Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
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Keep It Simple Sweetheart
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6, Sunday, - at Shoham
Re-edited on July 8, 2013
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Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
6:30 As always
in high summer, I again woke up too early. -Though I. will fly
only tonight, I joined the family's ride home yesterday.
I desire to savor these 4 days
of al-one-ness from 8 to 5 and togetherness
in the remaining time.
I desire to trust, that I's reduced EL-AL flights (rising
oil-prices!) will be for the good of the family
I desire to become whole enough to laugh with people when they
laugh about me or scold me !
(E:"You want to be
everything - e.g. the neatly set table on the veranda - so harmonious,
that in the end there'll be no harmony at all!")
(when they arrived & Mika didn't relate to me - "Mika
has a problem with me" - I. got mad: "Have you started
again? Give her time!")
I desire today (I. is
home, very busy, E. is "closing newspaper")
to balance between distance & involvement.
of the day
hodayot [thanksgivings] for
My Body,
my Partner,
my God
I give thanks to our nerves,
that they could perform so many tasks simultaneously, without
running wild
My grate-full-ness concerning Efrat's birthday yesterday:
- that despite my crazy tension and despite the postponement
of my third idea -
the birthday was "good" and Efrat's thank-you was
genuine, I feel
I was troubled by Mika's lameness all day long,
you arranged it so nicely")
- that Tomer was so soft
and relatively cooperative that no "scene" occurred.
-that Efrat liked her page & appreciated
that she could delete hated images.
-that Immanuel found time to sit down at the keyboard &
start to learn the song
- that Zipi met her challenge with Tomer and that Tomer was
so happy with her .
- that - after I mentioned my understanding about "The
triple thread" -
Zipi told me: "that's how
I met you! I came to Rakhaf for the first time,
I saw 2 guys erecting a tent and a woman sitting aside and
"two are better than one, for
if they fall, the one will lift up his
and the triple cord will not quickly be severed! "
I'm grate-full that I could share this coincidence while Zipi
sat with all of us.
to my Present
A new generation of "Starchildren".
In the morning I said to Immanuel laughingly:
"I'll take Nella out and I'll water
your plants,
if you edit and transfer to me the photos you've taken at Arad
for my own scarce harvest gives a bit of a gloomy picture of
the day."
He didn't hear the part about watering,
and watered also himself...
But I did receive the photos and enjoyed our Shabbat even more
than in real time.
Tired of all the "documenting" during the last week,
I didn't feel like taking any pictures today
when we left for our outing,
and only out of habit took cellphone and camera with me,
together with our blue box and the now obligatory grapes!
Thus - when I saw this scene and became elated by the 3 tiny
and began to photograph it, it was only after the second take,
that I realized, I was using the cellphone camera instead of
the "real" camera.
Mika again wasn't very cooperative,
but when we reached the Sunflower Park,
a little girl suddenly stood in front of me,
looking at me with joy!
It was Galli, whom I've
known already in the past
as a lovely starchild.
Mika exclaimed - out of place - "where
is Amit?"
and I said: "Amit
isn't here, but Galli is, don't you see her!"
No sooner had we sat down with the blue
than Amit appeared!
She is 2 years old, the same age as Galli,
both are exactly half a year younger than Mika.
During the next hour I came to know Amit...
and though she - unlike Galli - hardly speaks,
the way she looked at me....
with such warmth and "knowing" ...
as if this was ........... a reunion...
Her elder sister was of another kind:
when Galli's mother Natalie gave everyone a piece of apple,
this sister grabbed Galli's piece: "this
one is bigger!"
Galli cried and I said to the sister:
"Do you think, it's fair?"
So she gave the piece back.
In a later situation Amit came to me crying,
sitting in my lap (something Mika rarely does),
saying a word, which her approaching mother identified:
"hi hetziqa li!" "She -the
sister - bothered me!"
I couldn't help telling Sharon, the mother,
the apple-story.
"Well she is a sandwich child,
always afraid that she has no place in the family.."
Isn't this threesome pure delight?
and Amit (=peer...)
and in the background
a father guiding his biking son with a stick |
Continuation of Efrat's Birthday at Arad, yesterday |
Stepson still asleep at 9:45 AM - lying across
the mattress-corner on my veranda, which little Lior and I had cleaned
so well 2 days ago.
Stepmother - among birthday balloons - closing her eyes for a few
moments - while lying on the mattress opposite to "Tomer's"
two sleepers in the same corner in May-June 2006, shortly before
the accident on July 6, which Efrat commemorated often today:
"It's another birthday, for Mika and I
were born anew!"
Little Mika and big Tomer asked
if they could pick a pomegranate
from my tree.
[see two more of many images
at the end of the third page of
Pesach 2007]
"Try one", I said,
"though it might not yet be ripe".
Most of the kernels
were, indeed, still white,
but sweet enough
for stepsister and stepbrother
to enjoy them. |
Now compare the quality of my photos with
that of Immanuel's!!!:
I almost had no spare moment to document the
7 hours of togetherness in my castle at Arad and on our way to Shoham
and when I did take up the camera, somebody opposed the "Paparazzo",
like Tomer who is seen turning his head away.
But when I just focused the lense on Tomer from another angle, Immanuel
happened to come around from the kitchen,
and that's how I got at least one image of father and son on this
In the beginning Mika was curious,
seemed to remember how to walk around the corner of the veranda,
"Mika's Creations with Nature" , Succot, Sept. 28,
and started playing with the sand, the
small stones and the little twigs
which I brushed into a pot for her.
But when she was asked to play inside the veranda, she lost
though I brought her all the pots and "ingredients"
for "cooking for Imma".
Whatever toys and junk-cherished-by-small kids I provided,
she jumped from one activity to the other - devoid of her usual
"joie de vivre".
Even the ugly dummy didn't help, nor the nap on my bed inside.
She was like a lame duck,
and my grandma-pride had problems with Zipi experiencing her
like that.
"She is not herself today at all",
Grandma whispered in Zipi's ear
"perhaps she is envious, that she
is not the center of the birthday."
It was only in the middle of our drive
to the north
that Mika "woke up" and became her own happy, funny
But since Tomer sat next to her and objected to my photographing,
there is no picture of this change.
"why should you document this,
there will be thousands of rides like that".
"Each ride is different and new, and anyway
this is the last time, that you go "home",
( for 7 more days)
while the meaning of "home"
means the family of your mother!"
By the way, when Abba said: "In
half an hour we'll be at your mother's",
he reacted:
"You mean, in half an hour we'll be there (i.e. arrive)"

Efrat: "I
want a wreath!" - we were
just about to begin the celebration with the kids' birthday song and
its line about a "blooming wreath".
So, since Tomer had brought a bunch of flowers, which he handed to
his stepmother together with a beautiful letter of "acknowledgement",
I made a wreath with utmost speed, something I haven't done for 35
Zipi helped me by holding the metal bow - a neck"lace" I
had bought in Jerusalem right after the 1967 war - as I wound the
flowers around.
And I crowned my queen! -
On the photo to the right I'm holding "Chamin",
a Sephardic Shabbat dish, hot and wrapped in silvery paper, which
Meital, my landlady, brought us as a gift.
See the change of Mika's mood within a minute:
Efrat lets her talk with her mother, Savta Mirjam. |
As to more
of the experiences&images of Efrat's Birthday at Arad
- see tomorrow |
more - the song of the day
"Better are the two
than the one
for they have a good reward for their labour.
For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow;
while the one, should he fall,
has not another to lift him up
and the threefold cord is not quickly severed."
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Keep It
Simple Sweetheart
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