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 The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"



checked for updates (see very important changes in the last passage) on 2005_06_27

the whole page recommended in pp34

The New Language of Heaven
Introduction: The Origin of Language

"Communication was the first manifestation of Creation.
It was the communication between
the two most fundamental elements of the Universe,
between the Mother of Creation and me.

"This first event was the birth of Love
and what we later called
'Song', 'Son' and now 'Heart'.
At the time we didn't call it anything,
we only knew it as the offspring of our relating.
Many more details of this birth will be covered in the healing class,
'The Quest for the Mother'.

pp39 ; Sound Incarnatus; Introductory Page 3
"As Heart was born,
we heard his cry of ecstasy
and realized
a wholly new element had come into existence.

The Mother and I had known each other

as Desire and Light,

as feeling and thought,

as the magnetic, enclosing feminine

and the electrical outgoing masculine.

Now there was a third way,
a new kind of energy
that had qualities of both the Mother and me

Love taught us
to sing together
and to find the sound of song
ever deeper within each of us .

Evolution was looking good to me
and feeling good to the Mother
as we joined our child
in learning the harmonies of love

"From this beginning,
Creation unfolded
as the Mother spoke to me of her Desire
and I answered her with my Light.
Our communication increased in volume and then subsided.
The tempo rose and fell and the tone shifted,
and then suddenly more volume, more tempo, and ~
another creation arrived.
And so it went as we created the universe.
Language was born in our communion,
and our communion deepened as we birthed the universe.

Heaven's Language on Earth

The language of Heaven
has its roots deep in the very nature of existence,
and is the glue that holds Creation together.
Human language is a metaphor of Heaven's language
and unites you in your relationships, family and culture.

"Heaven is much closer to Earth than most believe possible.
The language of Heaven can be heard
riding the level of reality just above the one
Earth languages address and express.

"As you become more awake and aware,
you begin to tune in to Heaven
through the subtle nuances and additional meanings
of the words you speak and hear.

"Whenever a word is used,
all of its meanings are communicated.
Of course, most often people have been consciously aware
of only one or two of the meanings implicit in a word.
However, all of a word's meanings have impact,
and often those meanings taken in unconsciously have the most impact.

and pp39

"The Mother, Heart and I
are alive and conscious inside of you.
We're in communication with each other
and aware of each other,
whether or not you are aware of us.
When you do become aware of us,
our communication within you
increases dramatically
and you become part of it.
You join our 'party'
as you become awake as our host.

"When you are aware of God inside of you,
you can easily become aware of God
inside of those with whom you relate.
As you communicate with an other in awareness,
you can also sense the presence of the Mother
and me communing with each other in Heart.

"Our communing this way has always been so,
and we've called this higher communication the 'language of Heaven'

"A new language of Heaven
is now coming into use
and one purpose of this web site
is to help bring forward
the newly emerging grammar and vocabulary,
so that you can more easily 'listen in' to
and participate in what the Mother, Heart and I
are sharing with each other
in the moment of your awareness.

When you 'hear' our words and songs,
you can sense our meanings
and know our love
as your own thoughts and feelings."
[old version]
"A new language of Heaven
is now coming into use
and the purpose of this class
is to bring forward
the newly emerging grammar and vocabulary,
so that you can more quickly 'listen in' to
and participate in what the Mother, Heart and I
are now sharing with each other.

When you 'hear' our words,
you can sense our meanings
and know our thoughts and feelings."


May 27, 2012:
What language will everyone speak in Heaven or in Afterlife?

In addition to five answers there was this joke which made me laugh my heart out:
A certain southern Senator many years back
- when the topic of English as the National Language came out for its regular airing
- waved his Bible and sai
'If English was good enough for Jesus Christ it's good enough for me.'

Following my understanding and new lekh-lekhâ on January 1, 2009,
  that - after 7 years - I should no longer create new pages on my 2 websites,
but intermingle the evidence of new experiences with that on existing pages,
Since March 2009 I am "synchronizing" the chronological process of the Godchannel.com files
with the chronological process of my photos and - if there should be time - observations of the

"Walk About Love"

continuation of March 4, 2009 last update: 2009_06_20

Eran - far above and not visible - asked us by radio-connection - to not climb up with the people before us,
but to look, if we could go around the mountain and meet them on the other side


So Rivka, Eilam and Galit and I split off the group and enjoy a relatively easy descent and a wonderful togetherness




I take a photo of the "Spiral Hill" for Mika, my granddauther, whom I taught to be enthusiastic about spirals already when she was 2 years old

and even nowadays, whenever she leaves for kindergarden in her mother's car and I am with them at Bet Nehemya,
she asks me to draw spirals on the dusty window and then, when the car turns into the street , to draw spirals in the air.
But when I showed her the spiral hill, she couldn't grasp the three-dimensionality of the spiral.




Our little group arrives at this edge of Timna, and Rivka is still my friend....




I'm not into learning historical details
- since all my attention is focused on people and on my vocation of teaching them "SELF-ACCEPTANCE",-
but I seem to have heard, that long before King Solomon the Egyptians had discovered the copper treasures at Timna.


That night - between March 4 and 5, 2009 -
we spent at Timna/ Sasgon Valley


The evening "circle" was quite troubled, first of all because we were told, that the group had to split.
So the next morning, March 5, 2009, Mark sets out with 17 walkers only and with all their luggage on their back.
I can discern Daniela (Israel), Yava (Lithuania) , Daniela and Daniela's dog and Richard (Holland)




The rest of us - some 55 people - set out for the Festival at Shittim
Since I knew, I could not carry my backpack + water on the difficult trail,
I felt forced to join those, who would go straight to the Festival,
to which I did not want to go in the first place.
But since I - as others - had no alternative but going home,
I decided to stay with the people and watch,
if my strong opposition to the Festival could transform into acceptance.

I had to conversations with others who were just as strongly opposed:
- With Tom, who told me, that she had asked the organizers,
what people who did not want to join the Festival , should do:
"That's your problem!" she was told.
"The Festival was planned from the beginning and you knew it!"
Tom asked me a rethorical question:
"It's my birthday on this weekend, and I wanted to celebrate it amidst the walkers.
Do I now have to go to Tel-Aviv to celebrate it with my friends there?"

Doron, even younger than Tom, was also totally against the Festival.
But I won him over to come with me by pointing out the program for the first day:
"the entire day will be dedicated to Arab-Israeli 'sulha' - reconciliation,"
Eran had said the night before, when he explained the program for the next 5 days.
Little did I know, that what would be realized of this promise, was --- shameful and pathetic...


After a walk of 4 km to Timna, we are waiting for the bus which we have hired for 800 NIS (each one pays)
and some of our musicians -like Angelica (Germany) with her violin - play rightaway

I , too, dance to the music, if I'm not busy with photographing



We reach the Ashram of Shittim and organize ourselves underneath a huge netshade.
And again, people make music





The message, which followed "the Language of Heaven" was "The first Interview with God" ,
but since all the five Interviews with God together with the five "Interviews with the Folks"
served as a basis for the photos of an experience in February 2009,
i.e. before I even knew about "the Walk about Love",

the Continuation of the photos of the "Walk about Love" will be in the Godchannel file
Who is God?

or to an intermezzo with pictures taken by Yossi Gottlieb
in the Godchannel file:Healing Class - Lesson One, The Quest for the Mother
and by Thorsten Krug (Germany) in
Healing Class - Lesson One, The Quest for the Mother, Part III, Choosing to Heal