The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


April 14/ NISAN 9, Monday, still 126 days - at Arad

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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire to savor this last day of being al-one before opening myself to much interaction.
I desire to weave this day as a colored tapestry of threads:
K.i.s.s.-Log, walk/pool, repair of garden,Pesach-Cleaning, learning Ofir's new washing-machine,
and replying to an e-mail (just one in days! What an achievement compared to 3 mails a day in 2006-7
image of the day

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to you for feeling better after a good sleep,
and for our tongue which is healing so fast, that I want to study a part of it,
so as to sharpen my awareness of our tongue and hold on to the lesson.
The circumvallate papillae (or vallate papillae) are of large size (dome-shaped structures), and vary from eight to twelve in number. - They are situated on the dorsum of the tongue immediately in front of the foramen cecum and sulcus terminalis, forming a row on either side; the two rows run backward and medially, and meet in the midline, like the limbs of the letter V inverted.

Each papilla consists of a projection of mucous membrane from 1 to 2 mm. wide, attached to the bottom of a circular depression of the mucous membrane (some text referred to as moats); the margin of the depression is elevated to form a wall (vallum), and between this and the papilla is a circular sulcus termed the fossa.

The papilla is shaped like a truncated cone, the smaller end being directed downward and attached to the tongue, the broader part or base projecting a little above the surface of the tongue and being studded with numerous small secondary papillæ and covered by stratified squamous epithelium.

Ducts of lingual salivary glands, referred to as Von Ebner's glands empty serous secretion into the base of the circular depression (moats). The function of the secretion is presumed to flush materials from the base of circular depression to ensure that taste buds can respond to changing stimuli rapidly.

The circumvallate papillae get SVA innervation from cranial nerve IX, the glossopharyngeal nerve, even though they are anterior to the sulcus terminalis. The rest of the anterior 2/3s of the tongue gets SVA innervation from the chorda tympani of cranial nerve VII,
distributed with the lingual nerve of cranial nerve V





Nourishment from Others

Franz Rosenzweig- letters to Gritli continued
P.59, 14.Maerz 1918
- Liebes Gritli - nein ich habe nicht mehr geschrieben als ich durfte.
Und du sagst noch etwas, aber ich weiss nicht ob ich recht darauf antworten kann.
Die "Einheit im Raum", die der Ewigkeit fuer die Zeit entspricht, ist doch - das Himmelreich. Aber waehrend von der Zeit zur Ewigkeit
jeder Augenblick und vor allem jedes letzte Augenschliessen die Bruecke schlaegt, gehen vom Raum zum Reich Gottes keine festen Bruecken, sondern nur der harte langsame bodengefesselte Weg ueber die Eine Erde. Die Seele haette keine Weltgeschichte noetig.   Aber weil wir    L e i b   und Seele sind, und also dem Gesetz des Raumes untertan, deshalb geht der lange Weg in der Zeit ueber die Erde. Die Ewigkeit umrauscht uns in jedem Augenblick; es brauchen uns bloss die Ohren aufgetan zu werden, im Leben und im Tode; sie war, ehe die Welt geschaffen wurde. Aber das Reich Gottes wird. Gott laesst sich leicht lieben, der Naechste sehr schwer [Anspielung auf das neutestamentliche Doppelgebot der Liebe, Matthaeus 22,37-39 und Parallelen]

P.61, 16. Maerz 1918
...Am Fremden das Eigene erfahren, das geht ja immer so. Eugen zitiert (ich weiss nicht woher): nur aus dem Fernsten kommt die Erneuerung. Ich habe ja auch urspruenglich am Christentum des Judentum begriffen; das Selbstverstaendliche hoert eben durch das Andre auf "selbst"-verstaendlich zu sein und wird so verstaendlich. Aber aber - ich weiss von mir selbst her, wie man dabei doch in Gefahr ist, das was einem selbstveratendlich ist, unwillkuerlich auch in das Fremde hineinzusehn. So ist es mir bis zu jener Leipziger Nacht (*) (es ist das die wissenschaftliche Seite des damals Geschehenen) mit dem Christentum gegangen: ich liess es nur als ecclesia pressa [unterdrueckte Kirche) gelten und schon die militans [soldatische] , erst recht die triumphans [triumphierende] waren mir Entartungen; das Jahr 313, wo es Staatsreligion wird (**) ein Abfall. So gab ich der wahren Kirche das Gesicht der Synagoge. Nun hoer: Monotheismus ist natuerlich ein schreckliches Wort, und Cohen (***) grenzt allerdings damit das Judentum gegen das Christentum ab, wie es jeder Jude tut, der das Bekenntnis sagt. Die "13" Eigenschaften sind ja eben keine 13, sondern diese offenbar sonstwoher heilige Zahl wird gewaltsam in die Stelle hineingedeutet, indem z.B. der doppelte Anruf des Gottesnamens zu Anfang als zwei "Eigenschaften" gezaehlt wird .....


