The Purpose  of   HEALING - K.I.S.S.

- as stated 12 years ago - was and is

  to help me and my potential P E E R s 

"to HEAL ourselves into WHOLEness,

and - by extension - all of CREATion!"
Intro to Healing-K.i.s.s. 2001-2013
and Overview of its main libraries

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click ctrl/F and put a word in "find"]

I focus my experiencing and awareness on being
"a   pioneer of  Evolution  in  learning  to  feel":
I let my Body vibrate and my Heart 'womb'

pain, shame, fear, boredom, powerlessness,
so feelings can >heal >guide>fulfill
and ~~~ offer ~~~"goldmines"~~~ to us all!!
"I want you to feel everything, every little thing!"




K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8
Keep It Simple Sweetheart














Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery


July 27/ Tammuz 24, Sunday, still 19 days - between Arad and Shoham
Parting from my obsession to complete this page---the next day

back to past ~~~~~ forward to future


Know exactly what you want, communicate clearly what you want, then get out of the way, live and play, and let happen what may!
I desire that my children will integrate my wish for my 70th birthday into their own planning:
I wish that the relationship between each of the Six and me be honest and healing!
I desire to enjoy my morning routine at Arad, to have a tolerable travel and to be loved by E & M
I desire that Tomer will accept and flow with his hard lessons and become and show himself
I desire my stomach to heal thoroughly and my body and soul to feel again vigorous and vibrant
I desire to apply the given guidelines for nourishing & nurturing, honoring & loving my Body:

To my Children
Ronnit&Uri, Immanuel&Efrat, Micha&Ra'ayah

In another 20 days I'll be 70 years old.

I want to communicate my wish:

not gifts, not a party, not blessings,

but an intimate encounter with the six of you,

in which each one expresses with loving honesty

of what s/he is still suffering when thinking of me

and for what s/he is grateful, when thinking of me

My gigantic hope is
that such a meeting will also permit you, Ronnit,

to remove what I've agreed to in 2003
"I don't want to hear about your life,
and I don't want to share with you my life!"

Please, listen to this wish with compassion

and recruit your joint forces
to fully fulfil it and to thus confirm

that you are joyous that I'm alive.

If someone sees in this wish
a manipulation and emotional blackmail,
I'm ready to hear his/her anger.

hodayot [thanksgivings] for today

My Body, my Partner, my God
I give thanks to the flexibility and elasticity of all your muscles and joints,
of which I'm even more aware when our lower back hurts.
Thanks for the tools of "Pool and Paula", which help me with our back.



I'm grate-full to Efrat, who responded to my e-mail to the Six,
"Sorry Rachel, but we already planned something else.
Nothing grandiose, but indeed familial,
though not in the direction of your wish. I hope it will still be nice."
I'm grate-full that my children preceded me in planning my birthday,
and I believe, that they'll find a way to integrate my wish in their plan.

I'm grate-full that the inspired sculpture of the left frame succeeded so well.

I'm grate-full, that for once I feel "received": Lior Oren and learning "Bible"!
I'm grate-full for the existence of Jean-Claude Juncker & his work for the EU

Nourishment from Others
Kleines Land, großer Europäer - A small land, a big European

EU-Vordenker Jean-Claude Juncker über Europa und die Schweiz
(aus der SF-Reihe "Sternstunde Philosophie") (Erstsendung 17.2.2008)
Jean-Claude Juncker, Ministerpräsident und Finanzminister von Luxemburg, hat großen Einfluss in der EU. Er zählt zu den Schöpfern der starken Währung Euro und vertritt mit Härte und Humor die Interessen des Bankenplatzes Luxemburg. Aber der 53-jährige Christlichsoziale ist nicht nur ein mit allen Wassern gewaschener Macher, der als erster ständiger Vorsitzender der Euro-Gruppe derzeit die internationale Finanzkrise managt. Er ist auch europäischer Nachdenker und Vordenker - und einer der schlagfertigsten Redner unter Europas Politikern. Viele sehen in Juncker den künftigen Präsidenten der Europäischen Union: Er scheint wie geschaffen für dieses Amt, das der neue EU-Vertrag vorsieht.

Jean-Claude Juncker,
current President of the European Council
spoke at the European Parliament on 22 June 2005
..... expressed his sadness at having
“been unable to prevent Europe from entering into a crisis, which is not definitive but is definite. I was sad and I showed it. I sometimes read that I was not very diplomatic but I have no desire to be diplomatic when Europe is in crisis, no desire to be diplomatic, none at all. He concluded his speech by pleading for a political Europe: “We have no right to undo what our predecessors have built up because the generations that follow will need a political Europe. If it is not political, it will lose its way. They need and want a Europe of solidarity, a social Europe, a competitive Europe, a strong Europe, both at home and in the world. So, old Europeans and convinced Europeans, let’s go! Courage!”

Luxembourg Finance Minister Jean-Claude Juncker kisses French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde
on July 8, 2008 before an Econmy anf Finance Council meeting at EU headquarters in Brussels.


