Purpose of HEALING - K.I.S.S.
- as stated 12 years ago - was and is
to help me and my potential P E E R s
"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,
and - by extension - all of CREATion!" |
I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a pioneer of Evolution
in learning to feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'
pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill>evolve,
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
want you to feel everything, every little thing!"
K.I.S.S. -
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feel better requires that you become better at feeling"
June 23/ Sivan 20, Monday, still 53 days -
between Arad
and Shoham
Parting from my obsession to complete
this page--- on June 26
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forward to future
Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want,
then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what
I desire to unite my consciousness
(electric energy)
with my feeling (magnetic
essence) with every breath
I desire to embrace the "farest
feeling", but also the smallest, most absurd or ridiculous
I desire to realize my desire for wholeness and joy, full-fill-ment
and love
through this process of unification ~~~from moment to moment,
i.e. from feeling to feeling
in my Heart ~~~ in my Body,
I desire to thus create the condition-sine-qua-non for Heaven-on-Earth
in all Creation - NOW. |
to yesterday's "altar"
4 damaged pyramidal tents
are still on my veranda in Arad,
often blown apart and away
by strong desert winds.
From a
presentation of the Noah's Shore Model for Shimon
in Oct. 2003
"Arnon (7) gave a closer look to the composition of the
model site and said:
six tents create a Star-of-David, don't they?"
"Yes", I said,
I'm not happy about it,
the Palestinians who'll come to heal, will not like it at
"I have an idea",
Arnon said,
And he simply opened the circle of the 6 tents towards the
In 2005, I
walked from "Rakhaf" down to Samira's family ,in order
to bring them the 6 tents,
as a physical reminder of a mobile Hosting Business which they should
realize as pioneers.
When I arrived, there were no model tents in my backpack! What a sign!
it was not yet TIME!
And yet! Months later I walked down the same path with Rotem, when
she suddenly stopped:
"What is this?"
there lay dispersed~~~ 5 of the 6 models~~~ trampled over~~ but still
Having been exposed to desert air, sun, soil, animals, people... they
returned to me - as a sign!
Why this reminder from Eitan Tam?
Why my strange idea, to go back and live in my tent,
if my children will move from Shoham to Bet Nehemya?
Why the strong memory of Rotem's discovery -
while I lost her creation - she found mine?
Eitan Tam from "Tadiran"
responded to my letter:
He lives, like my son Micha, at Mazkeret Batya,
where "the building boom destroys everything",
and in the 4 years, since we met, 3 grandkids were born,
one is called Mika! and the others have the "earth names:"
Peleg (rivulet) and Regev (a clod of earth,
in German the metaphor of a peasant's land.
The reason for his sudden e-mail? "Every time one speaks
about the planet,
green energy and the like,
always, indeed always your image comes up,
in admiration, and the memory,
how much you tried - in the frame of your project -
to imprint this theme in people's mind."
In my response I mentioned the coincidence of his letter
with a quest from the Society for Nature Protection,
to join there fight against the catastrophic project of a canal,
which should bring water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea,
and how this very Society evicted me from the Dead Sea in 1999,
because "your opinion is not ours",
my opinion, that only people who love themselves,
can love and protect nature,
and that part of their program, therefore, should be,
to teach people to love themselves. |
Addition on July
4: Lior Oren just called me! Eitan - in his next letter - told me,
that his daughter once worked at the Ein-Gedi Fieldschool
and was still a friend of Joel Oren, the director, who had to leave,
because he had accepted ME.
His daughter, Lior Oren, then 11, is the sixth starchild, or actually
the first, because Tzippi and the four others came to me only 5 years
Yesterday - when I went out into my little
garden during sunset - I saw spots of beauty:
My pomegranate
left of the gate entry,
- I keep tying back its branches,
so Ofir's tractoron
won't break them,
when he passes by.
The fruits are not yet ripe,
and therefore clean of worms. "You
could envelope each fruit
in a paper bag", said Ofir, "I
could give you such".
"No, no!
I want to enjoy their beauty NOW,
even if later
there won't be much left to eat!" |
Opposite these glorious pomegranates
and the magnificent tree
seen through the twigs
- on the other side of the gate-entrance
I enjoy this pretty wall
with the descedants of plants
I once stole from a park..
