The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"





See below: The Pyramidion of the Future>The Biblical Ohel and Ohel Moed



The FELT days 280, 281, 282, 283 ~ of the next 15 FELT years [see linear time-line]

1 5   y e a r s  = 5 4 8 0   days   of
g e f u e h l t e - g e f u e l l t e   Z e i t   
"inmitten der Ewigkeit",
f e l t - f i l l e d   t i m e  
"amidst eternity"
from the beginning of my 76th till the completion of my 90th year [unless I'll die after all]
The feeling chosen from a day is exhibited in max. 7 lines per day since August 28, 2013
My role in the manifestation of the Tent-Vision is implied also in the biblical tent quote!

2014-06-14-Mitzpe-Ramon>Arad-still 5199 days

No time to sculpt this Felt Day,
But see my letter below
- sculpted after my return-
but to be resculpted soon-
to Tal~Itai,

2014-06-15-Sunday-still 5198 days

song: ani khalamti khalom- 7~70~7000
2014-06-16-Arad>Ramat-Hadar>Arad -5197 days

2014 song
: raega~raegaesh~raetet~~raekhaem
2014-06-17-Tuesday-still 5196 days

song: ve-taher libenu... be-oneg ha-hodayah
Move to my next Felt Day in pp14 God's and My Will & Desire

Rumi (quoted by Tal Schiff): You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the mighty ocean in a drop


June 14, 2014-OHEL 127 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible

So he is to effect-purgation for the Holy-Shrine
from the tum'ot of the Children of Israel,
from their transgressions,
for all of their sins,
and thus he is to do
which dwells with them
in the midst of their tum'ot.
Leviticus 16:15 See Everett Fox about 'tum'ah' in Wholeness of the Bible

Er bedecke ueber dem Heiligtum
vor den Makeln der Soehne Jisraels
und vor ihren Abtruennigkeiten,
all ihren Versuendigungen,
und ebenso tue er
des, der einwohnt bei ihnen
inmitten ihrer Makel>
Er Rief 16:16

June 15: How fantastic! On June 14, on our way to the ELAH, I asked Tal: do you know the source of the word Shekhinah?
And I quoted "the TENT of APPOINTMENT, which dwells with them in the midst of their tum'ot."
"be-tokh tum'atam?"
she asked - stunned. "Yes, be-tokh tum'atam!" I must tell her how crucial this is for Israel and humankind.


In the morning, in front of the queenly bed that Tal had set up for me to sleep in, Ilai discovered the 3 dimensional model of the Ohalah/Rihlaah

Itai told me an adventure with guests in his jeep.
No electricity while they were in the middle of nowhere.
The guests enjoyed, "how you people help each other",
but I asked: "why did you attract this?"
One of the goals was, as he figured out,
that a tiny booklet appeared : "Leaves for Medicine"
(this is a wording from ve-az ha-nakhal ya'alaeh al sfato
Ezekiel 47:12 - ve-alekhu li-trufah, s. 2012 song, Nr. 10,
also the words: yagon ve-anakhah are from the Bible, Isaiah 35, end,

see the song: yesusum midbar ve-tziah ]
"Open the booklet now, blindly, Itai", I said, "for this day".

And there it was - the message that is so needed on earth:
"Each day take an hour for screaming all our pain!"

How wondrous
and exemplary
for any future
of my vision
was the aim
of our short journey
Ha-Elah, the Stone-Oak,
of which we both knew, Itai and I.

Weeks ago I had asked
Tal and Itai
to let me take part
in a professional jeep-tour,
so I could learn,
how Itai was showing
the desert to his guests.
At that time Tal thought,
that she couldn't take part, because the bumping journey would not be suitable for Ilai
(now a year and 5 months).

Yet now Tal suggested,
that we should plan a destination,
which would allow her and Ilai
to participate in the "tour".
So when we both, Itai and I,
suggested that Elah,
though only at a distance of about 10 km
I preferred this goal with Tal and Ilai,
to a "proper tour" without them.

