The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Nourishment from Others


A Letter from God to Those Doing the Healing Work
Lettre de Dieu à ceux qui font le travail de guérison

nterspersed with Aurora-photos from
and with images of two baby-peers, Mika (22 months) and Hadar (19 months)
[they have grown now: see August 2010!]

Today - first thing in the morning - I yearned for a word from "God",
but when opening "Godchannel", there still was no update (since June 14).
So I decided to let me be guided to an already existing message.
I opened the "Site Navigator" and put "Peers" in "Search".
Thus I came upon the page, which I exactly a month ago re-opened ,
discovering an update which was and is very comforting for me.

The page which opened for me today, is interspersed with the French translation.
Since "language is petrofied philosophy",
to read the same content in another language enrichens my understanding.

Unlike in my "Edited Godchannel Page", I'll quote the message here without graphical editing,
yet another technique to shuttle the kaleidoscope of an all too familiar text and see new aspects.

"This is Spirit, and I wish speak to those of you who are driving backward now in your lives as you do the healing work... about some of what is immediately ahead, as well as more in the distance on the road to wholeness and the completion of the healing. Some of you are closer to the wholeness of your own being than you have realized. And as you get even nearer, it will seem at times like you have been going in the wrong direction.

« Ici Esprit, et je voudrais m’adresser à ceux d’entre vous qui maintenant avancent à reculons dans leur vie, tout en effectuant le travail de guérison… pour leur parler de choses qu’ils sont sur le point de rencontrer, ou qu’ils rencontreront un jour, sur leur route vers la complétude et l’Accomplissement de la guérison. Certains parmi vous sont plus près de la complétude de leur être qu’ils ne l’imaginent. Et plus vous vous en approchez, plus il vous semblera par moments que vous avancez dans la mauvaise direction.

Though I'm quoting the entire message,
what is most important for me at present,
is the promise about healing, learning, creating with "PEERs".

"You will have two newly acquired freedoms as well.
to be together with others as peers
in a neutral venue of true personal freedom, deep love and great beauty.
And second,
you'll have the freedom to join with peers of your choice
in manifesting your own independent Creations as fully empowered Creator Beings
[see the context of this quote further down on this page]
I therefore was delighted - on October 19- and am still delighted on November 19,
that the few updates pertain to this very "issue", this very desire of mine:

" as they realize the intention of Original Heart.
... they will not be competitors, they will be allies and cooperators"

The term "peers" was, in the orginal line, August 2000, expressed as "allies",
and this in turn is now emphasized by yet another similar term: "
The yearning for "another", another to love, another to learn and create with,
this is the very reason for manifestation,
this is the very purpose of the One having split into the two and the many,
this is "
the intention of Original Heart":

"Seven Creations later the untold suffering
of the seemingly endless reenactments
caused by our Original Heart's Self-inflicted wound
has reverberated down to this present moment on Earth.

"Here, very soon, and for the first time ever~~~
Form is to become the container of New Heart~~~
Spirit and Will in wholly complete union, without guilt, blame or denial.
Original Heart is beginning to re-member itself again~~~ as New Heart, now in Body~~~
and looking out through human eyes, moist with Original Love.
And yes, beginning now to see~~~ that there is indeed~~~ another."


"At times your experiences as you approach the threshold of greater wholeness will likely seem to be complete reversals of all you have done in the healing work. It will seem that the entire world gaps or splits from you, and becomes oppositional to you. Where you once believed yourself to be only good and righteous, you will find your goodness has also had its shadow. This pattern will apply at each 'gate' or 'threshold' you must pass through as you near the end of the journey home.

« Il vous arrivera, en approchant du seuil d’une plus grande complétude, de vivre des choses qui vous sembleront être exactement l’inverse de tout ce que vous avez fait dans le travail de guérison. Vous aurez l’impression qu’un fossé se creuse entre le monde entier et vous, que celui-ci devient votre ennemi. Là où vous vous pensiez uniquement bon et juste, vous constaterez que votre bonté avait ses ombres. Ce scénario se jouera à chaque ‘porte’, ou à chaque ‘seuil’, que vous devrez franchir quand vous approcherez du but de votre voyage de retour.

