The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



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InteGRATion into GRATeFULLness
Singing&Sounding keeps me Sound


What is it, that I have to say about Christmas, Weihnachten,
44 years after I celebrated it for the last time?
See on December 24, 2007.

Es ist ein Ros entsprungen

Es ist ein Ros entsprungen

Christmas Folksong
16th century

based on what Christians understand as a prophecy in Isaiah 11
A shoot will come up
from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots
a branch will bear fruit

Since I cannot identify with the text,
I may not sing it,
but since its tune
brings up feelings
of happiness,
I'll remember it
in my Song Game
like some other
Christmas songs.

Listen to 3 different midi-tunes
What is most special for me,
is an overtone performance (by whom?),

which I inserted somewhere in puzzle-pieces in 2002,
See also the song tomorrow

1. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
Aus einer Wurzel zart.
Wie uns die Alten sungen,
Aus Jesse kam die Art
Und hat ein Blümlein bracht,
Mitten im kalten Winter,
Wohl zu der halben Nacht.

2. Das Röslein das ich meine,
Davon Jesaias sagt:
Maria ist's, die Reine,
Die uns das Blümlein bracht.
Aus Gottes ew'gen Rat
Hat sie ein Kind geboren
Wohl zu der halben Nacht.

3. Das Blümelein so kleine,
Das duftet uns so süß,
Mit seinem hellen Scheine
Vertreibt's die Finsternis.
Wahr' Mensch und wahrer Gott,
Hilf uns aus allem Leide,
Rettet von Sünd' und Tod.



A Spotless Rose is growing,
Sprung from a tender root,
Of ancient seers' foreshowing,
Of Jesse promised fruit;
Its fairest bud unfolds to light
Amid the cold, cold winter,
And in the dark midnight.

The Rose which I am singing,
Whereof Isaiah said,
Is from its sweet root springing
In Mary, purest Maid;
Through God's great love and might
The Blessed Babe she bare us
In a cold, cold winter's night.


En rose så jeg skyde
op af den frosne jord,
alt som os fordum spåde
profetens trøsteord.
Den rose spired frem
midt i den kolde vinter
om nat ved Bethlehem.

For rosen nu jeg kvæder
omkap med Himlens hær:
en jomfru var hans moder,
Maria ren og skær.
I ham brød lyset frem
midt i den mørke vinter
om nat ved Bethlehem.

Den rose fin og lille
har dejlig duft og skær,
den lyse for os ville
og sprede mørket her.
I sandhed mand og Gud,
af syndens nød og pine
han nådig hjalp os ud.


to former song    to next song

SongGame 2007_12_29
German&Hebrew Canons

SongGame 2007_12_26
German Christian Hymns
SongGame 2007_12_25
Stille Nacht
SongGame 2007_12_23
Ihr Kinderlein, kommet
SongGame 2007_12_22
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
SongGame 2007_12_24
Ich steh an deiner Krippen
SongGame 2007_12_28
Jewish Festival Songs
1960-11-04~~~Christian & Jewish, Israeli & German~~~2010-11-04


Exactly two weeks later I had another experience with this grave and this graveyard.
Yanina, my friend - when she heard my story about Meir and Maria Guth's grave - said:
I want to go there with you.
And so we went there on October 29, 2010

See a scene with Mika, an hour before Yanina fetched me


We first visited my mother's grave
and then moved over to that painted wall,
and immersed ourselves in the scenes.
I explained what I saw as a mystical neighborhood
between the grave "Walking with God"
of an Asian person and Noah's flood behind it.
And then we reached something
I hadn't seen 2 weeks earlier.
"this might be Melchizedek and Abraham!" I said.

In that moment we felt that someone was behind us.
We turned around and heard:

"I am the painter. Patricia is my name!"

It turned out, that she had started only a year ago,
and intended to paint the entire, endless wall,
till the last section
"with the story of Jesus".
And she added: I can paint only in spring and in the fall!
In winter it's too cold and in summer the paint dries up.
I need people in the USA to sponsor my work."

Then she asked about my mother's relation to Israel,
and both I and Yanina were stunned by my story....

(see about my experience with my Altzheimer sick mother
in the Hebrew pages of 1994, now inserted in Learn&Live)


One who escaped came and told Avram the Hebrew-
he was dwelling by the Oaks of Mamre...
When Avram heard that his brother had been taken prisoner...
... he returned his brother Lot and his property, and also the women and folks.
Now Malki-Tzedek, king of Shalem,
brought out bread and wine,

- for he was priest of God Most-High,
and gave him blessing and said;
Blessed be Avram by God Most-High,
Founder of Heaven and Earth!

And blessed be God Most-High,
who has delivered your oppressors into your hand!
He gave him a tenth of everything.
Genesis 14: 13-21 , translation of Everett Fox

The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent:
'Thou [David] art a priest for ever
after the manner of Melchizedek.'

Psalm 110:4

"How do you imagine the appearance of Mechizedek?" Patricia asked me.
"What you painted is much better than what I imagined. this is Melchizedek!"



The real rays of the sun interacted with the painted rays on the wall,
while Yanina consented to my quest to sit at the edge of my mother's grave,
like she had done - together with Nimr Ismair - in 1985,
when they helped me to install the Cross+David-Star

When Yanina saw, that we wouldn't make it in time to Yad-va-Shem
and the Tree of her savior, in the "Garden of the Righteous among the Nations",

she said: "Don't be pressured! It's enough what I've experienced."
She invited me to a delicious meal in a nearby restaurant,
I took a photo - but it would spoil the wondrous image above.

