The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



re-edited on July 28-29, 2013


See the overview of "MY BOOK" in the context of "MY LIFE's HARVEST"

"All Israel are Guarantors for Each Other"
Maryam, alias Christa-Rachel Bat-Adam, married Rachel Rosenzweig, born Eva-Maria-Christa Guth

Etrog, Myrtle, Date, and Willow
-- these are Israel!
Knowing and doing do exist or do not
-- these are Israel!
They shall make one union - Israel!
They will atone for each other -Israel!
An ancient psalm was given to the nation!
A redeeming psalm also for the World!
Without leaves- there won't be grapes!

The Cross: my old belief in struggling!
The Etrog: my rejoicing in fulfillment!

Click and hear my song created in December 2008,
based on the metaphor of "The Four Species,
connected to the Succot-Festival and the motto of my book:

Each is special, UNIQUE , but none is preferable!
Only by integrating, coalescing into ONE UNION
can we LIVE and LOVE in zest and full-fill-ment

and Links to all chapters
Entry Pages, include
a Hebrew Summary
translated to English

Scanned Pages
of the German Book and the Hebrew Book


I marked names and quotations to convey the message:

"Whoever says something in the name of the person who said it,
brings redemption to the world"
[Avot 6,6 & Siddur]
red: Hebrew Bible and New Testament
orange-filled: Qumran, Apocrypha, Talmud&Midrash
green: other names, mainly of modern researchers

On this website each "bundle" [of pages in the paper-books] begins with the overview of all parts of the books.
Titles in blue refer to the content on the page you open.    Titles in grey refer to the rest of the books' titles

Bundle 1 / g10-15 / h28-34
Bundle 2 / g15-19 / h34-38
Bundle 3 / g20-27 / h39-47
Bundle 4
/ g27-30 / h47-49
Bundle 5 / g30-35 / h50-55
Bundle 6 / g35-47 / h55-66
Bundle 7 / g47-53 / h67-72
Bundle  8  / g 53-  56  / h 72- 75
Bundle  9  / g 59 -  65 / h 78- 84
Bundle 10
/ g 65- 68  / h 84- 87
Bundle 11 / g 69- 77  / h 87- 95
Bundle 12
/ g 77- 83 / h 95-101
Bundle 13 / g85- 96 / h105-116
Bundle 14
/g100-110 /h117-127
Bundle15 /g111-120 / h128-138
Bundle 16
/g121-130 / h139-147
Bundle 17/g130-138 / h147-154
Bundle 18/g138-148 / h154-163
Bundle 19
/g148-153 / h163-168
Bundle 20/g155-166 / h171-182
Bundle 21
/g166-176 / h182-191
Bundle 22 /g176-187 / h191-201
Bundle 23 /g189-200 / h203-215
Bundle 24 /g201-210 / h215-225
Bundle 25 /g210-222 / h225-237
Bundle 26 /g226-233 / h240-247
Bundle 27 /g233-245 / h247-259
Bundle 28
/g248-262 / h261-274
bundle 6: German p. 35-47 / Hebrew p. 55-66

F I R S T      P A R T
In German:T H E   S U F F E R E R S
In Hebrew:

First Chapter:: In German: Solidarity with Suffering Humankind In Hebrew: The Consciousness of Suffering common to all humans

Second Chapter :
In German:
The Suffering Nation
In Hebrew:
The Consciousness of Israel's Suffering
1. Israel's Destiny
2. The Literature of Calamities

G4.|H3. The Dead Sea Sect and Israel's Suffering
G5.|H4. The Christians/Messianists and Israel's Suffering

a. The Ideology of the Church
b. Jesus of Nazareth and Israel's suffering

c. Conversion of the guarantor into the revenger:
Zekharya ben Yehoyada

G6.|H5. Ezra the Seer and Israel's Suffering
Israel's Sages and Israel's Suffering
G8.|H7. Rabbi Aqiba and the Song of Songs (Canticle)

Third Chapter :
In German: The conduct towards the suffering fellow
In Hebrew: The Consciousness of the fellow's suffering

SECOND     P A R T :


THIRD     P A R T :

last update 2003_06_03

"To keep alive one soul, is as if keeping alive a whole world,
to loose one soul, is as if loosing a whole world",

This Midrash about Zekharya ben Yehoyada , Hebrew Bible, 2 Chronicles 24,20-22
the only prophet in the Hebrew Bible reported to be murdered,
told by Israel's Sages and reported in writing in 8(!)versions
 was one of their ways to cope with the holocaust of 133 AD,
the final end of any Jewish dominion over the Land of Israel.