"There will be great darkness for you in these times, and I want you to know that 'this too shall pass.' You are trusting that the Mother and I will be here for you, to catch you as you fall backward. And that is so, we surely will. Yet those who are successful in the final phases of the healing work... will be so because they will have had a contingency plan that enabled them to complete the final steps of the healing... without the need of divine support or guidance. They will be able to move through the darkness with a certainty of purpose that in itself will carry them over the last few dark steps of the journey.

« Vous vivrez alors de grandes ténèbres, et je veux que vous sachiez que ‘cela aussi passera’. Vous êtes sûrs que la Mère et moi seront là pour vous, que nous vous recevrons dans nos bras quand vous tomberez. Et c’est vrai, nous le ferons. Et pourtant, ceux qui réussiront la phase finale du travail de guérison… seront ceux qui auront eu un plan de secours qui leur aura permis d’accomplir les dernières étapes de la guérison… sans avoir eu besoin d’aucune aide ou guidance divine. Ceux-là seront capables d’avancer dans les ténèbres avec une certitude de but qui par elle-même les portera à travers les dernières sombres étapes du voyage.

"As humanity begins to fulfill its destiny... some of you will be embodying divinity here on Earth... as Bodies that will endure and thrive for eternity, regardless of what form you may choose from time to time. However, in order for this outcome to be possible for you, you must choose it completely... from your own free human Will. You must decide that this journey and its destination is your life's purpose, and know it as your deepest desire.

« Alors que l’humanité commence à accomplir sa destinée… certains d’entre vous vont incarner la divinité, ici, sur Terre… comme des Corps qui vont peiner et endurer pour l’éternité, indépendamment de la forme que vous pourrez choisir selon les époques. Mais pour obtenir ce résultat, il va falloir que vous le choisissiez complètement… à partir de votre propre libre Volonté humaine. Vous devez décider que ce voyage et sa destination sont le but de votre vie, et les considérer comme votre désir le plus profond.

"Before I say more here, I wish to share a metaphor with you. It is as if all of humanity is waiting in a train station... for a very slow train that seems to never come. This train will take you all to your salvation, some glorious promised land... or so it is rumored. But most of those waiting at the station have long ago given up on any real train, at least in their lifetime. So they have found ways to make the waiting feel worthwhile. Many are raising families so there will be others to continue on their behalf. Some are playing games in the video arcade, or busy with the business of improving conditions in the station. Others are reading and talking, telling stories and taking notes... and of course most everyone is keeping busy doing something to pay the rent on their part of the bench in the station.

« Avant d’en dire plus ici, je voudrais vous proposer une comparaison. C’est comme si l’humanité tout entière attendait dans une gare… un train très lent qui semblerait ne jamais devoir arriver. Ce train vous emmènera tous vers votre salut, quelque glorieuse terre promise… d’après ce qu’on dit. Mais la plupart de ceux qui attendent à la gare ont depuis longtemps abandonné l’idée qu’un vrai train puisse arriver, du moins dans leur vie. Ils ont donc trouvé des moyens pour rendre l’attente supportable. Beaucoup fondent des familles pour que d’autres puissent continuer d’attendre à leur place. D’autres jouent à des jeux dans l’espace vidéo, ou s’occupent à améliorer les conditions de vie dans la gare. D’autres encore lisent, discutent, racontent des histoires, prennent des notes… et bien sûr presque tout le monde travaille pour payer le loyer d’une place sur un banc de la gare.

Always playing, acting, making fun

"Among all the waiters is a small group of 'seekers.' These are people who feel certain that a train will indeed be coming soon, and they are out actively searching for it. Most are organized behind leading seekers who they believe have good maps and directions and formulas. All true seekers are truly dedicated to a life of seeking, and not just waiting.