Shabbat, October 30, 2010 - an e-mail with the subject "Your Grandmother's Grave"

Shalom to Regina and your family and to my children and your families!

You all agree, that the encounter of the second generation of Maria Guth was a blessing for everyone.

What I want to point out now, is the experience in the Templers' graveyard, where your grandmother is buried.

7 years ago, 2003, I noted beneath some photographs: "this was probably the last time I visited Mutti's grave".
Now, all of a sudden, I visited it 3 times within 2 weeks.
First in the early morning (6:30) of Friday, Oct. 15, alone - just to find out, if my key still fitted.
Then - after the brit of Tamir's son (birth>brit>burial...) - together with Regina, Ralf, Domi and Tina.
This time I had forgotten the key in the car, but when we came , the gate was wide open.
Inside we found a man, the guard and guide Meir Aaron, a Messianic Jew, as he informed me.
He was utterly perplex, even elated, when I told him, that The cross+David-Star was my mother's grave.

"For 10 years I've been telling the many groups that come here, and which always wondered about this symbol:
I don't know who Maria Guth (he said Guthe) was, but of one thing I'm sure: she loved Israel.!"

He suggested to restore the iron sculpture, which is eaten away by rust.
He also suggested to plant 2 rose-bushes,
(he doesn't know, that only this year, in February, I planted 3 rose-bushes in Arad,
in honor of my 3 Rosen-Zweig children...),
and this in addition to the two geranium shrubs which he himself planted years ago,
(they are different from the one I planted myself,
a geranium which I planted in Ramat-Hadar in 1964, then transferred it Ramat-Gan in 1981,
then to the gardens of each of you three children, and finally from Micha's garden to Arad).

I began to grasp, that the grave-sculpture is there not only in memory of our mother
(Ursel, when - in a letter - I proposed that drawing of mine:
"Yes that's symbolizing our mother: She had a Christian daughter and she had a Jewish daughter") ,
but has meaning for many more people.
Since I had spent 1 1/2 hours with the rest of the extremely interesting graves,
and since Meir showed us also the split-off part of the cemetery,
with the graves of the original Templers - all from my home-country in and around Stuttgart...
and since I was driven to study the achievements of these German settlers in the Holy Land,
which is strikingly parallel to the achievements of the first generations of Zionist settlers,
I became more and more connected to the meaning of your Christian grandmother's grave in Jerusalem.

When I told Yanina about the experience in the graveyard, she said spontaneously:
"I want to go there with you and think about your and my mother (murdered in the holocaust),
and Marisha, the Polish woman, to whom I owe my live and for whom I've planted a tree
in the "Garden of the Righteous among the Nations at Yad -ve-Shem"
[see Wikipedia].
In the 45 years of our friendship we've never done something together just the two of us...,
We fixed a Friday, the only day she is "free", when I would be in Shoham,
which was yesterday, October 29.

And again something unexpected happened, which had never happened since 1985.
2 weeks before, when I was there alone and then with Regina's family,
I was stunned by a huge painting on one wall, with continous scenes from Creation till The Flood.
Now, when we stood in front of it - after having visited Maria Guth's grave - and I explained Yanina,
what we were seeing and how the painter interpreted the stories which are so extremely relevant for me,
suddenly an American woman was approaching us, Patricia, of the hippie-generation in the sixties.
"I am the painter, I started it a year ago, and it's going to cover the entire wall till the time of Jesus.
I can only work during several months, when it's neither too cold nor too dry."
She then asked something about my mother, and I was surprised, and so was Yanina,
that I said something, I had never even thought about before:
My mother, as terrible as her behavior was in general, never ever said anything against Jews.
On the contrary, she told me, why an outbreak of antisemitism on my father's side,
almost brought their engagement to an end.
This was in such contrast to almost every German Christian at that time,
including my brother and my sister, who said some nasty things to me against Jews.
So Meir Aaron is right after all: "the only thing I know about Maria Guth, is,
that she must have loved Israel!"

Yanina enjoyed this experience so much, that it didn't matter to her,
that we had no time anymore to go to Yad-va-Shem .

I then fixed with Meir, that in January we would carry out the restauration and the planting,
so that perhaps on February 20, 2011, 26 years after Maria Guth's death in Israel
our family , at least the family in Israel, will gather around that Jewish-Christian symbol....
How strange, that not only the Jewish grandmother of my children is buried in Germany,
but even your father is not buried in Israel and, as you, Micha, told me now,
not even his name on the tombstone is spelled in Hebrew.

The attachments show a composition, which I've created now,
- I hope all of you enjoy it, though not all of you are visible on it.

AGain: I'm so happy and content (in Hebrew: I have such "nakhat"),
that there was such a connection and communication between all of you!

Rachel, Imma

To this letter I attached
a few compositions,
see the originals and subtitles
on the first page
of the "Graveyard-Sequence"




1960-11-04~~~Christian & Jewish, Israeli & German~~~2010-11-04

On Oct. 13, 2010, the second day of our German family's visit
Ronnit, Regina's cousin, and only half a year younger than her,
met them at Tel-Aviv and guided them through Yaffo and Neve-Tzedek.

Four young women - walking along the beach of Yaffo-Tel-Aviv and passing by two other women

Again four young women - two are mothers the same age and two are 17 year old twins - pass by other women, one with a small daughter


This seems to be a pretty house in Neve-Tzedek - I never was there, since it has become so famous


continuation in SongGame 2007_12_24-Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier