The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

[If you look for a word on this page,
click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


July 23/ Tammuz 20, Wednesday, still 23 days - between Shoham and Arad
Parting from my obsession to complete this page---on July 27

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
7 30
I desire to heal the cramps in my stomach and to understand their message!
I desire to understand the "bug" in my website's software, which cuts it off from the Internet,
For what purpose did I attract this and how can it be repaired? [It turned out : no bug in Arad!]
I desire that Tomer will accept and flow with his hard lessons and become and show himself.
I desire that Lior Oren, my starchild, will cope well with her present predicament & heal past denials
I desire my travel to be smooth and my retreat into my castle joyful

Repetition of 9th episode of "Good Intentions",
The day of peace will come. Clara KHouri & Orna Pitussi
image of the day










image of the day
: A Heart in Salt at the Dead Sea [photo]
I seem to discern hearts everywhere:
I already had received my "dandushit", a push on my nose, from Mika and was back on my bed, when Imma & Mika called me again - to show me, how Imma's cigarette lighter
forms a fantastic heart shape with the word "Love" in it - on the ceiling in the dark room

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to our stomach for the weakening of the cramps,
which means, that I don't need doctor nor examinations nor medicine,
and can - after the smooth, though tiring travel and pool - simply rest,
eating a bit of "Bosmat" whole-rice, Deqel advised & Efrat bought and cooked

I'm grate-full to Deqel.for all the healing she has brought to me yesterday:
the healing of my pain & self-doubts concerning the Benot-Mitzva-activity.
the closure of the Bat-Mitzvah-drama with Yael, and the gift of Reiki for Body.
I'm grate-full to Efrat for her caring & for showing me how welcome I am.
I'm grate-full for YOUR advice that I should leave the Shoham trinity al-one,
- the rightness of which was now confirmed by my son, when he called.
I'm grateful for his news:
"Tomer wanted to talk to us for the first time",
and that he was allowed to do so according to his behaviour the last day.
"I asked him, if the place was as terrible as he had heard from people?" "Yes", "Does this mean you feel in prison?" "No, not at all".
He studies Math and literature and takes part in all the household work.
I'm also grate-full that Immanuel could make use of his solitude in London
concerning the problems in setting up a website for a technical invention, and now feels he can handle the last 7 days before moving flat,
seeing the therapist of Bnei-Arazim & being on constant alert concerning Tomer.

I'm grate-full that here in Arad I can synchronize my local site to the Internet.
Still I do need to understand the "message" of that bug at Shoham.

Old Heart-New Heart

"Even the longing for another
to share that love
can be fulfilled
by lovingly accepting
the desire itself.
As New Heart
you channel loving Spirit
and move to fully accept the desire
just as it is,
unfulfilled and all.
As you embrace
your unfulfilled desire for real love,
you empower
the fulfillment of your desire~~~
and not just inside of you,
inside all of manifestation as well.
It is as if all of Creation
is held in the loving arms of
New Heart.
The song which Tomer taught me

When the heart weeps, only God hears
The pain rises up from the soul
a human being falls before he sinks
with a small prayer he cuts the silence.

Hear, o Israel, my God, you are omnipotent,
you gave me my life, you gave me everything,
in my eyes is a tear, the heart weeps quietly
and when the heart keeps silent, the soul screams

Hear, o Israel, my God, now I am alone,
strengthen me, my God, help me not to be afraid
the pain is great and there is nowhere to run away
help that it will end, for no power is left in me.

When the heart weeps, time stops from moving
The human being sees all his life suddenly,
to the unknown he does not want to go,
to his God he calls on the verge of the abyss.


News from
PERSIAN CLOUDS: Noctilucent clouds (NLCs) are supposed to be a high-latitude phenomenon, most often seen in Canada, Russia and northern Europe. On July 19th the electric-blue clouds crept south, all the way to Iran:
"I took this picture from Mt. Sabalan, a 15,784 ft extinct volcano in northwestern Iran," says Siamak Sabet.