As to that magnificent conifer,
from which the blackbird's singing
keeps delighting me:
I now ran over to my neighbors
who worked both outside:
"Please tell me finally,
what is the name of this tree?"
"We grew it from a pot !
It's called Araucaria"
(since it's pronounced Arocaria,
it took me some time to find it)
It is also called
though it's not a pine.
3 perspectives of
my - wild - Tipuana Tipu
(mikhnaf naaeh)!

In the noon-pool yesterday + in the morning-pool today
and once more in the noon-pool on my way to Shoham (bus, train,
train, and car with I., E. and Mika)
new lyrics attached themselves to the
Shakespeare-Schubert "To Sylvia" (i.e. to Romantic
The process of how "my" lyrics create themselves
as well as its result - a new song - was again amazing.
My only "input" had been my "intention":
"a song for Efrat's birthday on July 5, which will help
her to live her drama",
and what a thousand words nor an image could not have compressed
into an "over-all" message,
was achieved by 3 times 3 short lines,
based, of course, on my research of the "Ruth-Efrat"
or "Female
Thread of Redemption in the Bible":
who is that - YOU?
kalah, beautiful, loving!
A stepmother,
but not killing,
wombing her son as her daughter!
A sign of redemption!
Heaven on Earth!
You chose actors for the entire drama!
to the English translation:
"kalah" means both: bride and daughter-in-law,
or as I prefer to call Efrat: daughter-in-love.
The word "killing" horeget"
rhymes with
"stepmother" khoreget.
"rokhemet", in the Bible only once in this
but common in its other form "me-rakhemet"
having compassion on,
is derived from rekhaem-womb.
The womb is for me the metaphorical space,
where there is no polarity
between light and darkness, water&non-water,
and where there is no polarity, there is no choice,
and where there is no choice,
there is no responsibility,
and where there is no responsibility,
there is no judgment. |
The house at Bet Nehemya is "ours"
(i.e. will be rented from August 1).
When the trinity came to fetch me from the airport trainstation and
we drove home,
Efrat suddenly said: "the house
is down the drain!"
I was shocked, "but why? Immanuel
was so sure....!"
"The owner, Mirjam, insists on 6000 NIS, she says, somebody else
is ready to pay the amount,
and tomorrow she will decide in his favor.
Of course, this is an all too transparent manoeuver to pressure a
but both my children were so pressured by the very price, that they
backed off.
The price is, indeed, horrid, but that's how prices are now,
and to turn the chance down because of 500 NIS was bad calculating.
I let it sink in.
After all, I wasn't asked to offer my opinion.
"zminah, lo yozemet", "available,
not initiating"
is the status of a mother of grownup children.
But this was one of the few situations,
where I needed to interfere.
I understood it during our sitting "together" after we came
Tomer's transition from mother/Tel-Aviv to father-stepmother
/ Shoham
loomed and lurked around, until the tension made it hard for me to
stay put.
Luckily Mika was "pestering" her mother so much, that she
gave in:
"Let's talk tonight, this is Mika's
time to play, the more so as we go away!"
Sensing the fear and frustration in my son's face and body posture,
I saw myself "taking the initiative"!
First concerning the near future of and with Tomer.
The technical, practical problems are too many to be listed here.
Nor do they really matter.
"There is only one point of departure
for Efrat,
the acknowledgement of the fact, that it was her who has chosen this
it was her who has chosen these actors and the constellation between
"But she doesn't believe in that!"
"She SAYS , she doesn't believe, for it's always easier
to stay in the victim-role.
But deep in her soul she knows that she is the one responsible for
her drama,
fight this fact as she might.
And if you yourself know this fact, about her drama as well as about
then you won't waste your energy on resisting the very existence of
the drama,
and instead invest your strength in coping with being triggered by
specific situations."
[And he knows that
"a trigger comes to point
out a hole in your wholeness, that now wants to be healed".
sighed my son, "everything would
be easier, if I myself wouldn't be so triggered".]
"But there is at least one exterior circumstance, which could
make things a lot easier:
When Efrat had the prospect of a house with 5 rooms,
enough space in house and garden and the wild environment for Tomer
to roam in,
this would build Efrat's self-confidence, that she will be able to
"handle" T. after all.
