The next docudrama was about a man unknown to me , who moved me very much: Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (b.168-163 BC d.133 BC) , a plebeian tribune whose reforms of agrarian legislation caused political turmoil in the Republic. These reforms threatened the holdings of rich landowners in Italy. He was murdered. Was he too radical a reformer? Then the docudrama about the Jewish rebellion of the years 66-70, which reinforced all I had researched myself - solely in ancient Jewish sources See mainly my sculpture about what I see as the HOlOCAUST of BETAR, in the year 133 A.D, the final stroke of fanatics against Israel. about the role of the extremists, the zealots, the terrorists of that time, and as usual: my pain choked me, as if I had been there myself.... [See Wikipedia about the Jewish Rebellion and about the Zealot Temple Siege ]- The leaders of the collapsed Northern revolt, Yochanan of Giscala and Simon Bar Giora, managed to escape to Jerusalem. Brutal civil war erupted, the Zealots and the fanatical Sicarii executed anyone advocating surrender, and by 68 the entire leadership of the southern revolt was dead,... killed by Jewish hands in the infighting, some at the Zealot Temple Siege. It is ironic, that the High Priest who was murdered by the Jewish zealots and thrown down the temple staircase , was called "Chanan", and the worst of the Zealots was called "Yo-chanan" - God is compassionate.... How did they both cause the beginning of the end of the Jewish people in Israel for 1900 years? Then about the Emperor Constantine, the one who helped the Christian Church into power, and while he brought the Christian rival factions together in the Council of Nicaea, 325, he murdered family members, including his wife Fausta at the behest of his mother Helena, And the last docudrama about how the Visigoths with their king Alaric, who wanted nothing but land for his people, promised by the Romans, and never kept, brought the Westroman Empire to its final fall in 410. In all the situations there were a few individuals, who determined the destiny of peoples and people, and not only by their "wickedness", but often because of their "goodness". Like this morning with that teenage smoker, I felt, as if it doesn't really matter, what one does. As if nothing was in our own hands - just the opposite of what I'm inserting here about "Liberty through Responsibility". Even Godchannel says: "everything has happened just as it was supposed to", but also: "there is no predetermination, there is only post determination", which I understand as: It is me, in this moment, which determines the meaning of what "happened". But right now, I don't really grasp anything. I'm tired, exhausted, crying because of the endless suffering ever since and even now. And then I open the news and hear: danger of war between North and South Korea, the worst aggression from the North since the end of the Korean war in 1953. As if nothing has changed in 2000 years. And the mass graves for those who die of Cholera in Haiti! I'm tired of this World.... |
![]() ![]() Remains of staircase to the Temple, excavated in May 2009 ![]() |
Arad, Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Dealing properly with e-motion becomes an
art unto itself.
It begins with a decision to look away from what screams at
-from what demands that you react---
opting instead
to focus upon what sings to you and inspires you.
Then, once your energy has cleared itself and become calm,
you can deal with your world with new eyes and an open heart.
8:45 AM
I read the message above , the message for which I created this page in 2005,
only now,
and it deepens what I was thinking/moving/breathing while still in bed - about
I want the experience with the smoking teenager! I don't want Roman dramas
in my life!
I have already been quite disciplined about what people or what movies I let
into my life!
But often the rationalization of : "I need to be informed" covers
my knowing that I should
"focus upon what sings to me and inspires me"
and swim and swing along with my dolphin.
I did not mention above, in what "ingeniously"
atrocious way Constantine murdered his wife.
But the image stays with me and takes away the freedom of finetuning to my
Since there is no longer any DANGER that I might
DENY anything,
it is my firm decision,
"to look away from what screams at me, from what
demands that I react"
and even with regard to the pains, which I do attract into my daily life,
like the pain of my powerlessless concerning that smoking teenager,
I do desire to become more proficient
in feeling all my feelings
and -without judgment - rake them all in as part of the harvest of my life.
After the pool: while eating my porridge I wanted to continue listening
to the movie "Home",
which tells - during 133 minutes - all the sad chapters of how Humans
destroy Earth.
While searching for it I re-found another "Home" and listened to
it again with great joy:
"If we have so many common words - even the word salaam-shalom - why
shouldn't we be ONE?"