With regard to me,
I - just 10 days earlier -
showed this Elah from the road
to Micha, Arnon and Mika,
when we wanted to enter
into the opposite direction:
Upper Nakhal Nizzana,
but, as I told, it was blocked.
That Elah lured me
into photographing it
month after month
and making a composition of the images
for a birthday of my eldest granddaughter, Elah, born in August 1987,
during the years of my living
at "Succah in the Desert"

"Elah" also means "Goddess",
and when the letters alef, lamed, he
are turned around,
the result is either "Lea"
(s. the 2014-June-song "I love you Lea",
which I just learnt from Mika)

or "ohel"= tent


They had brought a large mat ,
so Ilai could roam around freely
and play creatively,
he even ate leaves from a salt-shrub, knowing that this is permitted

[it grows wild in "my" garden
and I add some leaves to my daily Passiflora potion!]

It was fantastic,
that on the empty, convenient space under the Elah,
there was just one stone,
not too big to be carried by Itai,
but big enough for me to sit on
and even lean back against the Elah.

When Ilai's tiredness urged us to complete our "holy session", I asked the Three to sit on the stone, where I had sat.
"She is not giving up on us", said Itai, jokingly, and I sort of justified myself: "I just want to display the threefold cord!"

Two are better than one....and the threefold cord is not quickly broken. [Ecclesiastes 4:9-12]

A warning to the left, the Elah to the right - not accessible by any track, thank you for this, guardians!

Right after my arrival in my home , I wrote to Gadi~Efrat~Maya, to Tal~Itai, to Lior~Moshe, so they would not be worried,
but I knew, that I would have to "upgrade" this verbal sculpture in the following days

song April 2014 - "In his hands"

song: lama hare'ota ... la-sum aet masa' ...alai
Though I alleviated my friends from having to react to this sculpture, Tal wrote me a wonderful appreciation


June 15, 2014-OHEL 128 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible

If thou set thy heart aright,
and stretch out thy hands toward Him--
If iniquity be in thy hand, put it far away,
and let not unrighteousness dwell in thy tents--
Job 11:13-14

Du, wenn du ausrichtest dein Herz
und zu ihm deine Haende breitest,
ist Arg an deiner Hand, entfernst dus,
laessest Falsch in deinen ZELTEN nicht wohnen...
Ijob 11, 13-14

This is - unlike the stunning concept of the former ohel-verse - the usual approach to what is considered as evil-
the preaching: stay away from it and you'll be near God, or the other way round: if you are close to God, stay away from evil.
Implying: stay away from the evil-doers! - As if it was so clear, what and when something is "evil"! And what, if everyone does "evil" things?



Today's "Losung" (motto from Old and New Testament)

Du machst Winde zu deinen Boten und Feuerflammen zu deinen Dienern.
Psalm 104,4
Who makest winds Thy messengers, the flaming fire Thy ministers.

Da das Schiff ergriffen wurde und nicht mehr gegen den Wind gerichtet werden konnte, gaben wir auf und ließen uns treiben.
Apostelgeschichte 27,15 /Acts 27:15
The ship was caught by the storm and could not head into the wind;
so we gave way to it and were driven along

"Manchmal muss man loslassen, um sein Ziel nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren.
Mein Ziel ist jezt, die groesse Wueste der Erde zu ueberfliegen- 5000 km"

From the movie about Elly Beinhorn, the most outstanding female pilot in history

"Sometimes one has to let go, in order to not loose sight of one's goal";
my goal is not, to overfly the greatest desert of the earth - 5000 km".

Yes, now Rachel has to let go again, in order to not loose sight of her goal,
to manifest Ohalot/Rihlaat/Pyramidions in the deserts of the Middle-East,
as spaces for "training feelings", as spaces for humans to find themselves.



June 16, 2014-OHEL 129 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible

You may not slaughter the Passover-offering
within one of your gates that YHWH your God is giving you;
rather, in the place that YHWH your God chooses
his name to dwell

you are to slaughter the Passover-offering, at setting-time,
when the sun comes in,
at the appointed-time of your going-out from Egypt.
You are to boil it and you are to eat it
in the place that YHWH your God chooses.
Then you are to face about, at daybreak,
and go to you
r TENTs.
Deuteronomy 16, 4-7

Nicht kannst du das Uebersprungsmahl schlachten
in irgendeinem deiner Tore, die ER dein Gott dir gibt,
sondern nach dem Ort hin, den ER dein Gott waehlt,
seinen Namen dort einwohnen zu lassen -
dort sollst du das Uebersprungsmahl schlachten am Abend,
beim Eingehn der Sonne,
zur Gezeit deiner Ausfahrt von Aegypten.

Du sollst es bruehen, es essen
an dem Ort, den ER dein Gott erwaehlt,
am Morgen magst du dich wenden,
magst zu deinen Zelten ziehen.
Reden 16, 4-7

Is there a difference between "your gates" and "your TENts"?
Obviously gates/tents are "given to you" and the place where YHWH's name dwells is "chosen" by him
and yet - on Passover - you have to wander between both!




June 17, 2014-OHEL 130 from among its 365 appearances in the Bible

And all the people would see the columb of cloud
standing at the entrance to the TENT,
and all the people would rise,
they would bow down,
each-man at the entrance to his TENT
Exodus 33:10

Und alles Volk sah den Wolksaeulenstand
stehend im Eingang des ZELTs,
und alles Volk erhob sich,
sie verneigten sich,
jedermann im Einlass seines ZELTs.
Namen 33,10

How symbolic - both - YHWH in the form of a columb of cloud and every person among the people- at the entrance of a TENT !



Caravaggio: Der Lautenspieler (1595)

LI-T'AI-PO (701-762)
Aus dem Chinesischen -Richard Dehmel

The Faraway Lute

One night I heard in the dark wind
a far-away lute pierce my heart,
And I took my own lute in the dark wind,
meant to sing an answer to the other one.
Since then at night the birds in the wind
hear often a talk in their own language
A Chinese poem came to me this morning - I turned it into a song:
If I let Heaven listen to my lute, humans will listen too.


Eines Abends hoert' ich im dunkeln Wind
eine ferne Laute ins Herz mir dringen.
Und ich nahm die meine im dunkeln Wind,
die sollte der andern Antwort singen.
Seitdem hoeren nachts die Voegel im Wind
manch Gespraech in ihrer Sprache erklingen

Ich bat auch die Menschen, sie moechten lauschen
aber die Menschen verstanden mich nicht.
Da liess ich mein Lied vom Himmel belauschen,
und da sassen nachts um mein Herzenslicht
die Unsterblichen mit hellem Gesicht.
Seitdem verstehn auch die Menschen zu lauschen
und schweigen, wenn meine Laute spricht.

Chinesische Apsara mit Langhalslaute

I also asked the humans to listen,
but the humans did not understand me.
Therefore I let Heaven listen to my song,
and there they sat at night
around my heart's light,
the immortals with light-up faces.
Since then also the humans learnt to listen,
and are silent, when my lute talks.
Next day:
the more I rehearse this song, while going to the pool and back, the deeper it affects me
, and not only the content and the poetry, but also how it reached me:
I'm thinking of this Li-T'ai-Po ---- 1300 years ago -----somewhere in gigantic China,
I'm thinking of the German poet who was capable of learning Chinese to the extent that he could translate this poem.
I'm thinking of the person who included this poem in a school-book of German poems from which we learnt 58 years ago,
And I'm thinking of my smart game: the mixing of old postcards and relevant text-clippings
and my blessed habit to choose such a twin of image and text - "by chance" - every morning.


Abraham's Tent


I want you to enhance and to not distort,
what the Vision of Tents intends to evolve
the earth of the desert will stay free and pure
and host us humans to find ourselves.