  Hidden in these 8 versions is a wrenching outcry against both:
the Jewish rebels, whom they blamed for having brought on them this holocaust
and the Christians who interpreted this holocaust as the revenge of the Son of God.

The context are stories about "Betar",
the symbol of the rebellion of Bar-Kokhba in the years 130-133,
revered as a liberator in modern Israel,
but by Israel's Sages depicted as an atrocious leader,
who tested his fighters by cutting their thumbs - so they tell -
and whom they call not Bar-Kokhba,"Star-Son",
but Bar Koziba, "Deceiver-Son".



It is worthwhile to study the eight versions - worthwhile not only for researchers~~~ !
I don't know, how I had the strength and patience to prepare this table in 2 languages,
the harvest of which will be shared on the pages below.
Will someone be motivated to prepare this table in English?

The further I continue with this chapter - 2002_10_22, 0.15 PM - the more tears it brings up~~~
because of what happened then and seems to happen again,
and because there were people in Israel then, who became "parental" to what happened.
and because the Christians, who are my people too, have not yet become parental to it,
and because their Christ does not circle the earth and trumpet all over the universe:

Now I'm sobbing my heart out of my chest.

In the evening:
The encounter with this study, first brought to light thirty years ago, is getting weird.
It talks not only about Jesus in the disguise of a Biblical prophet, who had lived 800 years before,
a prophet, who was stoned by his own people,
and who got his revenge by seeing school children wrapped in their scrolls and burnt,
but about one of the finest Sages 100 years after the death of Jesus,
who was murdered by the very hands of that Starson/DeceiverSon,
which gave the Holy-one-blessed-be-He the justification for allowing millions to perish.
And who was this victim, who was given the task of the one who asks for revenge,
like the task that was given to Jesus in history, and to Zekharia in the Midrash?
Rabbi El'azar from Modi'in!
Modi'in, where I live, Modi'in, my hill, where I daily walk and daily work.
I found out that the Sages in my book are never called after the place of their origin,
except for "R. Yosi from Galilee" (which is a region, not a place)
and R. Nakhum with the strange title "Ish Gamzo", "the man from Gamzo" (a place close to Modi'in),
interpreted as "gam zo (le-tovah)", "also this( is for-the- best)",
R. Nakhum's teachings about integrating whatever happens to me.

            German Edition, p.37-38
                 Hebrew Edition, p. 56-57










p. 55a



p. 59

As to the slaughter of millions of children,
see the lines in Rafael Rosenzweig's poem for me, the German student, in Nov. 1960




p. 65






and Links to all chapters
Entry Pages, include
a Hebrew Summary
translated to English


Taizé — 17/08/2005

Frère Roger has entered the life of eternity
During the evening prayer on Tuesday 16 August,
in the midst of the crowd surrounding the Community
in the Church of Reconciliation,
a woman - probably mentally disturbed -
struck Brother Roger violently with knife blows.
He died a few moments later.

From BBC News
Brother Roger died as he lived,
praying with the community God founded through him.
He chose to live a simple, humble and vulnerable life,
a vulnerability that made him transparent with God's love.
That vulnerability made him who he was,
yet it cost him his life.
He was an abbot, a teacher and finally a martyr. ...

Addition on September 7, 2005
in memoriam Brother Roger
See in puzzle piece 1b, Driving Backward to Retrieve Goodness,
what I owe to him and his life's work; Taizé


In May 2012, around "Lag ba-Omer", the "festival" so resented by me, Efrat sent me the answer,
which Mika's teacher had given to her, in the name of that teacher's father-in-law, about "Bar-Koziba":

July 29, 2013
When I read this letter again,
and the "being overwhelmed" of both,
Efrat and Ya'acov,
and my reaction of shame and pain to this,
I wondered, if I'll ever learn.
I considered deleting it all,
but I want to feel my shame,
so as to more and more internalize
what has become a kind of jingle :
Keep it simple whatever you say,
just a tune that may remind them,
is what you should play!


puzzle piece 46
To Ya'acov, after he , too, expressed that he was overwhelmed by my Bar Koziba-Rabbi Aqiba research..