[The plan is, that T. will be in a boarding-school and not at all
"around all the time")
but the very thought,
that his "belongings" (few as they are)
may crowd into the present - already overcrowded -
makes Efrat fear, that she will loose her mind..]
"But I shudder, when I think of
6000 NIS! Who are the people who can pay such rents?"
He knows that I myself have nothing but "National Insurance":
2180 NIS per month.
He knows that of this I pay 1050 NIS for rent-everything-included,
even cable TV.
He knows that I'll think twice, before I spend 5 NIS, if the spending
can be avoided.
To my surprise, I heard myself argue in the wisest and most efficient
"Think of the alternative!
If you had the choice between a place to live in for 2500 NIS,
then, of course, you would not think one moment about that house for
6000 NIS.
But the only option you saw yesterday during our skype-talk, was,
that the landlords would reduce the price to 5500.
If this is what you lack: let me give me 500 NIS from my savings every
Immanuel laughed about the absurdity
(he and his siblings are
paying for my teeth,
though I had tried to insist on paying the 709 NIS per month for 3
they literally imposed on my, that they would divide this debt among
which means that each of the three is paying 235 NIS per month.
In addition Immanuel pays for my website (about 50 NIS per month
since his stepsister Dita and daughter Elah also take advantage of
and - since I'm not entitled to a credit-card - Micha pays for my
(which is - on the average - not more than 40 NIS per month,
since I've limited my communication with people mostly to technical
and since it's more convenient for him to pay the little sum together
with his own payment]
"You may laugh, but I am serious.
Unlike you - and forgive me for bringing this subject up again -
I am fuzzy with spending 5 NIS on what I don't deem as necessary etc.
but then - by saving - I am always capable to pay for big thinks that
ARE necessary!"
He smiled , with a bit of shame: "Yes,
and I don't think, this can change."
"It will change, if you know your preferences and priorities.
This house is obviously the first and overall condition for the integration
of T. in your trinity!
How much do you "save", if you don't take the opportunity,
which you were so excited about?"
"The price of two visits in a restaurant!"
he admitted.
"Well then, you'll cut two from
your many visits in restaurants!"
He again smiled with a little bit of shame,
and both of us were thinking of what Efrat would soon voice:
"For us this is a main factor in
the quality of living, and we want to live NOW!"
"I have an idea", I cut
short the argument,
"let's all drive to that house again,
right now!
Maybe this will help you to decide."
Efrat and Mika came back to the veranda at
the right moment and Immanuel said:
"My mother sees the issue with the
house from a different perspective", etc.
Then phone-calls, and though the people who presently rent the house,
did not answer,
we set out to drive the ca. 3 km and, when those tenants, a family
with 4 kids, refused to let us in,
we roamed around the house and the enviroment
and it became absolutely clear,
that this house was THE house.
And, indeed, close to 10 PM, while Immanuel was immersed in a business
(he, together with a friend, creates
a website for an inventor of a device,
which would, if used all over the world, cut down electricity considerably.)
Efrat entered my room, sat on my bed, across my seat in front of the
"It's ours! The house!"
I exclaimed - in the slang of our young
[(we) have it ]
In their back :
"The house !"
Below "the house"
- a neighboring yard with technical equipment,
not so nice to look at from the veranda, said Immanuel, but
the eyes have enough other options to focus on.
wall around the yard
is unique and beautiful:
old cut down trunks of olive trees,
each a sculpture with a long, long history,
which I might imagine one day together with Mika,
if indeed this time there will be "time".
So far Immanuel could never stay in a flat for long. This
will be his 27th move to a new space of living.
["The worst thing is yet
another transport!
For all those expenses for transport
I could have established my own transport company!"
And the "threat" of a future move is there already:
Mirjam, about 34,
the director of a hostel for autistic people in Tel-Aviv,
yearns to marry,, and if she finds the one she seeks, she'll
move into this house herself.
But should we worry?
Since Mika had heard the
neighing of horses,
we walked a bit down the road
to watch the horses from afar.
Then, when we walked
up again
and passed the house,
Efrat awaited us around the corner.
She had tried
to have a word with the present tenants after all.
It wasn't pleasant, but some info might be valuable.
of the day
"Roll over to YHWH your ways
and trust him
and he, he will do it.