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Tuesday, November
23, 2010 In your world today |
Wednesday, November
24, 2010 |
"Partnership Diary" 1976-77, p. 58a |
through Responsibility", 1975, page 9b-10a ![]() |
Arad, Thursday, November 25, 2010
something really new and wonderful happens, we say in Hebrew: "The Days of the Messiah have come." This is what I thought and felt and delighted and rejoiced in, when I read this "article" or better "poem" by Rivka Gottesmann, who has a business and a website called: "The Path of the Lotus". If not for the fact, that it was Ya'acov, my brother-peer, who sent it, though on November .4, 2010, we had decided on not being in verbal contact for some time, and who commented: "Rivka has been my teacher in Tetra-Healing!" I would not even have opened it - "sounds like Spirit without Will!" But I opened it! I was taken rightaway by the graphical appearance of the "article", not continuous lines, but "breathing-sections" (Atem-Kolen), as I sculpt my own site. Striking was the fact, that she talked as I, and not as "you", as "spiritual teachers" do. But then came the real extraordinary surprise, the "maybe I've been wrong after all!" What Ya'acov wasn't aware of, nor was I, when I studied this article for the first time, was that this day, on which I intended to dedicate a sculpture to Rivka Gottesman (= "man of God"), Nov. 25 is the International day for the elimination of violence against women ~~~ in Hebrew Domestic violence, this is, what Rivka attracted into her drama, and instead of making herself a victim, she contested all her beliefs, her methods, her work. My feeling was overwhelming: I wanted to hug her, to kiss her, to look at her without a word . I wanted to say: You, you now have appeased me, you have reconciled me with all the "spiritual people", who have caused me so much sorrow and bitterness, leaving me deserted and helpless, because they all seem to chase after "LIght and Love", but leave The Mother in her hell. |
"Something to Feel About" a poem-article by Rivka Gottesmann ![]() ![]() |
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![]() to the extreme |
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Es waechst viel Brot in der Winternacht denn unterm Schnee frisch gruenet die Saat, Erst wenn im Lenze die Sonne lacht, spuerst du, was Gutes der Winter tat. Und deucht die Welt dich oed und leer und sind die Tage dir rauh und schwer sei still und habe des Wandels acht es waechst viel Brot in der Winternacht. |
As I said: I wanted to run and hug Rivka! On January 2, 2011, Ya'acov sent me another sharing from Rivka! |
Much bread does grow in a winter's night, for under the snow freshly greens the grain, In spring, when to you the sun does smile you sense, what you will from winter gain. And does the world seem dreary and empty, and are the days for you rough and harsh, be still and perceive of how it transforms, much bread does grow in a winter's night. |
Diary", 1976-77, p. 58b-59a ![]() |
through Responsibility", 1975, page 10b-11a ![]() |
Diary", 1976-77, p. 59b ![]() |
through Responsibility", 1975, page 11b-12a ![]() |
As you were coming into your physical experience,
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This is symbolized for me - on this day - Of course, without the tune these lyrics aren't impressive, |
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Diary", 1976-77, p. 59b-60a ![]() |
through Responsibility", 1975, page 12b-13a ![]() |
Arad, Friday, November 26, 2010
While breathing-moving-dreaming-thinking-feeling
in my bed before leaving it... live your
visions, [second scrap] |
As an example of
how there really has
been a "SHIFT",
On Nov. 6th-7th, we made our way to the Leaders Causing Leaders Conference in Long Beach, CA. It was such a treat to meet and greet so many of you, our family of Gratitude, and simultaneously step into a power-filled gathering of Change Agents and catalysts for life-affirming growth. It was also a fantastic chance to shed some fears around public speaking and "being seen". What a gift to take the stage and see the light of our Beloveds eyes embracing us in Love. Once complete, we received a flood of
requests to continue the gathering. Thank you to everyone who has so generously
supported our work in the We are now basking under the light
of a full Moon, stationed in direct ...Let this magnificent source force state of being weave and dance through every cell, activating and catalyzing the Light of Love within to flow and go, shine and row beyond ourselves as a blessing unto all creation. This is how we Birth New Reality, by first integrating this energy, this seed as a nascent possibility growing within. Remembering we are powerful co-creators, responsible for every thought, action and deed, we allow ourselves sacred space in this moment, and every day, to go within, to witness the contents of our hearts, and so dream a healed world into being. As we begin within, this naturally extends
to fill our morphogenetic fields
few nights ago, my Beloved Sweetheart, Ken, and I were ruminating about how blessed we feel to be engaged in our passions, for our co-creative journey together, and for our Beloveds (that's YOU!) we've connected with throughout the last five years, as a direct result of our stewardship of Go Gratitude! As I fully allowed this blessed truth to flow through every cell, every nano-aspect of my eing-ness, I ex-perienced a wave of Gratitude rushing through my heart, pouring forth as a radiant web of Light, extending and weaving across the face of the planet, through the hearts of All Beings and far beyond into the cosmos. With each breath, this web pulsed and danced, growing and flowing to open my heart in ever-flowering ex-pressions of Joy and Bliss. It was the feeling of Heaven and Earth meeting at the center of my being, and tears began to pour forth. ... Tears of healing and release dissolving fears deeply embedded within the cellular memory. Tears of Gratitude and Appreciation for the beauty of ALL that IS. Tears of forgiveness -- for Self and others, too -- transmuting lead experiences into golden moments.... Through your daily reflections
of empowerment, peace-filled families and