When noctilucent clouds first appeared in the late 19th century, they were confined to latitudes above 50o N. Mt Salaban is located at 38o N, far below the old threshold. Just last week, NLCs were sighted in Turkey at 40o N and in recent years they have appeared at least as far south in the United States as Colorado & Utah, around 40o N.

Febr 19, 2003: Strange Clouds:They hover on the edge of space. Thin, wispy clouds, glowing electric blue. Some scientists think they're seeded by space dust. Others suspect they're a telltale sign of global warming. They're called noctilucent or "night-shining" clouds . And whatever causes them, they're lovely. "Although NLCs look like they're in space," continues Thomas, "they're really inside Earth's atmosphere, in a layer called the mesosphere ranging from 50 to 85 km high." The mesosphere is not only very cold (-125 C), but also very dry--"one hundred million times dryer than air from the Sahara desert." Nevertheless, NLCs are made of water. The clouds consist of tiny ice crystals about the size of particles in cigarette smoke.

Noctilucent clouds over Finland. The orange hues near the horizon are
ordinary sunset colors, NLCs, on the other hand, are usually
"luminous blue-white or sometimes just pale white,"


"Driving Backward into the Future" = "Closeups to the Past" = Healing&Harvesting my Past

Turning Enemies and Adversaries into Partners
by Rachel Rosenzweig , June 1978

[The Process of forging Partnership - Testimony of my Suffering ]

(though I was assisted by Sarah (?), a Jewish activist from England, extremely efficient both in language and systematic writing,
I remember the weeks of preparing the lecture - in the frame of my family, my teaching and all ongoing activities of Partnership-
as one of the most torturous times in my - former - life of tortures...)
This is the missing part of a paper - the graphics painfully created by a simple type-writer - read at a Peace Conference at Haifa University, June 1978-
rediscovered this morning, when I picked up a bunch of docs and photos to take them home to Arad.
Last year I scanned this doc., but now I want to copy it, so "Search" can bring up the terms in it, and who knows - someone might become enlightened.




Example: the interest of security of a Jewish Israeli citizen

  Human beings on whom I am dependent
- to proclaim the charm and the challenge of partnership
- to prove, create, maintain the conditions of partnership:
       to point out common interest
       to create and foster mutual trust           
       to be careful in balancing self- r e s p e c t

to foster


r e s p e c t

- to overcome feelings of powerlessness and activate inner resources
       (as creative thinking, independent initiative, responsible action)
I am in charge!

Interests can be reconciled

and feelings be influenced!

Everybody is unique
as well as dependent

- to advocate and facilitate encounters and communications,
       which help to discover common interest,
       and to foster mutual trust
       and to explicitly deal with emotions, needs and fears
- to define specific problems, which obscure the common interest,
       are disruptive to mutual trust,
       inhibit the development of self-respect
- to initiate actions and declarations and to ask questions,
       that foster common interest, mutual trust and equality in self-respect

- to propose or elicit and test overall solutions, when conditions are ripe

- to listen to their    ideas about what    should be done for    partnership

- to refrain from    carrying out a task,    which -
   by delegating it -    will activate    somebody else,    even if the result will    be less perfect.

- to deal with    emotions,
   needs, fears
- to define
   limited tasks of    increasing    complexity

Reconciling interests

and influencing feelings

is a matter of
a dynamic process,

rather than of static solutions.

- to always differentiate between the things that can be achieved at a certain stage, in a certain situation,
   towards a certain person, group or nation,
   and the things that cannot be achieved at that stage, in that situation, etc.

- to always propose or ask, to never demand or threaten.