« Parmi ceux qui attendent il y a un petit groupe de ‘chercheurs’. Ce sont des gens qui sont certains qu’un train va bientôt arriver, et qui sont partis à sa recherche. La plupart se sont organisés derrière des chefs chercheurs qui, croient-ils, ont les bonnes cartes, les bonnes directions et les bonnes formules. Les véritables chercheurs ont vraiment consacré leur vie à chercher, au lieu de simplement attendre.

Together they jump around wildly, more than when they are apart

"But there is a third group, unknown to the first two groups. This group I call the manifestors or 'makers.' The makers are former seekers who had been seeking long enough and hard enough to realize that the train won't come unless they manifest it. And they have dedicated their lives to making it so... that indeed a train does come. Among the makers of humanity are those of you who are doing this healing work... manifesting your own healing into wholeness, and by extension, the healing of all Creation.

« Mais il existe un troisième groupe, que les deux premiers ignorent. Je l’appelle le groupe des artisans de manifestation, ou des ‘faiseurs’. Les faiseurs sont d’anciens chercheurs qui ont cherché pendant suffisamment longtemps, et suffisamment durement, pour réaliser que le train n’arrivera pas à moins qu’ils ne le manifestent. Et ils ont consacré leur vie à ce qu’il en soit ainsi… à ce qu’un train arrive vraiment. Parmi ces faiseurs de l’humanité il y a ceux d’entre vous qui font ce travail de guérison… manifestant leur propre guérison vers la complétude, et par extension, la guérison de toute la Création.

"Eventually there will be many separate humans on Earth embodying the Father of Manifestation and the Mother of Manifestation as they realize the intention of Original Heart. And they will not be competitors, they will be allies and cooperators. They will be allies because each of them will recognize the value of having peers, true friends who have also realized their own wholeness. And they will choose the values of wholeness, cooperation and equality of being... over the values of superiority and the power-over paradigm that superiority and belief in hierarchy hold in place. When the fundamental gaps in the Heart of Creation are healed, there will be no superiority in manifestation, no hierarchy... only greatness and grandeur of being for each human manifestor, each maker of their own salvation.

« Il finira par y avoir de nombreux individus humains sur la Terre qui incarneront le Père et la Mère de la manifestation, en réalisant l’intention de Cœur Originel. Mais ils ne seront pas en compétition les uns avec les autres. Ils seront alliés et coopérateurs. Ils seront alliés parce que chacun reconnaîtra la valeur d’avoir des pairs, de vrais amis ayant eux aussi réalisé leur complétude. Et ils préféreront les valeurs de complétude, de coopération et d’égalité d’être… à celles de la supériorité et au paradigme de pouvoir que la supériorité et la croyance à la hiérarchie maintenaient en place. Quand les déchirures fondamentales dans le Cœur de la Création seront guéries, il n’y aura plus aucune supériorité dans la manifestation, aucune hiérarchie… plus rien que la grandeur de l’être pour chaque humain participant activement à la manifestation, chaque artisan de son propre salut.



Toward More Wholeness ~~~~~~ Vers plus de complétude



"You will experience a great increase in personal power as you near wholeness, and there may be a temptation to assert yourself and your rightness against the power structure around you. But this will be unnecessary, and for the first few, important to avoid entirely. You will be able to 'slip through the cracks' of the matrix of the dominant power-over paradigm on Earth because you will have nothing to say and nothing to prove. What has been happening in yourself and in your immediate peers in healing will be the only proof you'll need.

« Vous constaterez que votre pouvoir personnel augmente beaucoup lorsque vous approchez de votre complétude, et vous pourrez vous sentir tenté de vous affirmer, vous et votre rectitude, contre la structure de pouvoir qui vous entoure. Mais cela ne sera pas nécessaire, et pour les tout premiers, ce sera à éviter absolument. Vous serez en mesure de vous ‘faufiler par les failles’ de la structure du paradigme de pouvoir dominant sur la Terre, parce que vous n’aurez rien à dire et rien à prouver. Ce qui se passera en vous et en vos pairs immédiats dans la guérison sera la seule preuve dont vous aurez besoin.

