Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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( of Latin characters only!) my
eldest granddaughter's video-gallery
9, Wednesday, at Shoham
re-edited on July 9, 2013, Arad
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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you
want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let
happen what may!
I desire to improve
my "fine-tuning" to the more subtle judgments
behind inner/outer
like - Mika's rejecting behavior does not really hurt
my ego as grandma,
(and if she would say, as taught: 'savta,
please, I want to be alone',
it would be perfectly fine).
I discovered 2 fears, which are triggered, one, that "I'm
not good enough" in my son's eyes,
and the second, that they might be hurt for MY sake, like
in the case of Elah, my son's eldest.
I desire to heal these fears, and - until then - to allow
myself to simply ignore Mika (or Ayelet...),
when I should again cast them into the role of rejecting
and even humiliating me. |
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
To my Body
and to "Ezriel, my Equipment-Angel", who fulfilled
my wish within 7 hours -
and to Efrat, my daughter-in-love, who unwittingly became
Ezriel's messenger
[a woman passed by her office selling cheap
clothes and without any knowledge,
that I desired clothing that would hide my belly, she asked
for a "tunica" for me,
and at home, when I revealed my desire, added 2 trousers &
a skirt from her own]
to you three I am dedicating this composition
comfortably (!) dressed dancing Rachel in
front of my old-new piano
and on it the sheet-music to Shakespeare's-Schubert's-Rachel'
to Ruth-Efrat, stepmother of my grandson Tomer,
and above it Ilana's unintended double
board prophecy of the coming times
with black and grey, a bit of red, white sails from above
and from below
and underneath it all an exiting, living golden ocean
While searching for the page in my Hebrew-German
book with that quote from Hillel:
"If I am here, all are here; if I
am not here, nobody is here",
which exactly fit's Godchannel's teaching, that the world is not outside
me, but inside me,
I came to read the rest of that page and saw myself pondering it for
a while,
feeling again - like when I
scanned and edited the two books in 2002-2003,
how excellent this research is,
and feeling sad, that it was ignored or discarded by almost everyone
and not even translated into English.
Voyaging virtually around the World
Reflections of the Rocky Mountains, Alberta,
Canada |
Looking down to the Cirque de Gavarnie,
Pyrenees |
Backward into the Future" = "Closeups
to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my
On July 6, while we sat together
on the veranda - Immanuel, Efrat and I,
we somehow remembered Mika's strange behavior during
their visit in Arad.
Was it envy? Other mothers, whom Efrat had asked,
confirmed this. I said:
"Did I ever tell you the story about my mother's
envy of my birthday?"
Immanuel knew the story, but
Efrat didn't,
and when I ended she changed my perspective of what
had occurred so long ago.
"I was engaged to Martin
and since we soon would begin our scholarship year
(on Sept. 6, 1960 each
would travel by train and boat, Martin to USA, I to
it was decided, that my mother and I would spend a
week at Frankfurt
with Martin Fincke, his father, his mother and his
sister Gertrud,
and later the Finckes would all come to my mother's
at Boeblingen for a week.
" They arrived on the eve of my birthday and
I begged them to play "it" down,
knowing from experience, that my mother hated it when
I was praised.
As usual in my family, my mother played a hymn on
the piano and we sang,
and then we gathered around the little table with
cake, candles and gifts.
The gifts from Martin's mother were a pretty blue
skirt and a blouse.