Video about The Tent-Vision
Second part

Move to my next Felt Day in pp14 God's and My Will & Desire







Overview of and Links to the Pages of My Community: Desert Vision - Rihlah Parting from its realization in the exterior World 2006

Carefree oasis, tent not-to roam,
{the habitation in the garden}
its stakes for ever-and-ever
and its cords not-to be-cut-off
Biblical Prophecy Isaiah 33,20
Mobile Hosting Enterprises A Space for TrainingFeeling
Beginnings in the Evolution of a Desert Tent Civilization








rView through our shortlived FourNationTent in Eilat/Israel to Jordan and Saudi Arabia across the Red Sea
dan and Saudi Arabia acrossiew through our shortlived FourNationTent in Eilat/Israel to Jo the Red Sea


2003_02_10 ; last update: 2003_04_17

The Hebrew Bible presents Israel's history
- and future -

The message for humans is:
M O V E !
Don't get stuck in anything,
and especially:
don't cling to security.

At first even Israel's God was not static,
sitting on a temple throne.
His sanctuary was a moving tent,
the Ohel Mo'ed, the Tent of Appointment.

If the big war may be postponed after all, as it seems this morning,
I may have time, to exemplify here this immense message,
which has motivated even my exterior living and creating.


"Jubilate, O barren,
you who did not give birth
exult, break-forth in jubilation
you who did not labor,
for more are
the children of the desolate
than the children of the married.
"Make wide the place of your tent,
and the curtains of your habitations
may stretch
spare not,
lengthen your cords,
and strengthen your stakes."
[Isaiah 54, 1-3; my translation]


2003_04_13; last update; 2003_04_17

"Who dwells with them
in the midst of their pollution

The war with Iraq has left us in peace, so far,
but upheavals in my "Life with Tomer" have not.
Still, in the midst of the turmoil I've followed my plan,
to scan, edit and insert at least 2 pages of my German/Hebrew book each day.
And that's how I came across a passage which now keeps intriguing me,
and which explains, why I "wasn't supposed to" start with this page until I remembered,
that there is this central mystery in the seemingly so technical biblical book "Leviticus",
"... the Tent of Appointment which dwells with them in the midst of their pollution."

From: ""All Israel are Guarantors for Each Other"
Third Part, Second Chapter: The Identification with the Sinner
1d) God's identification with the sinners





2003_04_14; last update : 2003_07_03,
a few hours before the closure of Healing-K.i.s.s.
while working on my last and completely unplanned sculpture.


"Except ~~~
You promised
to rebuild
the Ohel Mo'ed!
It's the one thing
I still need for my peace.
Everything else
you're already accomplishing."

Resting at the edge of "our" place amidst a lush spring-green,
watching a pale sun setting behind clouds over the far Mediterranean,
I broke the silence between me and Avi/Avraham Dror and said:

"For me - with Tomer gone to his father - a new period in life will start tonight,
while for you things in "Succah in the Desert" will simply continue - smoothly."
, he said,
probably thinking like me of how we had achieved peace with Gadi.

And I told him,
how that very morning a forgotten biblical sentence had struck me:

"Who dwells with them in the midst of their pollution" [Leviticus 16,16]
Reading the sentence like this, it seems to refer to God himself,
and that exactly was the intention of the Jewish Sages,
who saw in it a testimony of God's solidarity with the sinners.

But in the original the sentence refers to the Ohel Mo'ed:
"... the Tent of Appointment
which dwells with them in the midst of their pollution"

"And mind you, Avi-Avraham!
this term "to pollute" is also used with concern to the Earth:

"You are not to pollute the land
in which you are settling,
in whose midst I dwell,
for I am YHWH,
Dweller in the midst of Israel!"

Numeri 35:34
Is not this the gist of "Succah in the Desert"
& the daily work of your guardianship there:
to exemplify, demonstrate and train people,
how to live and make a living in the Desert,
by guarding its treasure, its resource of SPS,
of Space, Purity (non-pollution) and Silence."