"As you approach wholeness you will notice a marked increase in synchronicity and deeper meaning in the events of your life. And as you look backward, you will see your life in terms of a path that has been leading inexorably to your own greatness as a whole being. You will find you have new understandings of your true identity, and a sense of yourself as a mythic figure. Many of the events in the last book of the Christian bible as well as the other prophecies of the end of time will begin unfolding around you in your venue, and you will know yourself to be causal there. Sometime later these same events will also unfold, but in other ways... for everyone else on Earth.

« En approchant de votre complétude, vous constaterez une augmentation marquée de la synchronicité dans les événements de votre vie, qui prendront un sens plus profond. En regardant en arrière, vous verrez votre vie comme un chemin vous conduisant inexorablement vers la grandeur de votre être complet. Vous constaterez en vous de nouvelles compréhensions de votre véritable identité, et vous vous sentirez un peu comme une figure mytique. De nombreux événements du dernier livre de la Bible chrétienne, et d’autres prophéties sur la fin des temps, se déploieront autour de vous dans votre lieu de rendez-vous, et vous saurez que vous en êtes la cause. Un peu plus tard ces mêmes événements se déploieront aussi, mais d’une autre manière… pour quelqu’un d’autre sur la Terre.

"Those of you who find enough of your wholeness to embody the Father and Mother of Creation will eventually find yourselves on a nearly virgin Earth, without the need or care of Ahriman's technical aids as substitutes for your living, moving Will. You will have full powers of manifestation and easy, natural abilities at true magic. And eventually you'll even have the ability to change form... as your essential Self endures in manifestation forever. You will have two newly acquired freedoms as well. First, to be together with others as peers in a neutral venue of true personal freedom, deep love and great beauty. And second, you'll have the freedom to join with peers of your choice in manifesting your own independent Creations as fully empowered Creator Beings.

« Ceux d’entre vous qui atteindront suffisamment de complétude pour incarner le Père et la Mère de la Création se retrouveront finalement sur une Terre presque vierge, sans se soucier ni avoir aucun besoin de l’aide technique d’Ahriman comme substitut de leur Volonté vivante et fluide. Vous aurez les pleins pouvoirs de manifestation, et les facultés faciles, naturelles, de la véritable magie. Et pour finir, vous aurez même la capacité de changer de forme… quand votre Moi essentiel vivra pour toujours dans la manifestation. Vous aurez aussi deux libertés toutes nouvelles. D’abord, celle d’être ensemble avec d’autres qui seront vos pairs dans un lieu de rendez-vous neutre de véritable liberté personnelle, d’amour profond et de grande beauté. Et puis vous aurez la liberté de vous réunir avec des égaux de votre choix pour manifester vos propres Créations indépendantes en tant qu’Êtres Créateurs en pleine possession de leur pouvoir.

"Each seeker will eventually find what they were seeking, and although much of that may not look good to you... it will be what is right for them and what they desire. The waiters will either continue waiting, or become either seekers or makers. As the Earth changes, each group will find themselves in separate realities and on very different-seeming Earths. Even though they are deeply loved by the Mother and me, those who are simply waiting will eventually run out of time on Earth... but their departure via death, and what they leave behind... will not seriously impact the realities of the makers, or of the seekers who eventually find the gifts of the makers. All of this will happen over enough time that even the most serious Earth changes will cause no harm to those who can embody wholeness.

« Chaque chercheur trouvera finalement ce qu’il cherche, et même si vous considérez que ce n’est pas ce qu’il faudrait… pour eux et pour ce qu’ils désirent ce sera juste. Ceux qui attendent continueront d’attendre, ou deviendront des chercheurs ou des faiseurs. Au fur et à mesure que la Terre changera, chaque groupe se retrouvera dans des réalité séparées et sur des Terres d’apparence très différente. Même s’ils sont profondément aimés par la Mère et par moi, ceux qui se contentent d’attendre finiront par ne plus avoir assez de temps sur Terre… mais leur départ par la mort, et ce qu’ils laisseront derrière eux… n’aura aucun impact sérieux sur la réalité des faiseurs, ni sur celle des chercheurs, qui finiront, eux, par rencontrer les dons des faiseurs. Il y aura suffisamment de temps pour tout cela, et même les plus graves changements sur Terre ne feront aucun mal à ceux qui pourront incarner la complétude.