Since to these passages, which are relevant for me, there are important notes,
which also show the thorough work done by the editors, Reinhold Mayer
(the teacher who opened my eyes to the holocaust, to Israel, to Judaism, to German politics and to Franz Rosenzweig), and Inken Ruehle, I want to quote these notes separately:

(*) Im Leipziger Nachtgespraech vom 7. Juli 1913, an dem Rosenzweig, Eugen Rosenstock [Gritli's husband and Rosenzweig's best friend) und Rudolf Ehrenberg, [Rosenzweig's cousin, who had , as Rosenstock, become Christian], teilnahmen und in dessen Verlauf Rosenzweig beschloss, sich taufen zu lassen - ein Entschluss, den er im Herbst desselben Jahres jedoch wieder zuruecknahm zugunsten seiner Heimkehr ins Judentum.

(**) 313 erliess der roemische Kaiser Licinius eine Konstitution, die uneingeschraenkte Religionsfreiheit garantierte und damit dem Aufstieg des bis dahin verbotenen Christentums zur weltumspannenden Staatsreligion die Bahn bereitete. Zur offiziellen Staatsreligion wurde das Christentum aber erst unter Kaiser Theodosius, 379-395, erhoben

(***)Hermann Cohen in seinem Alterswerk: Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums, Kapitel 1: Die Einzigkeit Gottes

(****) Rosenzweigs HInweis bezieht sich wohl auf einen Talmudtext (Chulin 13b), in dem Rabbi Jochanan lehrt, dass die Voelker ausserhalb des Israellandes keine Goetzendiener seien, sondern nur die Braeuche ihrer Vorfahren weiterfuehrten. Im 10. Jahrhundert griff Gershom ben Juda, "Leuchte des Exils" und einer der ersten grossen deutschen Talmud-Gelehrten, diesen Satz auf und stellte fest, die goetzendienerischen Praktiken der Voelker ausserhalb des Landes Israel seien nicht als solche anzusehen. Auch bei den mittelalterlichen Tosafisten findet sich eine entsprechende Aussage. Bei solchen Texten handelt es sich allerdings durchweg nicht um eine generalisierende Feststellung der monotheistischen Qualitaet des Christentums. Vielmehr dienten die Aussagen, welche die Christen in der juedischen Diaspora von den Goetzendienern ausnahmen, ausschliesslich pragmatischen Zwecken. Der Talmud sieht als Schutz der Juden vor dem Goetzendienst eine klare Trennung zwischen Israel und den Voelkern vor, die durch eine Reihe ganz konkreter Bestimmungen, etwa Handelssanktionen, markiert wird. Zu praktizieren waren solche Halachot allerdings nur in einer weitgehend autarken juedischen Gesellschaft, wie sie einst im Zweistromland bestand. Als jedoch immer mehr Juden in der Zerstreuung und somit als Minderheit unter den Voelkern lebten, war eine derartige Trennung aus oekonomischen Gruenden nicht mehr aufrecht zu erhalten. Die Folge war vor allem in Frankreich und Deutschland eine Diskrepanz zwischen Theorie und Praxis. die "Loesung" des Problems bestand darin, die im Talmud einst als Goetzendiener angeesprochenen Voelker von den zeitgenoessischen Voelkern zu unterscheiden. Da Juden mit Goetzendienern keinen Handel treiben durften, erklaerte man kurzerhand ihre gegenwaertigen Handelspartner in der Diaspora zu Nicht- Goetzendienern......



Finetuning to my Present

A phone-talk with Felicia about DEATH.