Three hours alone with Mika

This image is nothing but a reminder
of a long process
which couldn't be photographed.
After Efrat had left for the dentist,
I said:
"Mika, before anything else ,
let me water the plants on the veranda.
It seems that you father hasn't watered them
for all the 5 days I've been absent. "
"I want to water them, too"
, she said,
and so the funny, but tedious business began.
for not only is half of the veranda, like half of the kitchen,
crowded with packed cardboards,
towards moving flat on July 31,
and the access to most of the plants difficult.
But during the first 4 "transports" of the plastic jug
she wanted to carry "together" -
"holding, holding, holding", she mumbled,
while I bent my back to hold the jug together with her.
Much of the water, of course, spilled on the floor,
which meant,
that on our way back from the veranda,
Mika slipped several times,
once hitting even her head right on the floor.
So we started to wipe up the puddles with a small rag,
since I couldn't find the big one.

For about ten times we had to come back
to the tap in the kitchen, -
Mika had put a chair in front of the sink
and gradually learnt to fill the jug
but not to the brim...
Fortunately in my son's archive I find 2 photos -
- taken by him about 3 months ago -
where we are also watering the plants together:


Then we set out again for the Dommim Tree and the huge crane , seen from the veranda even by Mika.
This time the crane moved some load, which fascinated Mika, but also scared her and she wanted me to move away.from it.
I was a bit frustrated - my pattern of "not going back"! - but since I've learnt my "Pyrennees-Lesson"... I did go back with her.


We found a spot, where 8 books were dispersed - calendars of the year 2006.
The hard covers - in different colours - where spread with many little hearts !
Mika wanted to take all the eight books with us,
but when she had filled Ra'ayah's bag to the last centimeter, she let it suffice with 3,
Her choice to sit on one of the books, helped me with the next adventure - which demanded a seat!
When we almost reached the edge of the destruction, I discerned an area of mud and in it some actual puddles.
"Let's throw stones into it", I suggested, and from thenon this was our game for the next 45 minutes.



What is this?
of course the plunge of a stone in the puddle!


I tried again and again to catch the plunge of the stone - which was exhilarating even for me - every time


Whenever she had thrown a stone
- either collected by herself or by me -
her finger stayed stretched out like this.
She became better and better at aiming!




I savor the nuances of colors and the shapes of mud and water


"Look! my traces!" she said.
I had taught her about traces the last time
But when she entered the mud and got stuck,
she wasn't "pleased" at all, to say the least.
I've placed her sandals - one up, one down - next to the traces...



Finetuning to my Present

What I feared, occurred:
When Efrat fetched me from the airport train-station (without Mika in the car)
(I had come an hour earlier, since E. had an appointment with the dentist at 5 PM),
she "expressed", what the posting of my birthday wish had triggered in her so fiercely.
She believed to talk in the name of the other five (of whom nobody responded so far)
and also in her own name, since I had
"ruined so much",
for instance, that the very fact that they had already planned something themselves
should have been a surprise, and now only the content would be a surprise.

As to that planning, I got a confirmation 2 hours later, when I talked with Micha,
after E. had informed me, that he had broken his hand during his last motorbike trip.
Micha did everything to make me feel relaxed
- "it's not so bad at all" -
and even made me smile with contentment when he said:
"since the right hand is plastered, I suddenly can't do many things,
and to become aware of these, is a new experience".

I then asked, if it was good with the Quartet on the weekend.
"It was good, but also difficult, mainly between my own children
concerning their preparations for your birthday,
but you shouldn't know about that!"

Even there - between Arnon and Ayelet - my birthday causes triggers!
It is and will be another great chance to practise the ever deepening KNOWING,

that I cannot be "righteous" and right.
Continuation see tomorrow



Something else happened, which has nothing to do with this or anything else,
so why did I attract it ?
I got a phone-call of a man who introduced himself:

"I am Shraga, a tour-guide, who once picked you up between Masada and Arad",
"I know, I know"
, I said,
remembering faintly, that he was quite fond of me and started to correspond,
but when I raised my strong objections to the Masada myth, he retreated.

"I met a woman from the organization "Bat-Kol", in fact it's the fourth year
that I accompanied people of this organization to Succah in the Desert,
and when I told this woman - she must be between 80 and 90 -
that you are the one who founded this, I felt, that the two of you should meet."

I had to refuse and explained:
"it's not that I "don't want to", or that I "am not interested", as you say!
This is a twisting of my words! As if it was something personal.
I let you tell me about this woman in order to listen inside:
is it the time to come out of my hiding?"
(explaining what this meant)
but the answer is "No!"


song of the day

Ave Maria
Where have you been hiding?

May I take a liberty
And say that it's a shame to me
Not to live in harmony
We're all just hoping
someone will step forward singing Amen
Come let's join in and sing Amen


Continuation of my virtual journey to Petra - with the help of Arnon's and his friends' photos




In editing this photo I could have cut the top of my son's head, but the contrast between the medieval sight and the modern cap excited me...






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Intro to k.i.s.s.-l o g + all dates ~ Library of 7 years ~ HOME ~ contact ~ SEARCH ( of Latin characters only!)                  my eldest granddaughter's video-gallery

whole&full-filled, never perfect&complete

Keep It Simple Sweetheart
K.I.S.S. - L O G    2 0 0 8