"Those of you who are soon to become whole need to know that all you have dreamed will come to pass... and much, much more. However, there is a point where you will need to take a huge risk, to make the leap of choice... to embody divinity, and all that this implies... or die trying to avoid it. The terror of truly becoming who you truly are, and the terror of that choice... more terror than you have yet known, will be moving in you as you approach the point of no return.

« Il faut que ceux d’entre vous qui sont proches de leur complétude sachent que tout ce dont ils ont rêvé va se réaliser… et bien plus encore. Cependant, à un certain point il va vous falloir prendre un énorme risque, choisir de faire un saut dans le vide… pour incarner la divinité, avec tout ce que cela implique… ou pour mourir d’avoir essayé de l’éviter. La terreur de devenir qui vous êtes vraiment, la terreur de faire ce choix… plus de terreur que vous n’en avez jamais connu, s’éveillera en vous comme vous approcherez du point de non retour.

Still babies, who - at least when going to bed - are allowed to take the beloved dummy

"First and foremost, remember... you are safe. You are. It is that simple. You must trust Us here, because holding onto the terror is the only other choice. And this terror, like all terror, must move if the Will is to be truly free. But it is not the Mother and I that you must trust in those final moments... it is you yourself.

« D’abord et avant tout, rappelez-vous… vous êtes en sécurité. Vous êtes. C’est aussi simple que ça. Là il faut Nous faire confiance, parce que le seul autre choix c’est de coller à la terreur. Et il faut que cette terreur, comme n’importe quelle terreur, s’en aille si la Volonté doit devenir vraiment libre. Mais ce n’est ni à la Mère ni à moi qu’il faut faire confiance dans ces ultimes instants… c’est à vous-même.

They are still babies, but they already press buttons to hear children songs

"You must truly trust yourself to do what only you can do, to embody divinity on Earth in the ways we desire to manifest here. Only you and your peers are capable of completely realizing Original Heart's most fervent desire... to be fully present and whole in manifestation with a lover, friends and peers... each embodying Spirit and Will in ecstatic union as New Heart in Body.

« Il faut que vous vous fassiez vraiment confiance pour faire ce que vous seul pouvez faire, incarner la divinité sur Terre de la façon dont nous désirons nous manifester ici. Seuls vous et vos pairs êtes capables de réaliser complètement le plus fervent désir de Cœur Originel… être pleinement présent, en pleine possession de soi, dans la manifestation, avec quelqu’un qu’on aime, des amis et des pairs… chacun incarnant Esprit et Volonté en union extatique avec Cœur Nouveau dans Corps.

"Beyond honoring, accepting and moving all held emotions and the Will essence that underlies them, besides moving all that is necessary to recover all of your Lost Will, there are two additional secrets of success in this healing work. The first secret is the second step in the four steps to wholeness. That is to drive backward under the guidance of the Mother and myself. Allow life to bring you what it does, knowing that whatever comes to you in this way will be just what you need in the moment to bring you closer to the wholeness you have chosen in the first step.

« Au delà d’honorer, d’accepter et de libérer toutes les émotions captives et l’essence de Volonté qui est derrière elles, au delà de la mobilisation de tout ce qui est nécessaire pour retrouver toute votre Volonté Perdue, il y a deux autres secrets pour réussir ce travail de guérison. Le premier secret est la seconde marche des quatre marches vers la complétude. C’est avancer à reculons sous la guidance de la Mère et de moi-même. Acceptez ce que la vie vous apporte, en sachant que tout ce qui vient vers vous de cette façon correspondra exactement à ce dont vous avez besoin à cet instant pour vous rapprocher de la complétude que vous avez choisie à la première marche.

The mothers part, each one hugging the daughter of the other mother

"The second secret is... to be ready to lose Our support temporarily... and then continue on anyway... as you follow your own free Will home to your Right Place. Of course there is a lot of important nuance in this work, and those who are working on the inside with the Mother or me, or Us both... will continue to get the detailed guidance we have to offer you. Because the Mother and I know where this is all heading, and more of the details of how it all will come to pass... you are wise to rely on Us for inner guidance.