Friday, November 26, 2010 excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD If you are willing to let your improved emotional state be the evidence of your progress, then the progress will continue; you will continue to feel even better, and the tipping point will come where physical evidence can be seen. But if you look too soon for the evidence, and you do not yet find it, you will lose Vibrational ground. The need to see the immediate evidence of progress is the most significant hindrance to most people. When you attempt to take score of your progress too soon, you move further from the results you seek. There is no desire that you hold that is for any other reason than you believe you would feel better in the having of it. Whether it is a material object, a pile of money, a relationship, a physical state of being— every desire is wanted because you want to feel better. [It's very rare, that the "Abraham" group takes into account, that My desires are mostly about other people and about the World! I therefore express my desire, that you, "Abraham" relate to these desires from now as often as is relevant in your contexts!] When you discover the power of feeling better first, by the deliberate focusing of your mind away from problems, struggles, irritants, and any other manner of unwanted things— and focus your mind upon the simplicity of your own breathing— you will have found the key to the power of allowing. |
Diary", 1976-77, p. 60b and p. 97a ![]() |
through Responsibility", 1975, page 13b ![]() |
Diary", 1977, 97b ![]() |
through Responsibility", 1975, page 14a ![]() |
Arad, Sunday, November 28, 2010
through Responsibility", 1975, page 14a ![]() |
Sunday, November 28, 2010 excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD Every person with whom you interact is a part of the person you are becoming. Not a single interaction with a single person is left out of the process of your becoming. Many assume that only pleasing relationships have value, but that is not the case. Your awareness of an unwanted situation evokes from you a clear Vibrational request for something different. And so, even those uncomfortable interactions with others form the Vibrational basis of your expansion. People often believe that the value of interacting with others is mostly about combining talents and actions in order to accomplish the things that need to be done in a society, but your interaction is much more important than that. You are helping one another define the attributes of your individual and collective expansion. In other words, even the briefest of encounters with another person is actually contributing to your expansion as an Eternal Being. It is our desire to help you to return to your natural appreciation of the others with whom you are sharing your planet so that you can fully enjoy every encounter with others, no matter how brief, or regardless of whether you agree with them or not. |
quote today lights up one aspect of the double experience of yesterday: Working with Meirav's mixed group of 30 middle-aged people for 100 minutes, and helping Lior with her Cinema-Studies in creating scripts, editing and filming. "Oh, I forgot my camera!" I said to Lior, when we entered Arad's youth-hostel. "There are religious people in the group, you are not allowed to take photos!" "There you see! the religious and the secular people want to meet in a group, but it's self-understood, that the secular have to succumb to the religious!" Then Meirav, the organizer of this weekend of the "Mosaic" Group, joined us. I repeated: "I forgot my camera!" "Very good so!" she laughed,"don't exaggerate!" Still, I was allowed to take a photo of these two friends of mine, one 38, one 22. BUT - the cellphone photo was not to be found, when I wanted to insert it here! I made a test with another totally casual photo-in my room- and came out alright. May this composition around my painting above my key-board serve as a reminder of a Shabbat too full with fruitful interactions and feelings to be documented here! ![]() |
This morning in bed I thought of the ten days ahead,
which seem to be - finally - without any program,
accept for an appointment with the dentist.
This "freedom ahead" forced (!) forced me ,
to - finally ! - fulfil my long-hedged desire,
to focus on improving my Visual Acuity!
I've bought the program of "Better Vision" already in July!
I've bought - also through my son - "Eye-Max" for 3 months,
but I've forever found excuses, why I do not have the time yet!
After getting up I really listened to the chapter on the Vision-CD,
and practised obediently, though with great discomfort, what I was told.
Now, when I wanted to add a link to "Arad's Youth-hostel",
where I believed, the Walk about Love had stayed, when
we came to Arad on 2009_03_27,
I come across the following sculpture - what a coincidence to help me with
my decision:
And then I fall, I stumble over a man of the Walk, Oren, fall on a
big cactus-plant,
my knee hurts, my cheek is scratched and will need a week to heal,
a woman from Arad pulls out "Rescue-Drops" and the knee gets well
in a second,
but the left lense of my glasses has a bunch of scratches,
exactly that lense, which I had to exchange recently for 1300 NIS...
Why did I attract this into my drama? I still - on July 1 - don't know!
Or was it for the sake of Oren, whom I could empower in a certain situation,
and make him take responsibility for what was wrong with "The Walk",
shortly before I myself felt urged to leave the Walk , on May 2, 2009?
(Sept.6, 2009:
while working on the meaning of my submersion in the River Jordan on my 71st
it suddenly occurred to me,
that those glasses, which one arm held above my-body-under-water, were and
are scratched...)
October29- 30, 2009
Maybe now, after seven months, I begin to understand...
A main reason for poor eyesight is the BELIEF that nothing can be done about
If the blind will see and the deaf hear and the lame leap, as the Bible says,
how will this happen, if nobody believes that it will happen?
Perhaps my training in believing in the manifestation of what I desire,
should start with training in visual acuity ?
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27, 2009: "And then rain-drops fall on the right lense:" ![]()
28, 2010 I just wanted to delete the letter from "Abraham" in my G-mail, when my eyes caught an ad in ARABIC to the right of the quote. Since it was in Arabic, I looked at it closely and what did I see? ![]() This came to me as a push, as an urge and encouragement : "Pull yourself together and dedicate this Sunday to your eyes, so you'll get into the habit of training them breath by breath, and will never need Lasik Eye Surgery in Dubai nor in Israel! And you'll help Evolution in making the blind able to see!" |
Continuation of
Closeups to my Past, Finetuning to my Present, Nourishment
for my Living -
- which enhance and enrich my experience of "Mika's
Heaven on Earth"