It's hard to understand, why Felicia keeps calling me.
In 1973-74 she was a new immigrant from Rumania
and a client of mine,
when I worked in an absorption center
and had to find jobs for 120 "academic" people
mostly from Russia, a few from Rumania and Hungary.
Later she worked as a teacher, is divorced and retired, my age.
She renewed the contact some years ago,
but I've made it clear to her, ever so often,
that a mutual relationship between us is out of the question.
I finally demanded,
that she should limit her calls to once in 2 weeks.
When she tells the dramas of her life,
it can happen, that I scream at her for "never learning".
And yet, she keeps calling, about every 2-3 weeks.
A quest to talk - made last Tuesday - I postponed,
and finally opened myself to her only 4 days later.

It was clear, that this time she wanted guidance.
Having given guidance to others from an early age on,
I have weaned myself from this pattern,
and I've weaned those who wanted to depend on me.
But Felicia is so persistent, that I succumb,
and when I do so, I'm neither gentle nor careful.

In this case:
She talked about the hardship she had gone through.
I couldn't understand what was so hard in the facts she told:
the mother of her daughter-in-law had died,
and some irritating events around this did not explain her brokenness.
After all she is not on very good terms with her daughter-in-law
and hardly knew her mother.

I made her differentiate between the fact of this death and the other events,
and then asked:
"You mentioned - that this woman was even younger than you .
Can it be, that her death makes you afraid of your own death?

Hesitatingly: "Maybe!"

"And if so, do you cling to life so much? For me this is strange."

"What do you mean, "strange", does not everybody cling to life?

"I, for instance, am not afraid of death except in acute situations,
when my body's survival instinct takes over,
like when I hang on that electricity lamp of a church organ at the age of 15,
or like when I got lost in the snow of the Pyrennees for 44 hours, "


"in these cases I desperately wanted to live."

"And there was one period in my life, when my children were small,
I was afraid of dying before they would be 14 years old,
and I was afraid of dying, before I would full-fill my vocation.
But today when somebody would inform me: you have cancer
- something which will not happen,
since I know what kind of persons become afflicted with cancer -,
I would be glad, yes I would be overjoyed!

" And to make it even less understandable for you:
I'm quite sure, that I won't die at all...
I don't take death so seriously,
(unless a loved one dies or unless someone is killed cruelly),
for death is just a transistion to another way of life.

"The question is not death, the question is life!
Are you satisfied with the way you live?"

She hesitated even more:
"There is a gap..."

"You see- my experience with people's fright of death is,
that they have never lived the way they wanted to live.
Through all their lives,
even when they are seventy, eighty, ninety years old,
they have the hope, that 'it's somewhere around the corner,
I only have to hold on to life and real life will come.' "

It was then, that she laughed a tiny bit.
"How did you manage to guide me to this message!
There surely is something to think about for me.
Thank you!"

Two cuttlefish interact while a third looks on

In a 3 SAT doc about a fantastic, vast family of animals
- octupuses, cuttlefish etc.
whose brain is the biggest in proportion to their body among molluscs,
the question was asked: what is intelligence?
and the answer was :
It's the ability to learn from experience!

Tintenfische [Cuttle fish]
"Acht Arme, die aus dem Kopf wachsen, blaues Blut,
das durch drei Herzen fließt
und menschenähnliche Augen -
Tintenfische gehören zu den faszinierendsten und vielseitigsten Geschöpfen unserer Erde.
Sie verfügen über ein einmaliges Repertoire an Überlebenstricks.
Tintenfische, auch Sepien oder Kuttelfische genannt,
zählen zur Familie der Kopffüßer, der Cephalopden.
Ähnlich wie Kraken und Kalmare sind sie Weltmeister der Verwandlung. Innerhalb von Sekunden wechseln sie ihre Form und Farbe
und imitieren ihre Umgebung,
um wie unsichtbar zwischen Korallen oder Seegras zu verschwinden.
Fühlen sie sich bedroht, entfliehen sie im Nebel ihrer eigenen Tintenwolke.