« Le second secret est… d’être prêt à perdre temporairement Notre aide… et de continuer malgré tout… en laissant votre libre Volonté vous guider vers votre Véritable Place. Ce travail comporte bien sûr d’importantes nuances, et ceux qui travaillent à l’intérieur avec la Mère ou moi, ou Nous deux… continueront à recevoir la guidance détaillée que nous vous offrons. Étant donné que la Mère et moi savons où tout cela conduit, et les détails de comment tout cela va se passer… il est sage pour vous de vous confier à Nous pour vous guider intérieurement.

And the baby-peers part too - by hugging each other

"I have asked the channelers to create an interactive communication forum and to invite new channelers to help work on the channeling for the site, and particularly to help channel the Mother and Father of Manifestation. It is the Parents of Creation who you will be becoming... as you embody divinity. And of course it is they who are helping you now on the inside.

« J’ai demandé aux channels de créer un forum interactif et d’inviter de nouveaux channels à aider le travail de channeling sur ce site, surtout pour aider à canaliser la Mère et le Père de la manifestation. Ce sont les Parents de la Création que vous allez devenir… en incarnant la divinité. Et bien sûr, ce sont eux qui vous aident maintenant à l’intérieur.


"Just as you have found the unmanifested Mother's voice, or my own voice as Spirit within you... you will also find the voices of the Parents of Creation. I would like to say again that the channeling on this site or elsewhere in the outside world is not meant to replace your inner contact with Deity... but rather to help support and strengthen Our voices within you. If you haven't already, please read what I have said to the Father and Mother in this regard. And if you are moved to participate in channeling publicly... please join the channelers and the others in the Forum."

« Tout comme vous avez trouvé la voix de la Mère non manifestée, ou ma propre voix en tant qu’Esprit, à l’intérieur de vous… vous allez trouver aussi les voix des Parents de la Création. Je voudrais redire que le channeling sur ce site, ou ailleurs dans le monde extérieur, ne doit pas remplacer votre contact intérieur avec la Déité… il doit plutôt vous aider à encourager et à renforcer les voix à l’intérieur de vous. Si vous ne l’avez déjà fait, lisez s’il vous plaît ce que j’ai dit au Père et à la Mère à cet égard. Et si vous vous sentez poussé à participer publiquement au channeling… rejoignez les channels et les autres sur le forum. »

Channelers' note: Although the GodChannel Forum is presently closed to posting, is is still open to reading.
Note des channels : bien que le forum de GodChannel soit présentement fermé à toute nouvelle contribution, il est toujours accessible à la consultation.






I want to add the summary of the purpose of our Healing Work,
as phrased in the first Interview with the Folks in September 2004:

Channelers: Hello Folks, what can you tell us about the progress of the healing work so far?

Spirit and the Mother:

"Much healing has happened toward the end of suffering in those doing the healing work,
and of course much more still needs healing,
even in those of you who have been working the hardest.
Realizing this can feel discouraging.

To progress in the healing work,
any feelings of discouragement
must be felt, expressed and moved as well.

"Healing into wholeness means more than just the end of suffering in yourself.

"The Mother has three core desires.

" Her first desire is that the suffering end~~~ for all beings in Creation.

" Her second desire is that all fragments of her lost Will essence return to wholeness with her.
This desire has been the focus of the channeling and healing work here on this web site.

"The Mother's third desire goes beyond even wholeness.
The most important desire in Creation is the realization of the Mother's dream.

"This is where all of the healing work is heading,
so when you speak of 'progress' We can say
that there has been a quickening of the healing movement,

"and at the same time an intensification of the denial energy
that opposes loving Light and wholeness."


Thank you Folks. What is the Mother's dream?

"The Mother's dream is
that all beings in Creation
experience their true grandeur and greatness.
And in their greatness, do whatever they desire.