- to avoid blaming and invalidating, but rather reveal, validate and encourage,
   whatever rational thoughts, words, questions or actions point into the direction of creating conditions for partnership,

- to be suspect of irrational behaviour, never neglecting caution, but be as discrete as possible about it

- to differentiate between feelings and reality.
   [crossed out: "To grant a person a right to his feelings, help him to express and discharge them,
   and thus get past the emotional blocks in the direction of clear thinking about the common interest. [see the evolution of my thinking in puzzle piece 17e]

- Again - from the starting point of an Israeli Jew
   it would be easy to change the objectives to fit the starting point of an Arab either inside or outside Israel,
   but this is not my task.


Much irrational,
emotional behaviour,
however wickedly
or stupidly
it expresses itself,
is rooted in past
or acute distress.
It is possible
to reach for the rational, responsible, cooperative
human being
behind this distressed behaviour.

A gap in feelings e doesn't exclude unity in action for partnership.




From A response to Martin, my brother-in-law,
who always looks for news that could interest me,
so as to have a pretext to stay in loose contact with me -
seeing himself as the sole representive
of my dead sister's family in Germany.
This time he had discerned an ad which said,
that soon the "Sinaiticus", the oldest manuscript of the Hebrew Bible
would be on-line.

I now wrote to him, that I was more interested in an ad on this page,
which talks about (vicious?) people prophecying
"the End of the Internet" in 2012.
I figured, that he would be interested in what I have to say
about the end of the Internet in particular
and about the year 2012 in general.
But I was wrong again, and I seem to have overwhelmed him again.
His only reaction was to my question,
if a "green" wedding was a normal wedding,
since he had shared his participation in 3 weddings in the larger family:
Mein Bruder Walter und Ute haben geheiratet. Die beiden anderen Hochzeiten waren die Goldene meiner Schwester
und die grüne von Roberto [my cousin Gretel's son].

I was sad, as so often in my life, when I fail to communicate,
especially in this case, where my counterpart invests a real effort,
despite having and feeling nothing-at-all-in-common with me.

"Dass Dich die Reklame fuer den Sinaiticus an mich erinnert hat, ist wiederum sehr nett.
Was mich aber mehr interessiert ist ein link auf der von Dir angegebenen Seite:
2012 - Ende des Internets?
"Also meine Abhaengigkeit von meiner website und dem Internet ist schon so,
dass mich "das Ende des Internets" im ersten Augenblick durchaus aengstigt.
Im zweiten Augenblick weiss ich natuerlich,
dass es entweder was besseres geben wird als das jetzige Internet,
oder dass ich reifer bin bis dahin und nicht mehr "suechtig".
Was interessant ist, ist die Jahreszahl 2012.
1996 im Sinai, in der heissesten Wueste, im Tafel Wadi,
wo ich mein Modell eines mobilen Desert Hosting Business ausprobiert habe,
besuchte mich ein Freund von mir, fast ein Zwillingsbruder, ein Genie in Mathematik
und ein Mann, der den Kindergarten zu revolutionieren versucht hat
("nicht den Kindergarten auf Universitaetshoehe heben,
sondern den Kindergarten in die Uni bringen")
Also Moshe (Moses) sagte mir so nebenbei:
"Weisst du, dass irgendwas mir sagt,
dass sich bis 2011 die Welt gewaltig veraendert haben wird?"

Spaeterhiess es dann "in der Welt", dass im Jahre 2012 laut dem Kalender der Mayas
nichts mehr beim Alten sein wird.
Darauf basieren heute viele Leute und websites,
und ich glaube auch daran, ohne jetzt zu sagen, was das bedeutet.

Wie ich grade Deinen Brief noch mal lese, sehe ich, dass darin vom Sinai die Rede ist.
Natuerlich "Sinaiticus", Katherinenkloster.
Das war mir aber nicht bewusst, als ich von Moshe erzaehlte. ---- Rachel







song of the day:

For me every day is a feast
( translated today )


Continuation of my virtual journey to Petra - with the help of Arnon's photos
















I imagine those Nabataean people
and contrast them with Israel's kids,
Arnon and Ayelet, my grandkids
























back to past ~~~~~ forward to future

Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8