Die hoch entwickelten Strategien der Tintenfische
und ihr außergewöhnlich großes Gehirn
werfen die Frage nach ihrer Intelligenz auf.
Dieser Frage gehen vor allem zwei amerikanische Wissenschaftler nach:
Dr. Jean Boal von der Universität in Pennsylvania
gilt als Expertin in der Sepien-Intelligenzforschung.
Mit ausgetüftelten Laborexperimenten
stellt sie die Wiedererkennungsfähigkeit der Sepien auf die Probe.
Wie schnell lernen Tintenfische, neue Probleme zu lösen?
Wie kommunizieren Sepien miteinander?
Wie können diese Meister der Farb- und Formwechsel
ihre Umgebung so genau wahrnehmen und imitieren,
wenn sie doch nach unserem Verständnis farbenblind sind?
Gisela Kaufmann begibt sich in drei Kontinenten -
von Australien über Asien bis nach Amerika -
auf die Spur der außergewöhnlichen Tiere."


What is not mentioned in this overview about the way,
these creatures can transform themselves,
is this:
When a smaller male has no chances of getting a female,
it transforms its shape into that of a female
and approaches the chosen one,
without his bigger competitor even realizing it!



Continuation of the outing with Mika on Shabbat

Around this "well" (no water running underneath),
the vegetation was wild and outgrown.
I discovered a shrub with fruits I had never seen before.



"They look like little tomatoes", said Mika,
and when she squeezed them,
the juice and the seeds were exactly like in tomatoes.

Sometimes a "tomato" rolled down to the ground.
When Mika was sorry for that, I calmed her,
and tried to explain to the small girl,
how the seeds would grow new shrubs.
To make the word "to grow" understandable,
I reminded her of the "Grace" song,
which I keep repeating ever so often,
so it will gradually become a part of her.
I quoted the first line:
"thanks to the earth which grows everything with love",
she lifted her eyes smiling :
"and the sun", meaning:
"the song goes on to thank the sun for the light!"




IN the background across the (invisible) wadi
the Yemenite village Bareket

From a different perspective:
surrounded by wild chrysanthemons






A little girl sitting on a concrete sewage-outlet under the aura of a Khamseen sunset
and for the delight of contrast:
a little girl now learning to make "pipi" not into diapers but on the toilet.

which reminds me of an animation
I asked her father to do for me,
when I began with Healing-K.i.s.s.
in summer 2001


"pp" stands for
"puzzle piece".
But to me "pp" sounds funny,
because of three associations:
in some languages I know,
are children's simplifications
"urinating or peeing",
"buttocks or ass",
"father or dad".

Photos tell me, that I had a Dad.
My mother referred to him as "Papa".

So, if you can imagine God as
with a POPO
making PIPI"
you really are succeeding in

the old image of God




Sometimes I want to quote a page from the book written by and given to me by Yossi Rudoy



Suddenly I get a skype-call!
Usually Immanuel, my son, is the only one
to initiate such a call.
And who was the caller?
The first time after a year or so?
Ran Lichtner, my friend,
who here tries to gesture a hug
via the web camera.

It was good to hear about his life,
- he works with autistic grownups
- and he advances his bamboo-vocation,
and his maturing relationships.

He understood well,
that it's not the time for living a friendship,
and that I want us to limit our own relationship
to sending each other a sign of life twice a year or so,
until "the time will come".

[On April 17 Ran Lichtner sent a greeting to all his friends,
in which he pointed to his contribution of a bamboo-construction the -

"The first biennale of landscape urbanism is an international event presenting 30 outdoor rooms in the public domain. All sites are open to the public and introduce innovative ways for using urban open spaces, integrating community projects and students proposals together with designs by artists, architects and landscape architects.

The biennale is an exceptional event. It is a temporary urban laboratory, examining new possibilities in open public spaces. Its goal is to open a debate about urban life in the 21st century."


Ran also points to a workshop,
he'll be conducting in Kibbutz Harduf, and he warmly recommends to study their site about "Workshops for ecological building and traditional handicrafts".



April 17, 2008 , e-mail to Ran Lichtner from Rachel,
in which I mention my song....




Since spring is about to leave us,
let me insert two beautiful photos,
which had to wait there chance.
I took them at too different spots
on "Grandma-Day" with the "Quartet"
on March 1, in Shoham.
This is also the transition
to another "Grandma-Day" this week in Shoham,
this time together with Mika!!!




song of the day on the eve of the 44th anniversary
of my and my son's (Mika's father's) immigration to Israel

...they already brought little seeds




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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8

copied from "Documents":
on which we practiced our planned website
on April 14, 2012

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