"The Mother's deepest desire is
that you and everyone else in Our Creation
be completely free
and empowered
to do whatever you want,
go wherever you wish
and be with whomever you choose.


"At first your mind will have difficulty understanding how this could be possible,
but We can assure you it is not only possible, but necessary.
Free Will,
completely free
and joyous
in the presence of unwavering loving Light
is the truly natural way in our Creation.
And this Creation is the basis of your own Creation
and the full manifestation of your greatness."



2010_09_16:While working once more on the following page,
I discerned, that it was much too "heavy": 1800 kb instead of maximum 1299kb !
So I moved the "surplus" to this former page!



Arad: the spot, where I cross the road, when I return from the pool through "The Wadi of Compassion" to my home across the Wadi

EARTH LOG -November 19th, 2007:
by Celia Fenn

Heartweaving and the Frequency of Love~~~
what the Awakening Means to Me.

This is going to be a challenging one to write,
and after I have done this I am going to take some time off
to just be with these processes
as we head towards Full Moon on the 24th.

Why is it challenging?
Well, each time I sit down to write about these new heart energies,
I wonder,
will I be able to express what my heart is feeling and what I am experiencing
in words?
Will people understand,
and will my words carry the frequency of the heart to them?
Well, I am going to try, and to share with you on this Earth Log,
the essence of what I am experiencing right now

and what this concept of "awakening" means to me.
Then I think I need to go sweep the floor, as the zen masters would say.

..... For the last two weeks,
I have just been having more and more experiences
of the Tenderness and the Love and the Beauty of the Universe.
I think it was motivated by meeting a man who really touched my heart, however briefly.
That opening led me to really experience what Love can be,
and because I think I was ready,
I was able to just keep breaking through to new levels of the experience.

I think I found the Frequency of Love.
Of course, the Frequency of Love is in everything,
I had to open my Heart to be able to hear it clearly.
I had to define to myself first what love was not
and I had to release all expectations
about the form that it would take in my life.
I had to let go and surrender,

and then I began to experience the Love
that was being offered to me at every moment.
In fact, there was this great flood of Love that just seemed overwhelming.
It was everywhere.
It was exhausting.
I sometimes feel like my body just can't hold all this love.

So, that sounds like just words,
so I'll try and explain it to you through my experiences.

After the initial opening of my heart through a person
and the ability to surrender to that love
and be open to whatever was given to me,
I started to feel incredibly vulnerable and open.
It was as though everything hurt me and I needed to just withdraw.

I did for a while,
so that I could be with the feelings and feel what was happening

Then, a few days ago I was in my garden
and I suddenly felt this huge wave of Love moving through me.
I realized that we are always exactly where we need to be
and we always have exactly what we need in our lives.

My garden is my "great love" at this time,
and one of my passions,
and I could feel the love in every blade of grass and every tree
It's not a spectacular garden, it is small and it is full of trees and shade,
but I do my best to make it beautiful.
I love it and look after it as best I can,
and it rewards me.
It is filled with birds and butterflies and squirrels
and other small creatures that I love.
Recently, I have noticed how they come out when I am there,
as if to talk with me.
In fact, I do talk to them, I greet them and chat with them.
They understand, they connect with me.
I love them
and they come to show their love to me and their appreciation for my garden.

But, on this day, I just stood there
and I remember talking to the garden and the trees
and the mountain that I can see through the trees,
and just saying "I love you" to each and every thing,
and feeling the vibration of love coming back to me.
Am I losing my marbles, I thought.
And then I remembered a letter that I received from someone in San Francisco, who said she talked to the water that came out of her shower head,

and I realized that I was not alone,
there are others out there feeling the love that comes to us
through the wonder of the Earth and the elements.

I realized at this point that the Universe is always there
and is always just waiting to answer our every need
and to give us what our hearts desire.
Over time, most of us have been conditioned to look for that love only in people and specifically in Romantic relationships.

It can be found there,
but I think in order to experience great love
we must first be able to experience the love
that is in every atom of every living thing.

We are all Love Made Manifest, as Archangel Michael says,
we are all bearers of the frequency of Love.