"Instruct me, YOU, in your ways.
I walk your truth.
Unite my Heart."
One of Rotem's views.... From today's perspective,
I look at this park - the Hevel-Park - as a place that will soon belong
to my and Mika's past...
was dark, when we came home.
I quickly fixed the dough
for the Pfannkuchen,
fried them and set the table,
but the minute I invited
the six grandchildren and Efrat
to sit down to eat,
Micha came to fetch his kids.
Since my youngest son, too,
is a fan of his mother's Pfannkuchen, he ate three of them,
though he claimed
that he had already eaten.
Towards the end of the meal
Efrat gave a show to Mika
with the Prague puppets,
and while Mika laughed with delight , the rest of us enjoyed
all three:
Mika, the main audience,
Efrat, the actress
behind the five finger puppets,
and the show itself. |
last hour -
after Micha and his kids were gone -
showed this idyll on the veranda:
Itamar fast asleep,
leaned against his tired sister,
who in turn leans against the dog.
Rotem, whom I could no longer
dare to photograph,
sat next to them in Efrat's chair
and involved me in a meaningful conversation... |
Finetuning to my Present
Some stories:
After Micha, Ayelet and Arnon had
we needed to wait for Uri to fetch his kids too.
Rotem wanted to sit on the dark veranda:
Itamar at night:
"Why do armies set out against
though they have no chance to defeat us?"
I told him about the feeling
of humiliation,
of not feeling worthy,
and how this is overpowering any knowing of the mind,
any self-interest.
Itamar is so tired,
but he keeps watching
the Full Moon.
"I could have brought my
When we'll have a "grandma-day" next time,
I want it to be at Arad,
so we can go to the desert and see the moon there."
when I got up to fetch my camera
to catch the idyll with Itamar, Yael and Nella on the
"Wouldn't it better to live this moment than to
take a picture?"
My response:
"I live it, while
I take the picture.
I live it a second time, when I transfer the picture
to the computer.
I live it a third time, when I edit the picture.
I live it a fourth time, when I insert it into a certain
which I create.
And through all this my perception gets sharpened
and I live and enjoy scenes or things,
who others would never discern or perceive."
"When you were small, what did
you want to become?"
I told about Albert
Schweitzer.(1875-1965) Nobel prize 1952
She had heard about him .
Itamar :
"The scientist I like best, is
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
Nobel prize 1921."
"Yes there you have two great Alberts, of the same generation,
both Germans,
but Albert Einstein was Jewish, Albert Schweitzer was not."
"I like Albert Einstein best!"
"Because he was Jewish or because he was a genius?"
Rotem: "He
was a vegetarian, that also says something about him."
Rotem is the strictest of strictest
vegetarians, no eggs, not even honey.
And though she had a flip of the tongue,
when she saw me frying our Pfannkuchen,
"Oh I would like to have pancakes",
and I said stupidly: "Why
do you have to torture yourself!"
she immediately denied it:
"I was talking about any pancake
, not this kind!"
(once when she was with me in Arad, she discovered a recipe
on the Internet,
pancakes made of soya milk, without eggs),
"And you, grandma, have strange
ideas about "torturing myself".
"You are right, I should have kept my mouth shut."
Back to the nightly veranda talk:
Rotem: "Einstein
felt great pain over having discovered,
what later led to the atom-bomb.
Just like Alfred
Nobel (1833-1896) who invented dynamite for quarries..."
I said:
"There you see, what happens,
when well-meaning people create something for the good of
but the lack of self-love in both the givers and the receivers
results in havoc."
I explained about self-love and
also used the words of "New
"Without guilt, blame and denial."
Rotem: "It
sounds existentialistic."
"It was said by 'God'!".
A cynical remark.
But then she wanted to know.
so I gave an "Einstein-formula" of
how Original Heart split itself
so that - in the end - he would be whole
but with other whole beings outside of him.
The uniting of Spirit and Will in body ..
- she phrased this in her own words in an amazing way.
Closure of the gallery about the experiences on Grandma-Day
with the SIX,
and among them with Yael, Arnon and Rotem:
I am grate-full that my "Intention", expressed on
June 4, June 5
and June 6, has been full-filled to
the fullest. |
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