I wore these a year later,
when I used the rest of my scholarship money
to invite my mother for a week to an island in the
Italian Lake
"It was then, that my mother went crazy literally,
she hurriedly packed a few things and ran away....
We all tried to make the best of the situation
- there was also my mother's
paying guest, a pupil from France, Jacque!
Martin's father mowed the lawn, and I was cleaning
up constantly,
so that my mother wouldn't get mad when she would
"Only a few days later we received a postcard:
"I'm there and there" in a village , with
peasant people she knew.
Martin and I took some trains to that village and
brought her back.
I don't remember what happened then. "
Efrat reacted: "Miskenah!"
meaning: "what
a pitiable woman".
"There she saw your young
happiness with your fiance,
while she, who became a war widow at such a young
never had the chance again to be loved and to love."
I was stupefied!
I had interpreted my mother's behavior as envy of
being in the center
(at the age of 5 she said to
me: "you always
want to be the queen!"),
but it was more than
envy, it was jealousy coming from abysmal frustration.
"You are so right, Efrat!
How didn't I see that until this day?
And how come that you saw it rightaway, though you
didn't even know,
that yes
- during the one previous week of Martin staying alone
with my mother -
(we always wanted to please and help her!)
she actually fell in love with him
and Martin and I were both devastated about the pain
this would cause her.
But at least in my later memory I never connected
that birthday behavior
with her - probably strongly denied - feelings for
my fiance."
Now that I finally have the strength to write this
down (July 13),
I may just as well add that
other - immensely painful - memory from 1969:
During my mother's second stay with us in Israel,
in May 1967, she had a stroke,
and though - back in Germany - some of the damage
was diminuished
and she could go on living by herself for some years,
she was more miserable than ever.
Then in 1969 we all came from Israel - by boat to
Italy and rented a car from there
to visit family and friends
in Germany.
While we lived for 3 days at a place which was close
to my brother's family
(who didn't have room to host us),
hosted by Miss Hartmann, my former beloved teacher
of religion,
I got a phone-call from Martin, who at that time lived
with his family in Munic.
"I told your mother, that she too is invited
to stay with us for a few days
if only you go back to Boeblingen and take her with
you !"
Trembling I approached my husband
and told him about Martin's plan.
He made a scene which exceeded everything I had experienced
with him so far:
"Either your mother or
I! you can choose!"
And I, in my usual miserable
self-victimization, succumbed.
Oh that shame and that pain!
It seems, that it will never ever leave me....
I asked Miss Hartmann, if I could use her phone,
and since she saw me crying, I needed to tell her
what for.
I wished, she had opened my eyes and strengthened
but she only said something sad about married couples....
I lied to my mother! And I dragged Martin into it!
I invented a reason why "Martin
cannot host you after all! I'm so sorry!"
How could I look into my husband's
eyes after that?
Travel with him, lie with him, enjoy our visit with
Martin and his family?
I was a master of denial then,
and I'm sorry, "God"! but I can NOT forgive
myself even after 39 years.
[2013: or after 44
The two mothers - both close to
mental sickness
Frankfurt: I, Martin, Fincke-Vati
and Fincke-Mutti
Boeblingen, a hike to the forest,
with Gertrud, Martin's sister to the left and me to
the right,
and Jacque and Martin in the back
It seems, that we also had some
Jacque, Martin and his father, Reverend Fincke
with mushrooms on their heads
It seems that this photo was taken
after my mother's return:
from left to right:
Martin, a student guest from England, Christa,
my brother Eberhard, Jacque, a student guest from France. |
after sunset Mika began to wake up and become active.
She was even ready to take her dummy out
and hide it under her "gufia" for a few minutes.
But then she put it back into her mouth. I hated it.
I couldn't understand a word of what she is saying...
But her mother said, I should succumb to her today.
She had ear pains last night, and terrible anxieties.
Even the music-frog, which has put her to sleep since 2 years,
became a threat to her and had to be removed.
the slide, which wasn't really interesting,
she moved to the merry-go-round:
"You sit inside!" she
"and I'll turn it around".
I was only too happy to obey and see her laugh again.
After eight, when it became dark and
the park had emptied, I said:
"Mika, now we really do have
to go home!" and I dragged
her along.
At home, she helped her mother put her shoppings into the fridge.
The "ice-cream" in Efrat's hand is for grandma's appetite
at night...
While Efrat prepared supper for Mika
and I prepared supper for myself
(Efrat rarely eats with us, except
when her husband is at home and cooks),
I heard Mika in the toilet , singing the chorus of the
song about Mika,
to which she listened even while still in her mother's womb.
She was angry, when I came in uninvited
and photographed...

One dummy is not enough,
there must be two side by side next to her plate

See more about this series
on July 13
Sarit sings the entry song.
She is a member of the
"Learning Community",
of which Yael's family
has been a part
for many years.
Also Ra'ayah and Arnon
listen intently,
while Micha, my son,
seems to study the booklet
of the ceremony.
Further away Ronya ,
Uri's sister,
is visible
(she was Micha's first
for 3 years...)
and behind her
Yaacov and Orit
Rotem and Jonathan play a
composition of Jonathan for their sister Yael
Rotem meets Yahel,
one of Yaacov's
twins, in the same "class" in the Democratic school of Modi'in,
and once Rotem's closest friend
As to more
of the experiences&images of Yael's Bat-Mitzvah
on May 20, 2008 - see July 13 |
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Keep It
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