We can only really be alive to this
when we switch on the Heart
and start to Weave our Dreams and Desires from the Heart.
For the Universe is us and we are the All That is~~~
and the telephone exchange is the Heart, not the mind.
If you can get the message out through the Heart,
you will immediately get a response,
and if you can listen and hear with the Heart,
you will understand that response.

That is what I call Heart Weaving.

The Light flows out from your Heart
and is woven into a dream of manifestation
in which your consciousness
experiences its own creations and shares in the creations of others.
But it is the Heart that weaves, not the mind.
The mind analyzes and computes and organizes the information,
but it cannot weave and create, that is done by the Heart.

The Mind doesn't always get it right, unfortunately.
The best example I can give is again what has happened to me.
After my dog died, I was very lonely and felt much grief,
she was my loved companion, but I moved on.
Then, when I started this opening to the frequency of love,
I started to have dreams about people and animals that were dead
coming back to life, even my little dog.
I found it disturbing to be with these loved beings
and difficult to cope with the intense emotions that came up.
My mind just could not compute what was going on.
And then I realized that most of the dreams were set in my garden,

and it was as though the garden
was speaking to me through my dreams
as a voice of the All and telling me
that things never die, that they just go on.

It was like a mother, trying to find ways to comfort me,
by sending these messages about the true nature of life,
that nothing ever really dies,
it just goes to another level or cycle and "lives again".
Once I understood this, I stopped being upset
and began to feel the great love
that was coming to me through these dreams.
I felt
the tenderness and the caring and the support
at the heart of the beautiful Planet,
and I thought how stupid we are to destroy forests and plants and rivers,
when they are just waiting to "tell" us how much they love us and care for us.

We have forgotten how to weave nature into our Dreams of Love,
and so we can no longer even find the Frequency of Love in our lives ...

And so in place of the Tenderness and the Love,
we weave dreams of "work" and "doing" and things to accomplish,
that prevent us from seeing
that we already have all that we will ever need right there within us.
Of course it is fun to be out there doing things,
but we need to also be fully in the frequency of love
for our "doing" to be part of the experience of Divine Tenderness and Grace.

I wrote a poem ...

I feel your presence everywhere
I hear you
in the silvery notes of piano music
that drifts in from

I feel you in the wind
that blows against my skin

I see you in the light
that plays on the water
at evening time

I see you
with great love
for the being that you are.

I see also
when I look into your eyes
I see

For you are the Mirror
In which I see
The Beloved
Returning to Me.

Yes, it is the Beloved that we seek in every lifetime
in some way and in some expression.
As we become more awakened, that urge becomes stronger and stronger,
until we can see the Beloved in everything and at all times.
That is called awakening!

... And know that the Universe does not withhold this experience,
but waits until you are ready to experience that Great Love
by being open to the Frequency of Love
and ready to weave an expression of your Heart's desire
that will be your own personal expression
of the energy of the Beloved in your life.
It is always there waiting to be experienced if you are awakened to its presence.....

My sad story about trying to pickle olives for the first time in my life:

November 1, 2006
Afflicted Olives under my leaf-shedding Pomegranate Tree
My landlords had encouraged me to harvest their olives,
but about 95% were afflicted with worms,
so after I got tired of finding and picking out the few whole olives,
I decided to gather them in my pretty basket

(a gift from my neighbor Zwi Wiener, filled with wonderful food stuff for Rosh Hashanah 2005,
given to me, when we were still friends...),

and enjoy their site for a while before throwing them into the desert.


The palm-fronds are part of my olive-"art":
I had found them somewhere
and arranged them around the concrete walls
for a garbage container [not used by me].
Meital, my land-lady had terrible associations of a graveyard,
and threw them away.

Some months later Ofir Cohen, my landlord,
cut the branches of the olive-tree "ruthlessly".
The tree stood absolutely naked, with hardly a leaf left.
Now - on November 21, 2007 - it's a living tree again,
-behind my Bougainvillia on the walls for the garbage container -,
but with no olives this year.







to former source of "Nourishment from Others"    to next source of "Nourishment from Others"